Fnaf Plush: Security Breach - DJ Music Man!

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so how's my favorite family doing i've got some new recruits for you all give me a moment who be this young fellow looks like he'd make a fine addition to our crew oh god whoa all these people you i gave you friendship and you spat my face your mind control won't work on me it never will mind control oh dear boy i'm far past that what do you mean i'm discovering new things i can do in this place every day and while i'm much weaker without it attached to me sometimes i find the beauty and strength in numbers because at that point i can be me and me and me [Laughter] are you telling me that you possessed all these people not quite but you're close i split my soul into pieces or what's left of it anyway and like code i can duplicate and distribute it i've chosen to distribute it amongst all these people the nobodies of society the nothings of the world but now was something bigger i'm something bigger and soon you'll join each and every single one of them you you're you're a monster a monster with motives my dear boy yes you know as they say fool me once shame on me but fool me twice that becomes your problem [Applause] prosper calm down buddy calm down we don't want you freezing the place over [Music] oh please call me mal there oh wow is it hot here it's just a little crowded nah not crowded enough though i am starting to run out of people i'm starting to think there's less no bodies of society than they lead you to believe might i make a suggestion that was my idea first pal what are you talking about that's all of our ideas silence treadmire yes what's our idea i lose track of them quite a lot we believe you should start thinking outside the box how so don't let the nobodies find you you find the nobody after all you can do anything right trust me i like that idea i like that idea a lot well you all rest now soon i think something big is coming i have a feeling i know what it is [Music] that guy's a real piece of work isn't he you mean we're a real piece of work i have to hide amongst them if i don't he'll kill me i feel i'm some sort of glitch in the system i'm not sure why but i must use that sparingly i'm very lucky after all talk to my board of directors and they agree i need to get a little more creative sticky [Music] well well look who's back i'd recognize that face any day of the week probably one of the most horrifying abominations fazbear entertainment ever conjured up [Music] i hate insects shins and quite the grin how about we put you on part of size welcome back dj we missed you [Music] [Music] um done with that where am i note itself don't follow the truck that says free wine maybe i should call bonnie and tell him to come pick me up where's my phone not that pocket not that whole [Music] it appears i didn't bring my phone that's a shame you know what maybe i'll just sleep on the corner or something oh man it truly is the life always where someone could pat my tired head to sleep oh hey mr hand you do some good job uh could you could you could you just move a little closer to my face ah that's better wait a minute oh god i knew with a spider on price it was a bottle don't hurt me i i i don't give you my my my hook you can have that that's kind of cool right i know a guy his name is pig punch you know you could recreate charlotte's web or something like that this place don't hurt me [Music] oh this stupid thing killed over and died stupid thing what's that sound [Music] hey guys do you like my new costume uh yeah it's fine i think why is it a bee oh cause i love bees i made it myself actually that's great how'd you make it i skinned 455 000 bees alive to make this costume hey what's wrong bonnie you seem to have something on your mind oh um maybe it's just me but am i the only one that sees a severe lack of foxy oh yeah that's right he isn't here weird [Music] chick it was just a joke i feel like i'd probably destroy the entire like world if i killed that many bees anyway on a typical day if foxy's not here he's probably like lying in the middle of the street dying because he drank too much alcohol and he's passed out and cracked his head on the floor how about we go find him i don't want to like him to die yeah last time we lost fox he turned into a horrible abomination until he was all of a sudden fixed and then he killed helpy are you suggesting that exact chain of events would happen again if we lost him maybe come on chica yeah foxy foxy where are you now don't do that don't worry guys i have an idea i'm gonna use my b wings to get a bee's eye view i'm gonna fly all the way up [Music] no it isn't ugh this is getting nowhere i really hope foxy turns up soon it's not we're gonna have to go on like some sort of wild goose chase to find him and i don't really want to have to go through that we don't find it right now it's limped over oh it's gonna be the wacky adventure for the withers why the hell did i slip on a wine glass i have an idea yeah it tastes like foxy well okay at least my figurative toes don't hurt anymore what's going on oh sorry that's not normal huh bees flying around your head that one stung me oh god well now that i have the taste of that alcohol i can sniff out foxy's uh scent that doesn't make any sense pretending it does [Music] this is kind of disgusting [Music] what the heck was that that you said where'd you find chica oh my god [Music] foxy oh my god is that b venom going to my cranial nerve or is foxy covered in hey i was gonna say cobweb oh well you're right actually we should cut him down does anyone have like a sharp object i don't typically carry those on me let's see if my b wings are sharp enough i'm stuck help oh god oh foxy give me my bee costume back i don't think he could even if he wanted to what the hell happened to him he can explain once we get him down uh chica do you got any ideas live on in my dignity