Fmr. Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn holds a news conference after escape to Lebanon – 1/8/2020

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so I am reminding everyone your colleagues in the back side ponytail in Budokan integrity Neto bresenham's the mr. bone deformation kiss from a commercial no one has seen No all that was selling new mascara felt surpassed debatable said cancer absolutely people we take we read for funding this because it's supposed to read in extremely for the team sound [Music] [Music] sorry to be hot recovery [Music] [Music] [Music] Madeira this is how the same self-image capability London descend and ascend can she keep healthy mouth we start will be me son [Applause] [Applause] I want to thank you for taking the time to be here with make your future in great distances for join me instead of a party office you alone so they will see semi responses because of us one when I become an American hasta que venía an alone for Kundalini [Applause] with my be a sober fool then you can imagine today is a very important day for me one that I have looked forward to every single day for more than 400 days since I was brutally taken from my world as I knew it 3 from my family my friends my communities from Renault Nissan and Mitsubishi and the 450,000 woman and man who comprise those comments I experienced a moment of freedom since November 19 2018 it is impossible it is impossible to express the depth of that deprivation and my profound appreciation who once again be able to be reunited with my family and loved ones today is also his poignant reminder of the day precisely one year ago when I appeared before many of you as well as the Japanese judge and prosecutors in Tokyo I pleaded my innocence by a deed so while constrained by handcuffs and bound by a leash around my wrist which was used to walk me into the courtroom I was in the midst of being held indefinitely in solitary confinement after several attend they attend a Dane I had just spent the Christmas a New Year holiday alone and in confinement and spoken to or seeing my family for six weeks my only contact with them we're letters shown to me by lawyers through a looking glass I have spent the previous sponsors being interrogated for up to eight hours a day without any lawyers presence without an understanding of what exactly I was being accused of without access to the evidence that justified this travesty against my human rights and dignity it will get worse for you if you don't just confess the prosecutor told me repeatedly and this has been taped you can look at the tapes because the tapes are being held you can see how many times they came out about you know you just confess and it will be over and if you don't confess after you we're gonna go after your family I'm gonna discover many things to sleep and to make a decision do I fight for my innocence or do I do as I say and those conditions remain more or less the same day after day week after week month after month the feeling of hopelessness was profound and every day for over 130 days in detention I fold for my innocence when I was finally granted bail for the first time and so the opportunity to share with you all what I intend to share today I will process the throne back in solitary confinement within 24 hours a confinement that flies in the face of global and midnight nation standards of justice this is why today is such an important occasion for me to talk about how I managed to leave Japan although I can understand that you are interested in that for the first time since this nightmare began I can't defend myself speak freely and answer your questions it was very easy to beat on me while I was in prison it was very very easy to describe me the way I was described unfortunately not only in Japan but now I'm going to be able to speak with facts and data and evidence and hopefully you will discover the truth not as it has been Travie stood by the people who are accusing me all the people to join in this accusation accomplices not only in Japan Japan but the reality is very different and hopefully today given its cover it with me myself I'm here to shed light on a system that violates the most basic principles of humanity I need to clear my name and to pronounce clearly and emphatically something that was interpreted as a heresy in the Japanese judicial system these allegations are untrue and I should have never been arrested in the first place first by expressing my profound gratitude to those who supported me during this unspeakable ordeal in the face of a systematic campaign by a handful of malevolent actors to destroy my reputation and including my character I'm grateful beyond words for the steadfast love and support of my family my three sisters my mother Rose curves children and family they all do unimaginable pain the ruin of my arrest and solitary confinement through the media they were barred from seeing me or even speaking to me for monsters they were targeted by relentless shameless baseless media attacks orchestrated by Japanese prosecutors Nissan executives and unfortunately many accomplices I think of my supportive friends as well as the numerous anonymous individuals who sent me letters of support while I was in the detention center of course again I think of the Polish authorities and citizens who never lost their faith in me they show the world that for a small country the Burmese people have a big soul they have a big heart and the true sense of [Applause] energy against a corrupt and hostile system the presumed my guilt from day one and was designed to break my spirit and course my concise confession I also want to thank the human rights and criminal justice advocates globally and particularly in Japan who have fought tirelessly against insuperable us to improve Japan's anachronistic and inhumane system of hostile justice it is a system that is indifferent to the truth indifferent to fairness and process indifferent to fundamental civil liberties and