FNAF & Poppy Playtime Crossover FULL SEASON

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] laughs ladies and gentlemen boys and girls Fazbear entertainment would like you to put your hands together for the one the only Freddy Fazbear foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do it foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] what the is that [Music] oh one of your dog [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] anyway s [Applause] [Music] all right what are you doing thank you [Music] [Music] GPS [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign guys please this is a special video I need your attention [Music] [Applause] mommy I'm under camera [Music] deep apologize I'll be back in a minute okay guys I thought puppy told you that I told her I'm trying to find a way to send you guys back to the place you came from I just need some times you know excuse me thanks hello Gregory Gregory you really need to stop this thing what [Music] no no that's fine we don't need to do that you don't need to use that okay I guess I just have to take off her mask foreign foreign [Music] project okay first no and second if you guys don't know what the main project is you can check the links in the description there's a special project which we've been working so hard on it for such a long time and enough of this meaningless wasting of time do you remember this dialogue oh of course I do then how about your precious fandom I think they remember they remember more than whenever your cracker is trying to do something evil okay dude chill what does it even matter to you you're a betrayer you didn't answer my question I don't deserve this much attention Okay okay even if what you're saying is kinda true still I'm pretty much sure when the time comes they will support the main project so you truly believe they will then let's see how much of your audience will click on this video oh my bad yeah this one needs a minute sorry guys I'll fix it immediately hope you enjoy oh you're doing the Markiplier style nice anyway your voice was kind of changed in the last style because I kept shouting you should not spoil the surprise [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] okay whatever happened it has to be Gregory behind all of this I don't understand what do you mean he's not fine Aggie are you okay what are you watching oh come on you just need some hug that's okay that's okay you're a good boy anyway since when you have a computer on your room how old Gregory I think you deserve a rope Ward security alerts security thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so basically I think as I was saying basically I think there has to be and as I said before okay I think that's gonna work let's try [Music] um thank you oh great I swear I'm doing my best [Music] I have a bad feeling foreign 's fine seems like none of you remember who wants candy your hair is beautiful your tail is beautiful take a nap everyone wants to be you you are the best Roxy what are you doing here thank you yep that's another wrong place wait what the hey [Music] awesome [Music] Roxanne what you came you need to be more careful you are nothing Among Us hey [Music] come on that's fine I will fix it just one thing guys don't separate we need to stay close to each other I said stay close to each other [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm done I'm absolutely done and that's it I'm gonna order something and until the delivery arrives you guys need to stay here for a while understand [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on guys it's just a game who are you good question I'm glam rock baby I'm a delivery and I have a question who ordered this giant box oh that that box um that's mine uh it's just I never thought someone like you would deliver it I mean I've never heard of you I'm a member of the rejected Hamrock animatronics you mean Bonnie ballora I'm sorry but still I don't remember you being a part of them well sign from the rejected Glam Rock s oh sorry that's that's so sad how's it going well you know if you want you can stay here for a while since this place is so big and already has the most from Another Universe I think it will be fine really hey guys what's up did you know I can handle a Rubik's Cube in three seconds how odd you know what's on your wig just kidding that actually looks really good on you oh my girl stylist hook me up and nice to meet you Miss mommy mommy uh may I ask what are you mommy yes I I know I mean what kind of creature something like a spider or [Music] keep the lights on on Ward you I want keep the lights on [Music] keep the lights on [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hey little one what's your name [Music] oh you're so cute you thinking what I'm thinking Gregory Freddy get out of my room I'm not nearly that annoying am I take a map Gregory [Music] ah mm-hmm glamorous [Music] all right Aggie uh what if I tell you you're going to forget about all those sad Origins if you touch this orb I know it doesn't make sense but trust me your friends are gonna have a lot of fun if you do what I say of course the choice is yours I'll give you the time to think about