Focaccia Barese fatta in casa:bontà garantita.
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Channel: Progetto Sud
Views: 387,703
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Keywords: Focaccia Barese, Focaccia, Bina, Bari, Puglia, Cucina, cucina barese, specialità, in casa, cucinare in casa, focaccia in casa, Puglia a tavola, Puglia in tavola, Bari a tavola, Bari in tavola, profumi di puglia, Taste of Pulia, Taste of Bari, Taste of Italy, Cuisine, Food Cooking, Cooking, Elena, Italian Litchen, Apulian, Apulian Recipe, Italian Recipe, Bari recipe, Italian food, Apulian food, Cooking with nonna Bina, Cooking with, fcazz, Profumi del borgo antico
Id: _sexBHn5px8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 04 2015
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