Focus Stacking - Spill the Beans - Fuji Guys

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all right so today we're going to talk about a new subject that has become my new Focus I guess but first let me go get a coffee [Music] I'm good now all right so today we are going to talk about focus stacking so the idea of focus stacking is really taking multiple shots uh most likely of a close-up subject but you could do that for landscape as well and then we're going to take images with the point of focus at different distances so we're going to vary from the nearest point to the farthest point so that we can get everything in Focus now you might say well just close down your aperture and yeah that would be true but when you close down the aperture let's say to F22 you will bring your subject in Focus but the background will be in Focus as well so it won't be isolated so that's where focus stacking comes into play so with all modern Fujifilm X-rays and gfx series cameras you have a built-in bracketing mode which is focus bracketing so by enabling that into your camera by simply adjusting your drive setting to bracketing and then selecting Focus bracketing and then going to the drive setting and then you can choose manual so that you can manually set the number of images the steps between each shots but you also have in auto mode which I personally prefer because I don't really have to think I just set my end point which is a and then my out point which is B by manually rotating the focusing ring on the lens I'm going to set my A and B distance and then I'm just going to hit the shutter and then it will start firing away now you might end up with too many images but I'd rather have more and then maybe select you know every second images or every third images so that I have less to work with if you have a powerful computer you shouldn't have to worry about that now needless to say that you should try to have your subject not moving because you know if it moves then you might get some artifacts later on when you go in process to stacking so we set up our camera on a tripod that would be best by the way it's still possible to do handheld focus stacking but we would be talking about maybe two or three images but it's still possible you can look at this image here I took three shots and then Blended them together and then I have a focused insect but let's stick to tripod let's stick to simple now we bring all of our images into our computer and then we have two options so you could use a specialized piece of software that will do it for you just like this one foreign but if you don't want to go out and spend some more money on pieces of software we can still do it with Lightroom in Photoshop so we have our images in Lightroom by the way my tip is whenever you start a stacked you take one shot with your hand in the front of the lens so that you know where it starts and when it ends you take another one so you know the beginning and the end so that brings me to Lightroom I select all of my images from the first to the last one that I want to use and I stack them together that's just to keep it nice and organized now I'm going to unfold the stack now before I export them to photoshop I want to make all of the adjustment that I would like so I'm going to select one image and then make my you know color grading and all that stuff ideally that's when I like to do it select all of my images right click and then edit in Photoshop as layers so now that we're in Photoshop all our images are open I'm just going to select them all and then go in and auto align them now that that's done I'm going to select them all again and then I'm going to use Auto blend and then I'm going to use stack images now I would recommend you use seamless tones and colors and then I usually try the content aware you know fill for whenever there's movement if you were shooting handheld or something and then there you go you have your final stack image and then you can see the masks on the side and then if you didn't move if you wanted tripod and your subject was still you shouldn't have any artifacts and then we can go and just save it and that will automatically bring it into Lightroom for us to have in our collection alright so I hope you enjoyed this quick video about focus stacking this is certainly a really nice fun thing to do I like to go out in the forest and you know find some little subjects composition and then just focus back and then again the key and the focus stacking is that you can isolate your subject while still having it all in focus with without having the background distracting and then also you can have everything tack sharp so I hope you enjoyed it and I'm gonna go and shoot some more stacks
Channel: Fuji Guys Channel
Views: 11,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fuji, Fujifilm, Digital, Camera, Fuji Guys, X Series, focus, stacking, bracketing, macro, mushroom, photography
Id: sv_JbznEnG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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