it um you're a good boy foreign who are these guys for now what we need to do is to turn on this train mommy the train coat is inside this back hurry guys we don't have much time Mommy will give you the code yeah I'm new here but others don't recognize them either any explanation no I promise after all this ends I'll explain everything okay [Applause] help me wait where are you going what are you gonna do something helpful probably [Music] foreign oh that's not good he's still chasing us a lot huh does this mean you know how to handle this is so what how's that supposed to help [Music] did he yeah I don't think so he's fine how did you silly I can't be destroyed you're a good boy My my what an unpredictable guest send me back excuse me but I think this is the first time we're meeting each other right send me back now or I you oh buddy look here's the sassy rabbit looks like someone's gonna give everyone a big huh Mr Mouse there's always a friendlier way for situations like these why don't we take a seat have a cup of tea and we can also eat some cake strawberry cake please I'm a rabbit and this guy this guy is an imposter wait are we playing Among Us now what's Among Us maybe you should ask Mommy die alone okay mister truck glitch trap I I know we're kind of stuck in a Multiverse situation but if there's one thing I'm sure about it's their Dom knows how to travel between universes right is that supposed to be a compliment that's not the point yeah yeah of course I can so all we need to do is find some help and go back to the pizza Plex so Mr Dom can fix everything and fortunately I know someone that can help I just need to call her help do you really think one person will be enough uh she's not alone who's she GB GB wait isn't that you uh no by TV I mean Glam Rock ballora well so what's your nickname uh DB like delivery baby I don't know let me just stop wait came with us right but where is she now I I'm I'm sure she's around and maybe we're there let's check why is Roxy so obsessed with Freddy see our ex-boyfriend or something watch out guys you probably don't want to fall into a mysterious pit so as Mr Dom said the shiny stone must be around here even though I have no idea what on Earth he was talking about I mean he didn't even explain why exactly we need this Stone honestly he didn't explain about glitch trap either and now you're telling me kissy is not the same kissy from your universe ah I'm really sorry it's just things are getting more and more complicated and since I'm new here the only thing I can do is listen to what others say I don't want to be suspicious of anyone but it just keeps getting harder listen I'm going to need you to try [Music] ouch are you guys okay where's Poppy Bobby where are you oh you sweet little angel please be okay [Music] hey [Music] what is that a moving flower laughs [Music] and Snowden is so quiet today where is everyone did they all go on vacation without me don't know bro probably must be a no Papyrus day you mean I have a special day wait then why are you here even if I knew I'd probably oversleep Sans look is that a human oh I guess so right there human Gregory prepare yourself because I the great Papyrus will capture you hello oh hello Sans did Alfy's make another robot oh look at this one what kind of monster are you hey how could you say that she is not a monster true ma'am by monster he means what type of monster you know we're monsters too spooky ones that was the fall strangers wait are you guys alone I mean look at all these houses you guys probably can't be the only host here right hmm didn't you see anyone in the ruins you know a place filled with spiders ghosts and maybe an old lady who tells some funny jokes oh all right okay maybe that wasn't a safe place I came as soon as I could my goodness is everybody okay I'll do what happened to your eye does it hurt where is GB excuse me what's your name valora Glam Rock ballora so if your gulam Rock Boulevard then may I ask who's GB oh dear by GB I mean glam rock baby but she said okay never mind hurry guys get in the car let's Vanessa was supposed to be here two hours ago and if she's not here then that means she's in a big trouble I need you guys to go back to the pizza place she needs your help no Freddy no time to waste no time to waste go did you just give them my car without any permission finder and it's not a big deal but sir what are we gonna do now that's okay because my uh because because my investigating tells me this place no this place is a perfect situation for teleport not so little weird I'm not your puppet not as stupid enough to leave a clown like you I won't go anywhere and that's how we got here [Laughter] you serious Mr dumb I'm sorry but I think you have no idea what you're gonna do uh well what do you mean she means by wasting the time when you can just push the damn button so we can go back to the place we came from are you waiting for something to happen sir would you mind okay that's enough you should probably go right now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh come on that's fine I will fix it have a conversation may I ask how much do you know about Mr Dom to be honest I have to say he is definitely