FNAF Ultimate Custom Night Tier List (Based on Animatronic AI Difficulty!!!)

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hey guys my name's ethos boom and welcome to my phenom altima custom night tear list video so one of my fans on Twitter named Joey suggested that I make a finaiiy list video and I'm really glad that he did because honestly I'm quite a fan of tearless videos they've become really popular lately and I'd love to make my own based on five nights at Freddy's I've seen a few other fan fu tubers make tearless videos about various things about fern Aflac what are their favorite animatronics or stuff like that but today I'm doing one specifically around ultimate custom night that has to do with the difficulty of all of the animatronics game mechanics so you guys can see the tiers here like for example the S tier is very hard and the de tier is very easy and what that means is that the animatronics that have very difficult a eyes the ones that are very hard to defeat and counter an ultimate custom night they're going to go into the S tier and the ones that are very very easy to deal with they're going to go in there D tier so this video isn't really pays too much on opinions it's just more to do with like you know the actual game mechanics of the animatronics and just listing them to see how many of them are actually really difficult to deal with and how much of them are really easy so this video doesn't have really much to do with like my own opinions on the characters like this isn't a video where I say oh the really awesome characters go into the S tier and the ones I don't like going to the de tier this is just all to do with the game in Canada it's nothing to do with my own opinions of the characters I kind of feel like that's important to point out before I start this list so yeah guys as you can see on the bottom of the screen here I've got the icons of every animatronic that's an ultimate custom right and they're all ready to be put onto this tier list so we're just going to go an order from top to bottom so we're gonna start off here with freddy fazbear alright freddy fazbear the star of the show so how difficult is he an ultimate custom night well he comes down the left hallway and he takes about four phases before he gets to your office but the thing with freddy is is that he can't attack you even if he's right outside the door he can't attack you if the monitor is down you actually need to lift the monitor up with the left door open with his right outside for him to actually kill you so it's actually not too hard to avoid him and really you don't even need to watch them on the cams to get rid of him because a simple trick to do especially when Freddie is on 20 a eye is to simply close the left door every time you lift the monitor up to reset the ventilation or deal with some other animatronics so really you could completely ignore Freddie for the whole night and just keep closing the left door you check the monitor and he won't really be a problem at all but Freddie has got some other parts of his AI like if you let the office rise in temperature and it gets too hot he'll actually become more aggressive and attack more often which is not good at all I'd say there's a lot of different techniques and strategy - Freddie so I'm gonna put him in the normal t I think he's a normal difficulty character so next up we've got foxy hahaha oh boy I bet you guys gotta guess which tier foxy is gonna go in and I'm gonna tell you right now that foxy is one of the most difficult characters to deal with in altima Kuster night he is extremely aggressive in this game especially on 20 a I and he does get into the office a lot faster than he does in for nap one because when he's on that high AI he leaves his Cove extremely quickly even if you check him quite often and yeah he does have that whole thing where he needs to throw all of his body parts into the office so that kind of destroy him down a little bit but when he is on the really aggressive a is oftentimes who will throw a bunch of his body parts into the office at once and it'll get in there really really quick he is very very deserving of being a death coin character because he could be a real pain in the butt to a lot of players who are trying to do modes like the old friends mode or 5020 mode so that being said foxy is going into the s very hard tier he's very deserving of it indeed okay next up guys we're gonna talk about a toy body and toy chica I'm gonna talk about them at the same time because they pretty much have the same game mechanic if they're AI has turned on the randomly shop in the office and kind of slide in front of you like our toy Bonnie does in finance of Freddy's - so all you need to do with them is put on the Freddy fazbear mask to make them go away and honestly I would say that toy bonnie it's what chica aren't really deadly in and of themselves because most of the time they're pretty easy to deal with they take quite a while sliding over to the very center of the room to kill you but the way that I would say these to it deadly is that there are very good distractions there very good distractions and all the other things going on in the office like night Marianne appearing out of nowhere and jump scaring you or ball or coming into the especially below because when I tried doing the 8,000 points mode toy party or toy chica would always appear at the same time as below and distract me which would get me killed by the loris so I would say that toy Bonnie at which she got deadly but only because they're quite distracting but because they're really easy to deal with I'm gonna put them both in the seeds here they are easy characters okay so next up we got trash in the game do we really need to talk about these guys they're just a joke character that jump scares you randomly and also there's a whole thing that mister can do but he blocks one of your cams