Florence Pugh being a funny chaotic queen for 6 minutes

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and in one of these like just High intense moments I was like [Music] oh I was just gonna say and I think what the interesting thing I'm just really exciting thing is I think it's pickled onions it is pickled onions why sometimes eat them raw I went through a phase of drinking the vinegar out of the jar just raw don't know why oh sorry I'm fine with me because it would go up now so I just show my head also all of you saying that it's good luck I got shot on guys the only reason why they say it's good luck is because you've just been shot on the head and someone has to quickly make you feel better because [ __ ] is on your head it's not good luck people just say that because they feel bad I got shot on the head and it was so red and juicy and splattered oh my God all right thank you guys you've been a terrific audience thank you for being here thank you [Applause] okay so who's not here Florence wait they're in the restaurant well that's okay they're coming well that's all right a few moments later [Music] I should say for people watching it's 9 30 in the morning it's very early for Sundance on a Monday morning right exactly um I wanted so much I enjoyed this movie uh you guys were all great um I think it's going to be like a that's off the heat by the way I don't like heat I'm gonna grab some mushies [Music] mushies who's most likely to start laughing and break character during a take David Florence maybe Florence what you know nobody wants to be that person and I don't think you are Florence at all yeah like a whaler I have become a real fan of wrestling because oh goodness me I've just been a scissored scissored around the neck um don't come on Flow keep it keep it clean um will you keep it clear we don't there might be there might be eight-year-olds watching this [Music] what else did I say [Music] it's always crucial always crucial [Music] Place Barry close to the edge it's okay oh [ __ ] me I know I look insane but I'm not I'm saving this Cactus life cacti life there's cacti's life got you you didn't think I was gonna get it my favorite emoji has always been the turd the Poo that smiles I'm nerve-wracking was it taking on someone like Paige you mean so much to so many people fracking I mean I don't wrestle uh I I didn't grow up on it so it was like oh no come on Paige babe get up smack her in the face [Applause] you mama's gonna save and just like that I'm a cactus Legend [ __ ] sorry no see that's the downside to having such big sleeves yay the magic of tight pens it's actually working yes Sergio Florence a fight between two sisters what does it look like yeah what is the biggest lie you've told your family um that I I blamed I blamed the dog once yeah I like eating the homework or like foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we mushrooms too I love you hello [Music]
Channel: Favorite Celebs ✨
Views: 2,188,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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