Fontainebleau Las Vegas' Promenade Food Hall

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Hello friends it's me shin and today I'm coming to you from the newly open font and blue here in Las Vegas this properly certainly has a storyed history but it's open now and along with it comes their promonade food hul seven different eateries make the prominade food haul and I'm looking forward to showing you all of them are you excited cuz I am let's do this all right everyone so here we are seated at the newly open prominade Food Hall at the font and blue this is an AB absolutely beautiful space super well lit with an ultra high ceiling I really appreciate that it really makes it feel spacious and area here this space boasts nice Chic modern architecture and a lot of really good-looking eateries that I'm looking forward to showing you all today now it is breakfast time so I thought I'd kick things off at El Bagel now El Bagel is apparently Miami's Premier bagel shop and they brought it here to the font and blue they're serving up Bagels as well as sandwiches and while the bagels on their own are about six bucks it looks like the rest of the sandwiches range in that at $15 price point although they do have a baller bagel for $130 that comes with caviar that sounds kind of interesting though I don't think I'm going to be doing that today I ordered a bacon egg and cheese on a plain bagel as well as an everything bagel with cream cheese I'm really looking forward to kicking off the day as well as this food tour let's give it a try all righty first up is the bacon egg and cheese now I got the bacon egg and cheese on a plain bagel today because I didn't want too many other competing flavors a really classic looking bacon egg and cheese here and I'm looking forward to the first bite of the food tour here at the prominant food Hall at the fountain blue here we go oh yeah that's really good beautifully toasted Bagel here they've achieved a nice toasty exterior while keeping that really nice soft texture in the center the plain bagel is relatively plain as the name would imply but it does act as a great vessel for the sandwich the bacon here is nice and crispy as well as really salty there's also a bit of a smoky flavor coming from it in general the B here is very good the eggs have been cooked to a nice medium hard here not leaving a ton of yoky drip around while also providing its nice flavors the cheese in the sandwich is super satisfying it's Ooey and gooey melted very well and while it does impart a nice little bit of cheesy flavor really the primary source of the Savory flavor here is coming from that bacon not a bad start to the day the bagel sandwich is good all righty next up the everything bagel with cream cheese it's a really good looking everything bagel here tons of that everything seasoning and they certainly don't skimp on the cream cheese this is a nice thick layer of that let's give it a shot oh yeah that's good again a really nice Toast of the bagel here toast the exterior with that pillowy Center I really don't have too many complaints when it comes to the texture of the bagels here at El Bagel the everything seasoning is certainly on point you get kind of that savory nutty flavor as well as those nice hits from the garlic and onions I really am a fan of that kind of savory nutty flavor from everything bagels and this one here is pretty good the cream cheese is super thick really rich really nice and creamy as well and in combination with the Savory Bagel it really creates for a nice satisfying Bagel bite a $6 bagel with cream cheese as well as a $12 Bagel sandwich on the Las Vegas Strip at a premier location like the fonton blue honestly not bad at all I'm a fan of this all right everyone I'd say that's a pretty good start to our food tour of the prominade food Hall at the font and blue I'm going to go Ahad and continue working on this breakfast it's a pretty good way to start off the day however I do want to try one more spot before I head into work so I'm going to finish up this bagel and then I'm going to catch you over at roadside [Music] Taco all right everyone now I made my way over to roadside tacos to try the stall next and this is obviously a Mexican eery offering burritos and tacos now they do have breakfast burritos kind of ranging in that $10 to $15 price point and they have a range of tacos around that $7 price point now I opted to try four of their different tacos today and each of these orders come with one taco now I got the chicken taco as well as the carada I've got a beef beia taco as well as the fried fish taco this is all looking really good let's give it a taste all righty first up we're trying the chicken taco beautiful orange color to this top with guacamole onions and cilantro this is looking good let's give it a taste oh yeah you know what that's pretty good I actually really like the corn tortillas here they have a good firm texture