Floors, Labels & Categories in Home Assistant

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home assistant has changed and now you can organize almost anything Inside by adding labels floors and categories it is also possible to Target these things in home automations and scripts but our floors labels and categories at another layer of complexity I'll try to explain as simple as I can so let's find out together I will start with the floors first this is my test home assistant environment I'll press the C button to invol this Search Command bar and I'll type areas then I'll select navigate areas and these are my defined areas areas were available in the previous releases so there is no changes in them at all for now but if you can see here I have two buttons create area and floor and if I click on create floor I'll see this dialogue I can enter a name for my new floor I can select a level this icon is out to dated depending of the level that I type for example one and I can assign areas to this level for example bedroom and kitchen I can add Alles to this floor and I can refer to them using voice assistant at later stage I just have to type something here and I'm ready I have a new floor now and as you can see bedrooms and kitchen areas are on the first floor I can add more floors if I wish for example second floor the level will be two and I can add different areas here or probably the same what will happen if I add the same I'm not sure Pedro and kitchen IAS which is optional hm and these areas are now moved from ground floor to second floor and if I want to add another bedroom area is that possible at all let's find out bedroom floor ground label I'll talk about labels later in the video and Alis I'll not add anything more let's try no bedroom is already used so I should type something different here bedroom second or something like that and now I can have bedroom on first floor and bedroom on second floor good same is valid for kitchen I can add kitchen tool or kitchen ground level and I can assign it to the first floor of my house so what are floors actually it is a simple Visual and logical representation and segmentation of your house so home assistant will know better your smart home and you can Target floors in your scripts and automations as I'll try to do right now I'll open another TP of my home assistant settings and I'll go to the automations and scenes I'll create a new automation empty one and I'll not add trigger and condition because this is just for test and I'll just add an action and this action will be for example switch turn off and the whole example can be the following when no movement is detected on the ground floor on the first floor for 10 minutes turn off all switches on the entire first floor this can be accomplished easily by setting a trigger right here and the action will be turned off and from what I can see here I can select area device entity or label but where are the floors they are inside the areas and I can select the entire ground floor and that way I don't have to select many areas and every switch on the ground floor if I Define them in such a way will we turn off when there is no movement for 10 minutes or something like that and this is a beautiful way to Target large spaces that are predefined in your home system and as you saw defining floors is very easy and intuitive if you have a multi-level house you can Define it in the minutes in your your home assistant next thing that I want to talk about is categories and categories help you manage your automation scripts scenes almost everything let me show you if some of the terms that I'm using are not so clear for you download my smart home glossery it is absolutely free I'll open the automations section and these are the new things here on top we have a new toolbar that was missing before before that we have a search button and you have to know uh the exact name of your automation to find it out and if you have a lot of them it will be kind of difficult to filter out what you will need exactly but now you can group your automations by categories by area by state and grouping an automation is very easy you just have to click on this three dots menu and then on assign category and I'll create a demo category this could be lightning switches security whatever and I can add an icon it's entirely optional of course and now my action demo is in the demo category I can assign more categories from here I can already select the created category or right I can create a new one that way I can organize my automations beautifully same is valid for the scripts same toolbar here and scenes you can assign category to scenes few more things I want to show you here filters which is showing an entirely new sidebar where you can filter by areas by floors and by devices labels as we will talk about them later and categories so if I create another category from here assign category new category demo tool sorry but I cannot think of better names they are just simple and silly names I hope you understand it that way better so I have now two categories and I can list only the first one and every automation that is in the demo Cate atory will be filtered out here if I select demo two I'll see this this category only from here I can clear any filter I have and this is another button from where I can add category it is the same as if I'm clicking on this three dot menu at category or edit category and we have blueprints so I can filter my automations by blueprints like that nice nice little touch that is very very useful if you have a lot of automations and scripts or scenes it is applicable for all of that I'll close this filter sidebar and I'll click on this selection mode button and now I can select several automations like that and I can control them all for example I can move them to category to ex existing ones or to new one or to remove them from all categories I can add labels but for labels will talk after a while and I can enable or disable them from these three dots menu like that and this is a great way if you have a loot of automations to select few of them and to put them in one category which is great as I told you earlier this is also available for device section and for entity sections and for helpers so for all of them you can use the filters you can control multiple of them by selecting this button right here and you can group them by type category and name and entity ID and so on and so forth so what are categories they are just allowing organization and grouping that's all next thing that I want to talk about about are labels and this one is huge and I like them a lot if you want to know more about home assistant then please register for my upcoming webinar it is absolutely free I'm waiting you there I'll press the C button on my home assistant test environment and I'll type labels and I'll select navigate labels the main menu where you can add labels but this is kind of boring the better way is to go to your entities or automation or scripts or whatever you want to add label to for example automations and to click on the three dots menu again then on information wheel button and from here you can add labels I guess this location of the adding label menu can be changed in the future release because it's kind of a hidden now and it will be a lot more intuitive if it is in the Overflow menu the three dots menu right here so how can I add label I'll click on this add a new label button I can name it somehow and this is a very original name label one I can also add an icon it doesn't matter actually for example this F speed one and I can add a color and I can click on create the good thing here with the labels is that I can add multiple label to one automation on or to one entity or to one device and this is is the difference between the label and category because your automation can be only in one category but your automation can have multiple labels as you'll see just in a few seconds I WR label to and just like that and now my automation have to labels if I click update this will be visible in my automation section and if I click on on one of them it will filter all automation that is having this label I can also use this labels filter from this sidebar it is the same and I can clear all filters and just like that I can add labels to sces from here scripts same way and blueprints is it possible to add labels on blueprints no I think it is not possible for now what I forgot to mention is that if I go to the automation editor or script editor and if I create a new automation I can Target labels for example turn off switch again and I can select here label but before that I should add this label to my switch where it is this one for example and I'll add label One update and now this entity is having a label I can also add labels to devices like that and now this device is having a label and now if I return back to my Automation in the action section I can Target labels here just like floors you can use labels in your automations as a Target here is something more advanced that I want to show you if you're using templates in your automations or scripts you now have functions for labels for example if I copy this function and if I go to my home assistant developer tools template if I type two curly brackets and if I paste the function and if I close this I will list all of my labels here in one list and I can also try the same with the other functions and I can use all of these in my scripts and automations for example I can look up for the ID of the label or the name or the area for example I can try one more of these new function for example this label device deves and if I paste this right here and if I close this inside clearly brackets and if I change the name here to label one if I put quotes and I should see something and this is the device ID that is having this label too and I can use these things in my home assistant and automations same is valid for floors for example I can use this floors function to list all of my floors curly brackets again floors with regular brackets and I'll close this and this will list all of my floors defined in my test home assistant with the same success I can use the other functions right here and I even have some examples this is all available in the home assistant documentation can you please share what are your thoughts about floors categories and labels in the comment section below thank you for watching I'm Kio and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: KPeyanski
Views: 2,306
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Id: rqpwfWMa5kk
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Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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