if they're AI has turned on but honestly that's not really hard you just flip the monitor down again to move him to another camera so yeah these guys are deed here you don't counter them in any way they just kind of show up and do their own thing I mean I guess you can kind of count to Mister can do by forcing him to switch cameras but besides that they don't really do anything and aren't really counted so very easy to tear they go they're very deserving of it indeed okay next up we got withered Bonnie now the reason why I didn't talk about him at the same time as toy Bonnie a toy chica is because even though he has the same AI as them he actually works a little bit differently he actually attacks you way faster however he does appear way less often even on 20 a I you'll be lucky to see him once or twice within the night which I think that's just to keep the game balanced but yeah honestly I don't really know what to do with him like I said he shows up more than toy Bonnie into a chica but he attacks faster just with the fact that he attacks faster I'm gonna put him in the B tier because he's way more aggressive just appears less often so yeah I think that works I think he belongs in the beat here oh no how unfortunate next up we've got Dee Dee I'm sure if you guys know what Dee Dee does she can randomly spawn at any point during the night and she can either summon a random animatronic into your night that was previously turned off or she could take one of the other animatronics that's already turned on and increase the AI or she can summon a completely random non customizable character now for most players who don't know how to deal with them will be a complete shock to them and most likely get them killed so Dee Dee is a complete nuisance the only way to counter her is to use the DD rappel but you can't always use the because you know players don't always have DD repels but she is that major pain in the butt if you completely screw over people's nights so you know where she is going she is going in there s tears just on the effect that she has on people's nights how she can completely screw them over I mean DD is kind of a wild card because she could just born and trash the gang and not be that much of a problem but then again she gets born and like foxy a rock star Barney and completely screw up your night so because of that I'm putting her in the S tier she is very very annoying okay so next up is chica I don't know about all of you out there but chica in this game scares the crap out of me you know why because she reminds me of the core gameplay in the five nights at Freddy's 4 pilots at Freddy's 4 is the scariest 4 knife game to me because of the whole breathing mechanic you need to listen closely for quiet breathing and if you screw up you're gonna get a loud jump scare in your face which is gonna scare the crap out of you I hate listening out for quiet things when there's the danger of a loud jum escape getting to you and chica is just like that in this game you need to listen for her pots and pans which are pretty quiet when you're not checking her cam like when you're in the office trying to handle all the other animatronics at the back of your mind you kind of need to listen for chicas pots and pans because if you don't you'll most likely catch her off guard and kill you and she attacks pretty quickly too on the higher ai's if you leave her for too long so yeah chica does scare the crap out of me and she isn't a deaf point character so you can't get rid of her if she's active in a mode which is really really annoying and so she is pretty difficult to deal with but she scares me personally about trying to kill my own personal opinions off this list I wouldn't say she's asked here but I would definitely say that she is a hard character to deal with because she requires a lot of attention and concentration so here and she's very scary too so I think she's a dear material ok next up we've got William Afton aka scrap trap okay so Afton always appears once per night in the right vent and he makes a lot of clamoring noises and when you hear that you need to close the right vent as soon as possible to prevent him from jump scaring you so um Afton he's a weird one I mean he only attacks once per night but he attacks it very very quickly so yeah you need really really good reaction times and he is pretty scary too um hmm I don't know what to do with him I wouldn't say he's a hard character I think I'd say he is normal just because he's very random and he can appear at any point in time and he can put a lot of players on edge I think he deserves to be in the normal tier okay we've got blurring next so this game but Laura works in the same way that she does exist the location but she attacks a lot faster in this game so basically you need to listen for her music box you need to tell which side she's coming from the left or the right and as soon as you hear her music you need to close the appropriate door to stop her from jump scaring you if she could really catch you off-guard with characters like I said before toy chica and toy Bonnie distracting you and possibly getting you killed or else she poor old man consequences there's a lot of characters that can distract you and get you killed by Paul aura so she could be pretty difficult to deal with and again you can't eliminate her with a death coin honestly I think she is worthy of hard status just because like with all the things going on during the night velorek can catch you off guard and she does attack very very quickly I'm like insist the location where she kind of takes her time in attacking you most of the time and this one she's very very quick okay so next up is BB okay so BB is very easy he shows up in the right event you can even see his face when he's there and he doesn't kill you Lee doesn't stop your flashlight from working and when you counter him you get a fast win which