hiding something I wanted to ask him but I only know about that rabbit he is the one who killed our friends oh dear that's okay we made a deal with Shadow guide to give us back their energy sources so they should be alive right now shadow guy shadow I don't know much either but I think he might be the only person who could destroy that rabbit or Mr Don oh no I don't want him to be destroyed I mean indeed he is acting suspicious but I think he is an only if he could he could explain more about the whole situation oh my I I hope she beats okay okay I think that's gonna work let's try foreign [Music] [Music] what's up [Applause] Among Us [Music] foreign [Music] chips don't you is that glam rock baby ballora ballora GB oh thank goodness you're okay yeah even though a lot of things happened but I guess we're safe for now kinda ah sorry Melora but what happened to your scared oh is this what happens when you teleport too much wait you guys know each other uh yes after you called me I came as soon as I could things happened so fast but since Mr Dom said he'll fix everything I decided to let him take care of everything ah you mean all this time despite having a lot of questions in your mind none of which were answered you still had to stay silent and do whatever a special person told you to do exactly uh it can be teleported no but why not until you explain everything once and for all first what happened to Huggy second why would you send me to a mountain to look for a shiny stone that doesn't even exist and third who's this rabbit and why does he keep telling me you're sus when I don't even know what sus is explaining his boring date on liking why does he keep telling me you're sus when I don't even know what sus is okay there was a black ore which I was hoping it could help Huggy to forget about these sad memories the orb turned Huggy into a monster but it was supposed to happen when Huggy touched you over again he'll turn back into his normal form but we need the other version of that black orb that's why we're traveling the universes besides I'm also trying to send these guys back to the place they came from that's why we're kinda stuck in this nonsense Multiverse situation how to believe that this black orb isn't fake just like your Shiny Stone yeah calm down ah I I'm sorry believe me deep down I don't think Mr Dom is a bad person but Mr Dom admitted it's really hard to trust someone who's doing all these weird nonsense Multiverse things without a single explanation speaking about trust would you answer me once and for all who is the real GB GBP baby come on GB no no no no no no no no I got them I'm technically a glam rock version of circus baby right so in that case I could even be called GCB but not GB well yes but and that's it oh dear just by considering names then you can also call Glam Rock Bonnie a gb2 yeah but Bonnie is all right enough you I heard what you said let me show you how to break the fourth wall [Music] calm down he's just a giant chess I mean you're in your normal size who are you someone who doesn't like other sweetie tape though wait your mask is that a gaster blaster no and now that you've mentioned it I want everyone to know this mask is not inspired from yesterday okay [Laughter] so you're just another fourth wall fine I love destroying creatures like you foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign glitch trap after all those things Mr Dom did normally I would believe you but since I just figured out you're a serial killer I you know and I don't care I'm a monster a monster who devour dreams but comparing to the lying one I'm nothing Tom is a lying monster get away from me before it's too late remember there's only one way to destroy dumb shadow guy oh shadow guy someone who doesn't do a single thing unless someone else makes a deal with him sacrifice something important and he will give you what you want yeah I know don't separate stay together that's what they always say in the movies right but have you ever mentioned in the end they always get to pray uh but what I'm trying to say that is this that there's nothing to be worried about because I set up these devices in a way that could actually teleport Us in the same universe after we use it twice now this way the investigating gets faster right all right guys three devices three teams [Music] uh two devices two teams okay Mr Dom do you know anything about shadow guy thanks for responding um well are you guys you guys ready let's hope for a good ending Sans Sans are you skipping work again no pal I just got hired for another job what going I'll come back soon bro thank you Freddy Fazbear this is your end it's okay calm down my friend we just need a pack [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Freddy I used to die in a Jedi way [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] what's up Buddies uh can you give me the device how did he know that you guys were in danger Mr Fazbear we need to go okay let's hope it doesn't end up in a genocide route are always the same don't fool yourself yours is gone besides what makes you think I'm going to make the same mistake again perhaps you're right but did you forget people people same personalities