Flourishing Like A Palm Tree - Vladimir Savchuk

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amen if you have your Bible let's just not take any more time go straight into the scriptures if you have your Bible with you I will open to Psalm 92 and read from verse 12 and verse 13 Psalm 92 and I'll read from verse 12 13 and 14 the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree he shall grow grow like a cedar in Lebanon those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God they shall still bear fruit in all age and they shall be fresh and flourishing someone say Amen it's such a powerful promise such a wonderful verse but I want you to focus your attention on few words here one is righteous do righteous so this promise is given to a righteous person a righteous person now we as Christians believe a righteousness is something that we get from God as a gift righteousness is not something we get through through working we get it as a gift and then we work it through in other words that you can only reflect the righteousness you have received you cannot reflect a righteousness you haven't first received most people try to reflect the righteousness they achieve but we as Christians we only reflect the righteousness we receive from God in other words you are like a moon a moon has no light of its own any moon only reflects the light from the Sun if the moon doesn't receive the light from the Sun it has no light to give and same thing is with the righteousness we put only the righteousness we only show the righteousness that God gives us Amen that means that we cannot give righteousness that we haven't received you can't express live out of righteousness you haven't got it from God if you don't get it from God you're gonna try to achieve it and you will fail it's like a moon trying to produce light it will always fail a moon is just a ball of dirt so are you you're a ball of dirt around is a square and so you're just a ball of dirt your tendencies are sinful so are mine the only righteousness that I have in my life and you have in yours is when you reflect the righteousness from the Son of God amen and you are righteous not because you achieved it but because you receive it from God and then you project it you reflect that righteousness on other people if your reflection is bad check your reception check what you receive it check that part Amen if you can go back to the verse it says the righteous will flourish and I want you to see that the psalmist mentions word flourish at least three times he says the righteous will flourish then it says if you are planted in God's house for those of you who are just visiting Church you know you believe that you shouldn't you know belong to a church I really want to challenge you you need to be planted in the Lord's house and says you will flourish and then at the end it says if you get old you will still flourish three times flourishing flourishing God wants you to flourish God wants you to advance God wants you to get ahead God wants you to climb the ladder got one shoe to conquer God wants you to succeed God wants you to prosper God wants you to circum the opposition God wants you to get ahead God wants you to flourish somebody say flourish there is something as important as reaching success it's learning how to define it the problem many people have is not that they're not reaching for success is that they haven't defined what success first looks like and if you are trying to reach for something you haven't defined you will always fail because you won't know have you reached it what does it look like and he says in here the righteous will flourish that means to be successful as a Christian is God's will for you that's know that's already settled for us in our church we believe at the Church of Jesus Christ we believe God wants you to be successful the problem happens is when we all try to define what success looks like I posted on Facebook yesterday shared a few images from architect fan page where they posted a guy who's standing on a bus station and missed a bus looks at the guy who's riding a bike and says I wish I could have a bike then I'll be successful a guy riding a bike looks on another person driving some beaten up car but it drives he says I wish I could have a car only then I will be successful a guy's driving a car looks at somebody driving a Ford says I wish I could have a Ford then I will be successful a person driving a Ford looks at somebody driving a BMW says I wish I could have a BMW then I'll be successful a person driving BMW somebody driving a Porsche says I wish I could have a Porsche then I'll be successful a person driving Porsche look at somebody having a private jet says I wish I could have a private jet then I'll be successful as long as you compared to another person if you allow your neighbor to define your success for you you will always live in competition with someone else and you will never find your to success flourishing is God's will for you and I have a news for you this morning God has solved the problem for you and I he has defined what it's like for you to flourish what does it mean for you to be successful and God defined that today in this verse God gave you an example he didn't use Warren Buffett Bill Gates he didn't use a person on the street he didn't use me and he didn't use your neighbor he didn't even use your parents he didn't use your role models or your mentors as a model of what it means to be successful God used a tree to model it to you what does it mean to be flourishing in life what does it mean to be successful God says when you are like a palm tree that's how you when you're successful and so for me I want to dig deeper and find out what is this palm tree is because I am successful God wants me to be successful and I want to know in which areas should I stretch in which areas I should advance in which areas I should overcome and be blessed now unfortunately in tri-cities we don't have palm trees our summers they demand palm trees but they don't grow here our scorched desert area and for which