to them but still relatively soft on The Chew there's actually a very robust ma flavor nice corn flavoring there in the tortillas it's actually a really great vessel here at roadside Taco the chicken me here is very pleasant as well it's not dry it's got a good flavor to it it's well seasoned ever so slightly spicy with some of those adobo flavors and in general no real complaint on the protein the guacamole here is actually very good it has a slight kick to it there's a ton of lemon juice in it which I absolutely adore it really brightens up the bite the cilantro and onions provide a nice bite and fresh toward the end of the bite and in general it's quite good I do like this chicken tet all right going from chicken of beef next up we're doing carada a very similar preparation to the chicken looks like that same guacamole as well as onions and cilantro and that same great golden tortilla let's see how this [Music] tastes oh yeah that's really good all of the shared element from the chicken taco are on point here as well absolutely love the tor is here at roadside Taco it's probably one of the better ones I've had around I actually really love the assada steak here it's quite tender it's really juicy and it has a really great marinade nice and savory with a little bit of Tang coming from some acid I want to say a bit of orange juice there it plays together very well with that avocado the richness of the avocado really helping out mellow the flavors of that savory beef I'm a fan this is a really good tasting carada Taco all right from the land to the Sea we're going to go ahead and try the fish taco next an enormous fried fish fillet in here covered with what looks like a avocado Crema with pico Deo is looking really good let's give it a taste I'll over here and unfortunately a couple of mixed feelings on this one now they use a flow tortilla on the fish taco which I actually do like a little bit better here because the fish flavor is supposed to be mild you don't really want that tortilla flavor to take over the SLO here is nice it provides a crispy Crunch and these are relatively fresh veget vbl as well now what I thought was an avocado Crema is actually more of like a jalapeno Crema it's a little bit rich but it definitely has a nice kick to it the Pico Deo certainly provides a little bit of freshness here and really I don't have too many complaints with that unfortunately my biggest issue is with the fish while the fish itself is moist and Flaky unfortunate the batter is incredibly salty it's almost like they mix the batter with soy sauce as opposed to water it's really unfortunate because once the saltiness of the fish take over you really lose all those other beautiful flavors all righty and the last Taco to try is the beia Taco now I didn't op to actually get the consumate today which probably is a little bit of a BS in but I feel like I've been ingesting so much salt with the food haul videos lately I just kind of wanted to hold back on that but this looks like the corn tortilla and it has been fried looks really good let's give it a taste oh yeah you know what that's pretty good really solid media meat here it's tender it's got a lot of moisture and it's been able to soak up a ton of those pepper flavors beautifully a part of me actually does wish I got the consumate now I bet this would have really been good with it I love that they fried a little bit of cheese into the interior of this tortilla provides a nice rich salty hit complimenting the savoriness of that Bia meat they've included some onions and cilantro here as well the onions providing just a little bit of bite and you get a nice bright burst from that cilantro this is actually quite good I wish I actually threw in the extra three bucks for the consum all right everyone and that does it for roadside tacos some pretty good food here although I will say $7 for a single Taco is relatively expensive now I'm going to go ahead and Fin finish up these tacos and make my way over to work and later on this evening I'm going to return and we're going to check out some more restaurants don't go anywhere I'll be right [Music] back all right everybody so I am back here at the font and blue for dinner tonight and I'm starting off with barito barito is the Japanese offering here at the prominade food Hall and they're serving of classic hand rolls Tamaki as well as bulls and duns now the hand rolls range anywhere from that $10 to $15 price point however the price is a little misleading because you do have to buy them in sets of three that doesn't mean you have to get three of a single kind but you do have to create a full box of three handrolls so you're really looking at about a $30 price range now I happen to go in on one of those wagu bowls as well as three hand rolls definitely in the mood for some good Japanese food let's give this a try all right first up I'm going to try this wagy strip bowl a beautiful Bowl