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[Music] when i came to see that school i thought it was like a stage [Music] i don't know i felt like everything was so perfect this must be staged but when i came and started flying i realized okay whatever i thought was good before was not actually good until when i got here now this is the stage where i feel at home this place is really really really really good of course i asked a lot of people on the internet i looked for students in other schools ask them and the students that told me about flyby they all had a great opinion about it they all had a great experience so then i said okay it all checks out i'm going to try it now that i've been here for over a year i can tell that my experience it has definitely varied from the start to right now because well when we started it was in a small airport in leon but it was very familiar we all had a great time in there and everything was really great then we came to burgos which is a much bigger airport and it is it has been amazing the people here have welcomed us with open arms and we've had we have grown a lot this school has grown a lot and we have so many new students and aircraft and even lots of new instructors which is something i love that this school has a great standard when it comes to instructors when i was looking for a school i had some friends that are already pilots and friends that i've been here like studying in other places and i was already advised before what to look for a really important thing is be sure their school is not going to close as something that happened to a lot of people and they get trending so school has to have some background some repetition you have to know that they're going to keep flying they're going to have to issue your license so you want to you want the school to be to be long lasting my experience at fly by school was extraordinary okay i would say because this was my first school this is my second school and for sure um in the school i came from was it's like coming from a five one star hotel to five-star hotel so it's the same thing and i learned to appreciate every small single thing because i've been through bad and now when i get here and i see too much hard work people who are always giving they're all you have everything you need to study you have airplanes you have amazing ground school you have you have everything that actually you need to complete your course for me this is like perfect because i didn't expect it for what i saw before i thought this was like a joke or a lie until when i got here and i saw how things go quick and how things go in the right direction and i think i completed way more than what i would have completed in other schools in a longer time than it is in a a very short period i've completed so much so i'm really really grateful and i'm still i'm still surprised about how good it is till now and i've been here for four months first start of pilot training actually started in the uk where i was at a local flight school and i accumulated only a handful of hours but the weather because of the weather it wasn't that great i couldn't i couldn't proceed there so after searching around for the right flight school which took a while i carried on and i eventually i searched around i switched around in the uk i searched around europe seeing a few in the uk which were very overpriced i eventually did find the right school for me if you've got to have good weather i am from the uk we don't get good weather even during the summer we get maybe a good few days and that was my issue when looking for a flight school was mainly and the weather you are looking in the uk there was yeah you could fly but it'd take you double the amount of time as it would from coming to flyby [Music] difficult part of probably any any flying course and any any school that you enroll to is managing your time flying and absolutely in flyby you fly a lot from the start you start flying really soon that's something you don't have in any other school being able to fly right away uh the the moment that you feel yourself in the plane and you still like you're still like training and learning but you already are able to to feel the plane something that actually helps you to study because like in other schools as i've been told when i was researching you don't fly till you finish your atp exams and that's actually a problem for some subjects that you actually need to it's positive to fill the plane before before studying them fly by school chose to not do the atpl exams with the local authority in spain because that meant so much bureaucracy and even use of three months for the students to do just three or four exams instead fly by school is the local representative of austria control which is the austrian authority and it is so much better we have we can have atpl official exams almost every month so your course it will go much faster that way and you can you can advance your training a lot more that way the facilities that flyby is not right now working in are amazing as i've said we are working in an in an airport in an actual airport with commercial flights and everything of course we also have a couple of simulators in which we can do our training we can extend our training in the simulators and then our fleet is made up of about 19 aircraft between single engine and multi-engine and of course different brands just like cruiser antagnum and cessna and piper so we've got a little bit of everything the airports i'm i'm glad that i came to this school because i feel comfortable flying here i feel i feel like i'm flying without knowing too much traffic not too much stress everything is going on time exactly how it's supposed to be theory i love the theory in class i love um the material we use i love the approach from the instructors for the growing school so the facilities that flyby do offer in terms of the their fleet they you've always got aircraft available you've got new you've got you've got modern fleet you've got old fleet i have just flown a pa 28 today and it was incredible with all the old analogs installed and it was different from flying the very modern cruisers ps28 cruisers which are very more modern and advanced in terms of a digital cockpit the instructors are very knowledgeable professional and always there to help you out if you've got any concerns about flight plans anything maps you know charts they're always there to help you out there's always a supervisor on hand as well respect most importantly everyone respects like uh students respect instructors but most importantly instructors respect students even if they know we are below them even if they know that they are giving us their knowledge they still respect us in a very very very shocking way the facilities that the school provides the fleet the the accommodation the travel it's all included where i could not find that elsewhere in any other schools and it's also very good pricing including all of that also another point is the customer service are always there to help to help you with anything i struggle coming into the country and i they were there night and day to help me with any issues that i had and they still are now throughout my training the price was important to me too because you want to pay for the school that you want to be able to afford the flyby package integrated is really really good because you have housing included which is amazing you don't have to worry so much about what am i going to do tomorrow how am i going to sleep tomorrow what am i going to have for dinner or lunch because you have meals um you have a place to stay you have books you have all the study material you have flight including it's like the whole combo in one which is way easier if you want to apply school that has uh maybe you only pay for flights and you have to look for accommodation you know i think this is really really good this is exactly what students need like to come to our school and concentrate without any fear about what's going to happen tomorrow where am i going to leave what if the landlady says maybe the price is higher tomorrow today as an international student you need to be comfortable you need to feel like you're home to be able to study the colleagues and people that i live with and i study and hang around every day because like now we're like like brothers maybe like we spend every day together studying and flying together alone we support each other that's the best thing we have here even not only like my my fellows but also instructors and even the ceo is a really chill dude and everyone like david the head instructor of the studies everyone this is like a kind of like small family my main concerns were finding a school that would cater for my needs as a student knowing that i'm starting from zero because that's what an integrated program is about you don't know anything about flying or maybe if you know you don't even know one percent of what you have to do in school so i thought i needed a school that would teach me like would open up i would not like to ask a teacher some question and they tell me oh this is not a primary or nursery school for me this is like a nursery school because i'm just starting from zero the thing i would say is really good about flyby is customer service like we have a really nice customer service on camila and essu here great support anything you need they will take care of it and it's been a really incredible experience with them the students speak actually everyone speaks english because our programs are in english the instructors speak english the ground flight instructors so i think this is uh amazing because even if you from spain and you only speak spanish still the instructors can cater for you because if you don't understand anything like in class there's some people who ask questions in spanish and then they tell them in spanish so they understand what the instructor is trying to say so i think we have so many students from different countries and we're all doing well so far i love all the instructors here and i think i've flown with more than five of them but my favorite instructor is oh yeah [Music] everyone is amazing but i learned so much from him [Music] in just 30 minutes i don't know he's amazing that's it [Music] i want to live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign you
Channel: FlyBy Aviation Academy
Views: 7,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fLYx6-LTiAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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