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should I ignore Kayla or give her $2,000 hi so I'm sure you guys have heard of this app called Instagram right well on this app Instagram you can do things such as polls which means the people that follow you can vote certain things I've done a couple videos like this in the past basically today my Instagram followers I'm gonna be controlling my day I figured for the first one we start out with something simple such as my outfit all right here let's get a good shot of both of these beauties there's our two outfits so we have a pink unspeakable hoodie with a thinking cap or an orange one with the orange squid yep this is gonna be our outfit for the day so let's ask Instagram which one I should wear what should I wear all wear today there it is there's our poll what should I wear today let's go ahead and add to our story and if you guys aren't following me on Instagram definitely be sure to follow me it's just unspeakable link down the description and you can search it up or type it or whatever you want to do there it is look at me beautiful okay cool you guys kind of guess what everyone picked yeah that went with the squid 82% on the right and 18 on left yeah you can see yeah obviously what I picked you how does it look though does it fit me should I do it kind of like back here like this or should I like you know like have them all out on the front all right what's our next one now since we got our outfit here we need to have some fun let's play the floor is lava or the floor is water let's see what people vote for all right I got a go upstairs for this one okay let's go ahead and take a picture of everything here there it is should I play the floor is lava or water we have our poll right here okay so you guys can vote water or lava all right let's go ahead and add that to our story [Music] we're still waiting on answers from the for the poll but we're up there is everybody always freaking out this is legit what we do off camera and on camera he hates his life I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry I feed you well okay I feed you well well 75 percent voted lava at 25 percent voted water check that out so it's actually really funny because if you guys would have voted water I would have done nothing and just stood on the ground because water can't hurt me but um yeah it would lava so I can't really do that so uh yeah we're pulling the floor is lava if I touch the ground of dead if I don't touch the ground that I'm not dead which is good but I don't really know where to do or watch it go go to that counter oh come on come on gonna yeah how that kind of now okay that's far job like can you move the keys in the plant ready go oh wow so risky it looks a lot farther okay like alright so you gotta come over here get on this chair come on smoke what's taking you so long no scooting no scooty I can scoot if I want to and then maybe you're blindfolded though oh all right now blindfold okay all right where am I going now right okay so step on to this and then you can climb all the way up where does that count as a floor well it's the stairs are the floor so yeah all right now then you climb onto here and get on here oh this is so dangerous don't break anything actually I didn't think you're gonna make that in the kitchen you're gonna do mystics quit I want to adventure into other places no one to see other things but this light bulb is too bright you try to my high okay well um I mean I'm dying right now but you know yeah yeah all right so your next adventure is to crawl all the way over here use this ledge and get on to the mantle and if you can make that then you win all the table no no what they're not part of the flooring no can I use this it'll probably break but sure stand automatically not to I understand I have to if I could step on this would be so come on you get it yet it yet again yeah roll up the squid sleeves come on yeah I can't get I can't go any farther I'm gonna fall backwards I'm already leaning backwards no you gotta stand spin I'm not playing this isn't the point challenge I can't I have so much of my weight is going to the left no because this thing is tonight mom you gotta stand just put your foot there I slipping no no no you're dead you're dead you Linda whatever I'm tired I need some food I'm lame well since the lava killed me very hungry now so I'm gonna need some food there's two things that I'm really craving right now either a sandwich or a nice good old taco what do you do a sandwich or a nice good old taco so let's ask the Instagram people what I should take a beautiful selfie here there we go beautiful what should I eat either a taco or a sandwich there's our poll right there what should I eat a taco over sandwich let's go an ad that's worse than it looks like 76% of you have voted tacos so 76% of you voted tacos kayla is gonna be my taco receiver and gonna give me aren't you yeah what kinds are you surprised that girls okay surprise talk cuz it is she's gonna go eat tacos imma get some work done work on this