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what's up guys so today i'm excited because i've got my first special guest you can just see his head peeping in there it's aaron he's come to the garden to do some football texas how are you eric good thank you aaron is incredible guys if you haven't heard about aaron check this out he's unbelievable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so first of all we've set out the cones and we're going to do some weaving in and out of the cones now arrow is unbelievable when it comes to dribbling in and out comes i've just been warming up so i've got a sweat on but i'm ready to go all right give us a little demo on just going in and out that comes i'm going to follow you let's go so sharp boom on demand unbelievable [Music] happy [Music] wow [Music] oh wow we're gonna get this i actually thought i went in we're gonna get this we're gonna get this don't stop recording yes right this is the one boom let's do it i just adjusted on the left side that was close okay so this is the fast footwork challenge where we're both going to do some fast footwork so harrah's already started his feet are incredible [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] okay now it's time for a game of crab me versus aaron i'm going to be the defender aaron is going to be the attacking player and i'm going to explain the rules now so these are the rules i'm the crowd which means i have to be on all fours at all points you are going to be this side trying to score in that goal but to beat me you have to beat me within these two red cones you're a normal human but i can only go sideways but you have to get round are you ready yep good luck let's go [Music] that was close one nil to arrow let's go round two [Music] that was good [Music] he's planning something [Music] [Music] [Applause] so that was alright guys hope you enjoyed the video this was our first special guest in my garden and we'll be having many more in the future we're going to finish up on a penalty i'm going to go and go era you get one chance to score against me good luck [Music] okay so this is the kick-ups challenge where arab's got the challenge of doing as many kick-ups as he can and if he gets to 100 he can stop because if you can do 100 you can keep going on and on ready yes let's go one two three [Music] this is unbelievable [Music] such immense control alright that is fantastic [Music] there's literally no no doubt he's going to keep the ball up this is so controlled these are some of the most controlled kick-ups i've seen especially from an a1 fantastic look at the technique do you know what you're on because i've lost count i've lost count i've got more than that okay you just keep going i'll just outro the video okay because you're never gonna he's never gonna drop the ball so guys that was aaron he's in the background keep him in the back right there so guys that was aaron i hope you enjoyed watching this video obviously he's gonna just carry on i think all day doing kick-ups because i don't think he will ever drop the ball yeah guys don't forget to like subscribe turn your notifications on um i'm going to go in now grab a cup of tea or coffee i'm sure eric will be out here probably tomorrow next day i mean the only the only thing that's going to break him is [Music] keep shining you know what shining means shining is like a star star shines bright lots of light that's where you are your little star this is i'll see you again soon okay and maybe i'll come to iran and see you okay
Channel: Jeremy Lynch
Views: 14,305,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Lynch, arat, F2Freestylers, Jez, mini messi, messi, Jezza, arat Hosseini, Jeremy Lynch tiktok, f2
Id: 6PTSdhqijVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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