Flooded DuroMax Generator - For Parts or Repair

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hey guys welcome back so today i brought home this 4400 watt duromax generator this one was listed for free parts only and according to the listing the key was missing and if that was replaced it should be a good machine so i was a bit surprised when i went to go pick it up i could see that the key actually is not missing it's exactly where it should be so i'm not really sure what to think of it but the price was right there is fuel in the tank it doesn't smell expired so i think we're okay there and i did pull the engine over it has compression so this should run but the fuel valve was left on so i'm sure we're dealing with some carb issues anyway let me get set up a little bit better i want to check the basics and if everything looks good we'll try starting this whoa okay all right that was almost a big mess that cap almost got away from me but that engine block it is full of gas and oil there's a bit of the aftermath but thankfully i got the cap back on i am going to get a tray under there and do that again so and that's why you check your oil and even more importantly shut your fuel valve off i mean this leak past the needle and seat could be very small it could take years for this much fuel to leak down into the engine and something simple like shutting that fuel valve off will definitely save your generator or small engine i mean this here you know a low oil sensor would not sense a problem here the generator would start it would run and most likely smoke and probably shoot fuel out the breather or the air box and you let it run long enough it's going to cause engine damage there's just not enough lubrication in this anymore to protect the engine anyway i'm going to clean up this mess and we'll continue on okay and lastly check the throttle plate make sure it's not stuck and in this case it moves without issue so should be safe to start so give it a try not bad all right not too bad started right up and makes power so despite how well the carburetor was running the engine we know the needle and seat have an issue so the carb does need to come off and get cleaned up also that battery most likely is dead and has to be replaced so we'll check that out as well you so yeah i wouldn't call that fuel fresh so i am going to drain the tank but let's get this cleaned up first [Music] yeah a little bit of rust looks like a bit of water down there interesting i haven't seen that before but this was a cap over the idle set screw i guess to keep people from tampering with that anyway not really sure why i mean i guess you don't need it this generator doesn't idle but if you want to clean that jet out you do need access to get this out and the main jets in there we'll try to get that out all right in the main jet it doesn't want to come out so i'm not going to force it but i'm going to spray a bit of carb cleaner down there potentially that could break up some of the varnish and then it will come out otherwise i'll just run it through the ultrasonic and try to get it out after nope not going to happen i want to say it cleaned up well but it wasn't that dirty to begin with anyway it's clean now the rust is out of the bottom of the bowl and i don't really see an issue with the needle or the seat so i'm just going to reassemble it i'm actually going to hook up a fuel supply before connecting this to the generator let it sit overnight and make sure we don't have any leaks for the idle set you don't need to go in too far just enough to get it to poke through just a bit on the other side yeah it seems to work fine you all right the carburetor is hooked up to the test tank so i've already opened the valve and so far so good i'm just going to let that sit overnight and make sure we don't have any leakage foreign there's a lot more fuel in there than i thought anyway you get the idea i'm just going to keep going until this thing's empty and as for this battery i'm going to check the voltage and the resistance to see if it has any chance yeah 0.82 volts and resistance is infinite so most likely we have an open cell this battery's not going to charge okay looks like we're good it is the next morning and no leaks you as far as the battery goes i had a lot of issues finding this battery and finally gave up you know i settled for something that is a little bit smaller you can see the length here is shorter it's a little taller and same width but you can see the positive is on the wrong side so if i try installing this like this the cables aren't going to reach and i think even if i turn it around we're still going to have issues with length so i do need to get some new cables made up but before i do that i am going to temporarily hook this up make sure it has enough cranking amps to turn the engine over plus i don't even know if the electric start works so let's rig this up give it a quick try and if it works then we'll make some new cables up all right we'll give this quick try i did hook up the amp clamp this battery is only rated at 88 cranking amps i want to make sure that if this turns over that we stay below that number okay good the max amps i saw were 32 amps and then it settled at about 23 amps so this battery should be fine i'll make up two new cables and then we can get this battery installed all right change of plan i had planned on mounting the new battery in the same orientation meaning terminals to the front but you can see here where it's nice and clean on the battery that is where the strap goes and not an issue on the old battery because the terminals are way in the front but on the new battery those terminals are much larger and what ends up happening is when you put this down where it needs to be it's dangerously close to bridging the positive and negative together so really the only option is to put this in backwards which isn't a bad thing because the neutral is actually plenty long enough so we can just use that we don't need to make a new one the only one we need to worry about is this positive wire so i'm gonna get this off we'll make a new one just a few inches longer and then get this battery installed so you you beautiful all right i want to take a minute to just point out a very nice feature that this generator has and in my opinion they should all have it but i don't see it often and that's the switch right here it allows you to pick between 120 and 240 volt mode or 120 volt mode only and if you're only planning on running 120 volt load then that is a great feature because what it does is it kind of rewires leg 1 and lake 2 so that they run in parallel so any load you apply here is going to be distributed evenly across both coils and ultimately that's going to allow your stator to run cooler and last longer all right ready to give this thing a try so i want to get it started i'm going to double check the speed it did sound like the engine was running maybe a bit fast when it was started for a few seconds there in the garage so we'll check that out make adjustments if we need and then we'll load it up to 3000 watts and see how it does so you know i left that switch on the front into 120 volt mode only since that's all we're going to do let's give it a try [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] foreign [Applause] yeah it's running fast right about 65 hertz so i'm gonna slow that down [Applause] all right hopefully you can see it but the governor adjustment screw it's rusted up and it won't move so i'm going to get some pb blaster in an impact we'll see if we can't free that up all right we'll give this a try [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i think we're in business i backed that off probably more than i needed to so let's get it started up and see where we're at all right we're at 120.5 volts 61.8 hertz let's try 3000 watt load 120.5 volts yeah 57.3 hertz that's not too good i'm gonna bump the throttle manually see if it comes up at all okay all right this one had me worried you know under a 3000 watt load the engine speed dropped quite a bit below 58 hertz and you don't want to see that i mean ideally 61.5 hertz no load and at about 58 hertz under a full load and i had incorrectly assumed that this was a 44 100 watt generator based on the model info here but if you take a closer look at the rating here on the side its rated output is actually 3500 watts and the 4400 is the surge watts so these space heaters they are actually slightly over 1500 watts each so i was running it a lot closer to the rated load than i thought so you know i would like to keep it above 58 hertz i am going to restart it again i'm going to bump that engine speed up a touch more probably closer to 62 and a half hertz i mean this started at i think 64 or 65 hertz and i normally see on these smaller engines that they do run them a bit fast i think that is really the only way they can get the rated load never mind the surge load so we'll get it going again bump the speed up a touch and we'll try the load test again [Applause] oh it's hard to see we're at 62.4 hertz beautiful 58 point four hertz 120.7 volts [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] all right not too bad this time it held at and a half hertz so yeah i'd say this thing is far from a parts machine as it was advertised so i'm not sure why someone would give this away for free but i'm glad they did that rather than the alternative which is chucking it in the trash anyway a little bit of fresh oil new battery and this thing is running the way that it should so i hope this video helps someone thanks for watching
Channel: James Condon
Views: 131,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bad Fuel, Bogging Under Load, Carburetor Cleaning, Dead Battery, Down on Power, Duromax, Engine Flooded with Fuel, Engine Flooded with Gas, Fixed, Flooded Engine Block, Flooded, For Parts or Repair, Generator, Harbor Fright Super Heavy Duty Degreaser, Leaky Needle, Old Gas, Running Fast, Small Engine, Troubleshooting, Ultrasonic Cleaner, Will Not Crank, XP4400E
Id: gYz7uLpuCAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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