accepted norms of justice I also want to take a moment to mention great and husband and father who was brutally torn from his world and his family on that Moberly sound Tokyo under false pretenses by helada when he needed to stay home for an important surgery Gregg remains a victim of the Japanese hospitals justice system who is no trial date inside 14 months after his arrest while my plant has captured the headlines we and you cannot forget Greg's ordeal and the pain he and family in dual each day at the hands of the Japanese system he is being punished precisely because he is honorable and refused to participate in the suspicious plea bargaining agreement alongside Harry Dada and Illuma and probably many others thanks to the system leaking of information and distorted information and the intentional withholding of expert battery information by the prosecutor and bind Issa I was presume duty before the eyes of the world and subject to a system whose only objective is to coerce confessions security please without my unimaginable ordeal over the past 14 months is a result of a handful of unscrupulous vindictive individuals at Nissan and workings law firm will support of the Tokyo prosecutor's office it is important for me to emphasize another Pablo and I welcome the opportunity for the truth to come out and my name indicated and my reputation restored I did not escape justice I fled injustice persecution political persecution you 400 days of inhumane treatment and a system designed to break me and are willing to provide me even minimal justice I was met with no other choice but to protect myself and my family it was a difficult decision a risk on money takes if resigned to the impossibility of a fair part with the strings being pulled and must be dated by those that set on securing a confession or a condition who's honest role is to say face the facts the truth justice are irrelevant to these individual this was the most difficult decision of my life then I was facing a system where the conviction rate is 99.4% and I will tell you that this number is much higher for the foreigners the legitimacy of the justice system should not rest on its conviction rate but instead on the confidence that it searches for and honors truth and dispenses fair and just outcomes it is the prosecutors aided and abetted by petty vindictive and those individuals in government and Misa and under law firm who have destroyed an arm stirring Japan reputation on the global stage it is them who are fury and manipulative arbitrary side to an otherwise modern country it is them who should be the charges against me are business why do you think the prosecutors have reached false information to the press against Japan's own intentionally concealed expedia very evidence that report by innocence we're gonna see why have they continuously delayed the still undetermined still tried eight and it's and investigation time why have we arrested me and say all my legal defense documents why were they so intent on preventing me from talking and holding a press conference where I would set forth the facts and my side of the story why have they spent 14 months trying to break my spirit banning me from all contact with my wife and should be my every move let me before going to try to give you some answer particularly five topics the first topic is the second is how for 14 months that the prosecutor had put on me I'm gonna expect you the charge we will also talk about all the charges that have been at the base I call the smear campaign that the prosecutor in there even put them in the accusation but they are flying through the media with many fantasies interpretation and unfortunately with some official position which are absolutely not readers on them and finally I'm going to do some words about the lines you know Aneesa where are they today one year later what is the situation of the three or these three entities later and then I will let you answer all your questions so let me start with the first item which is why okay if we say okay this is a bottom and this is something which has been organized what our reason for this well we have two reasons I'm gonna give you the main one the two main reasons for this to happen the first one was the fact that Nissan performance unfortunately started to decline at the beginning of 2017 I remind you that in October 2016 I decided to remove myself from the operation of Nissan because to be taking 30% of Mitsubishi and means to be she needed help so I move to Mitsubishi and the chairman of the board and future chairman of the board to support my super song into reviving this profit this is also something we should say the CEOs are not named by their predecessor their name by the board they are proposed by the predecessor but it is the poor decision so when people say Oh Monsieur Poirot he was named by mr. gone wrong mr. Bertie was named by the poor he was proposed by house gone but he was named by the board so and I say oh well named by mr pontipine here has no legitimacy is there wrong it's not factual the members of the board of voted unanimously unanimously to nominate him as you and I was later that unanimously voted him down that's a reality so let's come back to our story about psycho nominated in October 2016 CEO of the company I moved to Mitsubishi I got it now it's your turn one day I returned his company for having been CEO for 17 years me 0 for 17 years of company in 1999 the twenty billion dollars in cash a company which was profitable which was growing which was respected which was nowhere in 1999 which become one of the top 60 brand in the world that's what you think unfortunately you know that's a reason to be unfortunately we start within 17 to see a decline in the performance of the company obviously many tough discussions in 2018 and other decline many tough discussions but at the same time he was the CEO and he was responsible for it so we have the final solution which is on Team business in the ranks of the top