Flutter Toast Message | Say Goodbye to SnackBars!

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today I will show you how you can Implement Florida toast package to display those messages at bottom top or center location of your phone screen letter toast messages are mostly displayed as feedback on operation performed by the user do you want to have your flutter app website or backend server completely developed in a high professional manner instead of developing it on your own then simply go to heyflatter.com app and we will develop this app for you first of all we need to introduce the package by going to the first week ml file here we will add the dependency called flutter tools with the latest version number after adding the dependency don't forget to clutter Pub git command in the terminal to download the package coming back to our main file we need to import the package to the Dartford and will it will be used I have already created all this style inside our column widget which is used to ask a user for microphone permission for that we will create a request mic permission method first of all we will ask user to Grant permission and then save it inside the status variable now here we will check if the permission is already granted we want to access flutter toast to display message to the user for that we will create a short host message method which will return a short host method from the fluttered host class we will add a string message as a parameter which we will assign to message property of the shortest method coming back to request microphone Mission method we will continue our logic and check if the status is denied our permission is not asked yet then we will request from the user to run microphone permission and then we will call show toast message method and pass our message permission granted after Hardware loading here you can see that when we click on the list tag user is asked to Grant permission when we deny it you can see a toast message that I'm permission denied and when we allow it you can see a toast message that permission granted we can also call showtost message method inside elevation button here when we tap on the variable button we have a toast message showing up we can set the length of the toast message using the toaster length property we can set it either to length long our length sharp we can also specify the position of the toaster message using gravity property we can set it to toastgravity.top dot bottom Dot Center Etc we can also use time in SEC for iOS web property which is used for the time duration of our toast message on the web browser we can customize the background color of the toast message using the background color property we can also specify the color of the text inside the toast message we can also give it a custom font size according to our requirements here you can see that when we tap two or three times we have a toast messages showing up for a bit longer time to get rid of this we will create an iterated button inside the on press function we will access the cancel method from the flutter toast class to cancel those messages immediately here you can see that when we press on this button our toast message is closed directly foreign [Music]
Channel: HeyFlutter․com
Views: 8,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create a custom toast, custom toast in flutter, customize flutter toast, dart, flutter, flutter show toast, flutter snackbar, flutter toast, flutter toast message\, flutter toast not working, flutter toast package, flutter toast vs snackbar, flutter tutorial, how to create toast in flutter, pop up message, snackbar, toast android, toast message, toast message in flutter, toast without context
Id: 1sxy87A8tGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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