Florida Salt Series - Ep.1 - "North Tampa Bay" kayak fishing
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Channel: YakNReel
Views: 5,883
Rating: 4.5238094 out of 5
Keywords: Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay Fishing, Fishing, kayak, kayak fishing, flats fishing, flats, snook, redfish, speckled trout, trout, gulp, savage gear, savage gear shimp, florida, florida fishing, florida flats fishing, gulf, gulf side fishing, jack, jack crevalle, gulf of mexico, gulf of mexico fishing, popping cork, florida gulf waters, saltwater fishing, saltwater, sight fishing, standing kayak, feel free moken 12.5, feel free kayaks, common snook, Tampa, tampa
Id: n4dgQEzjMnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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