this is hard to watch we look a blunt object chica why don't we just use this to cut i'm uh sorry i'll just forget that happened baby costume it's safe and sound thankfully nothing else important was affected by that wow that was low even for you oxy speak to me dear boy are you okay oh well that was a night out why were you covered in cobweb oh yeah that why is government slobber you don't want to know so uh needless to say the spiders are coming i knew it from the day i saw him i saw the man in the corner of the room i was drinking a glass of champagne as i do and then i looked on the wall and i saw him the tiny blurry man he flipped up the wall and then at that moment i knew the spiders were coming what does that have to do with spiders it was big scary and sounds that sounds more like a worm i don't know worm spider same thing he was big and he'd be attacked me that's why i was in that cobweb wait a spider like a giant spider yes let me try and think of a finance at freddy's character that reminds me of that sounds pretty on the nose wait a second wasn't that the guy that went missing like wasn't he like funtime chica and el chip's friend or something we have never interacted with those two characters but we know of their existence apparently well if they you know know who music man is and uh this guy's music man then maybe they know who this guy is and why he attacked foxy that's a pretty good point oh what are we waiting for let's go find them [Music] hey uh you too hey huh what's up el chip oh hi hey uh you two funtime chicken old chip i don't believe all of us are formerly met hey you all are those wizards i've heard about what brings you guys here hey listen uh our friend foxy had a run-in with someone and we just kind of wanted to know if you guys had any information on it uh sure i'd be fine to help second that uh hey uh foxy uh tell the nice lady about what happened to you okay okay sure well um so i was i was walking around last night and and i got attacked by this big guy this really big guy hey sorry to hear that happen to you amigo and this is a thing right right a tug zone caller sweats nervously it was a giant spider uh could you give a little more of an accurate description um he was big he had six large arms a big gloves on the end of them and his face was like kind of like a like okay they had two big rosy cheeks a big toothy grin big black beady eyes they were so scary top hat and headphones he said he had two big black beady eyes i don't think big and beady are synonymous with each other but yes you don't think he is i'm afraid so no bueno bueno bueno my friends why you are going to die he almost killed me last time i saw him who his name was music man music man huh does he have any significance to you he was our best friend he was us as the trio we ran my own place it was called the page pizzaria and we were all a part of it and then he revealed his true colors all of a sudden he wanted to kill me and her and a couple other friends that came by that day it was so sad we had to escape and then we haven't gone back since it kind of destroyed the both of our careers and it was a little not great and we're kind of not liking him very much but the whole reason we got out of that mess was because of this bunny guy kicked him in the jeans and he started crying on the floor and now doing that he might want revenge wait why is he back all of a sudden and why is he so big as foxy's describing i don't know he did say he needed flies to hit do you think maybe spiders get way bigger than we think they do i told you oliver was the operator of spiders what are we gonna do do you think it's gonna come for all of us more specifically you two i have no idea oh god your [Music] we can't just abandon the home about all the other people that live here come on guys he can't be that scary right it was like 30 20 feet tall maybe he went to go start a new life in the suburbs of new york maybe we'll be fine [Music] freddie my arms [Music] why do i hear boss music [Music] it's so nice to see you all again keep it down william run run go go go go it's the sweet sweet sound of your eternal silence oh my ears oh god that hurt oh stop stop please just god oh okay okay i can kill you now the phone's just getting started believe this is happening tell me i can't really get down over here ow i still have time to get it all out she can stop this [Music] oh god okay we all managed to get behind this barricade maybe we can dart away and run and run and keep running and never stop running oh we cannot keep running we have to stop him how he's 20 feet tall he's close to flipping titan how does something naturally even get that size okay i'm sure it's nothing but i'm dealt with it there you are [Music] i'm foxy the pirate [ __ ] god dammit i got this damn hulk on my hand i'll step through your heart out [Music] three down [Music] hey golden freddy hi freddy so what's your wacky cool plan to beat this guy i don't have one what be too loud oh god i don't know weakness on this guy i i can't i can't really like focus my power on this big of a mass it's almost impossible what are we gonna do don't know chica chica i'm fine thank you i don't understand how did he get like this maybe he spent a lot of time at the gym does it explain how he's grown this tall i'm gonna have a panic attack hi we had to keep our heads in the game if we don't wear next how did he get this pig there has to be a source of course chica but have you heard about this rumor going around of this creature called the glitch trap what about it well they say you can detect his presence from a weird square shaped glitchy glow on something's back or on his eye or something what are you getting at look at the giant speaker on his back you're kidding me i'm not well why would he come out and show himself then don't know testing testing one two three this is your local male hair speaking where are my fears i'm familiar