Foldable 1080p 5G Wifi FPV GPS Drone HOLYSTONE HS 165

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how's going everybody and welcome to the channel today we are checking out the holy stones HS 165 it is a foldable 1080p 5g Wi-Fi fpv gps RC quadcopter ready to fly so let's open up the box and check it out alright so here is the clock up there very nice and compact in design all folded up it also has foldable props as well so very nice it has the 1080p Wi-Fi fpv camera directly mounted in the front there and it has a slight tilt angle down what it looks like to be about 15 degrees or so so just fold out the arms and it'll click into place and it is looking pretty nice nice and medium sized quadcopter alright so taking a look at the bottom here it has some LED lights on each of the arms what looks like a hole here should have been for an optical flow sensor but this is a GPS quoc up there unless you're flying indoors you really don't need the optical flow sensor since we have GPS position hold here's a on and off button right in the front as well and in the rear we do have a micro SD card slot so you can take your photos and videos and record it directly into the micro SD card very nice and here's the battery bay in the back of the quadcopter and here is the battery it is a nice sized battery here for a priority battery of course 7.4 volt 880 milliamp size battery i'm not sure what the flight time is but we should get at least about good 15 minutes of flight time I am assuming so we'll check it out so all you gotta do is just slide the battery in lock it into place since we have the on and off switch in the front on the bottom we are good to go alright so taking a look around on the quadcopter I don't see any more LED lights or anything like that so when you want to take the battery out put place your finger on the bottom place your finger on the top and just kind of squeeze and it comes right out all right so that's the call let's leave the quark up the right up here and check out what else we get in the box we get a notebook Holystone notebook that is nicer than to give you one and here is the instruction manual and here is a little documentation telling you the cautions of the battery and here's a little note telling you best wishes and also we get a bag of goodies and this one contains extra props a full four extra props oh very nice one full set and this bag contains some screws a screwdriver and micro USB to USB cable and that is used to charge up the internal battery of this remote control that's right it has a built-in rechargeable battery and it has a three point seven volt 300 milliamps sized battery good for about 50 minutes to one hour of use I believe and here's the charge cable to charge up your battery so all you got to do is just take the battery out and there's some connectors right here and just slide this end right on here and power source the USB and there is an LED light indicating it is charging and when it is charging I do believe it turns green while it's charging it is in red so very very nice alright so let's put this battery back in here get it ready to go so taking a look at the remote control it has a flip-out phone clip and it is spring-loaded if it's an iphone six-plus without any problem here just fold it down what looks like a battery compartment it does not open since it has a internal rechargeable battery there's some shoulder buttons here and this one here is to change speeds that is really nice and this one here takes a photo and a video so short pressing it takes a photo long pressing it takes a video here's the power on and off switch and this button over here turns the GPS on and off so if you are flying outdoors you want to have the GPS turned on and if you are flying in a confined area you can turn the GPS off and you can fly it manually but you do have to control it with your sticks so since it does not have the optical flow sensor now here's a trim button just hold it down and do the direction of the trims that you want here's a return to home button it is a GPS return to home button here's a headless mode button and here's the one key to take off and one key to land and both sticks to the bottom and in and both sticks to the bottom and out will unlock the motors of this quadcopter all right so let's go for a little demo flight with the holy stones HS 165 the 5 g Wi-Fi fpv gps RC quadcopter all right let's get started with the demo flight of the HS 165 power up the clock up there hold down the power button for about three seconds and the LEDs will come on blue out of these in the front and clear LEDs in the rear let's place the quadcopter right here and power up the transmitter now we are bound already but this is a GPS quadcopter so we need to calibrate the compass and I've already done so earlier so we are ready to go but we'll go through the process both sticks to the top and in will initiate the compass calibration but you can also do it from your phone app so let's go ahead start it and turn on the phone app I'm gonna be using my iPad here going through your settings and connect with the holy stone fpv Wi-Fi network and I'm already connected and here's the app it's called the HS GPS phone app so go ahead and click on it and there's the interface let me start my screen record there we go alright so there's the help icon the Gallery icon and the fly icon you want to hit that fly icon and it says prompt compass calibrate before flight somebody's driving by off-roading in a sedan nice on Hongkong blah blah blah okay so hit yes so we can calibrate the compass by hitting that settings and there you go you got the accelerometer calibrate and you also got the magnetometer calibrate so if you hit the magnetometer calibrate you will do the same thing as if you were to do the ball sticks to the top and in alright so let's go ahead and hit this magnetometer calibrate right now all of the lights are solid so let me go ahead and hit that and look at that it says calibration and the lights are just blinking sequentially so let's go ahead and rotate it horizontally okay there's the beep now nose up and rotate it again alright another peep and now the lights are solid once