Flyfishing for hucho (danube salmon) with double handed bamboo flyrod

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so for the rest two or three weeks I was fishing with this rod which I introduced in my previous video it is a hollow built double handler bamboo rod I use it for who fly fishing and despite the conditions being far from optimal basically the water is super low and or was super low and was super clear are now as you can see it is raining and the waters went up so basically unfishable I was able to catch fish we didn't accumulate hundreds and hundreds guests with this line which is real hot and 550 grains I also used some other lines but basically this was my main line due to the water conditions and I was using overhead casting pin casting with rod with the G price and spin casting with fly rod with live streamers which are soaked with water and also basically the three main techniques which we used in Kufa fly fishing now the fish what was big mostly due to water conditions so now when the water shall fall down a bit I will try it again hopefully for something bigger as a result of the previous video I got a new assignment so to speak and I got this rod to test it out it's hard Apollo Cunha number 9 12 feet 6 inches said Baloo and I will definitely to make a comparison video between this rod and rather water because those rods although they're both made from bamboo are actually very different rods I don't know if I should be using for hookah fly-fishing because there are some problems with it for example the size of the guys are which could be problematic for the lines which I use what was the heroine Paulo for on my own but this is much smaller beast this is just a number 4 line cut it for the corner but as you can see it's very interesting the finish on both is actually the same same wrappings and so on so yeah and this is still one of my favorite rear seats this is basically was this ruse it was used by cardi and this is back light this aluminum and this is rubber and they also get such seats on some of the glass rods which are hell and I don't know why but I really like this it ok so back to google play fishing and back to another voice rod so what can I say about it so regarding overhead casting absolutely no problems I mean it was coping with this 50-grain line without a problem how can you cast jig lies because jig plastic hookah are quite big they are 20 30 40 to 60 and more grams especially when they are wet with a bamboo fly rod and the trick is actually very simple what you have to do is you don't move the rod fast like wood like when you are making spin cast with spinning rod or casting with casting rod but you actually care to exaggerate it slowly and in this case you can cast heavy stream it because the rod just been locked bends like it would Bend under the fish and you launch this jig fly or streamer in the form of jet fly far away of course far away for a fly rod and same goes when you're basically using spin cast for our live streamers in this case again you have to be gentle not only not to overload the rod the rod but also because what you're using now is the way to the water which is trapped inside a streamer and you don't want to put this water out to meet a quick jerk so I was also using with other lines with sinking lines and also with some other tricks perhaps I will make a video about fly-fishing for hoop and papaya if you are used to bamboo rods there is nothing that you're going to miss remember oh that for example you would hear with which one for example this one which is a modern graphite rod this is number nine thirty feet so basically one of my own fire and pipeline rods comparable to this bamboo rod what are the downsides of using a plier I'm going to say a fly rod or in this case a double hinder not a member because this is basically something that is in common with any kind of double hander other it is made out of bamboo out of glass or out of graphite for example this rod here which I already showed it which is number line or this rod here which is number 10 14 feet long have exactly the same problem and this is manual fishing against the currents basically you're throwing your streamer against the current and what this grace is if you'll be in cool water or slow flowing river this would not be a problem but when you are in a relatively fast flowing river like ah the problem is that when the current is coming towards you and of course this current separates it a lot of smaller currents which are going in all different directions and then we also have Eddie's this creates a lot of curves in your fly line and when fish grabs your streamer and who who has quite a big grip on the ceva no Pam it bangs it and it gets a lot of smoke people in smart which basically sink into the streamer and ample those are big bushy things juicy things you know something that it looks at and say okay this is worth swallowing and it Ransa and goes after it but when it grabs it and when you strike with a fly rod not there is not enough pull or force on the streamer to actually cook the fish and the reason for this is very simple because when you strike the vast majority of this strike goes into moving this line into trying to straighten this line here and basically this absorbs the biggest part of your force and it is not unusual for example you know to see uncle and when you strike it and then you see it just opened its mouth and the streamer falls out so this is actually one problem which is in common with all fly rods specially with our handles which are longer of course we could we could debate here that bamboo rod is softer than a graphite rod so in theory a graphite rod should transfer a bit more force to that fish but when you're talking about rods which are basically of comparable line rating I cannot say that there was much improvement for example when I was using this rod compared with bamboo rod the Saudis problem actually developed this rod now that's a whole different beast this is actually a carp rod which I transferred into a double hinder equipment to focus with it so this is basically my go to Koopa rod for big waters for big fish fast currents deep water and so on so this is what I basically ended up with in the end and I just made or improvised those handles out of bottle stoppers for I guess in this case those are more like barrel Stoppers but anyway that's how it was made and the other drawback which is a gang common to all fly rods or to all double handles in this case I'm talking about double handers is what we're going to do when you get the fish close to you for example now we shall attend to the field on something that is basically along with spaghetti and these goes also for example for this number 1014 rod a 40 foot long rod that's also let spaghetti because when there is a 10 kilo coupon it just needs to shake a little bit and the rod will just bent and the hook will be 2 meters away from you when you are using a simple single handed rod like this of course this would help to be a strong rod not number 4 but basically you just do this and you strategist' draw this kind here and normally you can reach it by the gear collar and it is yours but but when you're using a dark hander the rod is much longer and what happens is that when you are trying to have the fish of course the fish is swimming away from you for example 1 meter away 2 meter so it's really hard to get it to you and instinctively you start doing this ability you rotate the rod and with this of course you lower the angle between the rod and the line and what this creates is a lot of stress on the tip and of course this ends up in rod breakage bank and you with other rotten this was ample is something that happened here for example in this case see the tip went first and then the shock from breaking the tip went all the way down in the rod end you see what happened here and here so this is actually the second double handle reach registered on kupo and i also destroyed one single can it work well I'm not going to say this is a dancer this is actually a great thing but it will create some problems true until you get used to it and those are bamboo joints this is actually the part which you would say that it is the most critical part and I was worried that the rod would start coming apart here and the diamond break it because this is the problem with double handles that basically are due to a lot of stress which is induced on joint during casting they separate so some people glue joints and so on but in this case this was absolutely no problem those joints are super firm not even the slightest mark of them coming apart actually they are so firm that they create a problem for you it's hard to put them apart I was talking with the other way because he was here around a week and a half ago and he also noticed that that basically the problem the bamboo Jones is not how they hold the problem is how to get them apart but this problem will see the result when I develop this thing that I basically just put the rod between my thighs and I pushed on this with both hands and after that it was no problem and our why is this important if you go fishing well improve of fishing you're covering a lot of water and some locations where you fish during one sessions can be kilometres apart so basically this means that we break down the road and we assemble the rod many times do we Google fishing and that's why this is important okay so this is what is rod so what is its catch the first thing which it caught was actually a big chop and then we put who goes there are also fish there are me strikes which is normally who could fly fishing there were fish falling off and so on [Music] you
Channel: Strange fishing
Views: 1,485
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: bamboo flyrod, double handed bamboo flyrod, hucho fishing, mladica, pecanje mladice, huchen, sulec, hucho hucho
Id: Fxy9iJoLQ8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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