Fnatic ONIC vs See You Soon GAME 1 MSC 2024 | SYS VS FNOC ESPORTSTV

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probably CU VRI yeah looks good both both your getting banned out they're good against people that is forced to use the purify okay Ma um we guess Ruby Angela or CC Angela that's like the uh out of the box perspective that maybe we can see from C soon if we're going standard here patrix looks really good as expected and then maybe a a Kaja perhaps so that you counter this uh harth you have that lock down that's great kaj valtina is great too Cho looks good okay wow AOE it's dead Okay interesting well at least there is more application uses for the Imp rather than just like single Target lock down it's interesting because at this point both honestly both rers are going to have to make some really critical decisions in these fights yeah so you're going up against series The xbg looks good it's arlot instead they're going standard um fanatic onx lineup are very I would say squishy but at the same time very mobile so it's going to be all about damage it's going to be all all about damage now that we've seen the draft is completed I see you soon as well as fnatic onic here on the panel stand we've done our job and now hopefully the casters the hands are open because we're throwing it over to you offcam as we may be can confirm lafel our hands are indeed open let's get into the game it's TX and Leo At Your Service for ftic onic versus see you soon and if you thought the metag game could not develop up even further just with a few picks here and there a few bands you can tell these two teams have studed each other very well yeah I mean it's and it's I love the Ling first pick from the side of SE ston cover your bases we got the respect ban pick I mean the Bane the respect ban Bane pick should as you should all over the place I mean and if we look at both drafts I mean two assassins what this we got a year ahead of us if things continue this route right now we have quite the year ahead of us Kyrie on Hayabusa I mean he was making this work even even when it wasn't meta so I'm excited to see how this plays out here we go early aggression coming in from fanatic onic they are the aggressors they have to be given that they are defending their Title Here in the midseason cup look at at the rest of the lanes though uh harth versus Beatrix arlot versus Thea it's weird that in the jungle things have changed so much but in the sidelines and even in the mid things just seemed to like you know base uh on on the past year and a half like nothing has changed yeah I mean exp Lane definitely in in the tightest spot gold Lane we've got at least we have like the Beatrix back a little bit we have a few picks kind of leaking back in they seem a bit more viable because at least two months ago oh lot of damage on the soul there Kyrie with the just feeling it out oh he's back he's back oh and the knock Up From keyboy First Blood over to fnatic onic let it be known that that not a level four L Hayabusa is enough to stop fnatic onic from drawing first blood on a gold laner check this out the faint here the basic attack and then key boy with the flicker animation cancel into the Earth shatter that that that's that's that's than that that's two years worth of synergy right there two years worth of synergy packed into about 10 seconds of a first blood and I love it can confirm speaking of 10 seconds there's about a turtle coming up soon lower quarter of the map again I like to Echo what wolf said happy anniversary second anniversary the Kye and Coach y's uh migration over the Indo two years I remember M 2022 when coach would deny him being part of that backstage crew for onic but now Turtle secured by MP being able to do it followed up by the tempis of blades a lot of damage on key booy there keyboy goes down quick response fanatic onic oh the backside double kill push back to the tower though lopy able to take him it's a jungle for Jungle ly now taking a little damage himself see you soon going to back off but that's two for two all right see you soon now showing some teeth here do owls have teeth owls they have beaks that's a scary thought never mind going in up head tohe head in that Turtle fight securing it getting a couple kills on the uh outset as well I mean it's unfortunate that it's EMP the king had to suffer it again that shut down his streak gave a little bit of gold extra The Fanatic onic but it shows that hey even if you did give Sol a little bit of hell early on you have to respect the rest of our map again see you soon are the Kamai Champions K re locks on there's no Escape here the PO won't let him get away anime fight anime fight that is the mid Sky throwing punches as he Finch poises somewhere else with decades worth of Grudges on each other like accessors mhm I love it I like it this is what this is what we've been waiting for this is what the people have been waiting for key boy going to onward right into an implosion key boy takes a lot of damage do does not want to take another death here CW drops on Force followed up by the F air strike that's two for fanatic onic raw and boxy down impressive lot just straight up oh there's a tempesta blades MP the king let me finish my sentence ly serving up serving up boxy into ftic Onyx circle now it's more of a circle no longer is just the Box meta it's all about the circle and look at this the smile on the young rookie face can I just say I love luty he redefined he reinvigorated fanatic Onyx play style yeah and I think we even saw it through their playoffs going through some Growing Pains you know figuring some things out testing limit bounding and onic now seems to be back in their Prime and I mean what more could you ask for there's been this huge meta shift into the Assassins Kyrie should be as comfortable as possible it's like it's almost like they were meant to come in here and just do their thing than Destiny sent them here to the ewc to MC 2024 here in Riad quick item check Kyra picked up the hunter strike lotp just picked up the Thunder belt and that's what explains why he's just so ready to keep going right H has Stacks one two three four Stacks right fight extra Stacks right it's extra defense and now on the other side as MP the king whals away at the turtle once more they should be getting a little bit of bank as well given that they are just down about 500 gold another turtle given over to the Kamai another turtle was still behind in Gold fnatic onic you know making it up in other places consistently and you know first Turtle second Turtle not the end of the world as long as you're able to you know put pressure up in the gold Lane put pressure somewhere else and fnatic onic are doing that very well and more than just well I think they're doing great they're keeping the gold lead up despite being down on objectives loty here dueling against MP the king oh he knows that that's two levels man he knows yeah he can't he he can't take it but he can at least Escape should be okay and where is where's where's Felix right now he was hanging out up in the top side going to make his way back he's rotating