Focus on the Family: How Jesus Redeemed My Gender Confusion

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and I rejected my own mother despite her best efforts to Mother me she loves me she did her best but I rejected her growing up I looked at her and I thought you know what you're emotional you're weak you're not strong like Dad and I just thought I want nothing to do with the world of woman welcome to the focus on the family broadcast helping you and your family thrive in Christ Our Guest is Dr Linda Syler and she has great insights into LGBT issues because this is a path that she has walked herself Linda is the executive director of restory Ministries which helps churches address these issues and she's also a missionary to college campuses training student leaders to apply God's truth to current cultural matters here's Linda Syler speaking at Trinity Community Church in hoken Delaware and if you have children nearby you might want to use earbuds watch Linda's presentation later well as far as my own story of reconciliation from my earliest memory I wanted to be a little boy instead of a little girl and as you can see in the picture very boyish I don't have a single memory of being okay in a female body I felt like I was a little boy trapped in a girl body and I needed to change I remember praying and asking asking God if he would turn me into a boy before I got out of bed that morning to go to school um obviously that didn't happen and I got out of bed a disappointed little girl which affected my view of God affected my view of myself um I wasn't raised uh as a as a Christian per se we went to a a church a Mainline denomination church that the my perception of the Gospel through that church was that if my good works outweigh the bad then I have a good shot at going to heaven so if you're Mother Teresa and you help little old ladies across the street and work soup kitchens you have a pretty good shot at Heaven uh if you're like Hitler and you kill people you go to hell so um I remember when I was a teenager somebody asked me how sure are you you'd go to heaven when you die and I had it down to percentages I was like 85% and they're like really not 100 and I said oh no no and I told them my whole Mother Teresa thing like I'm not quite Mother Teresa but I'm not as bad as Hitler so I think I have an 85% chance but there's still things that I'm not proud of that I'm pretty sure God's not okay with so not 100% shot of Heaven I'd never heard the gospel as far as Jesus dying on the cross to pay for my sin and that I could be forgiven past present and future I didn't know that so here I am growing up as a little kid and not really understanding God or the gospel but some friends said there was something called reincarnation and you could come back in the next life as something different and so I was like oh wow okay so if there is a God and there and there is reincarnation let me come back in the next life as a boy that was the consuming driving desire of my life it was the center of my life as we're talking about Jesus should be the center well this was the center it was an obsession for my life my parents thought I was just a tomboy a lot of girls like to grow up and climb trees and not play with Barbies and makeup and all of that stuff uh which was true of my sister she wanted to be inside with makeup and Barbies and all that nany's 3 years older than I am and she was just a normal little girl but me I wanted to be outside playing with the boys Nancy would be imitating mom putting makeup on and playing with dolls and I'm outside pretending to mow the lawn like Dad or in the mirror pretending to shave like Dad I just desperately wanted to be in that world of man and I rejected my own mother despite her best efforts to Mother me she loves me she did her best but I rejected her growing up I looked at her and I thought you know what you're emotional you're weak you're not strong like Dad and I just thought I want nothing to do with the world of woman and so I rejected her love and I didn't know but that left a vacuum in my heart for female love feminine love that I didn't receive it the way God designed it through my natural mother and so that vacuum in my heart wanted to be filled because God designs it to be filled we all need a mommy we all need a daddy we need that same sex parent to invite us into the world of the sex that God God made us and so I needed a mom that would invite me into the world of wom so I could be a woman among women but I also needed a a father who would affirm me as distinct from yet cherished by men we all need that well I rejected my mother's love growing up and so as I got into junior high I'm I'm I'm sorry grade school early grade school I'm very boyish as you can see in the picture and um around fourth grade I was pushed into to the boy's restroom and I saw this wall of urinals and I was like what what is that I didn't know there was a way the other half lived you know what I'm saying and so I was like oh that is so strange but that urinal became a a symbol of that Forbidden World that I desperately wanted to be a part of I so wanted to be a man and so I knew like something about that wasn't right but and I couldn't tell anybody cuz I'm I'm growing up in the 1980s when all this is going on and nobody was talking about these things back then not the way we talk about it today and so I knew to kind of keep these things to myself um around the same time I was around 9 years old I heard about these things back then we called sex change operations that today they're calling it gender affirmation surgery um sidebar you can't become the opposite sex like God designed you he your gender isn't assigned at Birth it is actually designed by your Creator who knit you together in your mother's womb and so that is set from conception you are either XX female or XY chromosomes male and that will not change even if you rearrange the skin on your body to try to look like the opposite sex you don't