Flosstube #66 ~ Cross Stitch Progress, Finishes, Cut The Mustard and Red Sampler Block Progress!!

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[Music] hi guys olivia here pumpkin hollow quilts today is thursday july 15th and i am back for my stitching update it has been four weeks since my last update but two weeks since my last video and i want to thank everybody who stopped by to check out my anniversaries of the heart video that i uploaded two weeks ago that was a very fun video to make and i am so happy that so many of you guys enjoyed watching it uh if you are new to my channel welcome this is a video podcast about cross stitching as well as quilting however if you are not interested in seeing or hearing about the quilts i show those a little later on in the video and i let you know in plenty of time that they'll be making their appearance but that way you can go on to the next flosstube video if you are a returning subscriber welcome back so i hope you guys have had a wonderful two weeks since we last sat down to chat although i probably should refer to it more as four weeks since we last sat down to chat because i haven't done an update in four weeks um the reason why is because my brother and my family were all gonna be here right when i was gonna have to do or right when i would have needed to do my video and there would have been absolutely no way to film that video and to edit it and get it ready for coming out on saturday so that's why i put my anniversaries of the heart video and then i was able to film it a few days before they arrived and then i spent the week leading up to you know when i normally upload a flosstube video editing it and getting it ready so the last four weeks have been you know kind of exciting ethan finished school and right after he finished school we had the hottest temperature that we've ever had ever in the history of oregon normally our weather is like in the 70s we'll get rain you know in june it's if we get you know sunny days that's really awesome but typically it's very you know it's still spring so we're still getting like spring like temperatures and we've had summer basically since april so uh the the right before i filmed my anniversaries of the heart video i think i might have even said something about it going to be like 100 and some degrees and it was so we had two back-to-back days of 116 degree temperatures it was awful absolutely awful uh we are not used to that kind of weather here i mean we will have like maybe some triple digit temperatures in august but never anything like that at all and then there was a steady furnace wind that blew and it basically singed all of the crops in our area so the marine berries raspberries cherries blueberries all gone and some of the farmers lost their entire crops and some only lost half so it's it's just it's very devastating so this year for for me you know typically i do a lot of canning i will have you know by now i would have done my marionberry jam i would have done some raspberry jam and none of it because it wasn't ripe yet and the furnace wind blew heat temp went up and just everything ripened and just blew so it was not fun and i lost a couple of plants i have some that are in pots that don't look so good and i'm still kind of babying them to see if maybe they'll perk up um i planted three brand new hydrangea bushes one did great the other two the leaves got like all crusty and they just shriveled up and the plant itself the plant itself is very healthy there's a lot of undergrowth so it's it's it's doing fine and it's starting to like send up new shoots and that kind of stuff so but it's just the outside leaves just look very sad so but they did good and they you know looks like they're gonna be okay and that's good but it was very disappointing the whole thing was just so unfun and just i definitely do not ever want to have to repeat that ever again and just to give you a little like what was it really like um it felt like somebody opened up the portal to hell and all of the hot air came out that's what it felt like it was awful so i definitely hope i never have to experience anything like that again so but you're not here to hear me talk about the weather you're here to hear about cross stitching so i do have four weeks of progress to show however within that four weeks there was 10 days where i didn't get like a lot of stitching done because my brother and his family were here and so there was a lot of like family activities and dinners and things like that going on so there was several days where i do remember not stitching at all and if i did stitch it was it was very um you know it might have only been for like an hour half hour just kind of here and there uh so i don't want you to think that i have like major major progress but i do have more progress than i would have done over two weeks i don't want you to think that you know i my needle's on fire or anything because it's really not i wish now before i get to the stitching i did have a couple of questions from my last video which would have been my anniversaries of the heart video i'm not going to show my anniversary's finish in this video because i did do a whole entire video dedicated to it so if you would like to see what it looks like you'll just have to pop over and check out that video but i did have a couple of questions um the