he's rotting up and down up and down and also something else to note track can can you explain this to me what what's impure rage on a rizzler hey man you get you you get the big bursts you get the combos right so what you you hit the first skill the Boom the Swing Swing Swing and then burn and it what it will it pair up with his uh with the passive from his first skill with the bleed yeah does it and he is a Mana hero I I keep forgetting that for such a chunky boy T Isla has mana and a lot of them don't nowadays mana's a thing of the past for a lot of Heroes man it's all energy that's just how old there is yeah it fits well with him all right I hate it I hate it the L take us out lud be gets caught by an implosion o will it oh nice flicker to get away sorry and Felix decides not to fully commit see you soon taking their time with this and not letting the gold Escape them and I think Felix rotates up this way the reason we're seeing it is cuz they really want to fight for this third Turtle they want to make this be a decider keyboy taking a lot of damage the barman connects he fer back but it's not enough to get away the dash through loopy looking for an angle kyri gets involved as well able to get the uji raw finds loopy Kyrie out of there it's a three for one though see you soon on top an impressive Fade Away Collapse by CU soon yes they did start the fight now they're going to continue keep going damage from MP son's down fnatic on it getting backed into the corner Michael Andino what a beast that is a multi-time MPL champion from Cambodia and I love what he's doing here I love how far he's taken this early pick again that is a ling picked up first he's making it work he's making it worth it golly no matter what Kyrie did he tries to come in and save the day he's only able to find one kill there Tempest of blades just shatters and CA playing so tight I I forgot how delayed that Tempest of blades came in I think that was key to winning that fight he could have easily got bursted down very well played but ftic onic going to try to look for a play of their own on the top side feather air strike comes down to Zone them back they want this Tower they want to free up CW and down comes mons Force sorry on Felix with a penalty Zone into the back key boy also with the Primal wrath trying to get some nice damage on AAR on feeli but the swings come in and CW taken out from the back from MP soaring in like a lethal owl the Comm my cheer from across the world MP the king turns that into a two for four Kyrie the only one to get away what does this mean Leo what does this mean I don't know what's going on man I thought we were in agreement that fanatic Onyx draft was so comfortable that they had such a great ramp up from early mid to late and here you see see you soon just flips it on a dime I've always been told that when you're comfortable you're not growing and MP takes the uncomfortable they hit the growth and right now they're they're they're on the rise man it's 26 to 24 Steve Harvey Steve Harvey you got to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and I think see you soon man they don't have a coach so you got to make sense of that make sense of the fact that when they're done with this game they have to regroup they all they have are themselves so now I guess that's why they're putting their best foot forward fnatic onic down about 2,000 gold 11 to7 the map is blue again when you're looking at a high boost and a ling you you agree that both of them have good Mobility they have map rotational speed but when it comes to fighting I think it's more all in on the Ling and that's what makes it better for C you soon yeah and we've been seeing the way the MP has been moving around the map the way he caught CW earlier he just has a little more of a door into that back side but wait a second box taking a lot of damage catches a final slash to the face B air strike does come down CW dancing around but NP is going to find him every time raw finding the kill himself with CW down T booy will be the next fall loopy next on the Choy block ra finds another that's a double kill three people down see you soon are taking off I thought it was always going to come down to empty the king's Ling with a delayed response I thought he would always have to be fashionably late to make a difference but no that was a fight that they took head on with a Lord take eminent fnatic on said you know what let's Force the fight let's see if they're ready to respond and yeah CW got to drop his Z Force but he got bursted down immediately you know what I think what's coming into play here as well is damage coverage tack look you have magic damage coming in from raw M and then you have all of the physical burst coming in from MP and soul I think that's enough already especially since you're looking oh oh what what that that's all that's on Raw it's all ra inted Talisman and the glowing wand what another fight Kyrie Zone Kyrie forced to dash away here forced to use a shadow kill a little bit early son's unable to even hang out with the Ved air strike got a Wings by Wings back to base see you soon I mean not very often do you see onic pushed into a corner like this I mean you watch the middle of npl Indo season 13 and then that's when this would look familiar but no we are in the midseason Cup this is a major International Event the peak of mlbb sports and you're looking at the defending Champions up against the corner CW in trouble with the defense of Zaman Force it's not enough to get away a nice final slash on MP the king but MP the king is dancing but he's not going to be able to dance back to life going to be taken out raw with a lot of damage to the's Passion huge turn around despite their assassin going down four for two four for two G Sons not going to be able to get away from this the implosion comes in and the snipe shot double kill and the base will fall next see you soon will take game number one what an upset no one expected this much at least not this quick not this fast not this decisive the first 5 minutes I'll tell you here now TX I'll tell you how folks look pretty down the wire but as soon as they figured out the tempo as soon as they figured out how empty the king should be coming in ftic onic never got to come back anymore I mean yeah once once MP got online once we saw C dub go down once or twice I think it was just kind of they got their groove man they got no coach on their back they're free right now they're they're Birds they're fate of flow
Channel: esportstvid
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Keywords: MOBILE LEGENDS, ESPORTS INDONESIA, ESPORTS TV, MLBB INDONESIA, ESPORTSTV INDONESIA, MPL, Mobile Legends Professional League, MPL Indonesia, mlbb, mpl live, mpl id, esportstv, esportstvid, MLBB Highlights, mobile legends highlights, mpl highlights, Fnatic ONIC vs See You Soon GAME 1, See You Soon vs Fnatic ONIC GAME 1, SYS vs FNOC GAME 1, FNOC vs SYS GAME 1, MSC 2024, Mid Season Cup 2024, Group Stage MSC, Esports World Cup
Id: jJgv9DbC_Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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