Fold-Down Murphy Bar -- Woodworking
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Michael Alm
Views: 263,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: murphy, bar, murphy bar, almfab, woodworking, folding, fold-up, mid-century, walnut, brass, diy, furniture, cabinetry, home made, modern, danish, fancy, how to, make, build, music, fold down bar, diy bar, custom bar, walnut bar, Danish modern bar, walnut cabinets, fold up bar, bar for a tiny house, apartment bar, mid century modern bar, DIY bar, hidden bar cabinet, bar cabinet, bar cabinet build, bar cabinet design, walnut and brass, built in cabinet, built in bar, how to build a BAR
Id: LtY9pdJRi6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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