main question that i got asked many times was will i include the history of the piece and attach it to the back and yes my intention was always to make sure that who each block was stitched for was written out so that that way you know when my great great-great-granddaughter inherits the piece she will be able to read about who i stitched for them and why and then my hope is to attach photos with it so that that way they can see you know what their ancestors look like but yes i have always planned on attaching the information to the back of it i haven't done it yet just i haven't had the time to do it yet but i do plan on undoing that and making sure that it is attached to the back i did have the piece framed at michael's they were having a 70 off sale and i had kind of looked around to find a frame because originally i wanted to frame it myself but my piece ended up finishing at kind of a strange size it was like 14 and three-fourths by 21 and a half that's definitely not a standard size so i ended up deciding to take it and having michael's frame it for me and they did a great job i was very worried as with my three previous pieces that i was gonna have to have them fix it because that had been what had happened three other times which is why i didn't say anything in my last video that i was going to be making that video because i was worried that something would happen and i wouldn't have the piece back in time to make the video um but michaels did a great job and i love the frame and i just love the whole entire piece the other question i got was about when i told the story about how my husband and i met and a lot of you were curious was it love at first sight for him and i did ask him and he said he can't remember so i don't know if he was kidding but he said he can't remember uh so anyway but again thank you to everybody who watched the video and who left me such kind comments that was so sweet of you guys and i do appreciate it so much because that was that particular piece it meant a lot to me and i'm just so glad to have it finished and now i get to look at it every single day so before i show what i have been working on over the past four weeks the fat quarter shop sent me a box of goodies to show and share with all of you guys everything that i am going to show you is available on the fat quarter shops website and i will put a link to the fat quarter shop down below as well if you would like to go and do some shopping uh the first item is the kaleidoscope quilt by lori holt of bmw bonnet this particular quilt comes in several sizes and it also comes with so it comes with the directions to do several sizes of quilts and it does have a cross stitch pattern in there as well and while i was flipping it does have a pattern to make a pillow so there's definitely a lot of um there's definitely for a book this size it definitely has a lot of options for sewing and cross stitching the next item is flea market flowers by laurie holt i think this one just recently wrapped up as a stitch along but it is a beautiful i'm gonna say it's a sampler i always refer to all of cross stitching as a sampler i'm probably really wrong but i've seen this finished and it's a beautiful beautiful it's beautiful next up is uh number 11 of the prem stitch series grace and gratitude also by laurie holt and number 12 heart and or hands and heart to god beautiful beautiful series i have all 12 of them and i do plan on at some point stitching one for myself and next up is some cross stitch finishing dots so these are double sided acid free finishing dots so this would be um when you're you know and you're finishing this would be great to kind of tack down your piece to kind of help you you know finish them on the back side however it is that you like to finish your pieces it also comes in a 3 4 inch dot so this would be great to like tack down the four corners of a larger piece or honestly you can there's so many different uses that you could you could even use these for um not for cross stitching but for tacking down your photos in albums i mean i used to use those little um those little tiny dots and scrapbooking i can't think what they're called now but i remember i i used them in so many different things other than scrapbooking uh there is a quilt pattern called festive by crystal stahl for it's so emma it's a beautiful beautiful quilt i have some be in my bonnet stitch cards this is set i a double-sided mini cutting mat by fig tree for it's so emma so it's got a green side and a pink side and these are great for you know if you're going to a retreat or if you're doing a bunch of fussy cutting on smaller pieces these are great to have i have one that's a little bit bigger than this it's not next to my sewing machine and i use it all the time when i am quilting or when i'm assembling quilt blocks uh this one is a quilt pattern called embark by sarah price and when i saw this one i thought it would be perfect and civil war reproduction i honestly i have reproduction fabrics on my brain all the time next up is the oregon trail template set three templates for the oregon trail quilt block from a scrapbook of quilts book and so this is what the templates look like and it makes that block and among the stars again block of the month and they have it in two different ways well it was made using two different fabric lines i particularly