is pretty cool but obviously he's a very easy character he goes in the D tier okay Barnett alright here we go so Barnett is another very easy character I mean for one thing she can only be spawned in by DD so she's a very very rare occurrence and also all you need to do for her is Boop her nose and she goes away and now she takes her sweet time moving across the office too so she's not that much of a threat you need to be distracted by like ten animatronics for Barnett to really get the jump on you so again Barnett is a very easy character okay we got phantom mango next and again another very easy character a phantom mangle destroy so put your monitor around them points and if she appears you need to switch cams to make her go away and if you don't do so fast enough she'll appear in your office and create a big audio disturbance but the thing is if there isn't a character like music man active or lefty you know one that gets triggered by noise phantom mangle doesn't really do anything she literally has no effect on the gameplay mostly here to trigger music man or lefty although sometimes if you're too busy dealing with other things in the game she can distract you from things like nightmare fredbear or nightmares laughing and stuff like that but it's very rare that's going to happen that actually didn't happen to me in a recent video even the chaos one or cows two one where she almost got me killed by nightmare fredbear but luckily I saw his eyes because I didn't hear the laugh I just saw his eyes so she almost got me killed but regardless I would say she's a very easy character okay so next up we got circus baby nightmare Barney a nightmare mangle obviously all three of these guys have the same AI so we're gonna talk about them together so these guys are the plushy animatronics when they show up in the right hall you need to buy their plushie from the prize counter to ensure that don't attack you so the thing is I didn't really know where to put these guys because there's a very very easy way to deal with them you can actually cam stall them by simply looking at the right whole cam while they're there and as long as you don't switch cams or check the vent system or the duct system they actually can't kill you as long as you watch their cams and cam stall them I can't do anything they're literally useless so the only way these guys are really a threat is if like puppet or toy Freddy or foxy or Rockstar chica or someone like that are active like someone that requires you to check other cams because if you do that you can't do the counseling strategy but otherwise you just can stall and completely screw these guys over but if you're playing the game regularly which is probably how I should judge this these guys can actually be quite a challenge especially when all three of them are turned on because on 20a i you need 20 fast coins to buy each of their plushies and even with the boost in the game like the three coins and Rockstar foxy getting 20 fast coins can be a real challenge I mean you can kind of cheese it and like keep countering BB and JJ or healthy or Freddy or vent animatronics to try and get as many fast quints as you can but still they can be pretty difficult to deal with under regular gameplay however they're not the hardest in the game I think they're quite normal actually so I'm gonna put all three of these guys in normal because their gameplay is pretty you know it's pretty moderately difficult and also the fact that you can cam stall them but honestly I'm judging this mostly on regular gameplay the whole canvassed all your fingers kind of cheesing it but uh just the kind of balance out all that stuff I reckon their normal difficulty characters okay so next up we've got a rock star Bonnie now rock star Bonnie actually has a very simple game mechanic all he does is show up in your office and when he does you have a very limited time to find his guitar in the cans so you need to find it click on it and then a rock stop one it will go away but the thing is Rockstar Bonnie screws over a lot of people's games especially the 5020 mode because like if you're trying to do like I said before a cam stalling strategy that's going to be completely screwed if Rockstar Bonnie shows up because you're gonna have to switch cams and basically look for his guitar and looking for his guitar kind of relies on luck because sometimes you'll find out on the first cam that you checked or it could be the last cam and if it's the last cam you're wasting a lot of time trying to find this guitar when you should be doing other things encountering other animatronics so he can be very very annoying and he's kind of random too like he can either shop once per night or not at all so he might not even appear even on 20a I he's the kind of character that could just show up if we really want student if you can he can completely screw you over he's kind of like afternoon that way and yet he's a death porn character just because of how annoying he is and he is the bane of a lot of players existence and because of that he is going in there s tear it might seem like a weird choice but just because he is a huge pain in the part on the harder modes he deserves to be in the sto just trust me guys okay next up we got mangle so she's the first event animatronic on this list so mangle kind of retains her thing from final two Freddy's to where if she gets into the office she'll hang from the ceiling before she attacks you and sometimes it takes quite a while for her to actually kill you even on 20a eyes so she isn't really that hard to deal with she can take her sweet time in the vents by the time she gets to your office she would just dangle there and might not even kill you because she might take her sweet time getting to you you know so uh how don't really know what to put her either an easy or normal um honestly she's quite easily dealt with because with all event