management and particular reigns in the top management that a certain point in time patients will run out and change would come now - well we have to come back to these three of the lines you know there was a famous flow or glow in France that has been about voting rights for the shareholders who have more than two years we board Efrain all opposed this rule and we have the right people to luo allowed us if there is more than 2/3 of the shareholders voting to pass this rule it was possible we didn't prepare because as you know the French state increase into the company of the ships this left a big bitterness with our friends in Japan the parent of Nissan and this is because somehow they considered that it is unfair the son who owns 50% of shares in Renault zero what England and the French state is from 50% of voting rights we try to explain it we were not successful unfortunately and this is where the problem started we started to be some kind of defense from our Japanese colleagues lines but also about me particularly when I've been asked before renewing my mandate which by the way are in the ASP or ready to retire before June 2018 as asked that hours we probably the best person to continue for the next step of the lines and unfortunately I accepted this offer and probably one of the reasons for which I am in this situation today it was has accepted this offer to continue to integrate the two company converse to company always respecting the authority of each company because this is the because happening today between the board of Nissan Nissan and authorities now I respect and I respect the hospitality that has been extended to me by the authorities in development and in no way I want to do anything or say any because we were in charge and now they are supporting the UT so the story is very long myself how the crappy sound suspicions about the next step of the irreversibility of their lives these are the two reasons for which is happen over 19 mm 18 I suspect anything and I suspect anything because I was very much the CEO of the company our Chairman and I delegate I delegate some people ask me oh you didn't even mention this you can subscribe this and it's happened that because they could eat one of your curry from the US and I say did you know what happened in Pearl Harbor you know so you tell me your ask notice in my country that something like this was being cooked against me because it is true that it's banned arrest or stay in a car I arrive to the passport they told me there is a problem with my visa they took me in a small room and this is where I found safety persecutor telling me a prosecutor office I need to talk to you and since then say you cannot use anymore your phone and I know I was arrested I understand what's going on because to do stuff to send a lawyer but obviously I didn't know that is not what behind it and it was all staged way before between the prosecutor and the company this is very common and further they took me to kosugi Detention Center it took five hours between my arrest and me finding myself into a tiny cell including the collusion between the Sun and the prosecutor is everywhere the only people who don't see it may be other people in Japan they don't see this please and I thought this is totally legal how can it be legal and at the same time we have so many traces so many hands on the wall and no it's talking about well you don't see if you don't want to see but the collusion between Lisa and the prosecutors coming through witnesses who were in the headquarter of Nissan who told me what happened before I was arrested all the preparation all the visits a lot of the meeting that took place between the prosecutors and me some at least without dumping officials talked about the official as I said so our sent to the prison and the prosecutor told me for underreporting your compensation understand my position they say we are arresting you for reporting a compensation welcome pay - you sound surprised okay so talk about something which was that fateful yes and then something which didn't go to the board which mean that it is not decided so I was arrested for a compensation that was not fixed that was not decided and that was not paid this is the reason of my arrest this is the reason of fighters well in many country there is no reason to arrest it's certainly not the criminal case it's certainly not a even an offense named professor of corporate law top university consultant three weeks ago documents on the third charge from the prosecutor again 13 months after the arrest we showed him everything and we told him professor please tell us he said I'm putting him it is a shame that Japan arrested mr. bone for this say we asked him to write and he's gonna work obviously I do not wanna continue to write it down it's a shame University it's a shame that mr. bone was arrested for this let me continue so you talk to you a little bit I'm not gonna talk too much about it 130 days in prison confinement by myself without window light day and night 30 minutes per day excluding weekend because obviously there is not enough gold in the weekend we can't go for 30 minutes outside when there is nobody so you stay in yourself you just get your food for example six days without any human contact during the New Year break shower twice a week try to ask to have more they said no prescribe medication is forbidden you can get on either medicine from the prison until today's a night can happen in the morning in the afternoon at night up to eight hours obviously without the presence of a lawyer all of this estate be possible to take to anyone no one speak English or French or anything when we need something important we have to bring somebody and this guy is available once a week presumption of guilt prevail prosecutor from the beginning you know need to know you're guilty you know don't play games confess is not to discover the truth is to try to find reason to make sure that there are huge issues will be stopped so I felt from