like this one and i believe that one looks like fig tree fabrics and then this is the made for plaid project bag and charcoal i love i love plaid so i love these bags uh it comes in berry and olive so i only ever seen these bags online so it was nice to kind of see what they look like in person and i love them i think they're great bags um so some of that stuff i will be giving away a little bit later in this video uh but thank you so much to fat quarter shop for sending those items to me i appreciate it so much all right so let's talk about what i've been working on over the past two weeks i did have a new morning stitch and that was queen of the needle by brenda gervais i don't have a large start on this i did start it on monday i think it was monday it was either monday or friday thursday or friday of last week i i kind of get a little bit mixed up in my days especially in the summer um for like three days i walked around thinking it was saturday i don't really know why um but i did start this one recently um i haven't got a whole lot of progress on it because i was working on some binding for this one back here and i usually will work on quilt binding in the morning if but if i have it it's just a really good time to do it but here is my progress so far so this is a piece of 36 count mystery linen that i had in my stash looked over from another project i'm stitching it one over two and i'm stitching it with some of the called for but a lot of floss that i had in my stash i didn't have a lot of the called for threads so i did substitute i'm i'm not sure it's showing up very good but you can see that her face and then her crown i'm not sure that i'm going to leave i might end up unpicking those i don't feel like they show up very well and even now in my viewfinder i can see a little bit of her hair and that's it so i might over the weekend just quickly unpick all of that and then pull something a little bit darker and if i remember right the called for thread on her crown was honeycomb and it's just not showing up very well on this linen at all so yeah i definitely think i'm going to un-pick that uh this weekend but i started that and so that will stay my morning stitch until it is finished and then next up is something that you guys have been watching me stitch for a while and that is liberty's welcome by plum street samplers uh this was my new year new start and i am stitching this with my friend yvette and we she's just a smidge ahead of me just a little bit she went ahead and finished the page and then i'm just a little bit behind her but hopefully tonight well definitely tonight i will catch up with her and it was funny because i had been stitching on my liberty's welcome and i've been going going going and then i sent her when i finished my three days i sent her a picture and i thought she was gonna fly up here and ring my neck because i had gotten like way ahead of her i was not expecting that but um she caught up with me in no time at all anyway so here is my progress you know what let me move so that the tree because the tree lights always shine through um here's my progress so i'm stitching this on a piece of 36 count heartland with all of the called for it dmc threads except for the house which is dmc 648 and i love it love it love it so i'm almost done um i look today and then so i look today and the next page is the last page so it's just that bottom corner and then of course i will add in the two flowers that i am missing on the side as well so i still have quite a bit of the grass to go but that's basically the only big chunk uh in that next page is just the grass and then there's a little bit of the flag and then you put in your name and then you just finish the border and then it's done done done done so i don't know that i will have a finish i definitely won't finish it in the next three days so possibly it's still i mean it's still going to be in my rotation another time or two and maybe a time after that i don't know but i'm getting very very excited that it is almost done and i can't i can't wait i didn't honestly when i first started stitching this i didn't think it was going to take this long to stitch it i really really didn't i thought i would have this done in a couple of months but it is one of those pieces that it it's bigger than you think but it is so worth every single stitch i mean i absolutely love working on this it has just been so much fun and i cannot wait to have it done uh these are the dmc threads that i've used so i still have quite a bit of the threads left over i think the only one that i've had to replace is the green for the grass i'm on the second skein of it so love it and then um i have been working on cherry hollow farm by stacy nash um this is available in or on stacey nash's etsy shop and i will put a link to it down below because i've had a lot of people say that this is one of their unicorns and that they're hoping that someday they'll be able to find it on the secondary market and it's already available you can get it as a pdf download so i will make sure to put a link to stacy nash's etsy shop down below so that that way you can go get one and stitch it for yourself i ended up buying it after icemageddon and i kitted it up because i felt like i deserved it after surviving ismagenin so here is my progress i am stitching this on a piece of 36 count