I won't let you go and I will destroy anyone who tries to take you away from me [Music] Gregory run [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign thank you accept your fate and I promise I will make your death quick these odd creatures are not as forgiving as I am [Music] [Music] thank you finally sweet home our universe congrats guys oh you're so funny I I mean in a cute way yeah no that's what we call back to the origins right now you you and all of you guys would you follow me there's something really important that I have to tell you it's about the one who's behind all of this yeah that rabbit Glee strap now uh so follow me and I'm going to explain about stuff this is going to be a short conversation I promise see you guys doing dumb things again huh one day I'm gonna kick this guy anyway what's up with the puffy eyes is that a normal thing in your universe June all right thank you so much for coming now what I'm gonna do is to call someone which uh you know what never mind let's just get back to the point shutter guy can you hear me since I'm in a hurry on make it fast so I'm going to make a deal I will add your call so you can have access into all my young memories universes and instead I'd be so glad if you could take all their energy sources I want them all to be yours got it make it quick all right [Music] [Music] what was that sound what's going he's so crazy please shadow guy he he's killing everyone come on GB there's not much time you have to go shadow guy that was close [Applause] whoop here we are now oh hi that's great just in the right time thanks Sans anyway would you mind if I ask a question so let me see what's gonna be our next step you killed them [Music] why would you what no I told you it was shadow guy stop lying glitch trap told me shadow guy wouldn't do a single thing unless someone makes a deal with him there are things that none of you understand but I do that's why you have to believe in me I'm the only one who can fix this situation but anyway to put your mind at ease let me tell you this I've already promised everyone a good ending I swear after all this ends I will explain everything okay come on guys let's go guys no we won't it's really odd and so ridiculous the way you still think we're gonna listen to you after all these things you've done this whole time I thought there was some good inside of you well I I have to admit I have to confess I I don't even know what you are but whatever you are sure not a good person Mr Dom it's over it is all over you won't go anywhere now that's annoying [Applause] [Music] what the in fact all of you you've been always annoying but I keep asking the same questions making me look like a bad guy it pissed me off I mean why don't you just shut up well I'm the only person who's trying to control everything making sure everyone would stay safe at any cost and Europe said about some old stupid characters that no one even care they don't like those stupid characters they like you wait what the why can't I use my Powers because for now you're the only one who can understand me right Sans and since I'm aware of your power I'm free I can leave you without any limits in my universe [Music] if you could only suppress your curiosity they could make it without losing anyone but now what's gonna happen since you don't trust me I can't help you anymore you'll be all by yourself while you GB you are responsible for future events can you save everyone well let's find out try and soon all you'd be left with will be nothing but regret you know what things aren't gonna be fun this way oh how about I give you guys a new voice yeah chick here we go try what are you talking about wait what what happened to my voice Freddy hi what pizza okay okay chica I promise after all this ends I'll give you as much pizza as you want I ate my last pizza oh I need it right now where am I supposed to get it uh it's like I don't have any of my chests wait a minute wait I think I have uh yeah here it is why would you store a pizza in your chest uh just in case if my chest was locked and Gregory was trapped and hungry you sound like a nervous dad Freddy well how about you Monty Monty trust me my friend we're always consequences oh my God Monty that is totally out of character see guys you're laughing I'm just trying to give you a good time to make you enjoy this is all for you now now the party has just begun what are you gonna do sing wish you luck jibin everyone's waiting for you to save them I can't wait to see the final results [Music] foreign still can't believe Mr Don betrayed us oh Freddy it was obvious even from the beginning now I remember everything the truth is even if we wanted we couldn't reject our poor Destiny was on his hands while there was no choice for us but obey his orders man [Music] knowing I have the most epic melodious voice of all the time an absolute Chad stay here I'll take a look from above oh God finally I can say it Freddy uh what is it give me back my hair but I thought you liked your new hairstyle yes but nothing is more perfect than my original one fine but admit it it looks really good on me well of course with my hair seriously have you seen Glam Rock Freddy