animatronics you can do a similar thing like with Freddy we can just close the event door every single time to lift the monitor up to make sure none of them ever get in so but because mangle has a whole stalling thing with going to the office in that I reckon she's gonna go in the easy tier hurricane she is easy material okay guys so next up is L chip very very easy his advertisement shows up on screen all you need to do is either click the skip button or press ENTER and it goes away very very easy character indeed honestly I think it was kind of a waste of potential an ultimate custom night I kind of wish you got to cool the mechanic but it's a nice reference to the ads from pizzeria simulator so that's kind of cool in its own way I guess ok so next up we got ended another event animatronic so one I would say and it's a bit harder to deal with there mangle because he is the only event animatronic that you can't really track I mean you can track him but his face on the event monitor is very very hard to see it's very transparent it kind of just flickers on the screen every now and then where when you can clearly see all of the other animatronics faces and it says the hardest to see and nor so he is quite aggressive so so he does make his squeaky noise when makes it to the end of the event which makes him very easy to tell when he's about to attack you but unlike mangle if you raise the monitor he will jumps again you straight away if he is at the end of the vent so just because he is slightly hard to deal with I'm gonna put him in the normal tier oh boy toy Freddy is next okay guys this is another character that I'm sure you guys know he's going he is going in the s very hard tear him in his finance to mr. hunks games and go screw themselves because he has such a hard character especially on 20 a I he has a is based on orangey which is very annoying in and of itself he's a death point character so you can just tell he's very hard to deal with but yes like just the random movements of mr. hugs in his five nights of mr. hugs game are very very annoying indeed and if he gets jump scared on the heart of difficulties he is gonna get you very very quickly so it's not like you have a very short time that you can kind of wait it out before it kills you and oh maybe I'll make it to 6 a.m. no you'll pretty much get killed straight away if he gets jump scare by mr. hub so toy Freddy is going in that sta okay next up is funtime chica another very easy character she's kind of like trash in the gang she just flashes on the screen you can't count to her or do anything to stop her she just kind of appears and distracts you for a bit but honestly her distractions are kind of pathetic like she only appears on the screen for like a millisecond and there are some camera flashes on the screen but honestly it's still not really hard to see what's going on with those camera flashes in your face the only thing about her that's kind of an is that if you have the visual effects turned on she makes the screen go wavy and that could be really distorting and kind of annoying but she is still a very easy character very easy indeed and in my opinion she's another character the kind of had a wasted potential Northam accustomed now she could have been a way cooler in my opinion all right so next up is Barney the bunny he shares Parker with foxy however unlike foxy Bonnie doesn't kill you but instead he screams at you if you look at him on the cams and he completely disables your cameras for a short period of time now bonnie is another one which i don't know what to do with because bonnie doesn't kill you but if you look at the power curve Cameron he's active he will disable the cams for a very very long time and if other animatronics like toy Freddy are active that could really screw you over so I kind of want to put him in a low tier because he's a non-lethal animatronic but he can be a real pain in the butt though I don't really know what to do with him I think I'll put him in normal honestly guys I think he's gonna go on the normal tier like again he could be a huge pain in the butt but he doesn't kill you so yeah he goes the normal tier I think I think that's good enough for Bonnie okay so next up is withered chica she's pretty much very similar to mangle she's a vent animatronic and when she makes it to the vent door and you let her in she has a bit of stalling time before she can kill you kind of like how mangle just dangles in the office with that chica has her a really funny thing where she gets stuck in the vent and can't get to you because apparently she's been eating too much pizza and it's too fat to fit through the vent so because with the chicas got a whole stalling if you like mangle does I think she deserves to be in the seat ear just like mangle all right okay so next up is golden Freddy's so golden Freddy's mechanic is pretty much the same in every game he appears in he randomly shows up in the office when you lower the monitor you need to put on the Freddy fazbear mask well lift up the monitor to make him go away however he does have the chance of catching people off-guard sometimes like I've almost been killed by golden Freddy and having effects been killed by golden Freddy a few times just because I wasn't expecting him and I was trying to pay attention to like five other things and he got me killed because I didn't see him in time so I don't know whether to put him in very easy or just easy I don't know guys what I do honestly because he's lethal and he can catch people off-guard I think he deserves to at least be in the easy to get guys I mean you guys might disagree you might think he's a DT character but I'm gonna pull him and see it here just because he has the potential of catching people off-guard and getting them killed okay so next up Ono is fun toy foxy another character who I know exactly where I'm gonna put him because he is a very very