Florida Roadside Attractions & Abandoned Places: Forgotten Home In The Woods - Quiet Town of Webster

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We Begin this episode of Florida roadside attractions in abandoned places alongside of U.S Highway 41. North of Tampa Florida and Pasco County I have now stepped foot off of 41 back into these Woods along this fence line back that way here in Lando Lakes Florida there's something I want to see just some thick brush to walk through as you can see it's morning and the sun's coming up and through the woods I found a clearing almost looks like a cattle pasture I don't see any cattle look how gorgeous it is out here right now [Music] such a beautiful morning to begin a video I'm very grateful look at this overturned golf cart just left out here whoa there's a couple others here looks like a golf cart Dumping Ground and I believe what I'm looking for is right on the other side of this mess here look at this bugs are really bad back here well there's something you don't find in the woods every day look at this toy step two who knows how long that's been sitting there all right here we go abandoned house in the woods let's check it out see a lot of profanities on the wall in here on the drywall some graffiti doors closed looks like a bedroom yeah who knows how long this has been sitting back here vacant got a dunk here before the door this looks like it was a beautiful house maybe 1960s [Music] hello [Music] anyone home looks like there's been cattle in here we have a fireplace that's beautiful or it used to be haunts on [Music] check this out anyone here bathtub still there little tile yeah shower sink another bedroom here [Music] what's going on in here look at that that's the window I peeked through a moment ago doors closed he goes this way probably just go right out that door that's where we came into [Music] looks like there's been a bunch of kids out here talk about a great view back here this looks like it used to be a kitchen [Music] look at that let me go all the way through it [Music] move that a pool or something out here oh carport this might be the laundry room or used to be oh another bathroom out here well they're nicer yeah this is cool always good beginning the videos on this series with some abandoned stuff all right oh look at that there's a trailer back here just keeps coming in a bicycle hey is that a Roadmaster bike I used to have one of those and now it's time to get out of these Woods find my car and officially begin this video and we continue the roadside attractions and abandoned places Journey right here in Sumter County we've come about 45 minutes north from Pasco and welcome to Florida's Scenic Highway 478 Alpha we will take this road to the small town that we're exploring today let's see if we find anything along the way whoa that didn't sound good just stopped here along 4-7 uh whoo you hear that fired up the camera I think that's gunfire but I just happened to stop here to show you this boat access ramp right amongst this road we just turned off of there's a public boat access little picnic area a dock and a restroom right here in Sumter County Roy bugs story Park Webster Florida now standing on the dock down here this looks like it could be a canoe or kayak launch the boat launch right there beside the road just next to it the water pretty high or the bridge pretty low this is beautiful out here a lot of fish jumping could be some alligator out there I wouldn't want to jump in here though it says no swimming look how murky that water is and other than a few and other than a couple cars passing by the sound of a shotgun in the distance it's a pretty peaceful spot and welcome to Webster according to the 2020 census Webster is home to 778 people if you've heard of Webster Florida you probably think of the famous flea market which we're standing before right now at the Sumter County Market which I have been to before out here with my grandparents several years ago they lived a little north of here in Wildwood this is a famous flea market out here on the weekends I believe actually I think they they only do this on Monday however there's a restaurant out here and also um there's a cattle auction all kinds of things but if when you hear Webster and you think of Florida this is what you think of little did I know though there's a small town just south of here on 471 and that's why I wanted to come up here today I want to check out Webster the town welcome back to the channel and welcome if it's your first time I am Tampa Jay and in the summer of 2020 I began this series here on this channel called Florida roadside attractions in abandoned places and I'm so excited to present to you today another nook and cranny another little town in Florida Welcome to Webster there's much ahead let's check this place out and so we begin in Webster at the corner of First Avenue and First Street this whole General Store is for sale check it out built in 1922 I know that because it says it right there corner of the building former main entrance if I had to say down here check this out this old advertisement oh boy vitamin D bread who remembers that oh boy I used that expression a lot oh boy do you know where I got that from my all-time favorite TV show those are the words of Dr Sam Beckett at the beginning of every Quantum Leap episode yep oh boy check this tree out the Spanish moss Springtime here in Florida but it feels a lot like summer already it is heating up on this side of this General Store you've got a sign here grocery meat and produce sunbursting through it just a look of what's left of it look at that that's really cool yeah cool building for sale right here on First Avenue gone just to show you what's going on up there is 471 the main Highway the flea market where we started back to the right you've got kind of this park down along First Avenue in between all of the buildings welcome to downtown Webster there are so many things to see along this street