A Florida mom at odds. Other A Florida mom at odds. Other
parents over a controversial A Florida mom at odds. Other
parents over a controversial
detail on her car. She says parents over a controversial
detail on her car. She says
there’s nothing illegal about detail on her car. She says
there’s nothing illegal about
advertising her onlyfans there’s nothing illegal about
advertising her onlyfans
account, but it’s causing stir advertising her onlyfans
account, but it’s causing stir
at her kids. Private Christian. account, but it’s causing stir
at her kids. Private Christian.
Janiece has a story from the at her kids. Private Christian.
Janiece has a story from the
NEWSROOM. This is what I am Janiece has a story from the
NEWSROOM. This is what I am
looking at when I pull up one of NEWSROOM. This is what I am
looking at when I pull up one of
these vehicles. Facebook looking at when I pull up one of
these vehicles. Facebook
Messages, complaints and, these vehicles. Facebook
Messages, complaints and,
tiktoks you ban a vehicle. Messages, complaints and,
tiktoks you ban a vehicle.
Taking the front row pew at a tiktoks you ban a vehicle.
Taking the front row pew at a
private christian school. Not Taking the front row pew at a
private christian school. Not
just a tiny, tiny little emblem private christian school. Not
just a tiny, tiny little emblem
on the back of a car. It is just a tiny, tiny little emblem
on the back of a car. It is
taking the entire windshield. on the back of a car. It is
taking the entire windshield.
Back when shield of two vehicle taking the entire windshield.
Back when shield of two vehicle
lexi thomas is a parent at Back when shield of two vehicle
lexi thomas is a parent at
liberty christian who this ad on lexi thomas is a parent at
liberty christian who this ad on
another parent’s car to stay off liberty christian who this ad on
another parent’s car to stay off
campus that other parent is another parent’s car to stay off
campus that other parent is
Michelle Cline and what she has campus that other parent is
Michelle Cline and what she has
is an only. Well it’s definitely Michelle Cline and what she has
is an only. Well it’s definitely
linked to you know, explicit is an only. Well it’s definitely
linked to you know, explicit
content adult content for sure. linked to you know, explicit
content adult content for sure.
Cline who goes by Piper Fine, content adult content for sure.
Cline who goes by Piper Fine,
says is her business and of Cline who goes by Piper Fine,
says is her business and of
life. I have when I have this says is her business and of
life. I have when I have this
little wild you know behind life. I have when I have this
little wild you know behind
closed lifestyle that we’ve now little wild you know behind
closed lifestyle that we’ve now
decided to. But not all parents closed lifestyle that we’ve now
decided to. But not all parents
want Cline is sharing shared decided to. But not all parents
want Cline is sharing shared
school with some moms want Cline is sharing shared
school with some moms
complaining to Cline and the school with some moms
complaining to Cline and the
school telling her not to use complaining to Cline and the
school telling her not to use
the main entry and instead drop school telling her not to use
the main entry and instead drop
her kids off across the street. the main entry and instead drop
her kids off across the street.
I was forced have to, you know, her kids off across the street.
I was forced have to, you know,
take off or not come on campus. I was forced have to, you know,
take off or not come on campus.
But at this private school say take off or not come on campus.
But at this private school say
there’s simple solution. If But at this private school say
there’s simple solution. If
Cline wants to use the main drop there’s simple solution. If
Cline wants to use the main drop
off, why not take the DeKalb? Cline wants to use the main drop
off, why not take the DeKalb?
And that would seem like an easy off, why not take the DeKalb?
And that would seem like an easy
thing to. Say for sure. But for And that would seem like an easy
thing to. Say for sure. But for
me, you know, it’s supports my thing to. Say for sure. But for
me, you know, it’s supports my
family. This provides a very me, you know, it’s supports my
family. This provides a very
comfortable way of life for us. family. This provides a very
comfortable way of life for us.
And it’s legal, you know. I pay comfortable way of life for us.
And it’s legal, you know. I pay
taxes just like everyone else. And it’s legal, you know. I pay
taxes just like everyone else.
But I’m breaking the law. I just taxes just like everyone else.
But I’m breaking the law. I just
offended people. That’s a But I’m breaking the law. I just
offended people. That’s a
distraction to. My children. And offended people. That’s a
distraction to. My children. And
no matter how poorly or how good distraction to. My children. And
no matter how poorly or how good
parent is there. And if that’s no matter how poorly or how good
parent is there. And if that’s
of the first thing they’re parent is there. And if that’s
of the first thing they’re
saying when they’re going into a of the first thing they’re
saying when they’re going into a
place that should be educating saying when they’re going into a
place that should be educating
them, Cline says She wants the place that should be educating
them, Cline says She wants the
school at the very least to them, Cline says She wants the
school at the very least to
provide someone to help her kids