actually become the opposite sex somebody asked me the other day can can somebody transition and then like have a reproductive capacity as the opposite sex no you can't you become a sterile human being when you remove your reproductive organs and things like that so anyway I didn't know that as a 9-year-old I thought you could literally go to a hospital one day as Linda have a sex change operation come out the next day as David and you live happily ever after I I just literally thought that's how it went down as a nine-year-old and so I was like that is my plan as soon as I am old enough sign me up I am going to get me a sex change operation and turn into David and live happily ever after so I got my little plan and as I'm moving into junior high and my body began showing signs of maturation I was despising this female body that I was stuck in and I didn't want to be a part of the world of girls who were wanting to try on makeup and date boys and do all the girly stuff I I didn't fit in with them and I didn't want to be a part of that world I became intensely jealous of the boys around me whose voices were changing and they were becoming everything I dreamed of being and around that time I I discovered to my surprise that I was attracted to women instead of men now I didn't choose that I didn't want that and I felt helpless to change it and back then there was no safe Zone at my school there was no LGBT community or Club there was no one to talk to about these things it was an isolating experience if you ever came out to somebody in that culture at that day and time you would be ostracized you would be absolutely rejected those of you that are older in the room you know what I'm talking about so I had no one to talk to cuz we didn't talk about these things at home and nobody was talking about him in culture and so I thought man I just got to figure this stuff out on my own so I'm trying to make sense of My reality in my head and I'm like well wait a minute if I really am a man trapped in a female body then and I'm attracted to women that just makes me a straight male so I should be attracted to women so I just need to hold out have the operation and my whole life will make sense so that was my plan and I was sticking to it I get into late Junior High and I'm thinking through the ramifications of like this decision and how would I eventually tell my family uh you can see in the next picture as I'm in late Junior High contemplating this decision what would my parents think what would my sister think what would the neighbors what would my grandparents think and I'm just I'm horrified thinking through how am I going to tell people my deepest darkest secret cuz you can't just leave the house one day and come back the next day as David and like nobody knows at some point they're going to know and I didn't know how to tell them and I didn't have any friends at that time really to speak of because I didn't feel like I fit in with the girls I wasn't officially a guy I just felt like this kind of third androgynous in between didn't fit in anywhere awkward uncomfortable in my body uh kind of the stereotypical experience of most teenagers right but I really felt isolated and didn't fit in and so I thought to myself you know I think I have two options I can either have the uh run away never see my family again just run away have the operation live happily ever after is David and then I just never have to tell my family or option b don't have the surgery but know that it will consign me to a life of suicidal Despair and depression because I'll be stuck in this body the rest of my life and I was already unhappy and suicidal and I remember the day I was walking down the hall in junior high and I consciously chose option b because I thought you know this is just what you have to do to survive and quite frankly I was afraid that if I ran away and I never saw my family again and I had no friends I'd live the rest of my life alone even though I got to be David it just wouldn't be worth it and so I knew my family loved me and I wanted to keep them so I decided I'll do option b I'll do whatever I have to do to try to fit in and play the part so no one will ever know my deep dark secret so as I got into high school I was growing my hair out and trying to look a little bit more like a female for a period of time I had a mullet uh which in my defense um I didn't have any friends to tell me that wasn't a good idea so anyway I'm growing my hair out and I'm thinking you know how can I try to pass but it it was becoming more difficult as an athlete who's sharing locker rooms and hotel rooms and things with other girls where my attractions were becoming stronger and they were initially aimed at older women in a nonsexual way when I was like 8 n years old I'd be at a friend's house and I'd be like huh I I want her mom to be my mom I want I want her mom's attention I want her mom's love I want her mom to hug me and there was nothing sexual about it it was just a little girl with a vacuum of love in her heart who had rejected her own mother and was longing for maternal love in a healthy non-sexual way but as my sexual drives and desires kicked in those drives and desires got confused with that unmet need for maternal love and it felt like I had been born gay and I was attracted to the same sex there's no science out there that says you're born gay there's a gay gene any of that it's not out there but I that was my experience my subjective experience was I felt I was born that way I never felt an attraction to a man didn't even know what that felt like so here I am experiencing these desires that are becoming increasingly more difficult to resist but I didn't want to act on them lest anybody know know my deep dark secret so then I started thinking okay I need to maybe I I could cure Myself by by dating boys and experimenting sexually with them and it will like awaken something that's dormant in me so this was my bright idea of how to cure myself