here served alongside a quail egg yolk and actually walked them cook this wagy strip in front of me and it wasn't a very long cook time cuz this is some pretty fatty beef and first off let's just try a little bit of the meat on its own definitely cook medium rare here let's give this a bite oh yeah that's actually really tasty incredibly tender meat it's so soft you do get a little bit of that charred flavor you get a little bit of the nuttiness from the sesame seeds and there's a very light sweetness coming from what's like a soy sauce Blaze which also provides just a little bit of salty Umami as well this is a solid start the beef on top is good and then next up we're going to go ahead and try the whole bite get some of the accompanying lettuce as well as that rice and we give it a taste yes that's actually quite good now the Wu beef continues to be great in that bite but there's a lot of additional elements here as well after you get past that initial nice beef flavor you do get a little bit of bitterness from the lettuce but interestingly enough it gives way to a little bit of a trule salt you get just a hint of that Earth earthy nuttiness in the center there from that truffle which then lets the sauce shine through on that rice from the aftertaste a little bit of sweetness there now I wasn't expecting that truffle salt flavor in the center of the bite however it is very welcome it is a nice break of going from the Savory saltiness of the beef into that slight sweet tone of the sauce the bowl itself may be kind of small for 22 bucks but the flavors here are pretty good I actually like this one all right next up let's go in on this Tamaki hand roll box this box is absolutely beautiful your soy sauce with saabi and ginger are included and three hand rolls here I got the salmon hand roll as well as the Hamachi hand roll and the Toro roll definitely looking forward to giving this a try let's go in all right first up it's the salmon roll I typically like to start off with salmon anything when I try sushi and I will say this is a relatively thick roll let's try it straight up first you know what not bad right up front you get the Briny seaweed flavor of the Nori it's solid seaweed no real issues there no real issue with the sushi rice it is firm not too gummy and wet and just a tiny Touch of vinegar in there to give you some tangs you definitely get the flavors of the avocado next just a lot of that rich creaminess you come to appreciate from avocado and then the bite rounds out with the mild sweet flavors of the salmon that said the flavors of that salmon are quite mild and you only get those flavors on the way out let's give it a little dip into the soy sauce I got some Wasabi in there as well let's see how this tastes [Music] oh yeah that's really good the addition of that salty Umami really punches up all of the flavors here right up front you get that really nice savory saltiness from the soy sauce which then starts to give you a bit of the kick from the oabi and as those flavors start to wne you really get to appreciate much more of the flavors of the Tamaki handroll before ending the bite again on that soy sauce note this is very tasty I do like it all righty next up is the Toro roll this is fatty tuna and it is super fatty there's this oil running down my fingers already just from holding this we're going to try it straight up first oh yeah that's actually very good again no real issues with the sushi rice or the Nori here but I will say that tuna is ultra fatty it's really rich you get a nice Coating in your mouth as you chew I will say the flavors of this or much more poignant than your typical tuna I imagine that's because there's just so much extra fat setting it off there is just a little bit of scallion in here providing some bite but this handr really allows you to focus on the flavors of the tuna let's go ahead and dip it into the soy sauce here and we give this a shot as well oh yeah very tasty again like that salmon roll the soy sauce really helps set off the initial flavors a really really nice salty slightly spicy hit up front which then gives way to that Ultra fatty tuna I do like this one though all right folks last but certainly not least I'm going to try the Hamachi tamak your hand roll now this is Yellow Tail certainly one of more delicate flavors let's try this straight up first oh yeah that's pretty good as mentioned Hamachi yellowtail is a relatively mild fish so you really need to help amp those flavors to do so it looks like they've introduced some ginger into the mix as well as a little bit of scallion The Bite coming from the ginger and the scallions helps kind of provide a backboard for that Hamachi flavor to bounce off of allowing you to really appreciate those flavors it's a pretty good start to the Hamachi handroll and of course we do have to try it with the soy sauce give it a dip there and we see how this is oh yeah that's good now I