FMC Programming Basics w/ Flight Planning Tutorial Using SimBrief

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greetings captains and welcome to this FMC programming tutorials video many of you have requested that I do a full tutorial showing how to enter a flat plan manually into the FMC that is without using the export company route feature that normally ships with most flights to the planning tools in this video we are going to be creating a flight plan using sim brief and then we're going to enter a the flight plan into a Boeing FMC let us begin with the flight planning part of this tutorial if you're unfamiliar with sim breeze sim Reef is a free online flight planning tool it is in my opinion the very best online flight planning tool available today we're not going to be delving into the details of simply in this video but I am going to show you how to create a flight plan for the purpose of our tutorial one note that is worth mentioning though is that if you have a Navagraha account with an SMC data set subscription you're able to use it with sim breeze and the way you do this is you go to dispatch account settings and simply scroll down enter your Navagraha count information and if you have a valid subscription you'll be able to unlock the latest snap database as you can see I'm using Air Act's 1702 which is the latest version in order to create a pipeline using Cimbri the very first step is setting up your aircraft and to do this we go to dispatch and we go to the dispatch system from the dispatch system select on monthly and then we're going to click on new frame as you can see I have several aircraft already created once you click on new frame you'll be able to select your aircraft from the drop-down menu let's just say that we're going to select the a310 and say proceed you will be presented with various options and fields that you can edit I do not recommend that you make any changes to these fields unless you know exactly what you're doing you can though change the settle registration and phone number for your aircraft once you're done just click on save aircraft and now your aircraft will be available for fly planning the next thing we want to do is we want to go back to the dispatch system and this time we're going to click on create new flight all right so what we're going to do is today we're going to be doing of course a fictitious like and the airline is QH Airways flight number four five six and the departure Airport auto code is a ostrich kilo bravo kilo and the arrival Airport is Oscar March Delta Bravo and that would be Dubai and it will automatically calculate an adequate alternate Airport and which is I believe this is Abu Dhabi and this is the date of the flight and the departure time and normally this steps normally is done by the dispatcher and that's why this is called a dispatch system so normally when the pilot arrives into the briefing center he arrives maybe about an hour and a half for long-haul flights and the dispatcher would actually hand him the entire flight packet which contains that you know the the flight plan so the pilot doesn't normally to the flight planning so the next thing we're going to do here is we're going to select the aircraft and for the purpose of this video we're going to select this aircraft here which is the 737-300 and we're going to wait awhile until now now sim briefed what's in brief has done is that it actually calculated everything for us as you can see the departure runway is 15 left arrival runway into Dubai is 12 right taxi out in and extra fuel and altitude everything here of course is set up I've set everything so that it is automatically calculated for me and if you're just starting with some brief or you're just starting with flight planning it's my recommendation to also keep things on auto and so that everything is calculated automatically for you and now what you can do here is this is going to be our route today into Dubai and you can click on analyze route and now it says that your route is valid for Iraq 1702 route distance 515 nautical miles plus 11.7% that would be probably our Sidon star this is the reason why there is an increase in the actual and the actual route distance now what I really like about sem rates is that it shows you everything that you need to know chose you a map you know so it Maps everything for you this is the infamous Dubai approach and you are also able to create a flight plan and generate an operational flight plan as well as download the relevant file for your favorite sin so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to say generate flight plan and it says confirm use the giant fly plans it started fine go ahead and overwrite the previous flight plan and now the briefing package is being generated the flight said briefing package has now been created and we are able to print or view a PDF we can create a vast and file if you fly on Bassam or you can download the FMS for various aircraft weather for explain or p.3d now this is the operation flight summary an airline is Kuwait Airways flight number four five six the aircraft is a seven three seven the origin is q8 destination define alternate is Abu Dhabi cruise altitude is 35,000 feet this is the date departure time and time block fuel extra fuel zero fuel weight and if you'll factor this is the routing that we will be using for our flight today and now you can take a look at the map and here is a full paperwork preview of the flight plan now there is a ton of information this flight plan and we're not going to be using everything in this but I will plug out the information that we're going to need as we enter the information into the flight management computer a quick run-through though of what this operation flight plan contains it contains the information of your the departing and arriving airports and of course it contains the planned fuel for this trip and as you can see the total block fuel is 13424 Chur and arriving runways and if we scroll down here this is the actual at the beginning of the flight log so this is the departure out of q8 this is de CID which is the box g3 echo departure and now this is an airway which is Bravo four one six okay and Bravo four one six will end at let's see here it will end right here at density this is the this is our top of descent okay another brilliant feature in sem brief is that it gives you exactly where to begin your top of descent and this is where we're going to exit the airway at Bravo four one six a density which is by the way the transition for our star which is the dense one Bravo and you this will all make sense as we enter this information into the SMC other information that comes in handy is the wind information so you've got your climb and the cruise and descent at wind information which is extremely useful especially in flying online an NTC flight plan is also available for you plus many many other information related to whether it was at the destination the departure and the and Air Force of course the NOTAMs are also available and also some instructions for the airport both the departure and arriving airports as you can see