and back out along 471. I will be on foot for most of this video I saw a lot of cool stuff I want to see and back near Highway 471 here on first something of very Americana going on here check out all these road signs this is just the back side of this building wow we got Burger King over there marathon and then I see a KFC bucket down along that way so just to show you what I'm about to do gonna go on the front side of this building this looks awesome talk about a classic setup I was just out in Texas actually uh where Elvis got arrested trying to think of the name of that town right now Hillsboro Hillsboro Texas and there was a Gulf gas station in pristine condition and I shared that in the video so this is pretty cool to see one whoa [Music] pretty cool to see one here in Florida especially with a classic car right behind there a monzo and a lot of other things right down here sorry about the noise it's a busy highway behind me aiming my camera through the fence look at all of the old Coke machines the old telephone booth circuit's a time dude that looks like the one from Bill and Ted's I see a lot of roads I see a Kentucky Road sign and also a McDonald's golden arch over to the left it's pretty cool even that sign is cool look at that there you go buy sell and trade Don's toys and just below it a snowmobile can't really use that in Florida can you it's an old Johnson that's pretty Neato and out Beyond look all the signs we got Ashland we've got shelled Dairy Queen KFC Fina and standard and also look at that old car out there okay this is pretty freaking cool Don's got quite a collection here everybody needs a little KFC that's amazing what a collection oh my gosh that's an old Caprice by the way good job Don I would love to get inside this place someday it's very awesome and before First Avenue right here on the corner there's a giant rooster who appears to have been partying for Mardi Gras he's got some beads there what I noticed right behind him though this old electric Pole from the former gas station look at the age of this this is as old as the building look at that rust classic lamp post alert look at that looks like there used to be a sign that hung there too as well move the old golf sign 10 12 a.m on this Good Friday April 7th this is the main entrance to First Avenue AKA Main Street there's some businesses up and down the highway here which I will come back and walk to down that way some things I want to show you also something right here behind the sign by the way looks like Webster was established in 1855. so technically this is Central and market right here on the corner of the highway looks like this building was established in 1944 old Coca-Cola signs this is an antique store the Florida native and the doors are open don't know if we'll go in there but definitely something that I would love to go through perhaps Chris the girl and I come up here and go antiquing we need some stuff for the apartment some furniture I just wanted to show you what was going on with this building it's very awesome especially with the Coke signs oh this looks lovely yeah first I want to walk down First Avenue or Central Avenue I guess that's first this is Central and I don't typically film on Fridays just so happens my work my regular job honors Good Friday so we have today off so woke up just like I normally do every day at 5 30 a.m but this time I'll put on the hat and glasses and I hit the road so here we are and just one building over from the antique store city of Webster this looks like some sort of a municipal building oh City Hall there you go and the Star-Spangled Banner flying high right here catch and win at first and Central we're walking this way and below the flag there's a plaque Eagle Scout project Alexander knee Smith troop 439 October 22nd 2022 bee pollinator Garden Boy Scouts of America so yeah this is a bee friendly Community I was reading on the sign up there B City USA there's tons of plants shout out to Chris the girl she'd know exactly what these are but these are pollinators they're meant to keep bees around just want to shout out the troop there right below the fog here at City Hall Star Spangled Banner now there's a couple buildings right over here these look pretty cool looks like an old theater or something by the way the General Store right there on the corner yeah such a beauty two buildings right next to each other right here on first really like the one to the right the brickwork it's very unique looking yeah so on the bottom of the entryway right here there's some tile you'll see in a second check this out by the way another pollinator here this smells really good whatever that is oh fresh flowers but right here there's something written see if we can make that out okay I put it together Sumter County state Bank it's the old Bank building it's pretty awesome check out the old doorbell that's pretty cool and come down the sidewalk along first there's the building the old Bank pretty Neato I think there is someone actually living in that so I backed away once I realized it I was like oh wait I just normally you know you see a building like that it looks the way it does you don't think anyone lives in there so my bad apologize uh if I woke anyone up there goes some hay hey where you going and downtown really dies right here at the end of first you got this Old Barn here again looking back towards the bank I smell something really good and a lot of activity uh is coming from that building down there a lot of folks stopping I think we'll make that a stop on the way back but I just wanted to show you this old platform just sitting out here in the middle of this field at the end of the downtown area I wonder what it used to be it could have been an old schoolhouse or something maybe a warehouse just an old slab and it looks like it's been sitting here for quite some time Webster other than the highway just a quiet town yeah something smells really good and it's coming from that yellow building on