Flying across the North Atlantic to Iceland! IFR light aircraft ocean crossing - DA42 - ATC Audio

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[Music] so [Music] all right guys a bit of a special day for me um something i've always wanted to do and probably the last time i'm gonna get the chance to do this this year before it gets too cold here's uh i'm gonna go fly to austin so take you along enjoy the chip see in a bit all right guys so we've just got the aircraft started um our ifr clearance wick tower said he's going to give it to us on taxi so just a bit quick look at the route itself so starting here wix so north and scotland we're going to take off it's runway 3-1 in euston northwestern runway so that's a good thing it always gets going in the right direction passing kirkwall which will be on the right side climbing hopefully all the way up to flight level 180 and the big route looks like that so it's going to sort of take us out so it's a large stretch of water past the ferro islands and an even bigger stretch of water uh to coast in at the southeast areas and then we'll cross the uh costly island on the southern bits all the way to reykjavik so the route is uh 660 miles in total uh we're going at uh 60 cruise it should take us about four hours and seven minutes so pretty lengthy fight actually and uh it's uh it's not too bad it's the only uh the only thing he's got quite cautious obviously you're going over water and uh there's not many alternates on route so you've got the fair islands but the weather's also up and down the whole time there and it's quite a difficult approach in so uh you just need to sort of think about contingency plans if something happens to go go wrong along the boots so having a look at the actual sort of weather flies itself so uh taking off from here um it gives a bit of a better picture this one so you've got a low to the uh south of iceland so give us a crosswind sort of coming to a tailwinder flight level one eight zero significant weather-wise uh not an awful lot going on there's a bit of a build up around uh reykjavik they've they've got it in their taff from tenzu they're onwards quick 12 [Music] and you have a look at section four here uh clouds uh this is significant weather from two parts eight to six for some reason but four so below all the x's mean it's below the chart level uh up to two six zero so it'll be within our altitude uh cube olympus uh isolated and embedded as well so we'll probably have to make good use of the weather radius make sure we uh give them a good uh avoiding takeoff at week the weather's actually pretty good here um it's a little bit wet on the ground but visibility and clouds pretty good and the destination reykjavik um as you can see on the second line variable cavity at the moment but it's half pure five five uh temperature seven that's uh that's later on in the day and a prop 40 in between ten and twenty three hundred shadows of rain broken fifteen hundred uh so actually they've deleted the towering cumulus out there but uh shards of rain you've got to expect some convective activity and uh the tempo from 1800s outside our period where it just gets a bit more windy uh also while he's got catholic which is uh next door and that's uh as you'd expect with the same forecast and then uh yeah that's looking pretty good and then vegan roots is scattered 50 broken at three with four click shouts of rain and uh broken uh that's 1000 cb so expecting sorts of cbs along that bits the sigma here is mountain waves which is uh in scotland and that's about it really those times uh not really switch effects the only real no tam uh which uh comes into uh which might affect us is the uh runway one nine is an opposite so it's either a low-class approach on one of the other runways or a uh approach yeah so that's all looking pretty good so i'm just gonna wait for the aircraft to warm up uh that'll take another 10 minutes or so and uh request taxi and then we'll get our ifr clearance and november 14 quest taxi remember two lima romeo make a right turn taxi by alpha charlie enter backtrack line up from my three one that's he's there so outfit is on our right hand side taxing out it's uh time for each other so back to checks that's all looks good still gotta do a run up in this aircraft and november 14 romeo will still need a run-up which will take two or three minutes number two lima romeo roger you can do that on the runway thanks yeah it's a great airport there's a lot of heritage and uh it's kind of cool actually because it's the uh the airport with fairy pilots uh going to and from america uh by the north atlantic route it's the one that they all use for their stopover there's so many pictures inside and so many stories of the uh ground crew got to tell all right this is charlie so we've got the wrong way ahead of us one three three one so uh backtrack runway three one we have so it's not exactly much of a backtrack approaching runway three one 1402 meters remaining i'm excited for this one really um number two lima romeo departure instructions i'm ready ready to copy