Flosstube #12 - Stitchtober Progress, WIP's, Sampler in a Jar & Memory Stitching!!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well good afternoon flosstube today is friday october 29th 2021 and this is episode number 12 of my flosstube first of all i wanted to start off by giving you all a big thank you for all of the support and love that you gave to me on my zippy bag tutorial on my project bag tutorial and um i i posted this on instagram last night but i just wanted to let you know that yes that tutorial is from my panel but that's how i make all of my project bags and so that's easily how you can take a quilt block and make it into a project bag as well this one is today was my day to post on the follow the bluebird from riley blake designs for the hush hush collection which is all of this background right here and so we're all supposed to make a bluebird from our fabric collections and do it into some kind of a project so of course i made mine into a project bag and i know i've talked to you about the hush hush collection before but what it is is it's 21 of us ryder blake designers got together and designed one low volume print and then it all became one collection called hush hush and so that's what the follow the bluebird is is to celebrate that this is my print right here called stitched right there on the top and so you can see that yeah this is one of the bags from the panel and i like to make smaller bags and put inside to keep my floss and things like that so this is what butternut house has been living in let me set these aside and i was so excited because today i want to show you my progress from stitch tober and one of the things i was able to do was finish the butternut house pin keep by stacy nash and of course it's not fully finished yet but i did buy this mother lode color of chanel from lady dot creates and i want to put that around the edges let me take this out show you look how pretty that's going to be so i think that's going to be perfect when i get around to sewing that into a pillow this weekend probably before i put them away but i like to stitch during the season and so i wanted to make sure that i finished the two pieces that were definitely halloween uh by halloween so you know i don't always have the goal to fully finish them but i do have the goal to finish stitching them so i just love this one and um this one i stitched on 36 count old stationery by seraphim fabrics and i stitched with all of the call for dmc and a week's die works and i love that let me pull it up a little bit closer and let's move that chanel give you a little bit closer look okay so there's one let's set that over there and you just set this aside for a second i'll pull it back in to show you something all right so this one oh here's another bag i made this is tim holtz fabric isn't that cute so when i was shopping um in idaho with christy in the spring and uh we were at a quilt shop when we were camping and so i saw some tim holtz fabric and i'm a big tim holtz fan because i'm a paper crafter and so i love a lot of his stuff and use it a lot and i saw this and some other fabrics too to make a project bag isn't that fun so i made that of course same same tutorial as i you know just told you which was my zippy bags but that's where reverend gordon squash bottom has lived so i was able to finish him as well and i did post him on instagram and just i'll say the same thing here as i did there it really wouldn't be halloween without me stitching something by laurie from not forgotten farm and i've been wanting to stitch him for quite a while so i'm so happy that i was able to do it and i stitched him on 36 count baked clay by fox and rabbit and i just used dmc for my stash so i did my own conversion i will do a blog post this weekend giving my conversion i've had several of you ask me so i'll just go ahead and leave a link in this video description of my blog post with the conversion so that you can get that if you're interested but again that's the reverend gordon squash bottom from not forgotten farm and i do i love what lori wrote in here about this i'm going to read it real quick so she says the rev as he is affectionately known in these parts is strolling the town green with his familiar cat by his side a short walk to the meeting house but a spooky walk nonetheless the wind whips leaves up through the crisp autumn air as the rev tries to keep his lantern lit is that a smattering of snowflakes i see i love that little description so thanks lori for another wonderful chart making it fun for halloween so i brought in a few of my things from stitch tober last year to show you let me pull that one there remember her she's from not forgotten farm this is matilda hornbuckle look how cute she looks with the wrap there and then this one i had done with this is theresa kogets and last year she did a little booklet and this was in there i can't remember what she's called though but she's by teresa koga but you know any of these past stitch tobers i'm going to be showing you they're all on my past um flosstubes and you know i've only been floss tubing for a year this is episode number 12 so i think it'll be pretty easy to look on my playlist of floss tubes and find the information and i remember that i had filled her with sawdust and then i had done some wool applique on the back to close up the little opening when i put sawdust in i've had some people ask me how i put sawdust in my pillows and what i do is i do it the same way i do my other pillows i stitch all the way around and cut a little opening there for turning and then i'll either whip stitch it closed you know or something like that or do wool applique anything like that but when i'm filming with sawdust i'll use a funnel so you can make a paper funnel or any funnel and i'll just funnel that sawdust in so that it can go in the corners and i always put a piece of thin batting behind the cross stitch so i don't have any sand or sawdust or whatever you want to say you