here for example taxiway echo 115 is closed for all off due to maintenance and there are some tempo obstacles three tower cranes erected and so on and so forth so it does give you a lot of very useful information now this information is is useful for for you to know and maybe you can simulate not going to you know that particular taxiway but in in brand ascend as this is really irrelevant information that is not really going to you know add anything to you so you can just safely skip this alright let's go ahead and jump into the flight deck and enter this information into the SFC before we jump into the logic and start programming the FMC let's take a look at how things actually look like on the airport charts and this is going to be so this is QA International Airport and this is the CID this is the box tech tree echo which we are going to be taking this is our CID basically that we will be taking for our departure out of the q8 let's take a look at the Dubai approach alright so this is the approach into Dubai and as you can see this is desi this is the exit point of our airway and this will lead it into this t1 Bravo and from that we will take the Rarick transition into debarring international okay let's go ahead and jump into this white X and enter the flight line into the SMC alright we are now ready to program the FMC I have powered up the aircraft and I've entered the fuel which is the 13,000 423 pounds of fuel so let's go ahead and begin SMC position initialization and we are at Oscar kilo bravo kilo and we enter that here is the airport reference airport copy that into the scratchpad and back here now we go to the route now the originated and the destination is to buy which is Oscar mod Delta Bravo okay now we're not going to be entering a company route our flight number today is Kuwait Airways four five six and that's the flight number and we're just going to go ahead and say on route now as you can see here now this is the via - okay and this is where we're going to be entering the information that we received here so before we do so let's go ahead and select the departure and arrival runways and system stars so for departure will select rule eight first and we're going to be departing to wait according to our plan right here runway 15 left so this is our departing Airport through the Box e3 echo which is right over here okay right so that's selected route activates and executes okay and now we'll go back to the departure and arrival page and now we're going to select our arrival and to Dubai our arrival is divine if you look here let's see here so we are going to be arriving through the dense one Bravo and we're going to do an ILS runway okay let me show you this all right okay so this is 12 right and this is the desk one let me let me just bring this here this is the DES one drabble okay this is our star into divine and this is the arriving runway all right so let's go to the den Sloane Bravo which is this one here and we're going to do an ILS runway one two left at divine all right so that is now selected and now it's shown it's showing here a transition okay now as we go down to our flight plan and we take a look here as you can see there is the Weirich transition okay so we're going to select Rarick and we're going to say execute and now this is the active flight plan okay now if you go to the Lexx page you will find that this is the transition out of the CID in two eight and there is a disco here and then this is the transition into the star to Dubai okay alright so let's go to the root page and we'll click on routes now as you can see here there is a route discontinuity okay and that's because from box ik okay that is the waypoint or the lack of the transition out of the CID we need to take airway Bravo four one six okay so this here this airway is the via okay so this airway think of it as the bridge that will take you all the way to the end of this airway well you will find an entry point into another another airway or Waypoint in this case this is going to take us all the way to density which is the transition into our star okay so via Bravo that's Bravo for one six Bravo four one six and will enter this here and the as you can see we're going to exit a robo four one six airway as desi which is this one here right so the only thing we need to do here is copy that into the scratchpad and back here and now we'll stay execute and now our flight plan is complete now if we go to the Lexx page as you can see there are no discos and everything is set up for our flight pretty simple isn't it we can enter the gross weight and other information here from the ground services see that the gross weight is 54 seven eight so it will stay fifty twenty seven eight and enter that here plan is thirteen point four all right zero fuel is 37.4 voyage is correct right here reserves we just say one and the cruise altitude is thirty five thousand feet or our flight today so that's thirty five thousand feet and one limits and of course we can be raised the take-off or we can put these selected temperature we'll just go ahead and say you know we'll do rates and we're actually taking off pretty light and now import a stops we have flaps five is already set the center of gravity we can select from here which is twenty and winter that here that gives us a trim of three point six and here are now your V speed V 1 V rotate and V two and we will now say execute and everything now is ready for our departure as you can see all the altitudes are now set and you have the distances to be different waypoint in the flight plan now just notice that when we entered for one six it actually automatically entered all the way home in that airway okay so as you can see here we only have to insert be four one six but what we got is everything from the boxes so everything beyond box six up until density is actually entered automatically for you because that's what the would be air for the weight ones that are contained in the in the airway so that's it folks so this is really what you really need to do in order to manually enter a flight plan into an FM see if you have any questions regarding F and C programming please do post your questions in the comment section below I'll try to answer your questions as quickly as I possibly can until next time captions please do take care of yourselves and each other thank you very much for watching and I will see you next time I'll bye for now
Channel: Q8Pilot
Views: 88,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FMC Tutorial, FMC, Flight Management Computer, how to program fmc, Boeing fmc, flight plan, flight simulator, fmc, tutorial, flight simulation, Aircraft, Plane, simbrief, how to program fmc x-plane, how to program fmc 737, how to program fmc 747, how to program airbus fmc, boeing, prepar3d, Q8Pilot, flight, pmdg, airplane, x plane., xplane, x-plane, x plane 11, p3d, fsx, Video Game, flying, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, how to program Boeing fmc, flight planning, how to create a flight plan
Id: grwUen8_X8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
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