with the form of your new friend meet the dj of the hour [Music] music man i know we didn't end on great terms last time we met but please i thought we were friends music man why would you do something like this friends we were never friends i was always outcasted by the two of you never taken seriously always they've been afraid of me never thought of my feelings glitchtrap's done more for me than the two of you i've ever have and now you're okay what are you gonna do throw us in your cobweb and eat us i'm going to choke you out and watch you die slowly i need something to throw and hold my energy in on that point and then he'll be neutralized i think something around here that'd be heavy enough what are you gonna throw why are you looking at me like that sorry freddie but you'll thank me later this is kind of fun it won't be for much longer i'm a good projectile is he is he dead i'm not sure doubt it that thing's been mind warped by glitch trap as much as anything else we've encountered probably not but what we need to do is we need to get it out here now what do we do with him i don't know i haven't quite thought of that part yet it's just so big congratulations you've won an award for quite possibly the biggest pain in my neck oh my god he's real oh i assure you i am very real what do you want i want what any good psychopath wants chaos william it can't be in the flesh you can't be here not now not after i let you go shouldn't listen to that stubborn crocodile cause look right where it brought you back to me i feel like i need context what's going on stay out of it so now you're afraid of me rich coming from the tough mind and witted cassidy the one i shouldn't have killed well i think you're the one that shouldn't have stayed alive get away from me who's going to stop me i will [Laughter] this has to be the biggest practical joke i've ever seen you it's a little withered freddy a hundred of you combined couldn't withstand my power what do you think you're going to do i don't know but golden freddy's my friend and i protector no matter what you're the one that led to my keeper of time being taken from me while that's all behind us i don't quite appreciate that gesture [Music] he's so noble he's scared out of his mind but he's still standing up for me what friend would i be to not help him [Music] i'm not afraid of you afton not anymore this just got interesting whatever die alone or die together it makes no difference i am not a single soul on this damned plane of existence remembers either of your pitiful existences i'll die there's a little skill we learned isn't it mr butters ah eat that rabbit person nobody threatens the great no money mr butters and gets away with it but the fun times you guys saved us we haven't won quite yet and down glitchtrap you're outnumbered [Music] wasn't i outnumbered before hundreds thousands millions no matter how many people you get together you'll fall all the same get me back my spider i think i'm done here you all made a great mistake today instead of your deaths being quick they'll be slow and painful remember my name fazbears because you'll never forget it again he's gone what's just happened the sound of war weathered freddy welcome to the resistance lead as many people as we can get [Music] just up ahead he's been awfully quiet for a while i don't really blame him he just lost two people very important to him and very important to you know saving the universe i know let's just feel like he's leading us on a path to death why are you always so superstitious about everything i don't know glitch traps just kind of made me on my toes i guess that's a fair reason [Music] old man [Music] well well well what brings you here i'm not here to wallow in pity i'm here to talk chop what do i do [Music] henry you find your own way through discovering your faults never come to someone else for your own duties i know you've told me that a thousand times i just wanna know what should i do how do i stop him no matter what army i grow he'll grow an army twice as large no matter the tricks and traps i pull he'll pull with a force twice as difficult i don't know if i can win i really thought i had him back there i guess i was wrong and now i don't know what to do i've messed up so much and i know whatever i do i'll mess up twice as hard just tell me what do i need to do henry you are too concerned with what was and what will be there's a saying yesterday's history tomorrow is a mystery but a day is a gift and that's why they call it the present [Music] i have faith in you boy i know though i do have a suggestion what is it get a little scientific you're not going to beat him with magic if he was made by man [Music] you're a genius that's what they call me sometimes thank you master call me old man consequences you old coot an older coot what just happened i think it's best we don't question it come on [Music] hey uh old man consequences oh you're one of henry's little friends you have a peculiar look yeah i've been told that a couple times hey so let's say that you were created from something pure evil right yes and that thing believes you'll turn out to be nothing but that including yourself go on all i'm trying to say is do you think if your destiny is to be evil you'll turn out that way you choose your own destiny you make your own merits and your own consequences your fate is yours and yours alone take that to your grave boy you'll never find peace without it thanks now hop to it the universe isn't going to save itself i know thank you i ought to get back to fishing [Music] you
Channel: Travis Plush Productions
Views: 282,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fnaf Plush, Bendy Plush, Cuphead Plush, Five Nights At Freddy's Plush, Plush Video, Mario Plush, Pikmin Plush, Kirby Plush, Sonic Plush
Id: lqF9dM3QBrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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