video for you guys and I'll see you wow I've bit my tongue I can literally hear a car backing out he'll adjust left I told her I was gonna stay here work on the video obviously that's true slightly but I'm gonna prank her I figured I'd Frank her with Legos I think it'd be hilarious alright this is what I'm thinking here follow me okay so this entryway right I'm thinking of building I just saw her drive away I'm negative building a massive like a wall right here or should I build it in her office right here I'll be funny because she's like coming back bringing me talk you massive Lego wall first before we do this Instagram followers are controlling my day so I gotta ask the Instagram followers if it's okay for me to do this alright so I gotta flip the camera around here but these are all my boxes of Lego so I'm gonna snap picture of those should I prank Kayla with Vegas oh I'm assuming everyone's gonna vote YES on this but you guys might be completely against me and not want me to prank her I don't know there's our question right there should I prank Calif Legos then we got the pole right there yes or no alright let's go and have that to our story also I just want to say I hate you guys for voting tacos because I was really leaning towards a nice sandwich but you know it's fine it's it's whatever what about nobody expendable army I know they're savages I already started building like a wall without even like you know looking at the pole but it's 91 percent yes 9 percent no that's when you guys have voted so more I guess we need to start building this Lego wall we're gonna build it all the way to the ceiling so the only way she can get side is well break through it [Music] first half of the wall is done we got all this room to go up here the rest of this wall should only take about 200 Legos and hopefully we can get it done before Kayleigh comes back with the food to kiss 20 minutes all right our last couple Legos for the giant Lego wall all this one barely fits okay can we squeeze another one right here oh we can't we can't squeeze another one over there I think we're gonna have to use our two's okay so this wall is it's kind of sketched that's not gonna fit okay yes tell us we can build it now we just wait you should be here like any second I'm about to give her a phone call and be like hey where you at I'm hungry we've also placed a hidden GoPro right there I don't think she'll see it at all because she'll be so focused on you know but the mass of Lego wall Shh I'm calling her hey are you almost here you said you were gonna you said you're gonna surprise me okay well I'll be here I'm setting up the next scene for this video I need you to help me like no matter whatever but when you get here we can film it okay all right here with you okay I told her that the next scene is set up not as like this scene like I she's been helping me film this Instagram controlling video all day so I was just letting her know like the next scene is set up not that she has no idea about this oh my gosh oh my gosh okay guys she's pulling in and I hate to break it to you but I just heard my GoPro fall there it is oh my gosh the ground it's right there I can't pick it up clearly in the garage right now you just saw her pull in I'm sorry there's no GoPro footage so we can't capture her reaction cause it's kind of on the ground I hope I didn't break it what if I also told you that my camera battery's almost dead just not prepared for this break okay I was actually really satisfying the way that I think Mela yeah okay wait can I talk to us can I talk those two be doing it okay this is my tacos cuz all you guys voted tacos so we're gonna see what we get here you go to Taco Bell that's what you gotta give you're lying I'm glad to say it's like four o'clock and I have any minute lunch yet oh this beauty nice hey why do you have a burrito show and I don't I made up for it with the cinnamon twist you gotta complain right now that's fair enough fair enough so Kayla's decided to turn into a vacuum cleaner uh yeah sweep up the floor we need it there's there's a bunch of dirt all over the yeah he's had to go that way it's like the it's like the Roomba the iRobot yeah yeah but it drives straight into the couch you're actually smart you concerned other news that's going on is the GoPro actually broke remember when it fell off the wall well it actually snapped if you guys see the little slit right there and then if you look at the other side it's completely flush but the lens like snapped off so that's cool are you still she's trying to set up the Christmas tree but she can't figure it out so this is what she does instead I can help you set up the Christmas where are you going she just needs some love some energy right no no love no energy I don't know what that means the next question on our list of the controlling Instagram things I'm this big box right here this box is full of unspeakable shirts I'm holding them so they don't fall out but the question is should I oughta graph all these for you guys let's ask Instagram should I sign all