hard character to deal with and honestly besides chica I think fun time foxy is one of the scariest characters in the game because oh my goodness his whole game mechanic of you need to remember exactly when the hours tick over and be watching his cam that that really shoots my nerves and really scares me I hate that guys as soon as I can I always kill him with the death coin because I just hate his game mechanic and I don't have to deal with it because it's so stressful uh-huh see ya guys fun night foxy is going in the STA okay all right next up is nightmare fredbear nightmare I can't these guys have the same game mechanics I'm gonna talk about them at the same time and nightmare fredbear appears in the left hallway nightmare appears on the right hallway and when they do you can hear that laughter and you can see their very small eyes and they're always staring at you all you need to do is put down the doors and like go away and funnily enough nightmare fredbear nightmare working the same way as Freddy where they actually warrant attack you until you lift the monitor up I mean you could leave nightmare fredbear nightmare staring at you for a really really long time as long as the ventilation doesn't go out and there won't jump ski because their jaw mascara only triggers when the monitor is up so they're pretty easy to deal with however you know because their eyes are pretty small if a player doesn't hear that laughs for whatever reason like if el chip or toy Bonnie oat or chica or funtime chica or someone else distracts them they don't hear they could get completely screwed over by these guys but again they are pretty easy to deal with but not very easy so I would say they go in the seat here okay so next stop is happy frog mr. hippo and pig patch again I'm labeling these guys together because they work pretty much the same way in the game so yes they do share the same game mechanics as net bear and Orville but the difference is is that all of these three guys have fooled 100% of the time by the audio law whereas Ned bears only full percent of the time and orvill is only fooled by a 10% of the time so yeah so these guys are technically easier to deal with there nanpara Norville however the only other difference is that happy frog is immune to the heater whereas mr. hipper and peak patch aren't but the thing is if you put the audio law in this exact location there is literally no chance that these three characters are gonna get to you like literally no chance at all so these guys are just easy points of the game so you know what these guys go in the very easy tier sorry guys but you guys are just too easy to deal with literally no threat at all okay next up is hel P is to help he just randomly shows up in your office all you need to do is click on him and he goes away however if you don't click on him he kind of jump scares you and distract you for a bit but again he is very easy to deal with okay next up is Jack Oh chica so Jack a chica is only really active if you let the office get too hot and I think it's if the office gets over 90 degrees she triggers and she starts appearing at both the left and right hallway at the same time so the only way to make her go away is to cool down the office and close both the doors at the same time and then she'll go away so umm hmm so check out chicas kind of another one that's hard to place and I really know where to put her I mean as long as you keep the office cool she's not really a problem but yeah she does take up a lot of power because you gotta close two doors at the same time and you gotta make sure the office is cool so you got to either turn the fan on or turn on the AC or something like that so mmm I think she deserves to be in the normal tier she's not too bad honestly okay so next up is JJ she's just like BP but she disables the doors so she goes in the very easy tier okay next up is lefty so fun fact about lefty you can actually cam stall him just like the plushy animatronic so even if lefty is like right outside the closet door and is ready to jump scare you if you keep the monitor on his cam he will not move at all and not jump scare you it's pretty cool actually but um if you're playing the game normally and not using the cheesy cam stalling technique he's um he could be pretty hard to deal with because he's basically choco chica and music man formed into one he is triggered by both noise and heat so I don't think it's fair to put him in the same tourist chica I would say that he definitely deserves to be in the heart here there are too many people there so we're not doing too bad so if I would the hard tear so lift is only the third one okay so next up we got a little bit another non customizable DD character so because of that law but it doesn't show up very often at all but even still low but it's got a pretty easy game mechanic all it does is show up on screen and you have to press lol to make it go away and it's kind of disappointed because in systole occasion custom night lob it has the same game mechanics but when lobe it shows up in that game it takes up like the whole screen like it's really big you know and gets in the way makes a lot of noise but in this game little bit is really really small on the screen it's not really a distraction at all so yeah a little bit's very easy she's going in the DTA alright next up is minnie Rina again another non customizable DD character mini Rina cannot kill you in this game when she is summoned or when they are summoned because multiple of them are summoned they block your screen and they make it hard for you to see things when the monitor is not up so basically they are a better version of Lobby in this game I kind of do better what Lobby is supposed to do they actually cover the screen a little bit it doesn't really do that so yeah but still mini arena you can't really do anything about them you can't counter them or get rid of them