flutter App Node Mailer Setup | Gmail | Multi Vendor App

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okay so this time we'll see how to set up our node mailer now you can use any kind of email service provider and this time I'm going to use actually Google so make sure that you are logged in now I'm already logged in over here and then over here I'll go and check my manage your Google account all right and then I'm going to click on this security all right and then two steps verification and after that we're going to click get started and of course here we're going to type in our password so the one that I have over here so let's go ahead and do that and click next all right so that's verification is done and then let's click over here now it wants me to type in my phone number so what I'm going to do as I'm in China so I'm going to do that all right you might not need that it depends on whether you set it up before or not okay all right so it's going to send me a verification message and then I should be able to get that looks like I didn't get it so I'm going to click on resend okay well this time I got it so I'm going to use this so click next all right turn on and we're going to go down at the bottom and here going to click on this one app password you can give it a name foodly or anything you want and create and then after that we're going to go ahead and copy this done and then here you're going to be here and paste it here remove the spaces we don't need that and then over here we're going to replace this with our email account the one that we just have used to uh do the verification two-step verification now with this it would be connected with our node mailer the one that actually we are using for sending uh email verification okay the code is there all right okay so since the setup is done now we'll go ahead and check it of course I have done it already so that's why you can see that um over here it says verification email sent successfully but we're going to do it together make sure that your email address and password is correct all right okay now I'm going to go to my flut app and I'm going to restart it from the scratch okay so we do a registration and then we'll see that whether we get email verification or not all right so the app is running right and then now we're going to go here login and uh click on register and then give it a name all right say I give myself name foodie and then use a real email address that is active and you're using okay all right so I'm using another Gmail and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 it's up to you all right okay now of course here we're going to type in our pass email address and password and then here we're going to do 1 2 3 4 5 6 eight all right all right so right now uh over here it wants you to type in your verification code and then over here we are going to actually check our email whether we have gotten it or not so here I do see that foodly verification code and this is the code that I've gotten over here 464 546 okay so this is what I'm going to type in so let's go ahead and do that so 46 4 54 6 so now let's go ahead and click beautiful so it took us over here and we do see that it's working and as well as we also see that this is our email address over here so that's how you go ahead and set up your node Miller with the flut wrap as well as your nodejs
Channel: dbestech
Views: 296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter nodemailer email verification, flutter nodemailer, flutter nodemailer email verification node js
Id: RTnC432NUjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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