will say of the three hand rolls the soy sauce actually makes the least difference here because you already have the Gingers and the scallions providing a similar function now that said the additional salty hit coming from that soy sauce is welcome here because it does provide a nice little extra dimension of flavor honestly not that at all all right folks and I think that's a pretty good start to part one of my dinner here I think I'm going to go and play a couple of games build up a little bit of an appetite and we'll come back for another spot don't go anywhere I'll be right back [Music] all right everyone so I'd say my gambling went okay but I'm definitely ready for part two of my dinner tonight and I went to nonas for some sandwiches now nonas is serving up sandwiches and salads roughly in that $15 to $20 price point now I'm definitely looking forward to trying out some of these sandwiches let's give it a go all right first up we're trying the lay sandwich now the lay looks something very similar to an Italian sandwich you've got some ham and what looks like salami in here and I certainly love a good Italian sandwi sandwich let's give this a shot oh yeah you know that's really flavorful now a good sandwich needs to start with good bread and I will say nonas has that part down really well it is a super soft bio roll however it does have a nice toast on the outside having gone through the sandwich press the bread definitely leans a little bit sweet but also very buttery it's good bread the ham and salami have a really great flavor here very salty akin to pepperoni meaty and fatty and well seasoned I would say the meats here are pretty good the Swiss cheese here provides a nice mild richness while the roasted Peppers provide a nice little sweet H there's an olive Relish in here providing a really nice griny saltiness in the middle of the bite and then the flavors round out with a little bit of pepperiness coming from the arugula it's salty a little bit Tangy and sweet I say I'm a fan I actually do like this lace sandwich now they also serve housemade potato chips which I got an order of hopefully these are good let's give them a shot well that's unfortunate these chips are unfortunately quite stale I'm not sure when they made them but they've definitely been sitting out it lacks the distinct crunch that you want from a potato chip which is ultimately pretty unsatisfying flavor-wise they're not bad they are well salted with a decent potato flavor but it is really unfortunate I kind of wish these chips were a lot fresher I really wanted to try them when they're crispy now that was pretty unfortunate with the chips but I want to try one more sandwich here as well this is the shash this is a glazed salami sandwich this is looking pretty good let's give it a [Music] shot oh yeah that's very tasty right off the bat I will say the sandwich bread at nonas is very good slightly sweet with that good toast on it and a really soft Airy Center I have no real complaints when it comes to the sandwich bread the glaze salami here is excellent it transforms between salty and sweet throughout the bite leading to a nice complex flavor there's a little bit of a sweet Tang coming from some Russian dressing that's applied here and you do get a nice richness from the Swiss cheese the lettuce and tomato are fresh although I wouldn't say their flavors are really pronounced here in the sandwich because a lot of the aftertastes are taken up by these pickled jalapenos providing a really nice kick the bite start salty and sweet leans Tangy and ends spicy it's actually a really nice melody of flavors I like this one all right my friends now that does it for day one here at the prominon food Hall of the font and blue now I'm going to head home and enjoy the rest of my evening and tomorrow I'm going to make a return for the final three restaurants here at the prominade I hope you're enjoying the tour so far I'll catch you on the other side all right my friends I am back this morning at the font blue it's 6:00 a.m. and I'm here to try out the break the break is the resident coffee shop of the prominade food Hall at the fonton blue now I must say I'm quite tired after a pretty full day yesterday as well as an early morning today so a coffee does sound really welcome however it doesn't look like they're posting any of their coffee prices and their pastries and sandwiches range around $10 now I got a cinnamon roll and an iced Americano for a quick breakfast today and to be honest with you I've got to scarf this down and get ready for work let's go in all righty first up the iced Americano now the prices weren't listed anywhere but this clocked in at $7 it's a 16 oz cup and I am pretty tired so this C Caff is really welcome let's give it a try you know that's a pretty nice Americano right there a nice deep Bold Flavor there with the right kind of bitter and a pretty smooth finish I can actually feel the