Fly American! 1933

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"darkies loadin' cotton on the riverboats hummin' Ol' Man River." 😬 17:00

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gaxxzz 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Loved watching this! Thx for posting.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/selah-spacebeat 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
um swift and safe as birds in flight the giant planes of american airways are setting the new pace of man's progress from the beginning of time man has been the master of his own journey he chooses the road by which he goes he steps ahead or he steps aside here's the man who steps ahead the kind of man who gets things done who knows where he's going and how to get there the american airways way for his convenience and yours american airways ticket offices are conveniently located here you'll find a friendly kind of service service with a smile here you'll get accurate information promptly and cheerfully from a highly trained and efficient personnel our old colonel finds it handy to make his reservation at the hotel porter's desk one passenger drops into western union to buy his ticket while another gets his ticket from a postal office our lovely actress from her hotel room orders her ticket from the porter our genial minister patronizes the driver of an american airways limousine newlyweds find the travel bureau's convenient the businessman uses the telephone hello american airways i want to make a reservation hold him for me no sooner said than done at the other end of your telephone you'll find a trained staff of employees will make you feel glad you're flying american you will like the convenience of riding in these special american airways limousines that take you straight to the airport the airport is always a scene of bustling activity everywhere the impression of speed and accuracy of movement motors humming crowds looking skyward cabs limousines red caps in courteous attendance here you'll find the kind of people who go places and do things interesting people like our hollywood movie queen who travels as she lives among the stars all you'll never know the meaning of travel comfort and convenience and economy until you've taken a trip on one of these modern airliners it's the new temple of american life it's the new way to go to run this place like a regular default it is a depaul grandad an air depot doesn't this give you a new point of view on airway operations it takes more than planes and pilots to make an airways company it takes an organization under responsible leadership backed by tremendous financial resources as a matter of fact it takes ten men on the ground to keep one man in the air millions are invested on the ground in hangars radio stations airports and depots like this a well-organized deluxe travel service far in advance of anything you have ever known american airways serves the country from coast to coast canada to mexico its fast government-approved planes connect 65 major cities flying about 10 000 miles of improved airways they come and go these planes summer and winter day and night dependable transportation whether you're canada bound for historic montreal lying between the saint lawrence river and the scenic mount royal or you're bound for bronzeville texas on the rio grande air gateway to mexico city where old world color lures you to strange adventure perhaps when you reach boston on an american airways trip you'll feel a patriotic tingle when you view the stately custom house you can go from boston to los angeles in little more than a day to the land of orange groves and early spanish missions on the way back you'll want to step off at phoenix arizona famed winter resort on the threshold of many scenic wonders like cactus national park many travelers leave chicago at noon and have dinner in atlanta georgia air gateway to all of florida where business hours are turned into pleasure hours you'll want to linger at memphis tennessee if you like the picture of loading cotton on the riverboats and hummon all man river it's only a few hours from memphis to fort worth here is the center of a stock raising an agricultural country with the black magic of oil fields adding to its wealth from there to dallas in less than half an hour the leading industrial city of texas dallas is the largest inland cotton market in the united states perhaps from dallas your business takes you to saint louis not many hours away the principal city of the mississippi valley in which it lies another great american airways city is cleveland chief port of entry of the great lakes iron and steel center of the middle west perhaps cherry blossoms will attract you to washington where the eyes of nations are now turning wherever you're bound over the nationwide network of american airways north south east or west you'll find an organization trained to render you an efficient business-like service throughout your journey that's why these people are going by air the passengers boarding that pacific coast plane think nothing of traveling two thousand miles it's just a short journey a new standard of air transportation is influencing the social and economic life of a population of 100 million there's one thing about air travel it's easy on you you're as fresh when you arrive as when you start you're always fit ready for the day's work any