we welcome there is few other people that moved in to choice it is we welcome you into tri-cities but it's not a City of Palms it's the city of those little bushes that will run the highway and scratch you in your car but that's about it no palms in here but if you do a little bit of studying you will find the palm trees a very unique trees very peculiar trees and in a very short time I am going to give you ten characteristics of a palm tree which will define success for you my goal this morning is to define what it is to be successful what is success in God's eyes because success in your work might mean to be the best you know Sergent a businessman and nurse a doctor a teacher if you play in basketball success means hitting the ball through the hoops if you are playing football success means carrying that ball into the touch zone if you are you know in church success means you know people coming to Jesus Christ you know if you are working on the house success means building the house without you know making good money on time and will not get sued you know success in different places mean different thing well what does it mean to be successful in life the first thing about the palm tree I want you to keep in mind is the palm tree is one of the only trees that cannot burn you cannot use the wood of a palm tree for fire because it simply will not burn as other trees I think the application of this is that the first place where you start as a successful person is when you have an eternity that is absent from going to hell if you have a successful life on this earth and when this 70 years and this earth ends and you are going to go to a place where the Bible talks about Hell and let me tell you something God invented hell Jesus talked 33 times about Hell which is about eleven times a year about once a month Jesus had a sermon on hell and Jesus introduced to us and says that hell is a real place that God created not for us but for devil and for His angels and people are going into hell who refused the God's love and who choose Satan's ways and Satan's plans when Jesus talked about Hell he used word Kahana Gehenna it's it's a word that is trenched to us but to those days to those people it's simple it meant like a garbage cosmic garbage dump so if I say a garbage dumped in there in West Richland summer or in Pasco where all the garbage man they put in all the garbage and dump it there then the truck comes and pushes that in then we put fire burn it put the layer of grass on it and you know and it moves they move on to some other place that's exactly what hell was this word Gehenna meant in Jerusalem there was a cosmic garbage dump where people brought all of their garbage over there they brought their dead animals they brought their their waste they brought all of these things that were nasty and horrible they brought it there it smelled really really really bad it had a very very horrible smell the dogs would go at night and gnash their teeth trying to find some raw flesh the warms will go in there and eat things and people would set fire constantly to burn those things so the smell will stop so when Jesus talked about Hell he says this is what it's like when everything that is thrown outside of heaven will be there he said there will be fire there will be warms that would be clashing of teeth he says it will be utter darkness it will be everything that's not going to be inside of God's holy circle is gonna be there that's what hell is gonna be and as a Christian your success is not becoming the best even in your workplace your success starts avoiding cosmic garbage dump called hell if you don't make any money if you don't ever reach your dreams on earth but you avoid hell you're the most successful person on this earth somebody say Amen the second thing about palm trees a palm tree is evergreen palm tree is always green and that speaks to us about our salvation not only we avoid hell as Christians as righteous people but as Christians we are going into heaven you may say well it's the same thing avoiding a place and getting into another is not always the same thing when we avoid eternity from God the second characteristics that defines our success is that we spend eternity with God that we will have a salvation that is not lost but salvation that will last for eternity life has three stages the first stage is in the mother's womb it lasts about nine months some of us got out of there earlier some of us stayed a little bit longer then there comes the stage on the earth which we are in right now at last seventy years according to Psalms some of us gonna stay here a little bit longer others will opt out little bit earlier and after this stage will come the third stage which will be eternity in eternity there will be no time in eternity there will be no end you may say I don't believe in eternity well it's very simple when you were in the mother's womb you didn't believe in the earth either isn't that interesting when you come out came out of the mother's womb everybody was crying and when you gonna come out of the womb of the earth everyone's gonna be crying too both times people are crying but when the baby leaves the womb the baby doesn't die the baby graduates to another world that is more spacious and more bigger when you die physically your real you is not going to die it will graduate into another world where there is more space no limit no time no night and there is no end that is called eternal life amen and when you are in the womb you may be doubting the existence of your mommy because you can't see her but she is as real as you you may be on the earth today and you may see I don't believe God exists because I can't see him well just rewind little bit back when you were in your mother's womb you couldn't see your mommy either but if you wouldn't have a mommy there would be no you if there would be no God there would be no you and just because you can't see him remember he holds the earth in the palm of his hand and listen to me hang in there very soon and very soon you will see him and you will know