so I invite this boy from my physics class to come with me to the turnabout dance where the girls invite the guys borrowed a dress from my sister and so here I am standing next to my friend um there there were no sparks flying that night I'm standing like a football player in this dress totally uncomfortable in my own body but doing everything I knew to do to play the part and try to fit in and the boys were all too happy to experiment with me sexually and awaken whatever I felt needed to be awakened uh you know that was dormant and it didn't at all awaken anything in me it only made me more intensely jealous I wanted to be the man with the woman not the woman with the man and in fact when I did dress up in these dresses I felt like a man dressed in Drag like I was wearing a costume and I was doing whatever I had to do you can see in the next picture this dressing like feeling like I was in drag trying to fit in but it I just was so uncomfortable in my own body and nobody knew what was going on behind closed doors as I'm trying to fit the part now around the same time as a junior in high school a friend invited me to a Youth for Christ Outreach and I heard the gospel for the first time nobody needed to tell me I was a sinner that I deserve judgment for my sins separated from God forever in in Hell For Eternity nobody had to tell me that I was walking in guilt shame and condemnation because I had gotten exposed through some friends to pornography at age 9 10ish around that age and I had these sexual addictions going on behind closed doors and I felt so guilty and enslaved to those things and I knew it was wrong but I couldn't get free and so I hear the gospel for the first time you can see in the next picture I actually got saved started getting to know some Christian friends and a youth group and I thought that that night when I received Christ that all this stuff would go away I'd wake up the next morning no longer attracted to women or wanting to be a man because if anyone's in Christ the old is gone the new has come you know right so I wake up the next morning equally attracted to women and Desiring to be a man and I thought oh no now I'm in a real Catch 22 because not only were we not talking about these things in the world in general we especially weren't talking about it in youth group in the church you know what I'm saying so I was really isolated and alone and I thought I I just got to figure out how to try to pass and fit in so no one will ever know my deep dark secret now I really did have a genuine conversion experience I did meet the Lord started to grow in him when I got to the University of Illinois I got involved in a a uh college campus ministry and started reading the Bible for myself started getting discipled I was growing in my faith I was learning how to share my faith with others so I really was growing in the Lord and wanted to know him and yet I was living a double life nobody knew what was going on behind closed doors with the sexual addictions and all the things that that entails and I was becoming deeply attracted to a lot of the women in the campus ministry the more more emotionally close I got to women the more I would struggle with sexual attractions and it was miserable nobody knew what was going on by my senior year in college I am absolutely miserable this is my senior Bible study and I'm attracted to the woman Nikki who's in the blue sweatshirt above me and I just couldn't keep my thoughts straight when I was around her and I was miserable and you know you can only go so long in a life where you're lukewarm for God until you make a decision I'm either going to go all out for Jesus or I'm going to go all out after my sin but I can't stay in this Middle Ground any longer because it's just miserable and so I was at a conference and I heard a speaker talking about if you're in habitual repetitive unrepentant sin and you can't get free the answer is James 5 516 confess your sins one to another and pray for each other so that you may be healed I didn't hear anything else the speaker said that day I just knew that unless I took what was in the dark and exposed it into the Light of Christ with a trusted leader I would never get free and I did discover the truth that when you take what's in the dark and bring it into the light it breaks the power of the enemy to energize that sin in your life but when we keep sin Qui quiet and hidden and Silent it actually energizes the enemy and we are naturally going to be opposed by God because God opposes the proud when we're too proud to get our sin into the light because we're afraid of what other people would think of us and we wear a mask and we pretend like everything's okay you will stay in bondage in those areas but you know what the scripture says he opposes the proud but he gives grace to the humble when we humble ourselves and we take what's in the dark and we bring it into the light and we say you know what I'm you're going to you might think crazy things about me and this may change your opinion of me and all of that but I'm desperate enough to know God and to be real and to be honest and I need the grace of God in my life his power and his desire to do his will that's the grace of God I need his power I need his desire to do his will so I was willing to take a risk so I I asked my campus Pastor if we could talk I was 21 years old at the time I had never told a single person on planet Earth what I was struggling with I honestly thought I was the only person dealing with what I dealt with because nobody was talking about it back in 1994 so I talked to my campus pastor and I'm cringing inwardly I'm waiting for him to like rebuke me expose my sin to the group kick me out of the community for being such a wretched Sinner and so when I told him my deepest darkest secret that I had never told any human being he looked me straight in the eyes and he said Linda thank you for sharing that with me I know that took a lot of courage and I want you to