Folded Fabric Ornaments

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today I'm going to show you how to make these folded fabric ornaments these are super quick to make and make perfect last-minute gifts so let's get started alright first thing you want to do is select your fabrics I've got two semi coordinating fabrics here you want pale light and a dark I've got half a yard of each and a half a yard of two colors we'll do about twelve ornaments so we're going to do I'm going to work with the light fabric first since it's easier for you guys to see going to be working on the wrong side here and I'm not going to be using a special template there's going to be using something round because we're going to be getting circles out of this this just happens to be a pan lid you can use a lid for anything plate or a bowl pretty much anything that is round and you just want to take a pen or a pencil of some sort and trace around it and this lid happens to be seven and a half inches in diameter so somewhere around that size and then I'm going to go ahead and cut this out and do the same thing with my dark fabric and now that I've got both circles cut I'm going to place them right sides together you could also cut these together layer the fabrics and pin them together and cut them out I just let it's easier to cut them out separate you get more precise circles that way and it also helps if you use or choose fabrics that have a small print on them cut my sewing machine now and I'm going to use a quarter inch seam allowance and I'm going to start with a back stitch and I'm just going to sew all the way around and when you get back around to where you started you want to leave about an inch and a half or so of open spot so you can turn this inside out I'm going to go ahead and back stitch just a few stitches and then through that opening you left I'm going to turn this inside out so I reach down and go to the other side there helps to use a chopstick of some sort to turn this out you want to be real rough with this because you don't want to rip your fabric and you don't want to rip off your stitches but [Music] get it turned inside out go around and make sure it's all the way turned out and then if you want to go ahead and press this by all means you can now once you have it turned inside out this open spot that you have here you want to turn under quarter of an inch seam before we top stitch just going to get that in place it doesn't have to be perfect because a lot of times this will be hidden and then you want to top stitch about an eighth of an inch or so from the edge I just kind of take it easy here to get a nice straight line and once you get back around to where you started I just want to take a couple back stitches to secure it and cut your threads now I've gone ahead and threaded up a needle here and I'm just going to get not going there what you want to do is determine which side which fabric you want for the dominant outside color for this one I think I'm going to do the burgundy so the burgundy is going to go inside so you want to fold your circle of fabric in half and you want to press the corners down here where you have folded it in half [Music] take my needle here and go in right on that fold just inside that edge there I'm going to turn it around to the other fold which was right here and put my needle in there and I'm going to pull this up and I'm just going to sew these two these two pieces right here together now that you have those sewn together and you just need to take a couple stitches you're going to fold this in half again this way and make your creases on the edge and I didn't even tie off my thread or cut it or anything I'm going to use the same thread still attached I'm going to go through that crease there and then this crease right down here that I just put in pull it together and just take a couple stitches there and you want to secure these threads together so all I'm going to do is run my needle through this little opening down here I'm going to tie this all together and this is what you end up with it kind of looks like a crab rangoon that you get at a Chinese restaurant so you're going to flatten this out and you want this point right here lie flat against the back and you will have four points just like that and this is where the magic comes all you do is you take these points put your finger back here on the corner and turn it in side out just like that go on to the next corner again turn it inside out and then you want to go through and straighten these out make sure that all the petals if you will are all roughly the same size sure it's all those fabric is laying flat [Music] you don't have any wrinkles or creases or anything and once you get all your corners worked out you want to go ahead and I'm going to be using this gold cord it's kind of a thin cord I'm just going to cut off about I don't know eight inches or so that I'm going to use this tapestry needle or thread this and what I'm going to do is go back on the back here on this underneath the corner here and go right out the point bring that out and then go back through take the needle off the cord there just going to bring these together and tie a knot [Music] pull the cord up refix corner and then now would be the time to go ahead and sew a button of some sort on to the center of this some of these I went ahead in so these little holly leaf buttons on I found these at Michael's you could also use regular buttons here I used a bead cap pretty much anything that will cover the four points in the center and if you want to leave it open you can by all means do that but there you go how to make folded fabric ornaments hope you guys enjoy and thanks so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Crouton Crackerjacks
Views: 4,109,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: croutoncrackerjacks, croutoncrackerjack, how, to, how-to, make, at home, easy, ideas, video, DIY, tutorial, instruction, instructions, fast, quick, family, kitchen, favorite, best, ever, star, rated, fabric, quilt, quilted, Christmas, ornaments, crafts, ornament, craft, pieced, paper pieced, quilting, kids, easy ornament ideas, last minute, holiday, ribbon, button, buttons, vintage, stuffed, animals, stars, elegant, crafting, making, scraps, stash, free pattern, template, free, decor, decorations, sewn, sewing, sew, origami, handmade
Id: VwvNU1pGd-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2013
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