him because as a palm tree one of your success characteristics is being able to have eternal life and I want you to be mindful of that today number three a palm tree when it's surrounded with other trees creates an oasis a palm tree on its own cannot produce a lot of shade but when is surrounded with other trees it will create an oasis we see that in Israel when they traveled through the wilderness and they didn't have any water and then they found bitter water and God healed that water and after that they came to a this new place and gety where they saw an oasis a lot of palm trees about 70 palm trees this speaks to us that one of the successes of life is being surrounded with other people like mind who have same values same dreams and passions inspirations as you what it does is it creates a blessing it's a success if you are successful and you are alone if you're not surrounded with the group of people with the team of mentors with the team of friends who challenge you inspire you a lacque elevator takes you up instead of taking you down you already successful person we just had a snow this week that fell in few weeks ago and we saw something very unique about snow one snowflake is the most fragile thing you could ever come in contact with so fragile that your warm body warm temperature that snowflake will fall on your hand and it will lose its characteristic it will churn in to adjust the drop of water but when snowflakes combine together and they link up they become so powerful that they shut down schools flip cars over cause you to slide cause you to be afraid cause you to put on chains on your car cause your vehicle to lose its stability on the road how can something so fragile becomes such a big big force to be reckoned with when it links with other fragile things you can be small by your own but when you connect yourself with other people next thing that happens is you become a force to be with you become successful and you become powerful that's why home groups exist in the church that's why we as Christians believe that we should not leave our company with one another you shouldn't plan to skip church you should plan to be in the church and not just come in and walk out be able to meet other fragile beautiful awesome snowflakes because United with stand and divided we fall amen one of the most successful things you can have in your life is to have a physical family and a spiritual family you might not have a lot but if you have these two things if you have eternal life and you have a group where you can grow where you can mentor and be mentored you already successful person someone say Amen number four palm tree cannot be grafted unlike other trees that you can graft or you can put different branches into them and palm tree cannot receive other branches into it actually the statement goes like this if you want to kill a palm tree try to graft it a duplex what I've owned in own in Richland and I planted an apple tree and this apple tree had four different branches and four different types of apple trees in one apple tree and that's why I bought it because I wanted to have four types of apples in one tree Apple's can do that you can graph things in two apples apple trees you cannot graft things into the palm tree otherwise you will kill it you have to understand that as a Christian when you graft the world into yourself when you begin to allow worldly things inside of you worldly things would only mindsets when you begin to you know allow drunkenness when you begin to allow you know things that are sinful things that are compromised your consciousness what you do is you kill your witness you kill your flourishing you kill your success you kill your tomorrow and that's why when you look at sin sin always Rob's you financially robs you physically robs you relationally robs you emotionally in every area why because you can be only as successful your ability to resist temptation if you want a welcomed temptation into your life then kiss success goodbye if you want to be prosperous financially and want to be sinning spiritually you're gonna have to have only one of them not both of them if you want to say I want to have a good family I want to be healthy but I also want to you know sip and slip flirt and fall you know tripping and play around with sin that I want to tell you something make a decision what do you want in your life do you wanna flourish or do you want to sin because you can't do both at the same time success and sin don't go together now sinful people who choose sinful actions may have an appearance of success and might even have a a temporary success that looks good on the Hollywood magazine but the genuine success that gives you peace at night the adds no sorrow and blesses your family and blesses your health that kind of success only exists in the life of holiness life of sin will give you an temporary pleasure with the permanent pain life of holiness will give you a permanent this temporary discipline with the permanent blessing of God in Jesus name choose to be successful say no to send for the sake of success and flourishing in your life number 5 palm tree thrives in the tropical area palm trees they thrive they succeed they they flourish in the area there are hot other trees they cannot survive in tropical areas because the roots are very shallow palm trees can thrive and one of the very interesting ways is the roots are very deep and the roots go so deep into the soil looking for water and they eventually find water even in the tropical areas underneath of them and because of that they survive and they eventually thrive if you are rooted in the soil you will not be controlled by the season of your life if you are a successful person if you are a palm tree if you are a righteous person there's one characteristic about you is that you're green your freshness your success your inner peace does not come from what's around you it comes from where your roots are deep in the presence of God as long as your joy is affected by your circumstances you're not being a palm tree the benefit of