more so compass calibration has been completed and also if you want to calibrate the gyros both sticks to the bottom and to the left will calibrate the gyros as well as if you were to hit this accelerometer calibrate on the phone app we're going to do this one manually so both sticks to the bottom and to the left there you go a beep is heard and the lights go blinking and they turn solid so now we have completed the compass calibration as well as the gyro calibration so we are good to go so let's go and check this thing out both sticks to the bottom and in will arm the motors and look at that it's kind of wobbly and I believe do that again you disarm the motors bolsters the bottom and out arms the motors as well and do that again to disarm the motors yeah the props are not evenly fanned out so it kind of wobbles a little bit alright so let's go ahead and turn off the settings and take some photos let's go ahead and see if the photos work with the hard remote short pressing it oh look at that it takes a photo as well nice let's see if the video works long pressing it and I do see the icon and the counter all right so we are able to take photos and videos with the hard remote now remember there's the micro SD card slot in which I did put a micro SD card in here so all of the photos and videos will be recorded into the micro SD card now if you did not have a micro SD card inserted it will take the photos and videos they record it into the phone app and thus into your camera roll right I'm gonna stop the recording alright I'm gonna go ahead and use the iPad to take some photos like I always do so let's see now I got the quadcopter looking straight horizon but it's shooting the ground so I have to lift up the nose slightly to get horizon and there's my buddy over there flying is fixed-wing aircraft the video looks pretty nice it is 1080p mm black dot on the Sun okay table and the landing pad and another photo directly in the front all right so there are some photos there [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I'm going to hit the video icon and take some videos and I'm gonna leave my iPad right here and we'll come back to that in a little bit alright so let's go and check out the core functions of this HS 165 a GPS quadcopter so let's go ahead and check out want you to take off one key to land and we're also going to check out the return to home and the failsafe return to home and we're also going to check the low voltage return to home and I do believe there's a two-phase situation in the low voltage return to home where in the first space it'll come back and stay within a geofencing of 20 meters and in the second phase it'll just land itself all right so both sticks to the bottom and in we know that it arms the motor so it's not wobbling on the table because the props are fanned out and I'm going to go ahead and this arm I want to see if the one key to take off and land works by itself nope you're gonna have to arm the motors first so arming the motors and then hitting this one key to take off button and there you go self takeoff all right so we got GPS position hold and check it out it is holding steady yeah very nice still right on top of the table oh yeah very very nice let me go ahead and check it out real quick here speed number one seems to be pretty nice alright very smooth so far all right so let's get it our angry pull it away from its position hold spot and neck off and it goes back to its position hold spot very nice all right so we got speed control button let's see how many speeds this thing has and here speed number one full pitch and full y'all and there's the fixed-wing way up there going into a dive all right speed number two okay two beeps and there's the pitch and the yaw speed and speed number two and it's pretty nice well yeah this one is nice nice little fire that's if there's a speed number three nope goes back down or speed number one okay so let's test it out in speed number one here or speed number two okay let's push it out you're supposed to have a control distance of about 300 to 400 meters and a altitude control distance of about 120 meters so it has pretty good distance on paper let's hit the one key or return to home button here GPS returned to home button and check it out it rises up in altitude and we've got some beeping going on - on the remote control and hopefully it stops it kind of overshot the takeoff spot no it did not or did it no it did not it's going to land on my table and let's check it out I kind of helped it out a little bit but we did take off from the table and it came back and it landed on the table so that is just awesome okay we have landed so now the beeping has stopped so we are out of the return to home all right so let's go ahead and arm the motors once again oh yeah I didn't land on the landing pad like I always do before I check out the return to home function okay so let's check out the one key tool and I forgot to do that okay one key to land and I'm redirecting the path of the clock up the hoop I kind of messed up at the last second trying to get in the center of the landing pad but it does land itself and very nicely too and you are able to control its landing path with your pitch and roll stick while it's landing all right so let's go ahead and do that again arming the motors taking off and sending it out and let's see if I can take rhe control or regain control or get out of the return to home pressing the return to home button again and it is coming back and I'm going to go ahead and hit it again and we are out of the return to home very nice so we are flying about in GPS mode so let me let go of the sticks and it comes to a hover none of that fish bowling effect as well or the toilet bowl effect as well let me go ahead and turn off the GPS and fly this thing without GPS so there is no GPS position hold and it is drifting a little bit with the slight breeze that we have this morning very little amount of breeze but it is starting to drift off so let me go ahead and fly this thing without GPS position hold it'll fly a little bit smoother right after the turns so if you want to just fly it kind of sporty turn the GPS off and if you want