the right notice that all three of these buildings look very similar look at that all the same shape okay what is this aroma Joe Jays chicken and donuts a whole lot of soul oh I like the pun there little hole in the wall here I think that's what they're implying donut hole get it all right gonna check this out maybe I'll get some chicken and donuts also I noticed right over here they have like a a patio area out beyond that live oak they're open let's check it out okay this place looks awesome I'm gonna get some donuts and I think we stumbled Upon A Hidden Gem once again yes they have Donuts in here fresh baked Donuts 1.50 each also hot food and of course chicken I think it might be too early for chicken though but they do have hot breakfast food biscuits and gravy that sounds really good right now maybe I'll do that also check out all these Donuts they got long johns they got apple fritters oh look at that thing all right that looks amazing oh look Fruity Pebbles Donuts and sprinkles maple glazed bacon Jonah oh man that's tempting you hear that espresso machine oh I love that sound I used to work in a coffee shop myself so I was talking to the ladies behind the counter and I can eat chicken I can order it so I did also got a donut and the owner which is in this picture right here his name is Jay look at that that's amazing thanks Jay also I like their logo there that chicken rooster okay so I got my food here also got a sweet tea I'm gonna go out here and do a little taste testing uh all right see how it goes got a giant donut two-piece mixed chicken got a little wing a little breast and a biscuit I think this was like 8.50 uh that was a dollar fifty and I got the sweet tea about 13 bucks all together that's a nice tip this is cool too look at this right across from the general store where we started out Beyond there the post office and then looking back nice little patio here beneath the tree looking back at doj's chicken and donuts let it begin wow that's good reminds me of my hometown donut shop back in Indiana when I was a kid Jack's Donuts a lot like Jax that's really good um wow wow I don't know if that was made I forgot to ask if it was broasted maybe made in a cast iron skillet that is delicious oh my gosh tender and juicy the flavor Hidden Gem right here dojays love the name shout out to the crew in there thanks for uh the lovely Hospitality to me with fried chicken it's all about the crispiness I always get extra crispy at KFC that is perfect the flavor's so good and further on that was delicious I will be back all right I'm gonna stay on foot I'm gonna go back up to 471 and hang a left there's quite a few things along the highway there to the left but I want to see in this mural right here in front of this antique store depicting the Florida cattle the oranges the birds the frontier painted by Monica Turner just wanted to show you heading this way down 471 and across the highway here Publix truck looks like the front window of an old florist Hopkins florist the sign in the window does stay open but it doesn't look like they're open also just to the right behind it this old shack look at this old cracker Shack this caught my eyes I was first coming into town just wanted to see it a break in the Busy Highway Crossing the highway check this out this old shack beside the road I saw these two Shacks over here as I was coming into town and I said hey I gotta come back to that look at this old 10 roof don't know if anyone's living in there there might be very neat out it's also a giant giant tree sitting to the left of this yeah there's a no trespassing sign right there I don't think anyone's in there yeah that's an old one yeah not not one big giant oak tree but two actually three all the way to the end of that property there and another old house actually this is uh the same house just reversed look at that and it looks like whoever owns this property is celebrating celebrating the holiday Sunday is Easter [Applause] look at that just showing you letting the camera roll as usual two very old houses right here on the south side of Webster and right across the street I hear some Sirens coming just to warn you look at this little bungalow that's an old one right next to Webster Elementary School yeah there's an ambulance coming [Applause] hope everyone's okay [Applause] and at the corner post of this Old Farm fence just a side a random sign stuck in the ground floor to wildflowers celebrating 500 years of La Florida land of flowers all right making my way back towards the way I came a little closer look at this house it's beautiful isn't it I'd love to live there nice porch bungalow Old Barn too Out Back original Barn blow the Family Dollar sign right before the Family Dollar signs saying Garden of memory cemetery and First Baptist Church of Webster one block to the right so I'm gonna go that way kind of heading back towards downtown where I parked it's not too far off the beaten path well I've found the Baptist Church haven't found the cemetery yet it being Eastern Sunday they've got the uh purple sash across the crucifix and also there's a sign here that says egg hunt Saturday at 11 A.M so tomorrow I bet the cemetery is probably a little further down the road here I ran on a sidewalk though so I'm just kind of walking beside the road also this shade feels really good it's gotten hot out here Garden Of Memories Cemetery okay took a turn here looks like it's beyond this church on the other side Webster United Methodist Church I was assuming that the cemetery would be right beyond the backside of the church however it's not the sign says to keep going it's down here somewhere I would have got my car if I would have known oh yeah definitely going back to the car that's like a mile away maybe I should have checked the map to begin with duh talk about a wild grave Chase and this might look familiar all right back over here on first my car not too far away anxious to see how warm it is out here let's see 79 degrees feels