know filtering out and so that's how i fill it with sawdust but anyway i just kind of wanted to show you those two things look how cute they all look all together so i'll be making this into a big pin keep i'll be making this into a big pillow as well i do have a great big basket that i put these larger pillows in you know i like smaller bowls to put my little pillows in and you know larger for my bigger pillows all right so there's that but i was thinking i should show you while i'm showing you some of my stitched over things from last time so i put some over there i'm going to have cass hand them to me let's just this one is um let's see this is called black bird in my little house maybe works so i did that one last year and then i did these super cute let me move that aside his and her stockings by plum street samplers these are the thanksgiving stockings and again all of these that i'm showing you are in you know my previous floss tubes like everything i you know what i stitched on and all of that stuff while i had these out you know decorating my home i thought i'd pull them in and just do a little preview again now this is my pumpkins for sale i took him out of the frame because i wanted the frame for something else as you know how sometimes you do when you're decorating you're moving things around and when i took him out of the frame to see if he would look better in another frame or because i wanted to use that frame for something else i actually kind of like just how he looks without a frame because with my decorations that i had set out you know pumpkins and things like that and i had just put him on an easel and i really liked how he looked without the frame so he can still fit an 11 by 14 frame if i want to pop him in but i just i still just have him laced like i've shown you how before and again this is my pumpkins for sale pattern and then here is another one by lori of not forgotten farm and this is i believe he's tom turkey i think that's what his name is let me see well if i got my envelope but i don't have my library card it must be in the next project okay so anyway this is the one where i mounted just like i laced it and did it just like i did my scarecrow put it uh with some cream fabric on the back because i had this piece of wood but it was too long and it had a space here so what i did was i just put a knob there and put some old keys and that's for my thanksgiving i love that one then this one this one does have the card in it this is thanksgiving comes again by of course the prairie schooler and i stitched this on my 25 count lugana and with two threads over two and i did that because i loved the color of the lugana with all of these fall colors but i also wanted it to fit this tray exactly and this is a tray that i got from hobby lobby this is the small size i have a larger size for cross stitch as well and i just painted this with my paint and distressed it a little bit but i love how this looks in the tray and i can just keep it down as a tray or i can put it up like this you know when it's deep enough that it stands on its own so there's that and then of course this is feast of friendship now this is the sal that i did with christy from crosshatch quilts and then invited y'all to stitch along with us and you did and it's been so much fun and i love pulling this out every year so of course this is feast of friendship by blackbird designs love the frame on that okay so that's all of my things that i was going to show you from stitch tober and then i want to go ahead and show you my wips that i worked on that i'm still working on i do stitch on my stitch tober clear until thanksgiving and then on thanksgiving i always have a christmas start and then i start stitching christmas because you know i love stitching in the season there's just we just got back from a nice little mountain retreat in midway utah and it was so nice to be stitching fall things in the fall with the beautiful leaf swirling around me and then to be stitching leaves and things like that it was so fun and so that's what i like to do i don't necessarily worry about finishing them until the next year the things that i have stitched during the season before for instance um you know the fall finishes that i just showed you i'll just make sure i have them finished fully finished for next fall but i enjoy the memories that it brings knowing that i stitch them during fall and so that's how i am with christmas too so i stitch fall all the way up to thanksgiving and then i start stitching christmas so this is my sabbath stitch and i've continued stitching on that this is the savior's praise by teresa from shakespeare's peddler or kitten stitcher on her website and her flosstube and i'm using all the called for except for a couple that i switched out but i've been working on this and let me move it around so you can kind of see you kind of see this bottom this side border right here is what i've been working down to so she's pretty big this is the one where i'm doing for um all of my great aunts and their and my grandma and and their mother who's my great grandmother martha butterfield and so i'm almost finished with this border and then i'll be able to start stitching here in the center and then i should be able to reach my goal to finish this by christmas day because i want to finish this by christmas day this was my christmas day start of last year and so that i can finish start a new one that i have ready to go and all kitted and i will let you know what that is in my next floss too when i talk about my christmas stitching okay let's set those over there the next one i've been able to make some progress on is our lasting friendship by blackbird designs this is the one i'm doing with a group of our friends um together there's i think eight of us and um i was able to finish this center border and get that ready to go and then do some more of the motifs here now i am stitching this on 36 count latte by fiber on a whim and i used all of the