in about before to leave yeah november fourteen lima romeo after the no traffic to effect routing director bamra climbing flight level six zero initially square squawk five four two five and a procedural service okay nice copy no character effects uh departure banner climbing flight level six zero and squawk five four two five under procedural service november for today temperature lima romeo read back correct five four two five that's all gone in so yeah as uh we filed uh bama which is the first waypoint which is uh just to the northwest of uh kirkwall and climbing flight level 60 which we've got six thousand feet there and squawk of five four two five in the box that's all looking good the cautions are deleted so landing light will leave just because we haven't got so good clean peter heats definitely go on fuel pumps one or two both gone flaps are doing a flatless departure parking brake can go on to release fossils closed crossfit is closed trim set for takeoff and the auxiliary tanks are uh not transferring so that's time three five departure fuel we've got four it's 76 gallons and uh we're going to need it i think amazing november ford romeo ready for departure number two lima romeo runway three one a right turn out win two two three degrees at three knots click to take off let's take off and away three one right turn out november for surely romeo uh we'll copy cosmic from the left all looking good so take off time three five so holding on the brakes all the way up to about a hundred percent looking good there two thousand three hundred just underneath fuel play looks normal and take off quite a lot right there you go that's big large tsp is all looking good so rotating at 80 today there you go all the brakes all right that runway gears coming up good up we can go on and we'll climb away a hundred all right what's going to go up ah this is stunning absolutely beautiful around here all right go back to maximum continues on h71 just getting out yellow that's looking good and the light comes off fuel pumps come off everything else remains yeah awesome reckoning so we've got a smooth day i'll do a climb at 90 knots all right give ourselves direct to batman there activate nav there you go yeah this is scotland at its finest november two lima romeo report passing altitude to three thousand feet okay climbing through transition altitude on november 40. here passing 3000 feet remember two lima romeo thanks contact scottish control one three four decimal eight five zero good day one three four eight five zero november fourteen millimeter one four eight five zero two scottish control and gone to pfd options and there's a transition was actually a few thousand feet so standing by there three eights and going on to same here on the standby and four thousand feet passing both cross checks scottish control good uh morning november 14 romeo flight level four zero climbing flight level six zero background november fourth through lima romeo scottish good morning squawk ident whatsoever i see you requesting outside controlled airspace i don't you have just traffic outside firstly november two lima romeo thank you radar contact traffic service limited to transponding traffic only claim flight level 100. limited traffic service client fight level 100 november forces all right what have you got there standard barrow traffic service we have so in the tbm we had the luxury being pressurized so we didn't need this but we're back in the da42 a pressurized oxygen you go up again so it's nice and secure there make sure there's no tangles a lot more or less a full tank of oxygen so just me and these oxy savers uh with a full tank he got about 60 uh 60 hours i guess these can go on uh tubes overnight for the next uh next four hours november romeo climb flight level one eight zero route direct to nalan 180 direct to uh november 40. copied [Music] got a 180 because that's gonna be our final cruise so we don't need to change it again and uh yeah i'm just keeping all my uh oh turn the blood with a little gadget once you get up to one eight zero yes it looks like initially we could be on top of lots of weather with the build-ups and stuff i mean i was actually planning to depart at 10 zulu uh at the time now it's 8 44 zulu so uh i pulled it forward just by an hour and a half just to sort of try and beat some of those build up so you can at least get on top of all the weather rather than sort of bouncing through it so yeah looking out the window uh the main bulk of it we're going to be on top of you can already see some sort of rises on the horizon but fingers crossed looks like we'll avoid most of them caution cabin altitude above 12 000 feet november 2 lima romeo will have an onward frequency for you in case i lose two way if you're ready to copy ready to copy firstly if i lose two way with you then at nyland your next frequency will be riku control on one two six decimal seven five zero there's also a backup of iceland radio one two seven decimal eight five zero okay we'll copy that nylon navy's uh contacts it's one two six seven positive required can then