the beginning that there was no interest in to find you the truth therefore interest into trying to build a very strong case against me and sent to prison the day before the press conference to talk me from speaking out which is interesting is after the second time a new prosecutor in Japan has been nominated and he was interviewed by a Japanese media and the media say but we also which was okay because you know yesterday yesterday this is my wife without telephone computer she was not going to be without anything she left because she was afraid share something to hide she came back four days later she came back with the judge and the prosecutor and now they're issuing a one for force testimony nine months later the judge in charge of the condition Hajime Shimada we asked him seven times to remove the band over a period of nine months seven times and every time he took the time you think nothing changed and then he came back by saying no and why I know because tampering of evidence tampering of evidence for travel but I was able to receive my sister's I was able to receive my kids I was able to receive my cousin's my friends there is one angry mother sound similar sound you know maybe from time to time under you control and the question was various missing it was saying why do they want to meet and we say okay how about a zoo conference he said what they want to talk about I felt like I was not the human anymore our something between the human and animal or an object I mean there's no feeling that a man and the woman who are married want to talk together and I have to explain why I have to talk to my wife thank you know two hours two hours in mind off with a lawyer present in the room and the poor guy was embarrassed he should be just serving please excuse me I have to be here and I have to report about what you say the second one that I'd like to mention also I mentioned I had many pretrial sessions in the pre-trial session you have the defense and the other judge Freeh Jones the judge kenji similar to Nazca when they overlaid they say we're sorry we're late we're busy when they ask why don't you bring this document this day they say we're gonna think about now the day comes I say we're ready put not a minute and try as much as possible to delay in the trial I still did not have a date for the first charge didn't have a date for the third charge before we start the second one so when I asked my daughter's about all of this front a girlfriend is gonna be many five years in Japan before I get the judgment this is I understand [Music] nice organizer all things not in a point four percent conviction rate all the signs that there was no way I was going to be treated fairly no sign that I would have life for the next four or five years they do that mean it's not very difficult to come to conclusion you're gonna die in Japan or gonna have to get out this was not about justice this was as I felt I was a hostage of a country that I have served for 17 years my professional life I was proud of it I revived the capacity that nobody else before me was able to do for 10 years memorizing the dirt I wrote them for 17 years I was considered as a role model in Japan more than 20 books of management were written above me and like this in 30 minutes a few prosecutor and the parts of exactly subset you know what this guy is a cold cold greedy dictator cold greedy dictator we find motion to dismiss because of the all the elements that the prosecutor violated obviously this motion is still being analyzed and then there is an anti search for new charges by the prosecutor so it is the prosecutor misconduct presented with evidence fast and which data and miss name and which testimony presented to the world just to ask for the case to be dismissed but you know don't think that it will be dismissed there is zero case in Japan where whatever is the reason of this missile this is the position the lawyer said well we're not guilty there is no reason there is no reason and this document is available for you in Japan we'll get some set increases they say good not guilty so this is available we're supplying the key the key sentence is saying that I just wanted to mention this for you and we'll come back during the question as the question and answer again there is no democratic country I know when you go for jail for this kind of accusation even in the words she said look she's a bomb there is a resolution from the board this is about resolution everybody voted unanimously for resolution saying if the foreign director or a 40 foreign officer for an officer want to have the contract of exchange rates to cover his income he can do it oh my god this is the kind of money in the budget this is then you have the boss of this guy who usually is the head of the operation then there is me why because if it's considered I have to accept that every single payment from CEO reserved for the same procedure there is not one dollar paid from CEO Reserve with my signature you have after you agree on the budget line it has to go for the payment because you know so many people making statement because they were obliged to give it to them he was the vice president in charge of the beast for Lisa another one is Joe Peter the chief financial officer of Nissan also another chief financial officer that cover this area and we are saying it all these documents are available you can consult them and we make them available so when we are what do they say they say the batiste was an important business for Carlos born because Toyota this is one of the main profit center of the wheel top and it's not one of the main profit center of Nissan and as you know the Matisse is practically in Asian country the car selling our Japanese cars and Korean cars in the box you have summer sales and BMW but the European in opposition in the Mideast or very weak position opportunity not only involve over offering profit and we need to change the way we do business we need to innovate in the way we do business