GPS position assist then turn the GPS on okay let me go ahead and turn the GPS on it is drifting and check it out it just come to a hover and it stops in its tracks pretty awesome isn't it very nice alright let's go ahead and check out the failsafe return-to-home and i do believe in the manual what it does explain is that the quadcopter needs to lose connection with the hard remote as well as the Wi-Fi fpv connection so Wi-Fi phone app has to lose connection as well for it to return to home and do a fail-safe return to home so let's go and test that out I'm gonna turn off the hard remote okay turned off the hard remote now it's not going to do anything because it is still connected to the Wi-Fi phone app so automatically the connectivity transfers from the hard remote to the Wi-Fi phone app so let me go ahead and grab my iPad so it is connected to the iPad now so it won't do a fail-safe return to home if I disconnect my Wi-Fi network with the quadcopter then it will do a fail-safe return to home but we are able to fly with the Wi-Fi phone app so I'm going to turn on my virtual sticks here and check it out I got control of the clock up there and I am flying back pause myself alright so the failsafe return to home does work but you need to turn off your Wi-Fi fpv feed as well from your device but check it out I am flying it with my phone app so this GPS quadcopter can be flown without the phone app turned on because you do have the micro SD card DVR onboard so if you want to just fly about line-of-sight and take some photos and videos and if you happen to go out of distance and lose connection it will return to home because you are not connected to the Wi-Fi Phone app and look at that it is a very smooth flying quark up there very nice hello yeah with the Wi-Fi iPhone app very nice smooth controls and because the camera is kind of angling down you can go up and I'm gonna reverse I'm gonna go down in altitude a little bit and it's a little wobbly coming down it's eating its own prop wash there okay I'm gonna stop right there and I'm gonna give it a y'all spin and if it's directly looking at me and I'm gonna pull back and up at the same time alright there you go bye how cool is that nice huh alright you can pull back all right wobbling its way down and what I'm gonna do is leave the iPad right here back on the table and let's see if we regain connection with the hard remote turning the hardware emote back on couple of beeps and we should regain control all right so that is really nice okay I heard a beep so does that mean that we are in low voltage let's see I'm still going out that's beyond 20 meters I think that just means that we are reconnected with the hard remote yeah we shouldn't be in low voltage as of yet this thing should have better flight time than that all right so let's see if we can do some fpv all right I'm gonna go ahead and turn off Philips virtual sticks and check it out okay going forward turning around okay got me on my sights and coming forward going over me press and by me and turning around very nice controls coming over me one more time and stop in alright alright let me do one of those flyaway things one more time then you go flying away and going up in altitude nice alright let's go and see how far I can go it's supposed to have a distance of three to four hundred meters and I see that the battery level indicator showing just one or two bars couple of bars that the belief okay so we are closing in on the national flight time here and what it looks to me like is I'm pitching forward but we are not moving anymore so we are in first phase of low voltage so I am stuck within a 20 meter geofencing so let me try that again going away from me still pitching forward all the way and look at that I hit a geofence and it is not moving forward any more all right so we are in the first phase of low voltage return to home and that is really nice because then you know you have enough battery power to bring it home so wherever it is it will come back within the 20 meter distance from where you are automatically to save battery power so you know that you will be able to bring home this quadcopter and look how smooth this thing flies very nice okay so I'm just going to go and fly about back and forth until it hits the second phase of low voltage return to home in which it should come down inland I'm not sure if it lands where it took off from or if it just lands in its spot so I'm going to go ahead and fly about in front of me and I'm gonna come down and out the - just a little bit okay battery level indicator is showing just one bar looks like and I'll come down and altitude a little bit more here and check it out very nice stopped in its tracks so a good selfie GPS clock up there so you can shut down a little bit wherever you are located right so because the camera has a slight tilt angle down where so it's located right there and see I'm right here so you can go ahead and even come down a little bit more and you can come forward just a little bit right around there and you can get a overall shot of where you are so a very nice clock up there and there's holding steady GPS position hold and it looks like the lights are blinking to indicate that it is in low voltage phase number one so we'll wait until it goes into phase number two okay there's some beeping going on and and oh look at that it is going to land where it took off from it moved above the landing pad and it is on its way down it kind of turned around - so pretty nice let's see where it lands and the remote control is just ripping away okay it came to a landing about oh five or so walk up the distances away but that is more than close enough alright so there you have it guys my test flight review of the holy stone HS 165 the GPS quadcopter with the 5g Wi-Fi fpv 1080p camera [Music]
Channel: RC Escape
Views: 92,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holy Stone GPS Drone FPV Drones with Camera for Adults 1080P HD Live Video, Foldable Drone for Beginners, drone, wifi, 5g, quadcopter, gps, holy stone, holystone, 1080p
Id: jqwqiyKXU0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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