Flutterflow export collection to CSV

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everyone in this video I'm going to create some tutorial to export data from firebass collection to CS fee so first thing first uh you have to on your collection for your best in this case I I will select the user collection and after that you have to decide it uh what field that you want to export to the CSV and in this case I want to ex export email phone and name after that um on custom code you have to create one custom action and for that up to you and next step is you have to add a pop back dependency and then click a Reload button and for the arguments you have to add one arguments with type is document from The Collection that you want to export and check for is list and Noel and then uh copy past the code I will put my custom code on GitHub so you can easily copy pass and and this custom code is um uh you just you just need to chain with your fields from your collection maybe I will show uh the example how to so I create the custom action action and GS V2 and for the dependency pass through the download and the verion and reload for the arent select document from user and check for usel and loable after that uh you have to Cho border plat and copy editor save and we will put the code from the existing one so look and click save if everything is okay there is no error and Bug click uh compile button it might be a tack uh a long time depends by your SP of your device and internet connection I think okay uh to Green the checklist with the green color so it's mean everything's good and after that we jump to pads on the pads I create uh some button and on the button click backend query and I will put some backend query query on the button which uh query type is query collection collection from user and for the type is list you can uh do some filter if you want to show for specifically collection that you want to export and after that on the action uh select custom action and select that custom action that we just create and don't forget to parsing the parameter from backand query that we just create okay and going to try to run for okay um going to click download CSV and we got one file and you can see we are successfully create our export data to the CSV file so I think that's it for this video thank you for watching
Channel: yusuf firdaus
Views: 598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Em1FRnFe4UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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