they just kind of go away on their own so mini arena goes in the DTF yep there we go nice okay so next up is nightmare BB the only lethal BB character in this game so nightmare BB is a bit of an iffy character you need to make sure that when he is sitting down you don't shine the flashlight in him otherwise he'll jump scare you however if you're standing up you do need to shine him otherwise if you lift the monitor up again he's gonna jump scare you pretty much straight away so uh nightmare PB is another one that's kind of hard to list personally I don't think it's very hard to deal with but actually I talked to quite a few people that are terrified of nightmare BB in this game and I think that he is super hard to deal with so maybe my opinion is a very unpopular opinion but most people seem to think that he is quite annoying in this game and very hard to deal with so I reckon I'll put a nightmare BB in the a tear nice alright alright next up is Rockstar foxy okay what I want to with Rockstar box it because his AI is really weird because most of the time he doesn't kill you most of the time he helps you his parrot appears at random occasions you click on it and Rockstar foxy here to help shoot or killers you but it's very rare he's gonna kill you even on the high AI is like most of the time he is para either won't show up or he just won't kill you so what do i do I mean cuz you could just completely avoid him entirely and not have him show up and then he also helps you but I think just for the fact that he can help you I'm gonna put him in the D tier he's a very easy character honestly okay so next up is molten Freddy yeah we're back to the vent animatronics so molten Freddy is pretty much like a nerd he doesn't have a whole stalling time thing like mangle and with the chica does you pretty much attacks you straight away and he has an auditory warning when he reaches the end of the vents and also he can't be blocked by the vent snare which is one thing that I didn't mention about in it and it can't be blocked by the vents net either which i think is another thing that justifies him being and the beads here so I'm altered of Freddy and Anna they're pretty much the same in this game so molten Freddy goes in the B eto okay so next up is music man music man um another difficult one to list I guess he would be in the same tier as jacquard chica because like I said before lefty is pretty much Jaco chica and music man mixed together whereas jacket chica gets triggered by heat music man he gets triggered by noise but I kind of feel like noise is gonna occur way more often in the game then heat will because the heat is only gonna go up if you actually turn the fan off will turn the heater on whereas there's a lot of animatronics in the game that can increase your noise meter but there's no animatronics that increase your heat meter that's kind of weird actually I'm surprised that Scott didn't at least for one animatronic in the game that increases your heat but oh well but yeah there's a ton of animatronics that cause noise like funtime chica BB JJ foreign guy el chip phantom mangle there's quite a few of them so I don't know if music man should be rated higher than Jaco chica um yeah jeez I don't know this is hard music man would either be put in normal or hard because he does attack pretty quickly if he's mad at higher difficulties [Music] I really don't know guys honestly I think I'm just gonna throw music man in the normal tier I'm just gonna go with my gut I think he is normal team material I would save you slightly harder than choco chica but I don't think he is hard enough to go on the AIDS here alright so next up is Ned bear so because net bear is basically the same as happy frog mr. hip on pig patch but he has fooled less by the audio law I would say he goes in the easy tier okay next up is nightmare Freddy's so nightmare Freddy's Fred holes will randomly spawn in the office you have to shine them at the flash like to make them go away however when you do this you have to be careful that you don't shine nightmare BB if he's active otherwise he'll jump scared but the thing is you only really need to shine the left side of the office to get rid of the friddle's in the office it's kind of like how you would have phantom Freddy so as long as you don't shine the right side of the office and don't spend too much time in the monitor you should be fine with nightmare Freddy and honestly I think he deserves to be in the easy tier he's not very easy because he can't get the jump on you but he and his friends aren't really that bad oh no nightmare eNOS next ah nightmare it is another animatronic that is the bane of a lot of players existence including my own I freakin hate nightmare Ian in this game his gameplay mechanics are very very clever but all my goodness can they make the game very very hard so he randomly spawns in your office and you need to make sure that your mouse cursor doesn't go over him for too long because if it does he is gonna jump scare you completely ruin your night and when you've got things like 2002 a cheeky coming in we have to put on the Freddy fazbear mask on or if el ship appears in your office and it's very very hard to see things nightmare Ian can get the jump on you and kill you very quickly and it's so so annoying so you know what he goes in the S tear automatic STF a nightmare Ian alright guys next up is old man consequences so he is another non-lethal character he doesn't kill you all he does is spawn a minigame and you're off this you have to press C when the fish goes over the middle of the minigame then he goes away but if you screw up he locks your monitor for a short time so he's not very hard to deal with it all he goes in the very easy d tear okay next up is all of eel elephants again the same as happy frog mr. hippo pink patch a dead bear but again he is harder than net bear he has only full 10% of the