Following Your Passion with Jama Jurabaev

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the good indication of my uh tendency toward art was when i i took this course which was called hypersonic flow which basically deals with like rocket reentry flow around the vehicle right it sounds as rocket science as it is right and i entered this exam and i read the question a few times i didn't get anything like what i was even asked about right so all i did i drew a very nice wing profile and a fantastic like flow representation around it just the drawing right so when the results came back it was saying 70 out of 100 and i was like damn how did i get such a high note because i felt like i didn't i didn't write any valuable information in that exam and the note on my paper was saying 70 for drawing zero for knowledge right oh wow exactly that time i understood okay this is something i probably need to pursue as my career right but again after six and a half years of doing something imagine and this is where additional stress kind of piles up you studied for so long and now you're saying you want to do something different right it's very hard especially these days when it's such you know like these days it's even more dramatic because it's almost like you see all these youtube celebrities or people doing like streaming or doing like you know like with instagram and in youtube it's much more obvious that there are there are people who are successful uh and it's much more easier to get depressed because you think like damn i'm doing i can't do any of that right so at least i didn't know about like the other side of success i knew i'm not successful and i just and i knew i had this passion for drawing so i started drawing again and i started painting and i discovered photoshop in the meantime so i started doing all these things but then i had to go back to my country and i started to work as a graphic designer because what i was educated for i didn't have any proper offers and i just didn't want to do it basically and then at some point a friend of mine made me i received this call from friend of mine and he was like hey remember like you were doing some graphic design and paintings i was like yeah sure i still did a little bit of that he was like damn we need a person like you we have like a small scale studio i was like even without hearing where the studio is i said yes because i won't just want to do this and it ended up being in in turkey in a very small district it's very close to syria it's very close to where the war zone right now is so we the reason why they made the studio there because it had like a huge industrial area there and all the companies they needed some sort of illustration or like graphic design logo or something like that right so yeah and for two years i was there and this was the time when i discovered concept art because this is probably the first like the early beginnings of youtubes and uh gnomon was big back then so i saw this video where someone was doing concept art and i was like damn you can do money with that i was like the whole thing like my my world completely switched over to something else else when i i saw that and obviously i started watching videos all i i i was able to do is just to watch the videos and start like practicing yeah and at some point i think it was fang uh who mentioned that he's using like vacuum tablet and i was like damn that's why my my paintings look terrible because i don't have the tablet but obviously it was damn expensive back then imagine for a person who just starting out like like it probably was two salaries of mine like monthly salaries to buy one so i i i collected the money i ordered and back then there's no amazon so even like if you order something you it will take like three months to arrive right so and when the tablet arrived and i was like now i'm going to be the greatest artist and now i unleash my full potential just to realize that i made my first stroke and it looked nothing like what the professionals were doing and this is was the turning point when i realized it's not about the tools it's about the kind of fundamental understanding of main principles of art so this is where i started actually uh doing what we did in ted but very in a very unorganized way right i was just like okay i need to learn about composition how do i do that so i started reading books on composition started watching videos started practicing composition and just trying to level up my fundamentals and it took two years and i gave up because i realized i don't have any talent to do this you know especially perspective was really hard for me to wrap my head around i just couldn't wrap my head around how can you have more than two vanishing points for example this was one one of my biggest struggles back then and because there was no one who could who's near me to direct me i literally remembered giving it up i was like okay well i i think i have a potential but it's not like something extraordinary so i stopped doing that and i mainly redirected my main focus towards graphic design which which i was a little bit better at you know because in the end i was just dealing with graphic shapes and again now looking back i understand this my whole experience with graphic design was also helping me out to understand design principles basically uh but as a tool i couldn't just master drawing and painting in photoshop which is everything i did looked very mushy the values were off and stuff like that now i understand what was wrong but back then it just looked to me that i'm not great at this you know and because there was no one around who could point i point out what i was doing wrong i i just basically i stopped like for a year i just didn't do any paintings and then after a year i picked it up again and i i was like it was 2008 and i did a couple of paintings and i was like damn this is looking awesome right well it probably wasn't but at least i was satisfied i was like i'm doing it and then the more i was doing it i started like i think the first time i posted online was late 2000 meet 2009 and i posted my stuff and i remember my first post on ca orc was just black and white thumbnails and people wow this is looking awesome fantastic and maybe like after five comments uh someone was like hey we would love to see your color stuff and i was like sure i had zero color painting i was so terrible with color like because i i just i just mastered values so my brain started to kind of see see the shapes and just in plain values and color was a different beast right so i had to spend more time on color but i think what what was interesting that uh with my art career i knew that if i avoid certain problems i have it just gonna hit me back right sometimes we cover up certain things we're not good at we create a lot of excuses not to work on those because it's hard you know like color needs a year or two or maybe more of practice and now like after 10 plus years as i'm teaching myself i see this in students as well you know this frustration slash disbelief slash insecurity and also the fact like that students sometimes realize that it's going to take a lot of time to master certain things this could be very discouraging for them and i knew for me it was a long journey i still have a lot of things i struggle with but at least i'm ready to face those now you know like i knew it's going to take me a solid few years if i want to master certain things but that's the way it is but some people it's faster but some for people some for some people it's slower but in the end if you put your effort into it and use the consistent and persistent you can do that you were doing it for so long without structure absolutely on your own i think as soon as you were given some structure you were really strong within that structure that was what you needed is that you've got deadlines each week teachers uh curriculum
Channel: Draftsmen
Views: 5,216
Rating: 4.9794345 out of 5
Keywords: draftsmen, digital artist, digital art, vr art, international artist, star wars concept art, drawing, painting, podcast, art, art training, learning art, stan prokopenko, marshall vandruff, jama jurabaev
Id: z1iLxJfJoW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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