being a palm tree is that your inner life is affected by your soil natural season you may be going through a difficult season or a good season but your inner joy is dependent on God's Word and God's promise and then God's holy spirit that will never leave you and will never abandon you amen if you are constantly like a yo-yo up and down up and down in your joy or in your sadness I want to ask you today to become a palm tree I'm gonna ask you today to dig your roots deep spend time with God in the morning in prayer instead of just watching the news which are always have their own bias and have their own agenda and many times full of negativity turn that off instead of putting your face in facebook put that aside and say I'm gonna check that a little bit later I'm gonna take first an hour or thirty minutes of my day and I will meditate on God's goodness I will take time I will come to church because church opens every morning Monday to Friday at five o'clock I will read God's Word I will pray I will spend time with the Holy Spirit I will let my roots go deep so I'm not controlled by what's going on around me if my boss is cranky if one of my employees has a bad mood if my wife is on her period if my dog is having a crazy day if the neighborhood is not doing good the weather is not good the president maybe something is not going good then my politics are not doing well I am not affected white that white because I'm a palm tree and I live by my soul not my season can somebody say Amen my body maybe is giving up and you know the leg is hurting the back is hurting and you know I'm not meeting my goals and not fulfilling you know all of the things that I wanted to reach I still walk around with a spring in my step my shoulders squared my head lifted high not because I'm cocky knobby Americans I am rooted and I touch water every morning and I don't have to live by my season somebody say Amen even when you wake up and you are just not happy well happiness comes from happenings joy comes from God so you don't have to be happy to be joyful you don't have to have be happy to be rejoicing in God because the Bible says the joy of the Lord is my strength means it comes from the Lord and it gives me strength even when I am not happy you have to still look at yourself even with the grin in your face I am joyful and when you say that you will see your happiness will change your happiness will catch up can somebody say Amen be a palm tree live by your root system not by what's going on around you live by your soil not just season number six palm tree which stands abuse unlike other trees if you cut their bark their surface they will die because their life is in their bark their bark is extremely sensitive a palm tree is a very unique tree where its source of life is in the core not in a surface that means you can actually cut the bark of the tree completely and the tree will be naked hurting but it won't die the benefit of being a follower of Jesus the benefit of being a righteous person that one of the characteristics of being successful is not in your ability to dodge hurt rejection betrayal and offense but it's in your ability to overcome it we have defined success as ability to have relationships where you don't get hurt we have defined success as the ability to go through life where everything works to what you wanted to but God in here says that your success is determined by your ability not to avoid pain but over campaign because every man in the Bible who became successful actually had a lot of pain in their life a lot of them including our Lord Jesus Christ but what made them different than the of the people it's not that they were able to hide from it it's that they were able to face it and they were able to overcome it if you want to impact the community if you want to impact your family if you want to be a bridge to a hurting world remember every bridge in our city gets walked upon you will get walked upon you will get rejected you will be misunderstood sometimes and purpose at other times unintentionally you will get backstabbed your success is not inability to find people who will love you so much that they will never hurt your feelings your success is becoming a person strong enough that if you cut my bark I will cry I will cry a river build a bridge and get over it but I will not die but I will not die I will live and I will rise above but in Jesus name can somebody say Amen you know the way we breathe is we inhale and exhale the way we eat is when we partake food we also have a system in our body that eliminates food the way our cars work is that we have an exhaust pipe in a system in the world in the vehicle in our body the way everything is designed you have to take something in and take give something out but many times in our hearts this is how it works we're like a sponge we're taking all of the hurt all of the rejection all of that you know those things that people didn't show us love that they shouldn't give us the support they should have and we're taking that in and we don't have an exhaust pipe to let it all out we keep that we keep that we keep it and then we with the PhD with the six digit income with a beautiful car good appearance a faithful a tender of the gym everything is good on the outside and this person just snaps and you like what's going on they've been taking things inside without having a place where they let it out if your body would not eliminate the food you take you would be dead in a month if you take all that off life offers but if you don't eliminate that through forgiveness and letting it go through shaking it off sometime you will spiritually die now because your friends are annoying and crazy and hurtful it's because the world you live in is painful and broken even jesus told his disciples if you go around telling people about peace and love and forgiveness they will reject you but I'll give you a secret when you walk out of their city and they rejected you he says take all the dust and shake it off of your feet so you walk into a new city new season as though you've never