time but the audio law is the most aggressive out of all the mediocre melodies and the most difficult to deal with so because it's harder than EDD bear I'm gonna put Orville in the normal tier but again with the mediocre melodies all you really need to do is turn on the heater before you raise the monitor and it affects all of them except a happy frog but as long as you put the audio law in that certain place happy phone will be distracted for the whole night anyway so it won't be a problem okay next up is phantom Beebe so pretty much the same as phantom mangle except that all he does is jump scare you he doesn't cause any audio disturbance all he does is jump scare you so he really doesn't have much of an effect on the game he's really easy to deal with all you do is switch cams so yeah he goes in the DT very easy to deal with all right next up is foreign guys so randomly he will call you during the night you have to find the mute call button and press it however the main problem with the phone guy is is that the mute call button is usually very very small like a foreign guy isn't non-lethal character but sometimes he could be very very annoying he can trigger music man or make it hard to hear nightmare fredbear a nightmare so he can be a bit of a distraction he's kind of like toy Bonnie into a chica but you know non-lethal version I don't know whether to put him and easy or very easy because it's mainly because the mute call button is so so small and sometimes it has a habit of a spawning right near the monitor button or right in the corner of the office or right on the very side where it's really really hard to click on or it can spoil and like right near with nightmare ian is and be really really annoying that way so um hmm I'm gonna put him in the easy chair just because sometimes he could be quite annoying okay so next up is plush trap now I would say plushtrap is the most difficult to deal with of all of the non customisable DD characters and back when I didn't know how he worked he got the jump on me very very quickly because I was under the assumption that he could appear like on any cam but he always appears on fun time Foxy's cam so he is a bit predictable so honestly I would suggest that a student as DD appears always check funtime Foxy's camp to see if plush traps there because plushtrap does attack very very quickly when he spawns so just check the fun time foxy cam if he is there he'll go away and you'll never have to see him again so because he attacks very very quickly I would put him in the easy tier because all you really need to do is check that cam and he goes away pretty quickly so he's not too hard the only difficult thing about him is that he attacks very quickly so he's definitely not very easy I would just say he is easy okay so next up is the puppet so I think the puppet is probably the easiest to deal with out of all the death coin animatronics not counting Bonnie because Bonnie always gets eliminated with foxy so they're kind of a package so not counting Bonnie puppet is probably the easiest death coin character to deal with and he is way less annoying in this game that he has an abundance of Freddy's too because his music box doesn't wipe down as quickly even on 20a I but yeah in any situation the music box is always really really annoying but in this game I don't think it's annoying enough to be putting the STA especially because we had the global music box the global music box makes it much easier to deal with the puppet in this game however if we didn't have that if the global music box wasn't in this game I would say the puppet is asked here but because we do have that I'm gonna put the puppet in a tier the hard tier I think that's good enough for him okay next up is Rockstar chica so Rockstar chica is scared of where floor signs so she can either appear in the left hole or the right hole so basically always need to keep tabs on the left hold cam and the right wall cam just to make sure where she is and wherever she is need to put down the wet floor sign in front of that door and she can't enter and also the doors don't affect her which is kind of annoying so now honestly the difficulty of Rockstar chica really depends on the mood that you're playing sometimes she could be easy to deal with sometimes she could be quite annoying it just really depends like if you're playing a mode where you don't really need to check the left Hall cam like if it's only Freddy active or something like that all you really need to do is check count to 4 ops that chica because the wet floor sign is by default on the left side so she'll never get in from the left side also you can really do is go to the right side to get in so as long as you keep an eye on the right side and see her just move the wet floor sign to the right and as soon as she goes away move it back to the left until she appears on the right again so she isn't too hard to deal with but in other modes we need to do things like check on toy Freddy or foxy or get fast coins for the plushy animatronics Rockstar cheeky can be very annoying so I would say she probably deserves to be at least in the normal tier I'm say she's a normal team material okay next up is phantom Freddy he's very easy a non-lethal character just shining with a flashlight when he appears in the office and he fades away eventually however he more difficult to the other phantoms because he can actually get you killed by the vent animatronics all ones like Freddy that are at the door like if they're right at the door he can get you killed by one of them if they're about to attack you so um he is a bit more annoying than phantom Beebe and phantom mangle he actually has an effect on gameplay and also just like Freddy he actually appears faster if the office is warmer so I would say even though he is only a fans been only Phil he deserves to at least be in the easy category because he can be a real