beige linen by weak style works with the called for weak style works threads one over two and i love love love love i cannot wait to have this one finished as well so i still have a little bit left to go on the house it's just filling in the windows and the bricks down below and then it will be finishing the rest of the sampler after that and the border seriously is no joke and you definitely have to pay attention or you'll mess up and that's my only everything about the sampler is so much fun to stitch but that border it definitely i spend quite a bit of time unpicking it as i'm stitching it and you can kind of get into a little bit of a rhythm after you get going but it's it's no joke she definitely keeps you on your toes while you're stitching but it's totally worth it because the sampler is absolutely beautiful and i cannot wait to have it finished i'm just really looking forward to it so these are the threads so you don't need too many but they're all very beautiful very soft colors i just i love them i love this color combination together so my plan is to continue working on that one as well and then somehow all this stuff got shifted uh next up is uh the scarlet houses and priest 1841 and i started this one back on my birthday last year but i i mean it's been kind of in and out of my rotation since then except recently it's been in pretty much this whole time i think i started in march maybe or february or march i think it was march and i've just had this one popping in and out of my rotation um but i absolutely love work i mean i know that i say that i love working on every single piece but i really do i love working on every single thing that i have to show you i just i love it all um this is a piece of 40 count caramel by sarah femme fabrics with the called four threads one over two so i almost finished the top row i just have a little bit of the flowers or the the doodads uh that yvette always calls him doodads um but i have some of the do dads that uh are left to finish on the top border and then there's just a few little things underneath that pot and then i will drop down to the next row but this is my progress so far such a beautiful sampler i love it love it it's going to take me a while to finish it probably i mean it it's not i mean it's not a small sampler she's a little bit of a beast but she's totally worth every stitch and i really do enjoy every every second that i spend on her i really do enjoy it and then um autumn at hawk run hollow by carriage house samplings yes i had to look it didn't sound right all of a sudden because usually when i talk about this piece i just say autumn at hofburn hollow and i know every single time i do not say who the designer is it is carriage house samplings and this one is my one of my very longest whips and this is my progress so far so i had just finished stitching on liberty's welcome and then i switched to this and um the whole day leading up to when i was going to start stitching on this again i was thinking i was so glad that i didn't have to stitch any grass because i just was getting so sick and tired of stitching grass and then i pick up this to work on it and i had to work on grass so i stitched the grass and i built the fence and i stitched one of the horses and then i started on i'm gonna call it a hay field but that is the farthest i got so this came into my rotation for three days over the past four weeks and in my previous two videos it's possible that this piece had got bumped out of my rotation so i haven't shown this one in a while but i i love it so i'm stitching out a piece of 40 count vintage country mocha with the called for dmc except a few i did swap some out um and i'm stitching it one over two and i love it i do sometimes get a little bit of uh you know i'll have people comment that you know when you have something that old in your stash you know you you don't love it enough or you know what have you but i do and i've only really been cross-stitching for the past five or six years so you know it hasn't really been in my stash that long um but i love it and i always look forward to stitching on it and i can't wait to also have this one finished someday and then my new wednesday stitch because in my last video i had finished or in my last update i had finished the reverend gordon squash bottom and i don't remember if i had started this one i don't think that i did but that is jack's house pin keep by stacy nash primitives so this is the wednesday stitch that yvette and i have been working on since we finished gordon and here is my progress so last night i started i finished the vine and then began working on the roof i think i still have like two rows left to go on the roof and then the house and i am stitching this on a piece of 36 count confederate gray uh one over two and i love this one really do love this one and i can't wait to have it done i did make a couple of changes so in the chart all of the pumpkins have jack-o-lantern faces and in mine only one of them has a jack-o'-lantern face and i just like the originally i wasn't going to put any of them with the jack-o-lantern face because i'm trying to stitch um ones that are uh autumn and not so much halloween but then when i got to stitching on him i i like this particular pumpkin's grinning face so that's why i decided to uh just do the one and i love it he's so cute