called four colors except for four i did a conversion laura had asked me to do a conversion and so i did there's the colors and basically what i did was just take out a few of the browns because there was a lot of a lot of browns which was fine i think i think it's a beautiful call for colors obviously i mean blackbird designs as blackbird designs and they obviously know how to use their colors together but for me personally i wanted a little bit of red and a little bit of gold in it and so that's what i did let's just pull those together now i had a lot of people asking me for the conversion and i know that lara had a lot of people asking her so in my last flosstube which was episode 11 i did in the description of the video put my conversion so that you can see that and i usually you know like i said last time i usually don't like to give my conversion until i'm finished stitching it just in case i changed something but i doubt very much you know as i've been stitching along with this i'm very happy with the colors and how they're turning out and i'm not going to be changing anything so i might as well just give you the conversion so there you go on that one now another one this of course this is my crow bag made by annette and i was able to start this a while ago um during stitched over this month with christy and with laura and this is gather the gather in i was going to say gather with grateful hearts but it's called the gather in by paulette stewart of plum street sampler and this is how much i was able to get stitched on it so far this is a hard one to put down of course they're all hard to put down but i love this one and this is one that i have been working on um for the last few days and i love it and so i'm stitching this one on 36 count dirty u by james of the needle and i'm stitching with my color conversion meaning just i'm using weeks and dmc some of the called for but mostly just my conversion just because i wanted to pull from my stash and of course when you choose your fabric from your stash and not use the call for then that means sometimes you have to change some colors so that they will show up on on you know the linen but i really like how that is looking so i'll keep continuing i'm hoping to have that one finished by thanksgiving now this one yes i'm still continuing this one and now it will not be finished by thanksgiving one thanksgiving it will be finished but this is my ottoman hawk run hollow using the shepherd's bush conversion okay so here's the cover again carriage house samplings i'm using the shippers bush conversion mostly using their threads but sometimes placement is a little bit different depending on what needs to show up where i've had several of you ask how to get the shepherd's bush conversion well you can get that from shepherd's bush they do have a website and on their website they have a phone number and email so you can contact them and ask them how you can get their conversion so this is what i've been able to work on i don't know how how low can you can you turn it sideways this is the block that i've been working on down here and i just love this this is one i was working on when i was up in midway with those swirling leaves and i was working on it this morning i was uh stitching these leaves and uh when cassidy came to film and i'm like just one more leaf aren't we all like that we're just like one more stitch one more x i hope you all all of you have been able to stitch some fall fun right in the middle of fall really is really is fun to do it that way okay so another whip i want to show you is i have been working on here let's move this around my um quilty barn mix and match but as i said last time yes it's part of my stitch tober but remember when i alluded to the fact that it sure would be fun to put christmas things inside of here that's what i'm going to be doing with my barn and so i'll be let me move it that way so you can kind of see the progress okay and i'm stitching on 36 count old town blend but i really think that this might be mismarked i think this is 40 count instead of 36 if not it's very very tight i've enjoyed stitching on it but i just know that i usually love to stitch on 36 count because i love to stitch with just one strand of thread over two on linen because i like the coverage that it's not real bulky thread but i'm noticing that just with the dmc which i stitch with a lot obviously that is just very kind of dense stitching so that's why i think i haven't measured it or anything but i'm pretty sure that it's 40 count but i'm loving it i love how this barn the silo barn is what i'm doing first right now and then i'll be putting something christmas in and i'll show you that in my next floss tube and i've got my my uh farm fresh egg drops here love those and my quilty barn needle minder and my little bitty boards that i have my thread so even though i have this all organized as i'm using these colors i just wind them up here and then i love to use them i think it's kind of like the painter in me kind of likes has the palette and i just pull them up and grab one strand off when i'm finished with that color completely on the whole project then i'll just go ahead and put it back here on the farm fresh egg floss drops okay so that's the progress i have on that i can't wait to show you what that's going to turn into in my next flosstube which will be you know probably in a couple of weeks around thanksgiving because that's when i finish my um you know stitched over stitching like i said and start christmas so all right i want to pull something else in because i want to show you that i am continuing to stitch on my red samplers this is the bag that my red samplers are living in and pretty excited that i was able to finish here let me move this one off first so i can just put it on here i was able to finish the sampler for my great grandma salzetti genova chicony salzera salzetti 1884 and she is my dad's grandmother and she was born in pachendro italy now when i