pushing people to work with let's give it support that's giving incentive let me do the job for us and frankly delivered for us because every time we did this we have five sales and high profits all of this is argumentum and the presentation made by the prosecutor is second-hand special ties with Saudi guy and so on in a month so there are this kind of very cozy relationship in fact everything we did with Rahman we did it with to buy with me but on with mascota than talking about the one that just focusing on Oh this incentives are very big and what's interesting is when you compare incentive pay to these people it's totally normal and even below the level of incentive that competitors are saying but this is something you never heard about potential of the Middle East is very important and that's what we were going after let's go to the next one has been used by the prosecutor who is revealed by the prosecutor in Japan he wasn't elevated for one day never heard about one because obviously didn't say what they are exerting himself denied all of the accusation no one's going to believe him well in a certain way you may say something different that the truth but you need to know that all the bank accounts my bank accounts bank accounts Kumar bank accounts Jafar the bank accounts have all been swept which was suspicious I can tell you it would be front page of the wiki or of the Sunday before it would come which would come directly with the prosecutor so then people say okay so story was come on I said well if a breach of trust is there is money from Nissan going from Nissan and with you there's nobody from Mesa because the money be sound stops at nothing to do with benefitting so they don't reach a trust because which of trust is there is money of the company which is benefitting the executive of the company I'm sure would come back on this so let's continue on character assassination this is I say that but you know do some find a lot of people recently they spent more than two hundred million dollars for the investigation and for everything around this two hundred million dollars okay how much money how much money is that say they're talking about fourteen point seven million dollars is referring was paid to do for you and five million dollars for bar one so how is how rationally you gonna say you will spend two hundred million dollars you're gonna destroy your company you're gonna throw your brand you wanna sign your image with the lines of million dollars because the million euro so we need to if you're not convinced by the question then is fine about the planes about two universities they have to school yeah you don't talk to me and we just say unexplained expenses I don't worry about this element million euro because I have an explanation of value and I see understand one I worry when Elmo goes down by all this amount the automotive industry is up 12% though the only companies which were down in market cap for this period of time are what the questions Renault Nissan Egyptian on average went up 12 percent so it's what it's about what it's about you know it's mainly about regional value if I remember the CEO is here for the creation of value the board is here to protect shareholders we're here because as a shareholder of Renault and shareholder of Nissan I say oh my god who's protecting me as a shareholder who is caring about me where is the name of the brand was the future of the brand maybe big story about Gaza Gaza something they can be present because no person no I mean to say okay first there's accusation you still go on you make it 15 years anniversary of the lines in that side yes sure why cat's eye sight is not big at all the sight is the most visited site in France it's a simple of the genius that France has is a symbol of the opening to the world if the symbol of the globalization of France you talk about the site any foreigner will come to herself there are amazed by the beauty by the attraction by the government that's why I'm so very sorry it's not because you want to be me 3/4 will be 14 or you wanna greet my opponent it's ridiculous we mainly and I say oh this was the party on Thursday what say what hey let me speech what this speech switches are killed all of sudden I can get the speech I mean which was a popular speech where I think all the people for the support they give it to the ones now people say hey but we had a celebration with exactly which was different these were for the partners and particularly with the foreign partners if you invite somebody in France to go to Versailles doesn't care but if you live in America the Chinese the cherish the good result they're all wrong that's the reason of we're sorry but our suspicion is no this was the birthday party okay character assassination second one you have the unfortunate reservation of the room in Versailles this is the bill we were a big sponsors of their side why because you know that money to maintain the building today or to large corporation they came to me and say mr. Guan can you help us I said fine because the image over solid fits with the image of the lines it fits resilience Romano let's do it I agree so we should put them anything in Versailles we supported recently the fact that we have redone rousillon de l'épée it was in a situation which was frankly horrible we paid more than 1 billion or in Europe hopefully it didn't come as a of thrusts that I'm using the money of the company for something in which you know may not be interested so the image of website is this one so nothing bigger who is the head of their side 12 years ago you were a big benefactor you know from capita for our big fans we can make groups available if you have a body we can make room available I say thank you very much and then many months has passed all of a sudden I had the possibility for Carol's 50th birthday she was telling me OK to our friends coming from Lebanon and from think I said I said you know what maybe well Sal can be an interesting place I have this