i just love him i also had a couple of finishes over the past four weeks and i had to stop so i had to stop the video just kind of abruptly right there because i looked up and i saw that it was already at 13 minutes and i seem it seems like any time i get a video and it's 10 minutes or under it will it will like upload fine but when it gets over 10 minutes it for whatever reason i always struggle with getting that video to upload so i had to just kind of like cut it off right there and hope that i hope that one will upload okay it's so weird how it does it sometimes sometimes everything uploads no problem but then i feel like the last couple of videos if it goes anywhere over 10 minutes it just does not want to upload and i end up having to plug my phone in and manually pulling it off my phone so hopefully it'll work luckily i have a whole day tomorrow to figure everything out but i did have some finishes over the past uh four weeks and i realized that one of them got put away with the 4th of july so i did kind of take down all of my americana 4th of july decorations and i realized one of them got put away and it shouldn't have but i had these ones out because i haven't fully finished them yet so they're kind they were kind of in um so this was before my brother came i i got them to a point where they were i was going to turn them into the mini the little pillows and i just ran out of time so you're gonna see them in there almost a pillow pillow um and so the i have two finishes from the red white and blue uh by with the needle and thread brenda gervais the first one i think this is garden of liberty i don't know why i struggle with the name of this in my brain it's liberty's garden but i'm pretty positive it's garden of liberty i stitched this on a piece of 36 count linen i don't remember what it was it's possible that it was a it was either 36 count vintage country mocha or it was a piece of mystery linen from my stash but i stitched it with the called for threads one over two and i do have it this is the backing that i chose for it so all i have to do is stuff it and then i stuff it from the bottom and then whip stitch it close and so that's all i have left to do and i'm not going to uh put it in my box of to be finished i'm i'm going to stuff these and then make sure that they next year they'll be out with my with my trench bowl which still does have one uh fourth of july thing right there it's the old glory by um daisy case primitives and i left it there because i just i really love it and i just i just love it so i left it uh this one was i don't know sunflower something like sam's sunflower maybe um this one is also out of red white and bloom i just don't remember the name of it i also know that this is a piece of 36 count mystery linen it's possible it's dill i just don't remember but i did stitch it with the called four threads one over two and so here you can see that i have interfacing attached to the back i like to put interfacing on the back of my little pillows and i do have i think it's a red fabric i have picked out for its backing this one here was my previous morning stitch i might have showed this in my last video but this is country rustic primitives primitive sampler style pin keep and this is available as a pdf download on etsy and i'll put a link to country rustic primitives with our etsy shop down below and this is a piece of 35 count sheep straw that i had in mustache and i also stitched it with the called for dmc one over two i think yep one over two uh and i also have the interfacing attached to the back as well so and i have fabric uh for the backing in the other room so i just need to spend a little time uh fully finishing those and then the um when this is done it's gonna go right here in the trench the other ones will get put away with the fourth of july decorations so as far as all the cross stitching goes for this video that is all i have to show but before you go i do have a giveaway it's been a while since i have done one and i felt like it was high time i'd been thinking about doing it in the last couple of videos and time just kind of got away from me and i didn't quite get my ducks in order um the items that i am uh going to give away are some of the items at the fat quarter shop so generously shared with me um a couple of rules the first rule is that you must be a subscriber like the video and then of course answer the question there will be 11 chances to win so after you do answer the question you'll just have to say what numbers that you are interested in winning and then before my next video i will go in and i will pull 11 winners and i will announce them in my next video also before i show what the giveaway items are i do want to say a big thank you to all of you guys who have subscribed to me over the past month and a half i hit 10 000 subscribers which absolutely blows me away and i can't even begin to express how grateful i am for all of you guys um it's been an amazing journey and i i continue to look forward to every video and to reading all of the comments that you guys leave me i really do i really do appreciate it so very very much if there was a way that i could give everybody something i would i really would okay so i'm going to show you what the giveaway items are and then i will have the question for you to answer so the first item and number one will