take this one to get framed and when i bring her back on the flosstube that i get her back i'm going to show you some pictures of great grandma salzetti and i'm going to tell you some of the things that my dad and that his brothers and that his sister who are my uncles and aunts have said about her and what she was like and so i'm kind of excited to do that but this one is going on my my heritage wall where i'm going to be doing the women in my family a sampler for them and i'm just going to be doing red samplers and um with my with their names and their birth date on there and then i'll continue on going down so that i have one for myself and for cassidy my daughter and for sophie my granddaughter and then i'll just keep adding as i get more granddaughters so here's one that i have started and this one is going to be for my dad's grandmother on the other side so um great grandma salzetti is his mother's mother and this one i'm going to be doing for elvira lillian bigelow 1877 and she is my great grandmother and she is my dad's dad's mother so my grandpa's mom and i'm stitching on 36 count vintage maple sugar by lakeside linen i'm using um gloriana silks schoolhouse red this is how much i've got done so far because i'm doing the one or two thread before i stitch like i've always been and this is the chart that i'm using this beautiful pine berry lane chart sarah platt 1811 and i love this because when i saw this i immediately thought red sampler and i've had this for quite a while thinking i was going to do it in reds and i could have done it in all different reds but i really don't want to do that i just want to do all of the i want to do one color of red with different colored linens and then just have them on the walls so i'm happy about that and i know i've talked about this one before that this is on avogado and i've been using the leftovers on the avogado and so i wanted to show you again what i've been doing with that i'm continuing on with my sampler in a jar see i've got some little scraps here that i need to stitch some more on i'll show you those in a minute what i'm doing with those but i was able to do a few more buttons and thank you so much for all of your kind words and positive comments and wanting to stitch sampler in a jar with me so i would love for you to do some stitching with me and just hashtag it sampler in a jar doesn't even have to be sal just hashtag it sampler in a jar and so i can see what you're doing and so these are the ones that i've added so far since last time and these are one and a half inch covered buttons so you can stitch a little bit more on those and of course i could even get a larger design using 40 count or whatever but right now i'm just using the leftovers off of my samplers and so these are the ones that i have finished those i've shown you before that are one and an eighth inch okay these are the ones i've shown you and i'll show you the new ones that i did let's see i've already shown you the chair the crown and i was able to do a cat i should probably show you these new ones up closer like that so a watering can of course i have to do a cat for halloween and let's see what else i'll just show you the new ones well all of these were new so let's see here's the b i didn't show you the one and a half inch size last time so i thought i would show you this time squirrel and the ship and then let's see i was able to do let's see i showed you the these are the 7 8 inch size right here these are the ones i've shown you before age the tree the teapot the quilt block the bird or the baby peacock and in this size i was able to do a cute little bunny and this pretty pear hanging from a branch and these are just from you know like i said last time just from things that i'm stitching on i just took some motifs off of them and as i'm stitching on them or as i finish them or whatever and and put them on there so okay put them on the little cover button for my sampler in a jar these are the three quarter inch size that i've shown you before that i did but i was able to add one more to that i had to do a little bit of acorn to go with this go with the squirrel those look kind of cute on that platter so you know i've just got a small jar that i'm feeling up now it's a good half full and um but of course i'll just get a bigger jar or whatever but i think they look cute out on a platter in a basket i'll be sewing them onto pillows there's a lot of things i'll be doing with them right now i'm working on the alphabet i'm doing some things that i'm going to be putting onto a pillow with the alphabet like the date or a name or initials or something so you can put individual initials like l e h would be mine or the year or something and then um sew them onto the pillow onto the side or something from a stitch i you know those are just a lot of the things i'm going to be doing but for right now i'll just go in a jar and look fun and they're really really fun to do it's so fun to just use your leftover silks this is 945 that i've been using for these and different leftover linens and again something you would normally just discard because they're so small but this way i love it how you can make something out of nothing and speaking of making something out of nothing this is my strip of avocado okay from the whole long strip now let me see when i open this how much can you see cass can you see the whole thing oh good okay so i did this i hem stitched the sides this is the whole length of the avogadro 36 count and i've been stitching words words these are ones that my grandparents told me all the time this is something they lived by and it's something i try to live by or think about a lot use it up wear it out make it do or do without and and then of course i put you know who said it grandma and grandpa and i put on a vintage spool here and i just used the same thread to kind of tack that together so that it was on there i could easily take it off if i wanted to but i love that it winds up here on this spool