back it would be iceland on one two seven eight five zero in november fourteen correct okay so two frequencies if he does lose uh contact with us uh reykjavik one two six seven five so i'll get that plugged in anyway because i'll be the next frequency uh one two six seven five zero and then i'll just put in the back box of two one two seven eight five four iso radio i guess we've got our weather cover door here nice out i think that's looking good and it gives us a really nice thing about this uh it gives us all the latest as well as there are eight zeros just a little bit old but still carbocation so i'll be keeping a very very keen eye on that one and uh now don't say where the fairy islands is all the nines broken eight broken up three four all right i'll test flight of 180 that's capturing expecting the aircraft to level off and we'll let it accelerate a little bit before we pull the power back all right so we just got to the top of the climb at flight level one eight zero uh cruising along indicated about 100 1920 knots it's uh an engine load of uh sixty percent which gives us a chair speed of about 160 knots so we planned actually 151 knots so we've got a much uh much higher crew speed we haven't quite got the settlement that we want at the moment so we've only got three knots it's mainly a crossman component but uh that should change as the route goes along and uh having a look here so i said 60 knots uh sorry 60 load will give us uh just over five gallons on each engine so that's cool 11 gallons now a total burn expected to get direct with about 35 gallons uh in the tanks which is quite nice if the weather is guaranteed to be good if we get close to the island i can uh put it up so high cruise speed setting uh if the weather is awesome stays you know marginal for whatever reason i'll keep it as a longer range cruise testing and just save the fuel so uh yeah we are going direct to nalan and uh we're expecting in about 45 minutes or so so what i'm going to do is just do some paperwork now just do some fuel cross uh check hours gross check hours so it's coming up to nine o'clock ceiling so we can do them every 30 minutes from nine and uh then we can keep a good log to see if the aircraft's burning uh burning fuel as we planned so i'll keep you guys on the loot how uh anything interesting other windows i'll definitely turn the cameras on but uh until then i'll speak to you guys later cheers yeah so look on fourth flight we're just about to pass the 61 degree north attitude and we'll be about 26 miles west of now and that's what this was a little wetter diversion did to us so 61 degrees north we're hoping that scottish is going to pass us over and uh we would establish some two-way communication with uh reykjavik so it should be simple enough just changing the transponder squawk again and uh little pigs up and we've already got our clearance yeah so you've got the fair islands yeah you can see that coming into the picture just off the rise of the aircraft uh so just above the engine cowling you've uh it's quite an amazing sort of land formation just uh some quite tall terrain just uh rising from the sea some very sort of tall cliffs on it you can see sort of the weather whenever and have a look at the weather at the fair islands it's always windy and there's always uh lots of sort of cloud hanging about and it just seems yeah the weather yeah the air mass just seems to hit the land to just rise and then it just saturates turning into the cloud yes i think it's extremely variable but uh again somewhere i've always wanted to fly into but uh some seriously interesting procedures getting into the airport uh uh we sort of approved that down to the west of the island over the sea and then you take up missiles we've cut in um uh via the high ground to london one of the runways so uh they always say expect lots of turbulence lots of winds here but uh something maybe for the future maybe even on the way back in this church depending on how much time i've got and uh scottish is november 14th passing 61 degrees north about 26 miles western allen for control one two six decimal seven five zero vs everything scottish terminator okay up to expect one two six seven five thanks to today november fourth grade recommend control back to them and uh control a good morning again the member for ceiling romeo passing 61 degrees north uh about 29 miles of dallas number four good morning i don't think it's a new squad two two four four [Applause] two two four four november 14 right two two four four in there and uh is to the west uh so and i think that luckily we're going to scoot around most of that which is uh kind of handy and uh because he had the tops and now i'm certainly looking to you know probably has that low level charles said you know sort of 260 also so uh yeah i'll turn the cameras off and uh i'll probably get in touch with you guys since we're uh sort of just past lyrics or something approaching the island that's had to be okay that's interesting happens so speak to hi them you were joining us again we're in the cruise we've got some nice