proposal from pick up whole pick up said no problem we put somebody in charge you are not going to do it this is a company TMP we put all the spices okay so you know what agency commercial yeah sure you know there are appreciative etc that's fine we're gonna make we're gonna use their own people because offices is not a very cheap party so then I was surprised to see that this was fifty thousand euro because I don't know what have you seen somebody went and say no you know what we cannot pay 50,000 we cannot give as the present 50 we're gonna deduct it from the crane that there are no burns by being responsible Meza we said okay we're ready to pay we do you know and we have all the documents to prove and all the people involved then we did nobody nobody tells us we thought that in good faith this was the kind of commercial gesture which by the way militating beside people we use all the people who are worse than university the houses physical office the gun you have possible Gennaro house in Beirut come on but the houses all belong to Nisa and say oh my god we are discovering mischief that is secretly secretly let me show you document this is document signed by the two representative director of Nissan great engineer osakawa keen and what this document says use of copper here is natural accommodation they use it and they say that these houses can be sold back to him and Book value at the end so when I hear that everybody what's your promise and we were doing this that's where you plus legal finance but this is part of the character assassination the media Japanese let's continue my sister protein contract with my sister couldn't say make a contract didn't do anything well she'd do anything well one of the reasons for which she was there because she was the head of the Chamber of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro and she was key for really benefiting from a huge incentive package and selecting real general for the building of more than 1 billion dollar plants in in recent behavior general which is exist today in anticipation of Brasilia was aware all the people who are the money transfer the money we're aware of these OC now people say yeah we're not sure yeah I studied in the pressure from he said something he said pay attention or in understand what I was signing this but this kind of argument with him goes well the prosecutor don't go in with me so let me go to the last point RN bv r NB v on it made by myself you know that they want who is an interim audit report to the board over long until you produce report after they've seen the internal audit report renault communicated and some officials of the government communicated the results of an audit which is not finished before even I have the opportunity to interface with them so [Music] [Music] the fact that you are exposed to the results and you have to explain what's going on this did not come no small amount chops like there is no controller there is no finance there is no auditors there is no outside people both the bills are being reviewed not only internally but externally what the explanation are we made so didn't think that this kind of things can happen without anybody just people signing on it this follow a protocol which is extremely rigorous and I can tell you i vb are the same under no and it's on let me go for the last point before probably making a debris before going to your question and answer now you say why all of this what is the consequence of all this you know who's the winner of this whoo-hoo at the end of the day who prepared it to this well in 2017 reliance was the number one automotive group with three companies Renault Nissan and Mitsubishi growing possible with a clear vision for the future strategy both strategy and you know very well that we were preparing to add Chrysler to the group because I was negotiating with John L come for a job so we had a strategy we know where we're going we know how to finish this work this one is situated 2017 will today well frankly there is no more relaxed if somebody said well Polly you guys are together because it looks like all the decisions are made are consensual well I've been managing this entity for 17 years I can tell you consensus doesn't work it doesn't work you have to make sure that you [Music] opportunity to become the dominant player in this industry by the roaming times with people who are here to join you totally complimentary to the lines obviously you're gonna have 15 explanation telling you you know what it's because of gourmand because you know this everything is on me not okay so what you say is this is not a common case where I was to go on you know what you know he didn't under sometimes I say he didn't pay taxes no taxes involved you know he didn't compensation when I tell people I didn't receive any compensation that surprised but the whole story has been pulled in a way to lead people to think something which is different from the reality okay this probably the only way this is the only thing original good because I'm anything else which is also see about the carmaker is to make good cars sorry both of them develop the technology see the power of the future to make the profits make cash and increase the shareholders yeah they said we want to turn the golden page very successful they turn the one page they turn the context because there is no more growth there is no more increase of profit there is no more strategic initiatives there is no more technology and there is no more lies what we see today is a masquerade of analyze that obviously with all the people who are involved is not gonna go anywhere so that's why I tell you this is political this is political there's a lot of to present it as a you know common case of somebody who has crossed boundaries no there is no single founders I'm innocent of all the charges and I can prove it now because I start to have a lot of documents and there are many more documents to come and that's what I wanted to say to say today