without his hat or any of the Freddy's without their hats it's like they're it's like they need to have it or else it's like they look completely bold without their hats any of them it can be toy or whatever without their little hats they look bald is there anything else ah trust me it's much better than using a bag would you mind oh yeah sorry Mr snass I'm Sans bro so sucks we're not taking this one you bet I can't use adult words in this family-friendly show you hear me paintless less Hamilton [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this place kinda reminds me of hotland now what's hotland a place that is so hot uh yeah not a good time for puns I guess anyway if Mr Dom wasn't lying then I think the rest of your friends must be somewhere around that laboratory over there [Music] why are you so obsessed with pizza why not well not gonna lie I might actually build some hot dog stands out here [Music] okay I think something's getting closer stay back what are you doing here where's Mr everyone over that place that's the teleport station okay Mr Sands please stay with the others and protect them I saw the orb in that cave I'm going there to cure Huggy once and for all look I appreciate your courage young lady but I uh ugh still not allowed to make my own choices huh Heat no Gregory I have to do this alone if anything happens to any of you I please just be a good boy and stay with the others okay I promise I'll come back with huggy yeah I know she needs our help right then lead the way Superstar ready promise you'll come back don't worry guys I always come back wait are you captured oh what no I'm not William I'm I'm a me okay stay safe foreign [Applause] [Music] guys why did you thanks Gregory let's finish this together yeah you're welcome [Music] it seems like I'm overpowered in this universe my theory about this illegal power is this is something going on with that glitchy rabbit who once took my source of energy and turned me into a monster hey who the hell am I talking to [Music] what is this place oh sleep okay thank you [Music] [Music] Gregory [Music] since you can no longer make fun of me I want you to apologize for all the trained things you've done to me hey stop ignoring me you little brat [Music] hey the orb that's right there [Music] [Music] watch out thank you [Music] foreign don't you think it's a little bit early to celebrate Halloween yeah I'm like baby what do you do four people [Music] Huggy you're back it's good to see you again huggy I've missed your smile actually we never saw him smiling bro man come on we're having a moment here don't ruin it [Music] what the Monty can you defeat it how did Friday not Frankie I am supposed to beat this well you said you were overpowered not oversized okay [Music] all right [Music] there's only one way Gregory please be still [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] mother Superstar [Music] s foreign wait we can't just leave him oh come on that's YouTube Hunty there has to be a way we can use the orb again orb is gone foreign but get dunked on not such a good situation for a conversation but uh what just happened to Freddy we lost the orb now there's no other way to cure him isn't there any other orb I mean how did you even find the orb in the first place I I don't know can't you see the Volcano come on I know I'll go easy on him [Applause] foreign I'm sorry it's all my fault I didn't want this to happen GB I won't let you put all the blame on yourself cause this is too much for anyone and it's not even the right time please we have to focus we have to get to the teleport station what ever since our journey started Dom knew the orb's location so if there's another orb it definitely knows and once we beat him up we'll know how to save Freddy uh this is quite tiring man you want a timeout big guy Psych oh here we go again whoa are you okay uh I'll never go on a Multiverse trip after this Gregory are you okay little kid sorry buddy but we can't do anything about that stop I'll handle this why what is this insistence for if only you loved your most preciousness but I won't let the same scenario happen again well William is gone I am what remains thank you all right monster let's see who shall Rule and Who Shall Serve I'm sorry thank you it happened again wait why is this place so familiar hello circus baby actually I'm Elizabeth who's Elizabeth I see I suppose your knowledge about your origin in this universe is not complete I'm your second life GB in fact you have your own source of energy as a robot while you also have a human soul in your body jizz me and that's why you brought me here just to tell me about my origin I could see your next move and I already know what you're gonna do with him and what you're about to sacrifice that's why I had to bring you here I understand if there's one thing to do with shadow guy that will be my source of energy I started this and I will end it no one else should get sacrificed because of me so I know it should be me what but why so that I can be free please save me please [Music] oh welcome back I'll miss you guys wow wow you're all here seems like you all made it safe um where's Freddy don't tell me how disappointing GB isn't