been in the city that rejected you if you walk around you know one of the reasons I don't allow my brother's dog inside of the house it's because she runs around on the backyard and she has her feet and they are dirty and she doesn't know how to shake him off and if she walks into the house which I let her in into my car and it has beautiful black seats and she took she doesn't care she took her paws and put fingerprints all around my beautiful seats that's exactly what happens when you went through a hurt and pain and you don't shake it off you will go into a new relationship mad angry cranky and the other person what's going on with you but these are fingerprints of the previous hurts that were not dealt with and she's assessed shake it off if you move into a new season shake it off if you come to a new church shake it off if you walk into a new relationship shake it off if you begin a new business opportunity why because you will make it impure by the impurities of your past can somebody say man being successful is not your ability to find people who will never hurt you it's in your ability to learn to be big enough to overcome them amen number 7 palm tree breaks bans means palm tree breaks chains if you put a chain around the palm tree once the palm tree grows it will snap that chain if you put a chain around other tree's when they grow they will allow that Shane to grow into the tree and become a part of the tree the benefit of being successful person is not that you don't have weaknesses and you don't have bad habits to break it's that you don't allow weaknesses and bad habits to become a part of who you are and you don't become lazy justifying those weaknesses but you become persistent in knowing that if I grow this will snap if I grow this will snap smokey will snap the pornography will snap the negativity will snap that anger will snap these things will snap even laziness it will snap my past will snap what I gotta do is I gotta keep growing sometimes you get freedom by coming to Jesus but there are many areas you get freedom by growing in Jesus Jesus says whom the Sun sets free is free deed and two verses later he says you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free the word know is the same word in Genesis when it says Adam knew his wife so speaks of an intimate relationship the word truth is the same word where Jesus said I am the truth in other words Jesus says there are times I come and I touch you and you become free if you don't get freedom that way go back into your study hall begin to grow begin to know me more and knowing me more will set you free as you grow you will be free can somebody say Amen a next thing about palm tree is the palm tree number 8 bends during the storm other trees they don't they're not as flexible and they usually fight those storms a palm tree bans during the storm and therefore it doesn't break during the storm in the scripture there is a lot of storms that happen in the writings of the Bible and we mentioned to you just three one of them was the Jonah's storm and everybody remembers Jonah guy who's got swallowed by a very fish Jonah was in the storm because he committed sin and the bow starts shaking and getting rocky they threw Jonah out and the storm ended some storms you end up in your life are because of God God is trying to wake you up not punish you not hurt you but wake you up and the best way to get rid of that kind of storm is throw the garbage overboard when you throw the garbage overboard the storm will end for some people is to throw the drugs overboard throw the cigarettes throw the bottle overboard throw some relationship that is pulling you down some relationship that is destroying you thrown overboard quickly the storm stops there was another storm in the Bible it was the storm disciples were in this storm was caused by the devil and disciples had Jesus in the boat sleeping they bore him to sleep when you either talk so much or don't talk at all and you put another person to sleep Jesus falls asleep that means he was not they were not keeping him interested in anything he falls asleep the storm comes and disciples in that storm they don't necessarily fight the devil they wake up Jesus and then the storm ends if you notice that the storm comes into your life purely a hundred percent from the devil and generational curses let me ask you a question have you put Jesus to sleep through your prayer lessness have you not been talking to God for so long that God in your life not over the universe but in your life he's asleep he's not dead he's not gone he's just sleeping if there is a storm in your life wake up Jesus start praying stop seeking God's face stop fasting start waking up the Lord but there was one more storm and that was Paul in a storm Paul was in the storm not because of the devil and Paul was not in the storm because of God Paul was in the storm because the captain of the ship ignored the warning by Paul someone in authority made a mistake and they caused Paul to get into problems because of someone else is making and when Paul was in the he didn't wake up Jesus he didn't throw anything overboard Paul had to survive by learning how to swim there are storms well you have to care more about the salvation of your soul than salvation of your ship there are storms well you just have to learn honestly to get it out to just get it through to just plow it through but the most beautiful part about every storm in the Bible all of them ended all of them ended if you're a palm tree you won't die by your storm because you will Bend during the storm you will know where to go during your storm and it's not to a bar it is to prayer it is not to a bottle it's to the Holy Spirit it is not to a joint and saying no I just need me some drugs to relax my mind you would say no no no I just need me some Jesus I just need me some hungry generation worship music to get me through the storm you will swim through it you will come out of it all storms and and after the storm you'll be right back up to the glory of God can somebody say man put your hands