directs uh so uh they're giving us direct to uh nasbu which is uh kept us clear of mostly weather actually and mostly uh some convective stuff which is hanging about and also certainly helps out with our fuel as well so we're still expecting to get to reykjavik at 12 30 zulu we've fueled a destination of 34. the computer which calculates the fuel burn on this is actually calculated is burnt a bit more than what we've got in the tank so uh when we start training uh when we start draining the auxiliary tanks into uh the main tanks the auxiliary tanks don't have a fuel gauge on them then we'll get a two gauge of actually how much we got off more but i think we would have made some fuel so that's all looking pretty good uh the next event for us is uh reykjavik told us uh to uh once across uh 12 west uh to uh contact control on 119 decimal seven so that's going to happen in the uh i'll put the timer on it in the next two or three minutes and uh that's it not expecting too many deviations is the weather source of influence is not looking hugely competitive all right sort of ice crystal stuff but uh i mean look at the weather radar we'll keep a uh keep a nice close eye on this as we uh get closer so uh i've got this so it's picking up just about ground clutter at about 40 miles or so so uh in another sort of ten miles time we'll have a bit of a look and see if you want to scoot around that sort of wants to go for it so yeah so far so good the aircraft's performed beautifully uh really comfortable to be in and uh yeah uh the good thing about wearing a survival suit is uh it actually keeps you nice and warm so i'm actually using very little heat considering it's uh minus 25 degrees outside so yeah probably just a bit of a note actually on what equipment we've got it's uh got my survival suit on i've got obviously a live jacket with a secondary elt the aircraft's already got a uh elt built in and i got a live raft kept on to see behind me uh always fly with a life raft obviously behind because if you had to fly us on the uh on the front seat here and something happened and he decided to randomly inflate it would just push the controls forward and you'd have no chance in uh sort of popping it deflating in time before you'd just be uh pointing your nose over at the ground so always keeping him hiding uh just in case that happens and worst case we didn't need to use this or put it on to the uh put onto the passenger seat and uh take it all from there uh yeah so there you go passing uh chopped goose west so i'll let recovery know that and uh if we can still hear this thing we'll change over uh 12 degrees west yeah you can try now uh here we go 197. okay 197. thanks good day for the premiere morning radar for delta probably marble timing 290 with 400 on requests on that type of number 400 with normal speed also [Applause] attractive morning november 14th flight level 180 november 4th to lima romeo the good morning identified there we go easy is up so uh closest point to land uh 123 miles which is uh pretty grim uh fair island's behind uh 131 miles yeah so uh uh yeah it's a uh a whole lot of uh openness out here so uh yeah i'll keep on weather watch anything uh interesting happens i'll let you know and we'll give you a call closer to uh clinton tyson so see you in a bit uh all right guys a bit of a little update from the cruise uh we're coasting in at uh ice at the moment uh although you wouldn't really tell it from looking out the window so we're going to go in uh coasting past the island still got our directs who uh now spoon and then to uh regulate yourself uh we've got uh just about just under one hour now to the destination uh the weather's actually pretty good they've gone to the uh flight plan uh there you go the waypoint weather is uh bravo india remy aquilo and eleven hundred zulus is thirty minutes old all the nines gasoline chilling three degrees q h very low pressure without low and always swinging to the south of uh 979. uh let's have a look at the weather radar the uh the previous pitch that was on uh before uh when you look at the weather radar it's uh this could start to catch out because initially uh having a look at when it doesn't fall sweep it looks like there's quite a lot of source of significant weather here but we have a look that's probably let's call that 40 miles 35 miles really uh going from the aircraft and if you go out here if you have a look at 35 miles you can actually see so the majority of that is actually just ground closer anyway so uh this trick that is also used whether it is still not really a master of it but uh learning isn't going down is uh to set it when you're in a clear area to have sort of it about 40-ish miles which should be quite clear and everything else about that clutter so anywhere that sort of drips into around 40 miles um on the aircraft that's when you know it's uh whether there's against affection you need to actually deviate but of course we do have the satellite weather on this as well so as you can tell pretty chilly outside it's minus 25 degrees at the moment uh so uh certainly uh defrost