caffeine waking me up already and this is good I like the Americano all right next up let's try this cinnamon roll originally when I ordered this I thought it was an apple frer and I love Apple FRS but I certainly do like my cinnamon rolls as well and this cinnamon roll does have a nice look to it let's give it a try oh yeah that's a really good cinnamon roll it's incredibly flaky I actually love the texture while it is flaky it still maintains a nice buttery softness it actually imparts a nice rich flavor the sugar frosting on the outside has been hardened it's almost candied giving a nice little extra texture element as well as providing a really nice sweetness really good cinnamon levels here as well giving you that woodsy note and in combination with the caffeine the sugar is already hitting me as well really waking me up this is very welcome right now all right everyone now that was a really nice way to quickly start the day however the break is the only shop open at the promad food Hall at 6 a.m. so I'm going to go ahead and finish this up head on home get through my workday and later on this evening I'm going to be back and finish off the last two restaurants here for my dinner Capon burgers and Miami slice come up next [Music] all right my friends I am back for the final two restaurants here at the prominade food Hall of the ponon blue and I'm starting off at Capone Burger now Capon is the resident Burger Shop here at the prominade food Hall and they're serving up Burgers as well as chicken dishes both chicken tenders as well as chicken sandwiches they also have gelato as well burgers are coming in at a little over 10 bucks and the chicken dishes are roughly 15 now I got the Capone classic cheeseburger as well as some buffalo chicken tenders and a side order of their shoestring french fries this all looking really good let's give it a taste all right first up we're going to try the Capone classic cheeseburger now this is a pretty classic looking cheeseburger here on a potato bun and it looks quite good let's give it a [Music] taste oh yeah that burger is fantastic I absolutely love the potato bun it's so soft but it has been nicely toasted giving it a little bit of structural Integrity there's a fair amount of butter applied to to the potato bun as well giving some richness and in general it's quite flavorful I really like the bun here for Capone's Burgers the burger itself is quite good well seasoned it's got a good beefy flavor and they've even managed to develop a nice little crust on it as well the American cheese is nice and gooey well melted here and providing a rich salty hit the vegetables are crisp providing a nice freshness to the bite with a good sour tank coming from those pickles the burger sauce here is mildly sweet and a little Tangy very akin to a thousand island and it all really does come together very well well this is a classic American cheeseburger I'm a big fan of this one all right next up let's try the Sho string fries I believe you have a choice between fries some truffle fries as well as onion rings if I recall correctly I just went with some sh string fries today and we certainly feel super crispy let's give it a shot yeah you know what not bad they're super crispy which is typically advantage of a shoest string fry because of the thin cut you're really able to develop that crisp unfortunately it doesn't leave a lot of room for texture on the inside which overall kind of makes this more like a potato chip there is some good potato flavor here although I would say it's a tad under season but honestly a pretty straightforward Sho string fry here no serious complaints all right and the last bite to try from compones is going to be this massive chicken tender three chicken tenders come to an order and you can get them either plain or dressed up in many different ways I opted for Buffalo I'm certainly looking forward to this let's give it a shot [Music] yeah you know that's a really good chicken tender right there excellent fry job on the chicken it's got a super crispy exterior thankfully though the timing was perfect and the chicken inside is really moist and juicy the breading is actually very well seasoned it has a pretty robust spice mix you've got salt and pepper I can definitely taste onion powder in there as well as paprika the base product chicken tender here is actually very good the buffalo sauce does have a bit of a kick to it although I wouldn't say it's super spicy definitely has a nice Tang to it as well they've used a good amount of vinegar in that sauce but I actually really love the richness of this homemade ranch it's thick and creamy providing a really good cooling sensation against that buffalo sauce I believe there's some diced of celery in here providing a little bit of crunch as well as a little bit of a fresh element I got to say I'm a fan I actually really like the chicken tenders at Capon all right everyone and that