know that doesn't change our opinion of you we love you we see the hand of God on your life and we're going to get you the help that you need that was not the response I was expecting from my campus P my brain is like tilt tilt tilt does not compute that wasn't supposed to happen I'm walking away from that conversation and I'm praying in my heart and I'm like what was that Lord and I sense the Lord speak to my heart what you just saw was a picture of my heart and how I feel about you I love you I'm sad that you're hurting and I want to get you the help that you need now I'm so glad my campus Pastor didn't respond the way some of the body of Christ are responding today we are in a dilemma today because culture has so shifted back in 199 before nobody was endorsing celibate gay Christianity and saying you can be gay just don't act on it but take it as your identity and all of that and we feel like in our culture today that if we love people we have to affirm them love is not equal to affirmation Jesus loves us but he doesn't affirm every desire and decision that we make right the scriptures tell us to speak the truth in love and sometimes the truth is hard for us us to hear sometimes the Holy Spirit comes and he convicts us of sin of righteousness and of judgment but he does it in such a way that it doesn't destroy us it doesn't condemn us it convicts us and draws us closer into God's presence and that's how God wants to use us as agents of healing agents of salt agents of light in the world today where we speak the truth with compassion without compromising the message of the Gospel but we're in a dilemma today where we feel like we just have to affirm whatever whatever anybody says even if you're a Christian and you say you're going to come out as gay I was just talking to somebody between the services and they were saying what do I do this person is saying I'm a Christian and I follow Jesus but I'm gay and I'm going to find myself a partner and God loves me Jesus is with me in the midst of what I'm going through I'm like that's contrary to what scripture says if we look at First Corinthians chapter 6 it says this do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived that's what's going on today my friends there is deception that is infiltrating even the body of Christ and we are being deceived into believing a disp different gospel that is not consistent with the word of God and here's what the word says neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men a clear reference to homos sexual behavior there's also a reference to females sleeping with other females in Romans chap 1 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God and then one of my favorite verses in the Bible and that is what some of you were but you were washed you were Sanctified you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God now here's the interesting thing when we approach the topic of lgbtq is the body of Christ today we are kind of brainwashed into thinking well there's there's all the sin that most of us deal with and then there's lgbtq over here and it's a different category and so we need to treat that person differently that sin differently that category whatever because it's not like everything else but that's not the way the Bible shares it we see in the context of all sorts of sin and Brokenness we all break in different ways right some of you guys may not have dealt with gender dysphoria and same-sex attractions like I did but some of you may struggle with greed or sexual immorality maybe you're addicted to pornography and you're you're a male who's attracted to women maybe you deal with overeating maybe you deal with a gossip and and a and a tongue that Slanders other people but do you know what we can all be transformed no matter what sin we're tempted by Temptation doesn't Define us we all have different Temptations but that's not your idea identity just cuz you feel a certain desire for something that doesn't mean anything about who you are it just means you're human and you're Fallen we live in a fallen world and scripture puts all of these things together in one list and says some of you may break this way some of you may break that way but such were some of you in the same way that any of us can get set free from any of the the sins in this list we can be set free even from those who have the desire to sleep with people of the same sex our desires our fallen deceitful desires do not Define us but there's a lie going around in our culture today that the Greek word behind men who have sex with men has been mistranslated as the word homosexual and it's been inserted in the Bible and we've been lying to people for Generations misleading people and hurting people and the church needs to repent and update the scriptures and that argument doesn't hold up under scrutiny uh there is some truth in the fact that the word homosexual didn't exist when the Holy Spirit inspired people to write the scriptures that's true because the word homosexual was made up by us about 150 years ago the concept of heterosexual and homosexual is something we came up with to try to explain sexual Brokenness those things don't exist they're just false categories that we have created to try to understand Brokenness but what it does is it takes an action of the body where the Bible describes the homosexual ual act men who have sex with men that's an action it's a verb and it removes it from an action or even a desire and now it turns it into an orientation or a state of being a noun the homosexual as if that's a person and that's an identity even though homosexual is not a term we use widely today most people say gay but the idea that you have this orientation that's a state of being and that identifies you as a person the core of who you you are that's actually not a scriptural concept you don't find that in the scriptures not because God didn't know that 2,000 years into the future we'd come up with this concept of orientation