be the quilt pattern among the stars so this is number one number two is the b in my bonnet stitch card set eye so this is number two number three is the festive quilt pattern number four is the cross stitch finishing dots number five is the uh grayson gratitude number 11 from prem stitch series as well as number 12 so you get two charts number six is the oregon trail template set number seven is the flea market flowers cross stitch pattern number eight is kaleidoscope by laurie holt number nine is the olive plaid project bag number 10 is the charcoal bag and number 11 is the smaller finishing dots so down below after you answer the question you'll just want to put which numbers that you are interested in winning and then in my next video i will announce the winners you do want to make sure that you put those numbers because if you don't put anything then i don't know what you're interested in winning so you definitely want to make sure you put which numbers you're interested in winning down below next to your comment so the question that you need to answer is what stitching plans do you have for the rest of the summer so for me my plan is to continue working on everything that i have shown you today and i do have a few projects that once i finish some of these i will be working on and the one that i'm 100 sure i'm working on next is my wednesday stitch which will be turkey hollow so once i finish jack's house i'll be working on turkey hollow by stacy nash primitives but beyond that i'm not really sure i think a lot of it will be just continuing to work on what i have and maybe pull in another whip if i have an opening slot i guess but i definitely want to know what your summer stitching plans are or what your rest of the stitching what the rest of the summer stitching plan is and then of course be sure that you list the uh the number of the item that you are interested in winning and i will pull a winner in my next video but as far as all the stitching related stuff that is all i have to share with you today and now i'm actually going to talk about quilting so if you're not interested in seeing or hearing that this is a great stopping off point and i will be back in two weeks and as always you can follow me on instagram i am pumpkin holoquilts on there or face or my facebook page which is pumpkin hollow clothing all the links for that will be down below in case you're interested so i hope you have a great two weeks however if you're interested in seeing what quilting wise i have been working on just hang tight all right let's talk about quilts so you might have noticed by now that the quilt that's hanging up behind me is not the one that's been hanging up over the past couple of months or weeks i had the constitution quilt by primitive gatherings and i ended up changing it i actually changed it on tuesday so i had finished hand stitching the binding down and i came out to show brian and he told me that i should just hang it up instead of just folding it and putting on the quilt ladder he told me i should just hang it up and it's one of the ones that he really likes so i was happy to oblige this quilt is called cut the mustard and it is out of the tried and true book by joe morton this one i i really did have a lot of fun putting this one together i i remember when uh joe morton first released the tried and true book and i saw this quilt it was i don't know if she has it in the book when she right before she released the book pattern she uh had a picture well i guess it was this picture so it was this picture right here so all i saw was this part and i i fell in love with it and the book released and i thought well i don't really need to you know i don't really need the book right now i'll kind of wait and see and maybe pick it up used so a couple of months ago uh on the amazon it ended up coming up i think it was like 11 from like a goodwill or someplace like that so i bought it and i bought it because i knew i was gonna have to make this quilt so i had a question about it if i could talk about the fabrics did i buy it as a kit or you know did i gather the fabrics for it so some of the fabrics i already had in my stash um there were some of the indigo and creams were out of the the box of fabrics that yvette had sent me last year to help start my civil war stash so some of those came from there and then the rest of them came from my local quilt shop speckled him in aurora oregon so i had some christmas money and i went up there oh gosh it's been over a month ago she was having a sale so it was probably around the 15th of may i went and i picked out the remaining fabrics so the cheddar and a lot of the the blueprints and a lot of the not a lot so a lot of the blueprints i did pick up from speckled hen and so and i also picked up the border and you can't see it but there's cornerstone blocks i also got those from the speckled hen um the creams i only had to get a few of them because the rest of them came from my stash and only a few of the blues did and then i came home and i i started cutting the quilt out i still have quite a bit left over because i always end up buying more than i need so there's definitely enough i could probably do the quilt again if i wanted to i don't but i i could if i wanted to um it was a lot of fun to put together i absolutely love it i do remember that this um flying geese