seasoned air traveler will tell you that not on time but ahead of time ahead of the other fellows time meanwhile the ground crews are fueling and servicing the planes skilled mechanics maintaining the highest standard of american airway requirements that equipment be in perfect condition at all times 15 minutes before the plane takes off the pilot receives his instructions in the dispatch room here he gets the latest information on weather conditions furnished by the united states department of commerce weather bureau in addition to this information he receives a forecast of the weather conditions on the route he is to take from the company's own meteorologist all american airways schedules are carefully and definitely planned to meet the needs of travelers before passengers board a plane the bags of mail are safely stored one of these planes can carry 650 pounds of air mail that's as much as 20 000 letters a good-sized post office on wings practically all articles and merchandise can be shipped by general air express everything from baby chicks to machine parts don't worry old timer general air express has your packages it's dependable it's on the job 24 hours a day giving american business the fastest nationwide express and delivery service american airways american airways 12 30 plane for detroit buffalo new york and connections now loading at gate number two let's go there are the copilot and stewardess eager to welcome you what is this an airplane why it looks just like a living room and that's just what it is a cozy inviting living room on wings here's progress for you a journey which requires weary days of surface travel is to be made in a few swift hours in comfort just a modest little girl who hates a cameraman there another front page made all american airways planes are cheerfully and tastefully decorated no expense has been spared to provide a luxury travel service that is today the standard of the world yet by air you can travel more miles in less time for fewer dollars happy journey colonel but not until the pilot verifies the instructions he received 15 minutes before number 172 on the ramp at chicago calling wsdg wsdg to number 172 correct time is 12 28 no special instructions okay hold everything aha news from home looks as though this may be another race between an airplane and the store we always knew these planes were big enough to handle passengers mail and express but the old gentleman probably has the notion now that they could handle freight you sink down into soft roomy seats that are built for comfort the stewardess will adjust them to suit you all seats are first class seats all passengers first class passengers hmm this fellow means business on the second we're getting ready to depart giant motors humming smoothly the great bird is eager to take wing with our human cargo of 18 people express and mail bond voyage you lovely lady now we're on the magic carpet that lifts us up and away from everyday surroundings and opens up a new world of travel wonders heads up it's the new travel habit and it's almost prophetic of america's new destiny heads up flying from chicago to new york a pleasant journey ahead cruising the sky as smoothly as a bird you scarcely realize you are traveling faster than man has ever traveled before your favorite magazines newspapers and other interesting reading matter are conveniently at your elbow while some read others will feast their eyes on this sky view of chicago with its towering peaks of steel rising on what was once fort dearborn one of the grandest voyages imaginable is this trip from chicago to new york by the valley route you'll find so many features of comfort and convenience not obtainable in other means of transportation the adjustable seats are so good for resting and reading there's no danger of hurting your eyes either reading or writing it's so light and your flight so smooth over the velvet road of nature the written page isn't jumping up and down before your eyes ample dome lights in the plane individual reading lights at every seat individual ventilators you may adjust to your own preference individual ash trees as you blow smoke rings and thrilled to the beauty of the vanishing vistas below the stewardess is not only a registered nurse but a trained and competent guide thoroughly familiar with the geography of the trip not many minutes out of chicago she'll call your attention to the giant steel mills at gary wonder who's having more fun you can have two guesses you'll find cool drinking water constantly on tap your eyes cannot resist the ever-changing landscape farms stretching below like velvet carpets in the rear also you will find a completely equipped washroom nothing has been forgotten to make your trip comfortable every known scientific improvement is employed to guard each moment of your flight the pilots whose average flying experience is over four thousand hours keep up continuous communication with the ground station personnel every few minutes they make a position report to the nearest ground station of the american airways so that at all times day and night radio operators are in communication with planes in flight wherever they are learning their positions and giving them up to the minute information on weather conditions along their routes distance is no longer the master of man all along the route are located a great number of intermediate landing fields our friends