there's no such thing as a sexual orientation you could say I have an orientation towards murder so I can't help it I murder people so sorry I have a murderous orientation or I have an orientation towards lying so I'm a lying Christian or I'm a lustful Christian I'm a gay Christian like to use those adjec to describe what kind of Christian we are is not consistent with scripture we've come up with that as humans here's what scripture says Ephesians 422 you were taught with regard to your former way of life to put off your old self which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires I had deceitful desires the desires were very real but they were deceiving me they were lying to me to convince me it is better to be a man than it is to be a woman and that was corrupting my thinking and corrupting my sexuality why because we're Spirit soul and body they're all connected so whatever you think on in your mind your will your emotions is going to affect even your physical body and your drives and your desires let me give you an example if a little girl is sexually molested by a man she could be 5 years old and she could say you know what men are not safe I will never be vulnerable with a man again only women are safe that is lodged in her mind as a 5-year-old due to trauma in her life when she grows up and becomes a teenager and her sexual drives and desires kick in she still has that trauma and that thought in her mind men are not safe why in the world then would she ever want to be vulnerable in a sexual way with a man if men are not safe it will affect what we call her psychosexual development because your Spirit your soul and your body are all connected you can't separate them out indiscriminately likewise a little boy who grows up and he is gender nonconforming he doesn't fit The Stereotype of what our culture says is supposed to be a masculine man's man you know works on cars chews tobacco you know plays football Lumberjack what you know Ultra John Wayne masculine right if that little boy grows up and he doesn't have an athletic bone in his body he is sensitive in his temperament he is in touch with his emotions he's artistic he's musical he's really gifted in the Arts he loves to cook instead of go outside and play when he goes to school what do all the little boys call him you're a thy you're a girl that is psychologically traumatic to that little boy and he starts looking around as a five six seven-year-old going what's wrong with me that I don't fit in the must be something deficient about my masculinity I'm not really a boy among boys I'm more like a girl maybe I should be a girl and the enemy says oh yes you should be a girl same thing can happen with a same little boy grows up in a home where he is um doesn't fit the masculine stereotype but his dad does his dad is just the ultra John Wayne Lumberjack kind of type right and he and he doesn't seem to connect in an emotionally meaningful way with his father the way that God designed and the father doesn't know what to do with him because he's used it with his other Sons he can go in the backyard toss a football baseball whatever and they really connect but with this son he doesn't know what to do even though he loves him and he's doing his best to be a good father to him but he doesn't know how to connect with him in a meaningful way and that little boy can feel abandoned in his emotions and he can feel like I don't bond with Dad the way my brothers bond with Dad there must be something wrong with my masculinity and I'm not fully man and it can leave leave a void in his heart for masculine love to connect emotionally with a man the way he didn't connect with his own dad and that can lead to attractions to other men to try to meet that need subconsciously in a way that didn't get met as a little boy it's not something he chooses it's not something that he just goes out and says I'm going to Rebel today and go sleep with somebody of the same sex it's something that develops over time because we are Spirit soul and body and you can't disconnect the three now those are just a few examples there's no formula that says if you have these situations in your life you will for sure develop same- seex attractions or gender confusion there's no formula but there are some commonalities in the ways that we see the enemy come in and derail people's sexuality so I had this stuff going on in my own life and scripture says I am to put off the old self not embrace the old self and label Myself by it and say well I'm a transgender Christian or whatever it might be no I put off the old self and I am made new in the attitude of my mind I renew my soul I renew my mind with the word of God I renew my mind by being around the body of Christ and receiving emotional healing for the ways that I was wounded as a child and I in the context of the body of Christ I can receive Redemptive relationships that heal the hurts of the past because you know what we get hurt in relationship and we get healed in relationship in the same way your physical body is designed to heal itself if you get cut or something like that it'll heal itself the body of Christ is designed to heal as well and that's why we're commanded to love the orphan the Widow the the the the outcast the alien the hurting The Afflicted because we can be agents of God's hands and feet to bring healing to those that have been wounded and so we renew us ourselves in the attitude of our mind receive emotional healing healing of the Mind healing of the soul I received inner healing prayer as well where the God himself came in and spoke things to my spirit that resolved lifetimes of lies in my life for example there was one lie I believe that it was it was Superior to be a man than a woman and and I I didn't know why I had this lie and I found out later in life that my mom had never told anybody but she wanted to give my dad a son had never verbalized it so I didn't know she felt that way we found it later on in a a pregnancy