border here was a little bit fiddly and in order to get it to fit i had to go in and make my seam allowance a little bit bigger because i typically will sew with a scant uh quarter inch and i had to actually make it a little bit over a quarter inch to get mine to fit it was just a little bit too big but other than that i loved uh i loved making it if i would have known i was gonna hang it i would have done a little bit of a little different quilting motif i just did a simple stipple mostly because as i was assembling this quilt i just wanted to keep it very simple i didn't want to do anything that was going to just distract or detract from the quilt itself i like i tend to like to keep i like my quilts to tell their story and not my quilting so on this one i kept it very simple but i love it because again you can see the quilt and not my quilting so but i love it i love it so thank you to everybody for all of your wonderful comments when i first hung it up i thought it's going to be way too dark you're not going to be able to see it but i think it's just because the two previous quilts had been quite a bit brighter but i i absolutely love it so you know if you have the the pattern i would just you know if you um i would look and see what's in your stash first because it's just made from basically creams and tans and then the um the blues the indigos and and so i i went from like dark to lighter indigo colors because that's kind of how it looks um her quilt looks where it has the it has the light and the dark blueprints um there are a few in there that are uh joe morton fabrics that she did put in her quilt um but a lot of them there's one of them i picked up i think it's this one right here um the quilt shop where i i bought it from all it said was colonial by windham fabrics and it looked like it was an older fabric line because it hardly had any selvage on it and nowadays i like to put like an inch where it's got all that you know they'll put like sayings and little things in it to decorate it uh but this just had a very scant and it just said colonial by windham fabric i think it's a colonial black by windham fabrics and it's it's from a really old line and there was one um uh i forget which one it was there's another one somewhere up in here that's also a really older older line of fabric so um but i had a lot of fun putting it together and if it's something that you're thinking of doing it was a lot of fun i really enjoyed it and but thank you for all of your really kind comments that totally brightened up my whole day okay so um as far as other quilting goes i haven't done a whole lot for myself um i so this quilt it was done before my brother came and i had it out on my quilt machine with the backing and the batting waiting and so i went out and quilted it on thursday of last week i think no maybe monday oh no it was monday monday of this week i went out and quilted it and then i put the binding on it and i finished the binding on tuesday so it had been waiting on my quilt machine for like two weeks so i did definitely have it done i think i would i should have went and looked to see what i had done and it's hard to remember like four weeks worth of stuff but i either had it done or i had it almost done in my last video anyway but that was really the only like quilting like quilt that i did over the past couple of weeks i just have not had really any time because once my brother and them left on thursday i had an eye doctor appointment and the whole house had to be put back together and i just had a ton of stuff to do and so monday i got back to quilting client quilts but i did manage to work on some of my red sampler quilt blocks um i'm still two weeks behind so i have the current week and then i have last week's that i have to do um and then i think it only goes for another week or two and then it might be done i feel like it's getting really close to the end i remember reading something on her blog post that it was getting really really close i think there's either one or two more weeks left so as of right now i am one week behind and then i of course i have this week's to catch up on i do have all of the fabrics pulled for the four blocks from last week so hopefully over the weekend i might be able to work on those they're all the 12 inch blocks so they take a little bit more time so i'm gonna show you what i did manage to get done i kind of i pumped these out um i think i worked on them thursday and friday and saturday and sunday i worked on them all four days so there is this one i'm doing mine all in civil war reproduction fabrics so there is this one and this one which i absolutely love how this one turned out and there is this one and i tried to in some of these i tried to pick a little bit darker for the background fabric because i'm kind of mixing the light and the dark together and i hope it's going to work so like this one got a little like a little bit darker cream color this one i'm not very happy with how it turned out i kind of struggled with this one a little bit and so my points aren't as perfect as i i would like them to be i kind of ripped part of it out and tried but i couldn't it just was not working out there's this one and this one and i love this one here and that one this one right here and this one so it's they're so much fun i am really enjoying putting them all together