that pathetic all right just before you start to do anything what Sans [Music] uh why would you do that oh come on Gregory after this entire Journey you should know by now that Sans is way much stronger than all of you remember Mr dumb those who thinks are the smartest will always be defeated at last anyway now for the next step not so fast so fast you better not struggle otherwise I'll show you how much capable spiders are get it let's game over Mr Dom give up already okay I was not expecting that but thanks a bunch guys so you guys could talk this whole time including yourself right I'm giving you one last chance one last chance to save Freddy and send us home why are you so serious I mean it's not like it was my fault I wasn't the one who broke the orb in the first place you were watching us this whole time weren't you so in that case he definitely know where's kissy yeah where's my girl okay listen I understand if you don't trust me but believe me or not I have no idea what happened with kissy for real we're not talking about the fake one you know fake one what are you talking about I'm sorry but I think we're getting distracted from the main topic of this conversation exactly let's go back to the part which we're gonna thread and force me to do things while you have no idea what you're gonna do with me otherwise otherwise I'll make a deal with shadow guy ooh sacrificing yourself to say Freddy how generous not but selfish you know this is all your fault you just can't take it right that's why you're willing to sacrifice yourself but how about Freddy do you think you'd have a happy life knowing the fact that the only reason he's still alive is because you died you seem to misunderstand I no you seem to misunderstand you have no strength yet you think you can tell me what to do this is nonsense this whole situation like what are you gonna do with me I can't be destroyed anyway silly [Music] and you're gonna kill me yeah yeah let's just get this along with or else I'll push the button you know that one actually send you guys back to the place you came from now the question is would you live without kissing shadow guy I want to make a deal why you have to be so stubborn GB fine go ahead I'll give you my human soul human soul and in return poor Freddy I want you to destroy Dom but wait what the really it was that easy I'm not sure something's wrong indeed I believe our deal is not fair enough uh that was a reflection I guess now shall we discuss for a while this place guys I don't feel so good just look at all these monsters you're smart but people shouldn't use their smartness against those they can't handle did you build this place what's your next plan I don't own this laboratory now would you stop back to the main topic thing is I see no fun in this deal you ask for Dom's death and in return you do give a soul but what's the point if you're still alive then then I shall give you my source of energy as well no take energy take my source of energy and say Freddy I will better give you a big hug Mr Shadow would you explain why I'm shadow guy not Mr Shadow oh what's the difference it's like people call you mother long legs oh I totally get it now guys please let me end this for good if Tom comes back before you start your speech gotta tell you one thing I'm not going to accept your source of energy not fair enough not fair enough I'm literally giving you my most precious your most precious they're not sure if I'm wrong but I think people don't sacrifice their most precious that easy it's no fun but since your friends are your most precious I think you can still complete our deal by giving a soul not yours but one of your friends that's fun how about my memories and my existence in the other world I'll be your puppet that would be fun right clever girl JB no I accept the deal wait [Music] where'd he go want to destroy Dom Maybe you cut our puppet strings and set us free but who's gonna save you um well I guess we should go home we're not going anywhere without kissy what the hell are we supposed to find her well I don't know but we can't just forget about her the real kissy was sent home after you forgot what glitchcraft did in the first place I say because it was a part of a deal farewell wait please wait how can we say Freddy please tell us ah this whole situation is a waste of time there's nothing else or perhaps you'd like to stay to see if these monsters could move a muscle waste of time I think he basically said we should leave I guess it's goodbye then I I don't have much to say and I don't think we can call this a happy ending but thanks for helping us even though none of the parts of our journey made sense yeah more like a total crossover if it wasn't for you guys I'd be God forever and I'm really sorry about Freddy but deep inside I believe he'll come back one day you just gotta have some Faith you know thank you always keep that big smile and make sure not to step on any pizza cause if you do chica will find you I'll remember that be safe friends bye everyone my family is doing we should go home too oh hold on a second you know there are consequences if you destroy me right consequences life and death are both gifts no no no no no no