pain okay next up is Rockstar Freddy so you guys want a rock stuff ready please deposit five coins all that stuff when he activates you have to give him five coins or you can turn on the heater making malfunction and then you don't need to give him any corners at all which is pretty good honestly I prefer to do the heating method as long as it's not gonna screw me over in somewhere like get jacquard she could to up here I usually will use the heater and rock stuff ready so there's a lot of things you could do with him he's not really that hard to deal with but I wouldn't say he's very easy because he is a lethal animatronic and also like he can distract it from other things and yes so I think he deserves to be in there easy team he's not hard at all but he's not very easy that's for sure okay next up is rxq also known as shadow Bonnie so here's another non customizable DD character but here's another character that you can't really count to him or deflect him in any way he just appears in the office and he makes a completely pitch black fur I think about ten seconds and then he goes away so honestly he is not really that much of a problem he's not really that much of a distraction really honestly he's not that bad but he's very easy to deal with so I'm gonna put him in the D tier alright so next up we've got another non customizable DD character with nightmare chica so now my chicas got a really really cool game mechanic when she spawned her jaws will appear on the very top and very bottom of the screen and start to consume you and you have to either turn on the heater or the power AC to make her go away so she isn't that hard to deal with but it does take a while for the jaws to go away depending on how much you've let them consume you so while she isn't too bad but again she can distract from other things going on in the night I would say nightmare chica is a CT she's an easy character to deal with I wouldn't say she's very easy she's just easy okay next up is scrap baby so just like Afton scrap baby only appears once per night and eventually she'll move and when she does you have to give her a control shock and then she goes away it never appears again honestly I kind of wish scrap baby would move more than once per night but she doesn't so honestly because she only moves once and all the tapes as a shot to make her go away and it's pretty noticeable when she moves she goes in the deed here unfortunately unfortunately because I really liked that baby but she's DT material all right so next up we've got spring-trap the original spring-trap so he is the final event animatronic character we're gonna talk about I try to think of where to place him because again he can avoid the dense snail like montant Freddy and ended however he doesn't come into the office before a jump scares you like Mangalore with a chica so he does attack faster however the thing with spring-trap is it's very easy to know when he's there because you'll see his eyes in the vent but the question is is seeing his eyes easier to detect then the squeaking noise or the laughy the molten Freddy and it make like which is more typical that's the thing so and it end Malta in normal hmm I'm not sure whether I should put spring-trap an easy or normal just because we can see a spring trout's face on the vent when he's about to attack and also use way easy to detect than inert and he kind of appears in the office in that way I'm gonna put him in the seat here I think okay so next up is XOR also known as shadow DD so obviously she's a much more annoying version of DD so if DD is gonna be in the sto XII is obviously going to be in the S tier as well however she works a bit differently she summons all of the non customizable characters at once and she always shows up on 50:20 mode however she can very rarely show up in normal gameplay I've seen her once or twice a normal gameplay and the first time I saw her she scared the crap out of me because I didn't know who she was at the time I think it might have been during my Freddie plays video but I'm not really sure so yeah guys there you go we finished the teal list here's my finesse ultimate custom night and I difficulty is tier list so what do you guys think let me know in the comments below guys do you agree with this tier list I have a feeling that there's some choices that probably other people I probably gonna disagree with like maybe golden Freddy and maybe some of the vents animatronics like spring-trap but this is just what I think but yeah I reckon this is a pretty accurate tool it's just based on the AI difficulties can't get much better than this I mean some people might swap around like I said characters like called on Freddy but for the most part I think this is pretty accurate alright guys let me know in the comments below what you think on this video what you think of this tell list and would you like to see more videos like this just let me know we'll see what happens in the future alright guys so please give this video a thumbs if you liked it I please subscribe to see more content from me and I'll see you guys next time bye everyone
Channel: EthGoesBOOM
Views: 2,509,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FNAF Tier List, Ultimate Custom Night Tier List, Bonnie, Ultimate Custom Night, EthGoesBOOM, The Puppet, Freddy Fazbear, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Lefty, Golden Freddy, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Ennard, Toy Chica, Fredbear, Spring Bonnie, Springtrap, Scraptrap, Plushtrap, Nightmare, Ballora, BB, Circus Baby, Scrap Baby, Molten Freddy, Bidybab, Minireena, Lolbit, Yenndo, Music Man, JJ, El Chip, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Chica, Bonnet, Bon-Bon, Funtime Foxy, FNAF VR Help Wanted, Porkpatch, Candy Cadet, Bubba
Id: 2EgO1FOxwb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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