and i cannot wait to see what this quilt is gonna look like when it's done i already have the border fabric um i picked mine up from thousands of bolts and it's just uh it's like a red paisley um i forgot to grab it i was going to show it in this video but i'll show it next time so my plan is just to continue working on those um and then hopefully sometime around when the final like blocks um when she reveals what the final blocks are hopefully shortly thereafter i will be able to finish it i think it's going to be a really really awesome block or really really awesome quilt i can't wait um it's it's been a long time since i've done a red and white quilt i had done one years ago and we used it to death and it's got big holes in it and it's just i still have it but it's it's it's a mess anyway so my plan is to continue working on those i do have some quilts in the works that i am planning on putting together that they're just waiting for me uh one of them is jane austen i keep getting asked all the time when i am going to make my jane austen quilt and i promise it's going to happen very soon i just have to finish a couple of things before and i i want to have like several days where there's nothing going on that i can just sit down and put it together and also my plan was while i was putting it together i would watch the pride and prejudice and uh persuasion and emma and i wanted to like have the movies for the yeah the mini series and the movies playing as i'm putting it together so i just wanted to find some time where i you know i don't have to go go anywhere i can sit down and i can put it together but you'll see it trust me i don't want to give myself like oh i'm going to do it this weekend because it won't be this weekend but it will be soon it's just going to pop up one day you'll just be like maybe a week from now and there it'll be i mean i don't know but i do plan on having it done very very soon because when i went to the quilt store the last time to pick up the backing for this and to pick up some more fat quarters of a red fabric for my red sampler quilt she had just got this halloween kit in and my husband bought it for me and told me that i'm not allowed to put it together until i finished jane austen so i have some motivation because it's really really cool i don't have it to show you this time because i try to keep it out there away from me so that way i'm not tempted to like i'll just pick this up i'll just cut out a little bit it's fine so anyway so yes i do plan on working on my jane austen quilt very very soon i promise promise promise she beckons to me every single day so but i do have quite a few quilt plans in the works i'm very very excited i've been enjoying working with civil war reproduction fabrics that's my obsession i just enjoy every second i love handling the fabric i just i love petting it i love cutting it putting it into blocks and it's just it's been a lot of fun so i have a lot of projects coming up well guys that brings me to the end of my video if you have stuck around this long thank you so very very much i enjoy being able to show both my cross stitching and my quilting and i appreciate all of you guys that don't mind either of them i have some quilters that they'll watch all the way through the cross stitching to see the quilting because they just like to see what i'm working on cross stitching wise and i have some cross stitches that watch till the end just to see quilting wise what i'm working on even though that might not be something that they do but they still like to watch and see and i appreciate that so much because i also like to do that in others videos as well i don't mind i like to see so don't forget to enter the giveaway um and again i will announce those winners in my next video thank you so much to the fat quarter shop for sending me those items to be able to share with all of you guys and of course i will be back in two weeks to share what i have been working on and i hope you have a fabulous two weeks if you would like to see what i am working on in between videos i am pumpkin hollow quilts on instagram or i do have a facebook page it is called pumpkin hollow quilting and i will put a link to those down below if you have any questions you can shoot me an email and when it comes to email there's a couple of emails that i do desperately need to answer and i have not had a chance to sit down and answer those so i don't want and if you sent me a message even on instagram there's a couple of messages that i need to get back and i need to answer too and i'm so sorry that i haven't done it yet but i do plan on it because they were big questions that need a big answer so i do plan on answering those this week so i'm very sorry that i haven't done it yet but if you have any questions you can feel free to either leave it down below or you can shoot me an email and i'll put all that information down below on how you can get in touch with me so well guys i hope you have a great couple of weeks and i will see you all again soon [Music] bye [Music] do you
Channel: Pumpkin Hollow Quilts
Views: 8,432
Rating: 4.9638915 out of 5
Keywords: #redsamplerquiltalong, #autumnwednesdays
Id: afO0btoZywo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 13sec (3253 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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