Flow through pipe Ansys Fluent | Ansys 2021 r2 | Ansys Fluent tutorial |

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[Music] welcome friends to channel effective engineer now in this video we will learn about the ansys fluid now this is ansys 2021 r2 student version in this we will do simulations of flow through pipe so double click on fluid flow fluent click on geometry so now this is space claim so in this way we design the pipe first we'll make a circle of diameter 0.2 meter that is 200 mm and then we will extrude it to make a pipe now pipe length will be 3 meter that is 2009 so we have designed this pipe along x y axis so length of pipe is along the positive y axis now we will do the meshing of pipe double click on mesh [Music] so this is the pipe now we are going to match this pipe right click on mesh click on method select the pipe click on apply so we have selected the geometry of pipe then we will mesh according to the method of data address and click here generate [Music] so as you can see this pipe is mesh now we will give a name part name to this pipe so this is our inlet first we will select the face method uh accordingly we will select the faces and we will name the parts so click on this this is our inlet right click create name selection so we will keep name as a inlet inlet of pipe now this is the outlet click on it right click create name selection outlet now select the face of pipe this will be wall so we have given names our missing is done so we'll close now we will update this match mesh right click on mesh update so mesh is updated now we will click on setup and we will give the boundary conditions here click on double precision solve processor s4 [Music] so this is our pipe this is inlet and this is outlet so here we will select our fluid we will assign the boundary conditions and then we will calculate so first click on models here click on viscous now as this uh pipe is of 0.2 meter dia and length 3 meter and the fluid which we are going to use is of density 1 kg per meter cube and dynamic viscosity of 2 into 10 raised to minus 3 kg per meter second so accordingly our reynolds number will be 100 and uh in pipe if your reynolds number is 100 then it's a laminar flow so click on laminar then select our fluid material so here we'll take fluid of density 1 kg per meter cube and dynamic viscosity of [Music] 0.002 kg per meter second click on change create then click on close now we will give the boundary conditions so at inlet we will keep inlet velocity as one meter per second click on apply then close and head outlet as it is pressure outlet we will give outlet pressure as one atmosphere that is 101 325 pascal apply and then close so we have given the boundary conditions [Music] now we will initialize it standard initialization and we will compute it from inlet and click on initialize now we will go and run calculations and in this we will give the number of iterations up to 200 and then click on calculate so as you can see this graph [Music] so calculations are complete now we will see the results double click on results so in results we will select one plane and in that we will see the velocity profile so click on location plane select xy plane click on apply so this is our xy plane now in this plane we will see the velocity profile so click on contour select in location select plane 1 select the variable as velocity and then apply so as you can see now this is the cross section of pipe in this you can see the velocity at inlet was one meter per second but at the outlet of pipe the velocity has increased and reach up to 1.8 meter per second similarly we can see the velocity at inlet so you can see the velocity at inlet this is constant that is 1 meter per second and here it is in 0 due to no slip condition similarly we can see the velocity profile at outlet click on apply now you can see this is the velocity profile at outlet so at the middle of the pipe velocity profile is maximum that is 1.8 meter per second so accordingly you can simulate the flow through pipe by taking any fluid by selecting any condition you can see the velocity pressure etc all this variables different variables you can try this in access uh simple fluent uh you can do different simulations so this was the basic video in which uh i've just taken one example of pipe and demonstrated for the velocity profiles so i can accordingly you can do the different things in pipe i hope this video was helpful to you subscribe the channel and share this video thank you you
Channel: Effective Engineer
Views: 33,564
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Keywords: vedant joshi, Effective Engineer, effective engineer, ansys fluent, ansys 2021 r2, ansys flow through pipe, cfd, laminar flow through pipe, laminar flow pipe, laminar pipe flow problem, ansys tutorial, simulation of pipe flow in ansys fluent, ansys workbench tutorial, ansys fluid flow analysis, ansys fluent fluid flow, ansys fluent lectures, ansys meshing, ansys simulation, ansys duct flow, ansys 2021 r2 installation
Id: bxLXL8hCXSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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