FNAF SISTER LOCATION Song by JT Music - "Join Us For A Bite" [SFM]
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Channel: JT Music
Views: 216,667,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf sister location rap, fnaf rap jt, fnaf jt, sister location rap, sister location song, fnaf sister location song, jt music, fnaf song, fnaf, jt machinima, five nights at freddys, skullkruncher13, patfan8326, skull, jt, pat, another five nights, video game rap, jtm, jtmusic
Id: rLeQSd7R-jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2016
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Both the song and animation are amazing! But what I find ironic, is that the song is set to such a cheery tune, and the lyrics are actually really sad. Do any other non-FNaF songs do that?
I found it weird that the song has sort of a happy tune to it, I didn't expected that, really liked this song.
i actually liked the song? i loved the vocals and the happy go lucky tune captures the original creepiness of 1 and 2. i hope it will be revived in the game
it sounds like a Christmas song
Eyyyy, my boys! :D This was actually really good!! Got it stuck in my head now xD
sexy song
I can't really understand the lyrics, it sounds pretty though.
Man, the vocalist has a beautiful voice. Compliments the catchy tune wonderfully.