Florida State Seminoles Goal Line Defense

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[Music] so the Jayhawks now picking away and finding ways perhaps Florida State eased up a bit jumping out to a 14 to nothing lead in that first quarter be interesting to see what happens if Kansas dicks in the end zone whether or not the goals can just turn up the debts of his time LT Levine is inside the five and down at the three second down and goal he's 210 pounds it was hurt that could have been a touchdown Hempstead number 66 the guard was coming around and it should have been in the end zone good blocking he just chips right there over him stead that may be their best shot to get in the end zone usually the first play of a series inside the 5-yard line might be your best they got white back in there tailback he gets it penalty flag goes down from the umpire as why it is hit just about the line of scrimmage good ball good ball start offense and it almost always involves either holding or a false start of something to do with the big guys along the trenches on the offensive side of things small Keith watch the right guard right here is elbow is going to move just a shade that's Hempstead just a shade before and the umpire sitting right there looking at anything any movement before the ball is now and that is critical when you're inside the 5-yard line it is now second down and goal as the ball comes back to the 8th and Charles Finley steps in that's the field back position he's fresh legs he's got the ball splashes his way down to about the - oh you immediately see what happens when you put fresh legs into a hot hot ballgame like this pinky just right back down we almost on the end zone Nikki Andrews the defensive coordinator his defense against the run was very tough last year sixth in the nation esra matter of fact only gave up an average of a hundred yards a game trying to stop him from running it in here Levine is back [Music] he's the beat man Thomas throws a penalty flag got to be because number 93 Chris coward mugged Williford I mean he does mugged him Curren defense Oh Chris had him wrapped up and down before the ball was half a bit there here's Williford right here and the man that's covering him is lined right up over him he's just got to run a route to the outside the play-action when I watched coward number 93 tries to hold him now the ball should be thrown to the back of the endzone to pull you away from him the ball was actually under thrown and that is really what caused the interference Christon know where the ball was right its first and goal from the two now inside the tube or Kansas what didn't get there [Music] there was a fare to collision at the top is he trying to go over and Derrick Brooks was waiting for him the thing about the foul before defensive interference is an automatic first down so they got a whole new set of downs to try and get the ball in the end zone the tail of the ball still resting on the two yard line second down and go Levine the beat back [Music] family flag I think Florida State might have been offside he stopped just about the line of scrimmage but there was blue hook on the near side and it looked like it might have been offset Seminoles yep the Florida State's making the mistakes right now defense inside of the ball it's been about five or six plays down here inside the seven or eight yard line this is like this is like short yardage and go line drills early in the season nobody likes you there's a lot of hitting going on defense is talk and you can't get into endzone offenses talk and give us another try and it is wearing these players out I'll guarantee you George white comes back in Lavine comes out for Kansas five and a half minutes to go in the first half second down and go for the Jayhawks from the tooth Fred Thomas prizes [Music] as another flag thrown on the field across the way that might be a Kansas mistake it makes not either's our cinemas lined up all lined up offsides yeah linesman through that flag apparently fairly early that usually indicates they are lined up offsides now here comes Henry by Hindley back into the ballgame he almost scored a minute ago in his first carries bringing fresh legs in well they've tried him up the middle they've tried quarterback sneaks they've tried them wide Florida State defensively has denied him but eventually if they keep running this thing they're going to get it in there just inside the one yard line Thomas pitches to him later and scored yet they stopped him about halfway there but the third down and go and Abraham one of the smallest men on the field watch him right here Abraham is five nine watch him get in the middle of this and mix up the whole thing right there three yards in the backfield it's the ball carrier good tough corner play he is known for his coverage ability [Music] he not too high but he's why [Applause] [Music] lene is back he's got it he goes at it again a flag on the field he did not get into the endzone and you got another penalty we've had nine plays inside the 10-yard line on this series offside have been pending offsides Florida State again five of the penalties and four have been normal played I mentioned earlier that Florida State and Bowden has been the most penalized team in the ACC last year [Music] I don't know if I've ever seen anything quite like this yeah yeah see that yep the old helmet pump in there early that's just discipline it could be a little bit fatigue and you get tired sometimes you cannot control your energy or you whatever enthusiasm you may have left we played most of this quarter inside the Florida stage 10-yard line pullback gets it Costello good on third down and goal and he did his goal this brings up a tough decision for Glen Mason you haven't been able to get it in in ten plays can you give up and kick a field goal no you can't beat that if you don't score you at least put Florida State back there what did he tell us yesterday about what scene where he's going to continue to put Charlie worries and I'd rather die equip him and he slow down Charles Hindley one more Andrew says one more time get more time Emily is the beat [Music] [Applause] yes they do [Applause] not score he did not who's at the bottom Corey Sawyer and Chris coward derreck Brooks Brooks is 10 and he they're Sawyer I want to guarantee you that series took a lot out of all of these players Sawyer number two I mean Abraham - that is close that is awfully close it came down was not his helmet it's the ball all the ball has to do is break the plane of that white stripe and the official on this side where our camera was could not see the ball the all he could see was the back of the player where's the ball can't tell can't see it so that's something different most unusual puts earpiece to plays there [Music]
Channel: NeroUltra
Views: 56,558
Rating: 4.8951964 out of 5
Keywords: Florida, State, Seminoles, Kansas, Jayhawks, College, Football
Id: 3AYA-27DX2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 23 2008
Reddit Comments

It's....beautiful :')

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/AeB18 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2013 🗫︎ replies

Ya this reminds me of USC trying to score against Notre Dame, terrible coaching.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/pixeldrunk 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2013 🗫︎ replies

Man you could tell how tired the defense was. Crazy how they managed to play through that and the disappointment of having a handful of penalties called on them to get the stand. And to celebrate half the defense just laid down and waved their arms haha.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/HillsboroughAtheos 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2013 🗫︎ replies

an old clip but thoroughly entertaining. that is what college football is all about. passion. /rant

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/gunitsniper2700 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2013 🗫︎ replies

Ugh, this reminds me of the 1992 Egg Bowl. We had 11 plays inside the Ole Miss 10 yard line in the last 5 minutes or so, and failed to score. That game was sloppy all the way around, with both teams combining for 12 or so turnovers, so it was only fitting it ended when we threw an interception in the endzone.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hells_cowbells 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2013 🗫︎ replies

I play golf with Coach Mickey Andrews from time to time. We just discussed this series a couple months ago and he talked about how his boys could barely get off the field because they were exhausted. Awesome stuff.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/nohalfmeasures 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2013 🗫︎ replies

I was 6 when this game was played and have never seen this. Thanks OP!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/deadtofall12 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2013 🗫︎ replies

I miss Keith Jackson.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/40footstretch 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2013 🗫︎ replies
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