don't give me that okay death is not a gift not in this fake World we're living in and now he's breaking the fourth wall I'm literally the symbol of this entire show you can destroy me you know what this is a new symbol they just put it [Music] [Laughter] I almost forgot I was a puppet myself what took you so long to remember well this I hope everyone enjoyed the show it's not necessary Mr Dom I think the audience are already enjoying the show why would you start a journey because they deserve more son they deserve the best and I'll give it to them by turning Huggy into a monster he'll turn back into his normal form after he touched the orb again he'll be fine there's nothing to worry about how does this even work there's nothing really that much special about the orb It's All About Me this is really evil you know that right you'll be fine I'm not gonna let anyone die okay come on you deserve a break will there be any other way to cure Huggy uh I told you the orb he needs to touch it and but you know technically there might be another way what is it if I die which is not going to happen since I can't be destroyed anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] uh sir are we friends no are we enemies no well then what are we um I'm Glam Rock Freddy it's nice to meet mind your own business where are my friends oh what without me of course since you turned into a monster and tried to kill them I did oh now I remember I was gonna stop that thing and then I touched the orb and and then how am I supposed to go back home now are you blind it's a Teleport station just use it and go back stay back otherwise you'll end up in my universe but sir farewell how does it work wow you may ask what I was doing this whole time and the answer is simple doing what everyone does in a cool vacation you gotta have some fun when you have the chance oh here he comes again you better not turn the light off what is it young man we lost Freddy and I couldn't do anything ah come on I mean it's basically your fault but sometimes we can't change our destiny what no what do you mean do you mean that well if you wouldn't bully Monty and then accidentally teleport yourselves into the Poppy's playtime Universe none of this would have happened so yeah it is all my fault well at least I got my good ending I broke the goddamn cycle [Music] would you just back off we have a T-Rex problem up there problem [Music] I have no idea how it works I find no logic you just push the button and then you're gone doesn't make sense at all otherwise takes you to the place you're wishing to go and this is the part that doesn't make sense because it's too easy so basically there's no way you could find kissy if you don't know where she wanted to go [Music] uh story of my life well back to the T-Rex problem [Music] perhaps I need a vacation what a surprise you me I should give you a kiss as a prize wasn't much hard to figure out I believe you have something that belongs to me and there's only one worthiest spell in that book interesting enough to make you come here The Reincarnation spell many things changed about me when I learned about the fourth wall realizing how fake our world is how pathetic we are a bunch of Puppets then why even bother same question in the end it's only a matter of time to pull myself together and keep going forward there's a chance to be a part of something bigger something at least less ridiculous than this journey and I'm not going to lose it we cannot lose it right [Music] looks like someone doesn't know how to use this spell ah okay you got me it's all up to you Mr [Music] never mind [Music] will we remember each other in the other universe even remember yourself in your new body I'm sure you don't mind if I ask a couple of questions you want answers what does it matter to you anyway you're just about to lose your memories that's why I say you don't mind what kind of questions simple like why always ask for energy sources do you actually even need them well they're probably no use then why why I thought you'd get it oh Sarah in a deal with others I don't take things I want or need I take things that mean everything to them or at least something that would cause some consequences people have a lot of favorites wait why did you call me Zara oh there was never a person called glam rock baby even your source of energy will no longer exist as I shall completely destroy it body and a new name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DOM Studio
Views: 1,209,768
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Keywords: Five Nights at Freddys, Poppy Playtime, fnaf song, fnaf security breach, fnaf songs, game theory fnaf, fnaf plus, security breach, five nights at freddy's security breach, poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer, poppy playtime song, backrooms, the backrooms, backrooms found footage, roblox backrooms, talking ben song, talking ben memes, Glamrock Baby, Daily Life, Poppy Playtime Daily Life, Boxy Boo, Choo Choo Charles, FNAF DAILY, Garten of banban
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 47sec (6167 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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