can't get over the way their fellow passenger sleeps but they'll learn before this trip is over that travel by air is a blessing for poor sleepers and a joy for good sleepers noise has been reduced by a new insulation process and the smooth quack adds zest to a little nap here's the flying kitchen we've been hearing about with a charming stewardess to make your lunch the more delightful twin motors 1 450 horsepower either motor is powerful enough to carry the plane fully loaded all wish he'd let us in on the secret bet it's a boy the landscape below is a scene of never-ending change you just can't travel over american airways without meeting interesting and important people but could there be anything in life more important than two lovers on a honeymoon to each other hearts of flutter and heads above the clouds a tasty lunch on a personal tray is it any wonder american airways planes have become famous for delicious food this is travel deluxe our genial fat friend with the grin that won't wear off is determined to share his happiness with his fellow passengers cigars and babies must have been invented at the same time long hours of surface travel cut down into an incredibly few minutes detroit cradle of the automobile which put america on wheels civilization began when man invented wheels to bridge distance and make all the world neighbors but only when man learned to fly did he find liberation from the shackles of time and space number 172 calling detroit 15 miles south west of the airport what are your surface winds detroit it wasn't many years ago the indians under pontiac besieged this little village detroit is an important terminal in the american airways system this extensive municipal airport was established in 1927 a 12-minute stop new passengers to take the seats of those who got off a quick transfer of mail and express while the plane is refueled and we're off to continue our journey east businessmen fly because it cuts their travel time more than half the time they save getting there they use being there they can't afford not to travel by air out of detroit now over canada the natural flying route between chicago and new york willand canal its locks are arranged for vessels 800 feet in length this drawing illustrates the radio impulses which help the pilot keep his course this radio range beacon guides the pilot as accurately as steel rails define the course for crack trains buffalo about an hour and a half from detroit niagara thunder of waters all the majestic bridal veil of nature 15 million cubic feet of water every minute falling in a cataract of splendor you'll see it on the american airways route the scenic way to fly buffalo airport this is one of the principal crossroads of the chicago new york line as well as the boston cleveland line an important passenger mail and express transfer point here we meet two sections of a westbound new york chicago schedule the other two planes you see are leaving for boston and cleveland as you look out of the plane each passing mile reveals new scenes nature painting canvases of rare beauty on the earth below a checkerboard pattern of miniature homes at the foot of the blue ridge mountains the natural trade route of earlier america you near historic delaware water gap in the pioneer days an indian trail wound along the base of the mountain enjoyable educational scenic that's why more people each year make flying a habit and that is one of the reasons for the tremendous increase in the traffic of american airways or romance of modern business at night the skyway is lighted by department of commerce beacons every 10 or 15 miles compare this lighthouse beacon of only 360 000 candle power visibility 17 to 25 miles with this airways beacon of 2 million candle power visibility 50 to 100 miles truly the skyway is the bright way it's twilight in the heavens the journey's end is near new york the teeming city of millions the melting pot of the nation a warm glow in the plane lights it up like a fairy ship in the night if it's a bit cool the stewardess will turn the heat on if it's too warm she'll open up the ventilators to let in the cool fresh air that's clean above the dirt and soot and smoke of the earth below come on old timer you've had your share there's a difference in travel time from chicago to new york if you go by plane if your time has value you increase your worth several fold whenever you travel by air newark eastern terminal of the chicago new york trip think of it you can have lunch in chicago and dinner in new york on the same day it's not a boy it's twins now you can spend the evening in new york for recreation broadway's bright lights your favorite eating place the theater and then to bed in a first-class hotel a good night's sleep that will prepare you for the busy day ahead another traveler delivered to his appointed destination adding to the mounting totals of american airways achievements over 330 000 passengers carried safely in seven years over 50 million air miles nearly 2 000 times around the world fly american yes air travel has changed especially at american
Channel: travelfilmarchive
Views: 542,864
Rating: 4.8244824 out of 5
Keywords: American, Airways, airplanes, travel, stewardess, 1933, 1930, stock, footage, passengers, flight, Manhattan
Id: RCnWLR28pfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Wed May 28 2008
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