is working quite hard and i hope that clears up a little bit as we uh as we uh descend and uh i've got a ground speed of 176 knots and uh chair speed of 157 so uh still yeah like i said we're still just with an hour to go uh the weather's good there so if the weather is good i'm definitely gonna take the visual approach um either way that just all right guys you're joining us we've got 46 miles to run now we're just on the southwestern corner of iceland uh approaching reykjavik and a few little bits of cloud hanging out but uh it's all sorts of medium level stuff but in between that the uh the wind is absolutely the side sorry the trade is absolutely stunning so i'm looking forward out of it that's where the lowest are identified so uh yeah we've uh completely speaking to uh companies speaking to uh reykjavik approach at the moment and uh uh they've what's happened is we've got the r plugged in by all kerry uh kilo echo remote approach up here so the source the most eastern uh initial approach fix so we're going to try go there and the weather looks good enough actually to do a visual approach so once we get there and it looks good up to a visual we'll just break off and visually go into uh officially going to reykjavik so that's the clap and uh yeah the weather there's uh i just picked up the eighties and uh low pressure 979 had to pass girls and uh few american folks what 28.9 which is uh and uh it's uh yeah it's a lovely weather uh it's a few like 3000 feet wind zero six zeros uh after ten knots and uh always just wet so that's because it's just me and software it's still sort of defrosting the temperatures pretty low there at the moment so uh yeah so far so good so yeah just enjoying this bit uh i think we're passing this is the difficult weather now so yeah i can sort of just sort of take in the scene there you go so you can see on the map this gives you probably a bit of a better picture what's actually happening so we've got the air force probably in the every kilo there and this is the uh on off approaching zero one so kerry is there this initial approach fixed if we get visual quite happy before i'm sure we will do we'll just break off and track towards the airport to uh land on runway zero one so uh yeah fuel was just a pretty good fuel destination uh i i just did the fuel figure a little bit because it went out with the estimation so if your destination is uh 30 gallons um yeah which is hard to say it's not it's actually quite comfortable now to uh adwords for to lima romeo continuities and altitude four thousand uh continue altitude 4000 feet november 42 yeah see she's closer to poor fast it says minimum five thousand one hundred at kerry but uh she's almost got a radar altitude chance and having a look at the terrain the obstacles etc around there the highest cyclist is two three yeah two passengers sixty feet so uh yeah poor thousand have to go with that one continue down qnh nine seven nine i'm online five seven zero contact the regular control 119 decimal seven bye controllers one forcibly romeo there you go it's always safe to take that option so yeah get another 4000 now the next event will be uh 3 000 uh 100 by 01. track 279 [Music] 279 we got there expecting a left turn which we've got excellent down to 3100 foreign look at the swing on the way around oh there you go this is this is pretty stunning good afternoon november 14th visual for zero one below 2000 feet okay we'll copy number two uh after 97 and uh below 2000 feet event before sleep romeo gear down to cause a little bit of drag so let's go on fuel pumps without transferring anything safe both go uh foreign look forward to lima romeo number one runway and when runway vacated contact around 127. left echo and one two one seven after vacation uh yeah so we should be vacating sort of midpoints uh on the right zero three zero degrees four knots runway zero one cleveland cliff line zero one november four silly romeo line up runway foreign unfortunately first right turn on echo to april one right turn on here to april november waiting for us got down half of 12. okay guys that was a uh that's been a first with me um really enjoyed that really long flight really tired from it all but um yeah absolutely amazing time and i'm looking forward to having some proper it's a proper vfr fly around here before i go back home cool down okay so uh epic fun and yeah i'll meet you on the next leg cheers
Channel: Richard Tyrer
Views: 1,181,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamond, diamond aircraft, da42, N42LR, Iceland, crossing, atlantic, twin, light, aircraft, survival, weather, icing, wind shear, turbulence, cold, freezing, high, altitude, flight level, jeta1, jetful, jet a1, fir, VFR, IFR, NAT, NATS, cockpit, Garmin, weather radar, GTX, GTC, G1000, satellite weather, runway, tarmac, wet, crosswind, cross wind, takeoff, landing, touchdown, taxi, ATC, Audio, GoPro, GO PRO, Max, Fusion, GoProHero9, GoProhero10, da 42, twinstar, twin star
Id: i0hv1392fh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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