like a hundred thankfully I bought this big water before I left thirsty and the road dead ends right into the cemetery actually takes a curb right by it Gardens of memory 624 Southeast Third Avenue looks like there's some old headstones in here [Music] oh yeah this is pretty let's check it out I parked right in front of this massive live oak tree huge road back that way Webster back that way and it looks like right up front here is the oldest part of the cemetery always like exploring that part see how old this place is the Brown family John Brown no not the abolitionist this John L Brown was born in 1847 looks like he died in 1931. and buried beside his wife I had to guess Laura Lee Aura I like that name Leora Jane Brown May 23rd 1870 died a few years after John August 1986. I'm sorry 1936. okay Reverend Joseph P Davis January 19 1859 passed away February 2nd 1936. this just kind of sits here 's a unique shape headstone mother father rejoin June 3rd 1934 Melissa a curry and John D Curry looks like Melissa uh passed in 34. John in 1913. and we have a family of Churchills buried out here in memory of Mrs AP art Churchill born June 28th 1863 died July 2nd 1914. and Mr Churchill APR Churchill uh 1859 March 9 1859 passed away September 25th 1937. I'm always courteous not to step on the grave side I was just kind of stepping in between I just wanted to show you the whole family right here of church Hills we've got frake we've got Dixie got Porter and we've got mother Pearl mother Pearl Churchill Hall 1884-1930. yeah not as old as some of the cemeteries we featured here on this uh this series but close to it the one we saw uh last episode down in Homeland was probably the oldest I've seen there was graves in there from the early 1800s John H Hughes not to be confused with a legendary John Hughes buried up in Chicago Big John Hughes fan movie King of the 80s March 18 1868 October 7th 1946 Woodmen of the world Memorial normally these are shaped like tree trunks this one just a unique Shake the Woodmen of the world you see these across America this organization uh William F Hayes February 18 1867 November 28th 1913. and there you go there's a traditional Tombstone the tree trunk for the Woodmen of the world this is John D Sparkman born September 23rd 1859 died August 12th 1913. about the same time as uh oh as the last one did back there huh all right I always have to do this whoops get out of here don't follow me hole I come at peace and respectfully and I leave the same way don't follow me home and driving on the north side of town now cattle pasture live oak trees a little calf there heading towards the water tower over here murder he's like I haven't heard that one before Webster not just the town of a flea market pretty cool town enjoyed my time here hope you did as well my friends if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up right down there thank you so much for doing that thank you so much for watching and if it was your first time and you'd like to subscribe to the channel and come back for more Adventures just like this one make sure you do so hit the Subscribe button and the notification Bell and that'll let you know when the next video is going to be I always like to explain that sometimes because a lot of people click on these videos from outside of YouTube whether it be Facebook Google Twitter Instagram just want to let them know for the first time viewers out there that this is a channel and there is much behind I have a lot of videos in the much behind as well as there will be in the future the much ahead so just always like to reiterate that sometimes and thanks for watching all the regulars out there the subs everyone whether you just joined a day ago a week ago a month ago year four or five years ago I just want to say to everyone I really appreciate you joining me for these videos um there is so much to see here in Florida so much that has never been showed before even if it's just going down the small streets the quiet streets of a town like Webster I look forward to documenting all of that as much as I can with the amount of time I've been blessed with so if you like that stuff uh or if you like other stuff like filming locations and uh theme parks and everything that everything that I love in this heart that's basically what comes out just simply documenting my experiences okay so I'll see you next time everyone know you're awesome know you're loved and no matter who you are what you're going through know that there's always much ahead for you yes you talking to you keep your head up put one foot in front of the other there's got to be another video always much ahead it's not just a statement it's a way of life another boarded up abandoned home here in Webster right here at the end for you sign says beware of dog also there's like an alleyway check this out Northeast 2nd Street continues but it turns into this whoa I'm gonna go on through this is pretty cool look at that oh you can see the back side of this house it's pretty gnarly we're gonna get stuck back here the streets of Webster all right everyone know you're awesome know you're loved and again there's much ahead cows okay I just did a circle look at that there's the water tower okay see you next time everyone bye-bye I want to go up there Arnie wanna go up there
Channel: Tampa Jay
Views: 69,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Florida roadside & abandoned places, Florida roadside attractions, abandoned, Abandoned Florida, off the beaten path florida, tampa jay, explore, travel, vlog, Sumter county, Webster florida, Webster flea market 2023, Webster, dough J’s chicken and donuts, dons toys Webster, American, abandoned houses, scary places, Dangerous, forgotten towns of florida, Best small towns, old florida, roadside America, roadside exploration, alligator, haunted, infested with alligators, Biggest
Id: oL7iERX7RI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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