together for Jesus Christ number nine the older the palm tree the sweeter the fruit the older the palm tree the sweeter the fruit this is a very big encouragement because many people they are afraid about their future people are anxious today about the retirement but I have a news for you today a successful person according to God's definition has his life get better as they get older your body might not get better your life can't get better as you get older the kingdom of this world has described by prophet Daniel starts with a golden head goes bronze silver metal and then at the end the foot of that king the feet of the kingdom are metal are metal and dirt but God's king so the kingdom of this world starts gold and then the gas gets cheaper cheaper worse worse until it becomes almost dirt at the end but God's kingdom is completely opposite God's kingdom starts with a small seed becomes a tree and then becomes a very very very big force God's kingdom starts a small rock and then it grows into a big mountain God's kingdom start gold insurance the dirt it starts dirt insurance the gold in God's kingdom it's not how you start it's how you finish in God's kingdom your best days are not behind you they're always in front of you in God's kingdom your front windshield is always bigger than your rear-view mirror and God's kingdom is completely opposite I want you to be up optimistic about this coming here I want you to be optimistic about the future of your family I want you to be optimistic about your career and about your walk with God because as a palm tree yes your fruit is not gonna get sour or worse as you go it will get better sweeter you'll become stronger for the glory of God somebody say Amen put your hands together for Jesus Christ and lastly a palm tree cannot live in cold palm tree cannot live in the cold when it's cold a palm tree begins to suffer and I believe this applies to you as well when the atmosphere of your life is negative pessimistic full of doubts anxiety you suffer your life suffers and you may blame everything on the cold but today I want to give you a challenge not to be what is thermometer is a reflector of the temperature thermostat is the reflector deemed not to be a thermometer I'm just like I was thinking okay thermometer is reflector the temperature right I keep mixing mixing those two things up I remember I preached the message here and had a whole board about it and the thermometer is the one that tells you the temperature in the house but a thermostat is the one that changes the temperature in your house let me ask you a question are you a thermometer that what's happening inside of you it's just the reflection of what's happening around you you're cranky because your life is hard you're confused because well things are really difficult at work you're not happy well because we're behind in our bills you're sad because well I've been to the doctor and I found out that I have these symptoms of the sickness and your thermometer you're constantly reflecting your circumstances or your thermostat who constantly chooses how and where those circumstances are gonna change somebody went to my thermostat yesterday upstairs in the office when it was really cold but they made a decision it's cold now we're gonna get it hard they turn it to 90 degrees my goldfish died moment of silence on my goldfish my goldfish died I came in today and I see a goldfish swimming on the top and I know what that means she's not swimming on the top he's dead and I was so outraged this heat stayed there for a whole night it was so hot there it's cold outside you know why it's hot there because there is a power of a thermostat you know that you can be filled with faith when your world is falling apart because you're a palm tree because you have the power to choose to believe God doesn't ask you to believe when you see he asks you to believe what you don't see anything and because you believe you will see faith honors God and God honors faith it honors Jesus to believe him when all the symptoms contradict him the Bible calls you a believer not a doubter the Bible doesn't call you a feeler a believer the Bible says you belong to a household of faith Bible says you have a word of faith the Bible this is giving you a gift of faith a spirit of faith so you will live a life of faith my friend you cannot operate in the cold atmosphere when it's depressing when it's anxiety when it's fear when you are anxious about everything at that time your potential your gifts and the grace of God begins to be short sorcerer sighted it begins to be cut off and you begin to suffer and the problem is not with the problems the problem is that you have switched from being a thermostat to being a demonic how the Titanic sunk was it because too much water was in the ocean no Titanic sunk because Titanic allowed a crack where the water around Titanic got inside and as a big ship as Titanic was it couldn't operate it couldn't go forward it only went down you and I are not bigger than Titanic but the same principle applies to you when the problems around you get inside you won't go forward you will only go to the bottom my message to you today be a palm-tree choose to change the cold atmosphere of your heart down to feel interfaith optimism God is on my side I will be healthy my family will be good I will prosper I have salvation I have God on my side and everything is going to be alright somebody say Amen
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 13,437
Rating: 4.9007092 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, motivational speech, youth drama, vladimir pasco generation savchuk, hungry generation pasco, exorcism demons, hungry generation, good news church, vladimir savchuk, pasco, wa, miracles sermons fire, ukrainian church, russian church in usa, holy spirit, worship, exorcism, how to be free from drugs, stories of changed life, inspiriting messages, palm tree, christian is like palm tree
Id: O3grDVbUeUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2015
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