Flutter Push Notifications without Firebase (2022)

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in this video we're going to set up flutter push notifications in about two minutes using nativenotify.com before we get started if you like videos about flutter or expo or react native development things like that we make a lot of videos on that make sure to subscribe hit the bell icon and we'll go ahead and get started your first step if you haven't already is to go to nativenotify.com click this sign up free button it's free to sign up there's no credit card required that should take you to a page like this the first thing you'll want to do is click create an app choose your framework we're using flutter for this video so i'm going to go ahead and click flutter first thing i'm going to do is i want to update this title up here so i know this is my flutter app all right so we'll go ahead and go through these steps together to get push notifications up and running um over here is my uh my app it's titled native notified tutorial uh this is my main.dart file and we'll just go ahead and follow these instructions together so it says step one is to install the native notify so i'm gonna open up my terminal here paste that right there wait for that to install all right it says step two make sure you are importing these things in your main.dart file i'm already importing material dart so i'm just going to import native notify so go up here import that okay uh next step is in your liv main.dart file in the void main function which is this function here paste this before your run app you'll notice we already put your app id and your app token in there for you so you don't have to change that you can just copy this come over here to your main file your main function paste that right there uh let me clean that up a little okay and you're actually done with the main.dart file you're set up uh these last couple things are the configuration uh you'll want to make sure in your android app build.gradle file the compile sdk version needs to be 31 uh the min sdk version needs to be 21. um so let's just go there i'll go there uh in my uh android folder right here said android the next thing down is app so i'll open the app folder and then this build.gradle file right here it says to go here to this android object right here this compile sdk version i'm just going to go ahead and change this to 31 to make sure it's at least 31. uh and then down here in this default config this min sdk version go here change this to 21 because it needs to at least be 21. and you can reference this over here to see where everything is and what everything's supposed to look like all right and the last thing is in the ios folder in the pod file uh the platform ios needs to be at least 10. um and so let's go ahead and go there make sure that it's at least 10. so i'll close this android folder i'll open ios it's this pod file right here you'll notice a lot of times up here this is commented out um you want to uncomment this out it needs to be uncommented and this needs to be at least 10 it can be higher i'll just say 12 as an example but it needs to be at least 10. all right and it says setup is actually done we can go ahead and test out native notify push notification so it says the first step is to open either an android emulator or an ios simulator i already have an ios simulator open over here but if you don't you need to go ahead and open one type in flutter run in your terminal to open your app on the emulator or the simulator all right there it opened and you'll notice the first time you open the app it'll ask do you want to allow this app to send push notifications you want to make sure to click allow so the push notifications will come through once you do that you'll notice down here in your terminal if everything was set up right it should say you can send native notify push notifications now you registered all right so let's go ahead and go here and test it out this is my first push notification my first message let's see if it works all right it says it was successfully sent let's go ahead and see if it's there all right and there it is it sent i'll pull that down this is my first flutter push notification my first message so there you go that's uh flutter push notifications using nativenotify.com you'll notice after you set up everything properly it'll automatically take you to this send page here uh where we were just at is this documentation page um once you set up everything correctly it'll take you to this send page where you can send more push notifications uh this is another um title this is another message uh and you'll notice down here there's a collection of emojis you can send emojis with your push notifications too uh i'll just come here and find one uh i like the turtle so i'm gonna look for the turtle in reptiles and i'll copy that you can come over here just gonna put some turtles there just because i like them i'll go ahead and send that all right it says it was sent successfully and you heard it i heard that go off there it is there's our push notification oops all right so yeah so from then on uh whenever you log in your your app will be there with whatever name you gave it and from then on it will take you right here to where you can send your push notification and you'll notice here your subscriber count will go up uh this is based on how many people successfully read your push notification so if they successfully read your push notification um that counts as a push notification subscriber and so you'll you'll notice that there thank you for watching this video uh we're gonna come out with a lot more updates soon a lot more features for this push notification service this is the very first version um so uh be sure to keep checking back in in this documentation page you'll notice there will be more uh features popping up soon uh if you like this video be sure to like this video if you have any questions about uh this push notification service or anything about blood or anything like that be sure to post your questions in the comments below i'd love to make a video on whatever you'd like me to make a video on and thanks again for watching this video and i'll see you next time
Channel: Native Notify
Views: 160,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter push notifications, flutter push notification, push notifications, flutter push notifications without firebase, flutter push notification firebase, native notify
Id: f81DHuP3pqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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