because justice justice is the only way to thank you for your attention and people were greeting me they tell me come party with us Arkansas they were saying we're sorry about talking to you we hope you continue to love Japan this is the people on the streets because so if you remember I was the first one push it happened in France uninjected comes here were the first one in Japan everybody was the first one there go into the Iraqi plant which was myself and all the suppliers and company pleased to say together in Japan why Japan is paying me with evil for the good I think I've come to the country I don't understand that i profoundly don't understand them because I know Japanese people are not like this the second thing we say they're greedy they say are greedy really in nineteen in 2009 Steve Rattner Consul General Motors was down Krauser was down he came to me and say I talked to the president we want you to become the CEO theremins his book stories you can you can but this is not so this is about this whole thing which was very educated imposed on the Japanese public but you know what the public did not realize in function or what they said because I didn't have a bodyguard I worked in Japan all the time by myself or one of my kids we have never been bothered by anybody we're always be received very well in all the restaurant and the places that we have visible but they tarnish my reputation in in many other country where the fact that you have power or you're supposed to have money you're already guilty Wow it's not the same thing as you we're gonna stop here and make it small great you we just do it great for those who want to translations we're going to provide some legit translation so please Oscar it because mr. Berman will be answering questions obscene arabic in arabic questions in English in English and customs in French in French thank you very much [Applause] [Music] district question especially what's Contras sorry [Music] you want to make interest that's why we are don't worry it was yours please please if you want to sit down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right days a gentleman please we're going to close the door first we're now at the door [Music] these press conferences begin to spot question [Music] okay we are we are if you can very much combination thank you this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] we go I must yes I'm curious too because it seems to me to make sure that the truth is going to come back so friends in I'm surrounded by people who respect me and which so you can't expect me in the next weeks to finish are going to be used to make sure that all the evidence are going to come to the table and be restored anything which happen we put not into a system GUI dictator but for being a very important actor in the car industry with mr. [Music] fully level for my colleagues the question sir it might seem to some the you've substituted a very small cell in Japan from Olajuwon where you can't go anywhere you can't leave the country you and your life for both of risk would you go to France would you even risk getting on a plane to go even you would not be [Music] are people who wanna talk to me or we walk through something much nicer than this because this is something which is extremely sandy say you decide that you want a small to have a target please Tommy needs to be armed it sounds like it's a merger between [Music] so okay mr. groundhog Simpson from the BBC two questions if I may you say and it's understandable you don't want to cause a fuss between Lebanon and Japan but it's clear that you say there's been a conspiracy how high up in the Japanese system does that conspiracy go does it go up perhaps to the very top would you would you believe secondly would you be prepared to stand trial in Lebanon for on the charges that you've been abused that have been leveled against you so the first question you know to be which worried me a lot because my lawyer cannot even tell me you wanna have a fair trial I think you're under some any statement or Kakashi son in a statement they said you know you do we think it will be acquitted because of the strengths of the arguments that have enhanced position you know we don't speak the language county 9.4% for bhiksha great is because first the appeal and then eventually Supreme Court people five years five years of trial after this a 99.4% of conviction rate oh my god the pin I will see myself say party you all my life in Japan by the way deprived from my wife because there was absolutely no son they were going to release a band from my wife won I won on pay my usually two months three months if you respect of the condition of the bed which I did they start to soften in Italy you can use your phone you can use you can use your email at home maybe nothing what's often not one thing worse often I was asking for the phone nothing oppose the judge can say we're gonna hit the same thing and that one day we may not single one before the second product stop so if I was intending to do something I would have done it anyway so this was persecution this was persecution is world objects and because this persecution and Noble and burning of the villain unfortunately supported outside supported outside I decided to take the risk because because I wanted justice and now and now I can tell you the first forum while I can't express myself from the Justice which is not [Music] [Music] are still saying Russia for you to be extradited do you have a government will be no reason without without that so here I'm confident that you know the existing practices and the loaves will be respected this is from all the officials [Music] japanese to be respected businessman with the press the press even which is not very favorable to me you have a visa know that good things in Japan because all the practices that we produce in okay you need to defend these charges we need to defend which exactly what to do if I am denied justice if I am realized the tool to