is Capone burger here at the prominade food Hall honestly pretty good I think I'm going to go ahead and keep working on this maybe play a couple of games just to settle my stomach and I'll be back for the very last spot here at the food Hall don't go anywhere I'll be right [Music] back all right my friends I'm here for the final spot of the prominade food Hall at the fonton blue and it's Miami slice Miami slice is the resident pizza shop here at the fountain Buu food hall now the cheapest slice runs you 575 and the most expensive slice runs you a little over $10 and I'd say that's prettyy in line with a lot of the other prices of slices here on the shrip I didn't see a ton of piz pizza made just for slices and the one that I got was piping hot out of the oven so I'm really looking forward to this let me give you a view of what I got now I got two slices today one is the standard Margarita Pizza as well as the pepperoni and both of these are looking really good let's give them a taste all right first up the margarita slice actually love that they give you a ton of Basil that you can actually break up and spread yourself so I've got a nice little distribution here looking forward to this let's give it a [Music] taste you know what not bad there's a really good crust here at my handam slice that portion is pretty solid nice little toasty Underside here and overall the crust actually holds its shape very well the cheese here is salty and Rich which I really appreciate they're dusting real parmesano regano on all of their slices so it produces a super rich salty flavor the basil certainly provide their nice floral hit which is a pretty critical element when it comes to Margarita Pizza I will say I'm not a huge fan of the sauce on the pizza unfortunately it's very sweet now from what I saw I believe they use a raw sauce meaning it's a tomato sauce that hasn't been cooked and it's only being cooked in the oven along with the pizza it's not my personal favorite application but I do know raw sauce on pizza is definitely a thing if you're a fan of a sweeter sauce this is definitely the pizza for you all right my friends and the final bite of food I'm going to be trying at the prominade food hul at the fonton blue is the pepperoni pizza now I will say the pepperoni Distribution on this slice is immaculate super evenly distributed I actually really appreciate that let's see how the pepperoni changes things up oh wow that pepperoni slice is really good just like the Margarita Pizza I'm definitely a fan of the crust here it really does have a nice texture and you can tell they've given the dough plenty of time to develop its flavors I seriously have no complaints with the crust here now I've got to give it up to the pepperonis here not only do they have their trademark saltiness but they're a bit spicy as well just a little bit of kick coming from those pepperonis is really helping balance out the sweetness of the sauce but even better than that they've applied a hot honey on this slice as well a beautiful spicy sweetness coming from that hot honey is really helping to accentuate the spicy saltiness of the pepperonis also really masking a lot of the sweetness coming from the sauce I got to say this is quite good I'm a big fan of the pepperoni slice all right everyone and that does it for my tour here of the prominade food Hall of the font and blue seven different eateries all providing something a little bit unique and while there were a handful of Misses I'd say overall the quality of the food here is pretty good I think my favorite was the food at Capon the Capone cheeseburger actually has such a classic flavor profile it's really satisfying to eat the chicken tenders were also very good well seasoned and big chunks of chicken there I actually really like that dish as well if you're staying at the font and blue I think you've got a pretty solid food haul up here now everybody this is the most budget friendly option here at the font and blue next week I'm going to be exploring the most expensive over at poppy steak it's their Premier Steakhouse and I cannot wait to show it all to you now that does it for this video thank you so much for watching I hope you have a great week and I'll catch you next Saturday [Music] bye
Channel: Vegas with Shin
Views: 41,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas, las vegas strip, fontainebleau las vegas, fontainebleau las vegas opening, promenade food hall, fontainebleau food hall, fontainebleau restaurants, fontainebleau las vegas food hall, fontainebleau las vegas restaurants, el bagel las vegas, roadside tacos, bar ito, nona fontainebleau, capon's burger, capon's las vegas, capon's fontainebleau, capons fontainebleau las vegas, miami slice, miami slice fontainebleau, las vegas strip restaurants, las vegas food hall
Id: Ufu2Ju2NlYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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