journal that she had uh for my older sister that she wanted to give my dad a son she had forgotten she ever felt that way and it had never been verbalized but somehow my spirit picked up on that and knew that I was the second child she only wanted two kids I was the only shot at giving my dad a son cuz Nancy was a girl and somehow my I believed deep down that and the Holy Spirit revealed this to us that unless I Were a Boy I wouldn't be really loved but I couldn't be that boy because uh God created me to be a girl and and it was like this Catch 22 and I was just feeling rejection in my spirit even though my mom never verbalized it to me somehow my spirit was just sensitive and picked up on it and so in my head I was very confused when this came up in inner healing prayer and and my counselor was like let's just forgive your mom for wanting a son and I was like but she never verbalized it to me and I know she loves me I I don't think she's ever reject i' rejected her you know but I thought you know it's not going to hurt anything just to release forgiveness towards my mom so I said Mom you know if there's anything in your heart that you wanted to son I forgive you I I'm not going to hold that against you in the least and then my prayer counselor said all right now let's ask Jesus what he has to say about the lie that it's better to be a boy than a girl and this is what the Lord spoke to my heart he said they may have want a son but I have veto power and you have full permission to be the woman I created you to be and you know what those words of healing went deep into my soul that was September 26 2005 I have not had a compelling desire to be a man from that day because the god of the universe spoke his truth directly into my being and I was able to soak up that truth and the identity my heavenly father told me who I am different than what this world was lying to me and my deceitful desires so we are made new in the attitude of our minds and we put on the new self created to be like God in true righteousness and Holiness so God began to um uh renew my mind and transform my life so much so that you can see in this first picture on the left I was just this androgynous sporty kind of female and comfortable in my own body and he began to renew me on the inside and it even Spilled Out into the outside where you can see in the next picture there's a year apart between these pictures where I went from being this androgynous uncomfortable in my body to now I want to embrace who God's created me to be as a woman now mind you the process of discipleship is messy and it takes a long time I went through what the Bible calls discipleship Progressive sanctification that takes place over time that each day I walk with Jesus I walk further and further away from my past and the old self as I put that off and I made new in my mind in the word in the context of community and I step into the new self of who God created me to be and so he's still working on me each day I walk with him I become more and more confident in the woman he's created me to be I'm experiencing even greater attractions to men today than I did even just 10 years ago praise the Living God it's fun to be in the game and help a sister out if you know any man that's radical for Jesus in the middle age so um the one thing I want to say about sexual addictions and attractions transgender desires all the stuff I'm talking about today is that at their root it's not a sexual issue it manifests sexually because we're Spirit soul and body and they're all intertwined but at their root those things result from wounds of rejection and lies that become embedded in the soul Linda's story is so timely and I hope you will share it far and wide help us spread read the word that God can heal people from same-sex attractions and gender confusion it's not set in stone and I should point out that although Linda's healing sounded like it happened quickly she's summarizing literally years of Walking with God through that process of sanctification every person's story is unique and that's why we encourage people to find a good Christian counselor to guide them in turning over their struggles to the Lord the bottom line is we believe that 1 Corinthians 6:9 is still true today we were all lost in some tempting sinful activity but we were washed and Sanctified by Jesus and now we find our identity in him not our old self-labels we all remain a process of change on this side of heaven and that's why we shared Linda's story to remind you that God can change hearts and lives and if you want to follow up on this content I'd highly recommend in Linda's book called transformation it's a much deeper dive into the subject tackling questions like why are teenagers adopting LGBT identities at such a high rate and how do we navigate conversations with loved ones who struggle with these issues get a copy of transformation by Linda Siler from us here at focus on the family as you support our efforts to help All Families thrive in Christ and we'd be happy to send the book to you for a donation of any amount that's right request your copy of transformation by Dr Linda Syer when you call 800 a family where you'll see all the details for getting a copy of the book and donating in the show notes and if this program brought up some personal issues for you please give us a call we'd be honored to hear your story and to pray with you and if needed we can connect you with one of our caring Christian counselors you'll give you a call back for a free phone consultation all the details are in the show notes on behalf of Jim Daly and the entire team I'm John Fuller inviting you back next time as we once again help you and your family thrive in Christ [Music]
Channel: Linda Seiler Ministries
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Id: JTBJ1G0oZuo
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Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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