and i plan on continue doing this stitching words for my grandparents from my mom for my dad you know just just words that that i try to live by and that i can hear them saying to me you know not like actually here with my ears but i can hear with my heart and i can hear with my mind and i know a lot of us do that you know as we're doing something we re our you know the words from our moms or our dads or our grandma come to us you know about different things i know i do that a lot when i'm canning you know i'll i will just kind of have a question in my mind of the next step what i need to do and i will hear my mom you know or my grandma you know giving me direction and things like that and so i just i want to put those down into my memory i want to stitch them and as i'm stitching them i think about them and it just brings fond memories and it's just kind of a fun keepsake to have i'll probably just close this with a little old safety pin or you know do a little clothes pin now i'm also have done this in the past i want to show you that instead of on a wooden spool you could use a vintage clothespin and you just start like that and you just wind it around that way and you just keep it in your little sewing basket keep it in your little basket of goodies you can always remember the words that you can hear your grandparents or your parents saying or even your children to you so that's something just out of a little bit of a leftover you don't have to hem stitch them sometimes i haven't you can just um you know roll it and then press it there's just a lot of different ways that you can finish but again i just use the same silk this is avogado and i hope that inspires you that maybe you you know i just kind of want to show it to you and you know the different things that we put on there is personal um of course to our families but another thing that i'm working on right now is i'm doing um scripture i love to do favorite scripture so i don't know it's just kind of fun to [Music] to be inspired i know i get inspired by all of you and your floss tubes when i'm able to watch them and i just you know would love it if i was able to inspire you to remember the words from your family and to stitch them up okay so there's that i hope you guys will be doing the red sampler with me uh sorry sampler in a jar but i did want to show you one thing that i got look at this i'll show it sideways okay so i got this from laureate thread milk okay isn't that beautiful look at this as a holds holds my thread so this this is what i've been using since i got it for my wool applique so in here let's see here's my little old vintage container that i've got my pearl cotton in here sometimes that i'm um doing some wool applique and right now like this is my uh remember this um tupperware that they call crafterwear that has that look how fun so i'm working on a penny rug right now a little penny placemat okay and so for that i'm using um the baldoni 174 and that's what what's in here and so it just easily puts you know is on that spool and it pulls out as i'm stitching all these little all these little circles it's that fun i like keeping them in this little like i said this little uh crafter wear so it makes it very portable i've had it in my trailer and so i'll be connecting those i just kind of wanted to show you this and how fun that was and of course it's the beehive and it's beautifully made and so i just felt like i needed to have that and those are some of the ones that i have finished so far and i think that's really going to be fun so i want to show you that and as i was pulling out all of my other stitched over things i wanted to show you this speaking of wool applique this is something that i did several years ago when i designed my autumn love i'm going to have to go like this because i know it's really long when i designed my autumn love sew along quilt with my so simple shapes i just knew that this block or any of the blocks really but i went ahead and did this block to hang above my door um would be awesome in wool so what i did is i took my b backgrounds cut two and a half inch squares sew them together and quilted it and bound it and everything so it's already done and then i went ahead and did the wool applique on it using this myself simple shapes but using wool instead and of course you don't have to turn the edges under or anything and i need to press that out as it's been rolled up i usually keep it rolled up but sometimes it gets folded but it's easily pressed and steamed right there so the bag goes flat but i just want to show you that how fun that is by appliqueing do doing well applique onto a quilt it gives it a nice um sturdy back to do your applique on because you know wool is thicker and heavier and i just love it because it doesn't fray and i just did a very rustic stitch with masked matching thread on that one so i just wanted to show you that some other few fall things that i've been doing and i'm wishing you all a happy fall and hopefully like i said you're getting some good fall stitching in i'm sure a lot of you are doing christmas stitching and that's fun as well and next week i'll be back with my it's my turn to do my virtual file quilt market so i'll be showing you all of my my pre-yardage of cookbook the actual fabric that will be coming in december we'll be talking about that so long i'll be showing you my new fabric collection on the storyboard that i'm introducing called prairie and all of the quilts and projects that go with that and i'll just be showing you my new notions fabrics and talking about all the things that normally would be in the booth at fall quilt market and so thanks so much for joining me today and i really appreciate all of your comments and all of your support and i will chat with you later [Music]
Channel: Lori Holt
Views: 33,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vlvksosIOjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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