of these shirts for you guys there we go there's our poll should I sign all of these shirts for you guys and then we got a yes and a no all right let's go ahead and add this to us don't worry oh you've got a treat we send up the Christmas tree or what mainly she is I'm filming let's vlog for you guys but Simon has decided to get in the tree no last year he got in the tree he was half his size yeah he was half his size four weeks old yeah just made this more difficult yeah he's like over like we're trying to set up the tree Simon you can't be messing up all the wires look at the cut then three no the answers are in and it's ninety ten ninety percent said yes ten percent said no that's what I figured so I'm gonna be signing all these shirts starting out with one of these just gives you a simple nice little autograph here all right let's go ahead and graph this bad boy there we go so we got our autograph right there I'm gonna go and autograph all these shirts and you guys have less than 48 hours to pick up one of these shirts for the next 48 hours every green shirt that is sold is going to get autograph I'm only signing the light to green shirts so on our website we have two different types of green shirts we have these and then we have darker green I'll leave a direct link in the description below to these shirts you guys see in the title of the shirts that they're going to be autograph you guys got less than 48 hours check out the link at the top layer description get yourself an autograph sure you guys probably unspeakable why are you signing all these shirts wow it is my birthday and I figured I'd celebrate by giving you guys a bunch of autographed shirts what do you think does that sound like a good birthday autograph shirts that sounds like a great birthday idea link in the description hey co-op a link in the description link in the description get yourself a shirt autographed by me Lincoln that that's purposes I'm in Simon awesome Lincoln alright let's get let's go do the next clip I'm upstairs right now Kayla's downstairs preparing the Christmas tree right now but the thing is is I really want to prank her the question is should I completely ignore her or should I give her $2,000 let's see what Instagram has to say about this or that for the Instagram story this is gonna be interesting I said you guys down oh my gosh okay I got the pig check this out I wanted the picture to look like really cool so look at this I got a picture of her standing near the Christmas tree and then I got me holding the money right there for the 2000 I wanna ignore her I'm gonna save mm there's the pole right there should I ignore Kayla or give her $2,000 alright guys so the boots are in check this out like this I don't know if you guys can see it there it is 70% and 30% 70% of you guys said I should give her $2,000 30% said you should ignore the 30% - said ignore is probably not a very good boyfriend a girlfriend here we go early Christmas present right what I do um so and are you setting up the Christmas tree right now and I want to give you an early Christmas present I just figured you know earlier the better right no it's not yeah this is a serious yeah you know I'm filming that Instagram video all today well I did a poll and I said should I ignore my girlfriend or give her $2,000 and yes that actually was $2,000 and they all voted $2,000 so yeah otherwise I wouldn't serious put your absolute yes that's a real money to it's not like thing I mean like yeah I can you should think in submit my okay thank you so much for watching this vlog hopefully you guys have enjoyed kids got two thousand dollars now this is not good hey that better I'll be still on my Christmas present I'm kidding thank you guys so much for watching this vlog hopefully you guys have enjoyed if you did of course be sure to leave a like I definitely want to do more of these on my channel because they are just so so much fun and so if you wanted me to do more let me know in the comment section below some things I can do that followers can challenge me for what hey how much does it feel like let me know guys in the comment section below what kind of challenges I should ask my Instagram followers and also if you guys are not following me on Instagram definitely be sure to do so and of course be sure to check out that shirt sale that's going on well it's not really a sale it's more of I'm autographing all the shirts but there's less than 48 hours left so you guys better hurry up thank you guys so much for watching before you guys go definitely be sure to subscribe I wish you all stay fantastic race today and I'll see you tomorrow in a brand new vlog actually not tomorrow Saturday open a maybe tomorrow maybe maybe if you guys leave a lot of likes on this vlog maybe I will upload fog tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 9,568,709
Rating: 4.8795519 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, car, cars, racing
Id: xIH0dMP01iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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