defend myself how can I defend myself yeah I mean obviously breaking the law in Japan people's microbiotic Japan is a problem the prosecutor okay nobody cares so body me breaking euro is a problem when the prosecutor 18:10 robes so I stood the point in time when you are in a situation while you only are you have to respect the law and then people respect to R nobody cares you [Music] specific nomination are gone inside the company Japanese publishing company Shogun and the news weekly post yes I was firstly it's very surprised that there were so few Japanese media here into the situation because these are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just Krista suspicious pair to come and see a lonely cottage over the back of this indie folk vampire of the ship the creature swap mission Shweta second our reality [Music] [Music] paprika Eataly you were mentioning the possible alliance between bread raw and FCA can you go through their tour see the missing chance and then if you can [Music] I with we sell FCAT I we have a lot of understanding where the very good dialogue unfortunately ours arrested before we could come to a conclusion meeting each other before a kind of final conclusion of the deal in January in the detention centre of course okay and as you know still on I think it's a it's a it's a big waste for a row it should be I mean it's a great opportunity for BSA now he's wonderful [Music] [Music] no booze and CJ would you possibility with your pocket with you practically this vulnerability to educate the Barbuda palace in contrast on the Shelbyville cell failure comes in you gently salty succumbs see [Music] pollito sell fashion oh oh oh Interpol all the international circles special security forces must mind MEMS are organs who cares para the key Interpol octane you majority sound and boo-boo NEPA heat engine is something companies there's dependences so there is no problem right there mr. Brockman from Channel 4 News you must be worried you must be worried is prepared in a box well there's no smoke without fire what do you say to that well you know there be many stories about how I escaped to do I escaped and we heard a lot of things which are contradictory but obviously I'm going to come back with you know you can have more always a lot of people who tell you there is no smoke without fire okay which is fair which always give the advantage to anybody who I ask you if I'm sorry about you know people are not going to say oh there is no smoke without fire so no matter how much lies I put some of them are gonna stick to this is who is on the offensive and in this case that's what family house initiative why because our to be known for so graciously to say this guy has overcome all the demons he has hidden compensation didn't receive he has for this is very easy journey to do it yes it's true you run silicosis guilty but I'm telling you I escaped because I'm guilty I'm state because a zero chance of a third problem if I have any opportunity to prove at least for part of the people I'm carry all the people who can tell you give ability no matter what okay this is Ross Perot but these are people who are ready to listen to you and they should have a body to talk it up and this has to go through a third party you know and the only way to be done in Japan I have to be outside Japan but today but I can be in another country I can be in Brazil we do not extradite the citizen it does France you know France vomit extradited citizen citizen every cop we are done blessed to be citizen of three company who do not next to that so anyone of the copy I think I can so was he in the session that we had in November that he try to stop the second the track on the second chart in September 2000 2005 we want to see the end of the town but then he came on the 25th of December which was Christmas Day where we had a creeper he said I'm afraid the prosecutor the prosecutor cannot afford to have you tried they say always [Music] Oh Oh [Music] do you think that the Alliance can succeed [Music] it's working something well people already know about disabilities you see okay times do you really think you can clear your name in front of an international audience given that their widespread perceptions that Lebanon's judicial system is correct and independence around the world the justice system is not up to handling a trial such as you are a student you can clear your name in front of it international audience so if you Thank You mr. couple questions the first one is about you can repeat the sorry the state of the Alliance and you're still in charge Oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] from our system judicial reppin a Rick civility okay you system already disabled the equivalent just a dizzy those chocolate puma punku was a refugee camp eight syllables in this surveillance activities please silicon are keys to the does in case you say ice cubes pinata to the system GDC happily living off of freedom I know who's at the shop a bit if you see power you need a question piles of Shyama be the ladies knew that fair trial see one is a balcony of the traffic signal now sit around wah say tell them why they are over the forum sit still cannot deform the circles the monistic of that hat you put the spot citrus click the money because there are potential hopefully before she poopy poopy tamil kannada parveen
Channel: CNBC Television
Views: 182,741
Rating: 4.5940542 out of 5
Keywords: CNBC, business news, finance stock, stock market, news channel, news station, breaking news, us news, world news, cable, cable news, finance news, money, money tips, nissan, nissan ceo, former nissan ceo, carlos ghosn, japan, escape from japan, ghosn, carlos ghosn lebanon, former nissan chairman, ghosn bail, japanese authorities, financial misconduct, autos, transportation
Id: I4KH7_TwV0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 45sec (9105 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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