Floating Pins, Pull-Up Resistors and Arduino

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(upbeat music) - [Tutor] Hello, how's it going? In today's tutorial, we're gonna talk about Floating Pins with Arduino. Now, usually you might think, hey, if something's floating, that's like a good thing. Your ship crashes, you're floating in the ocean and hey, you're floating that's better than sinking, right? Well, with electronics that's not the case. Think about hairdryer in the tub, that doesn't necessarily mix. So, the bottom line is floating pins are bad. What this tutorial is gonna seek to answer is, well, why the heck are they bad? What really is a floating pin? What's the deal there? Let's go ahead and set up a reference for this conversation. Sometimes if you've got your Arduino and you wanna read some type of digital input, okay. So for example, let's say you have this push button and you wanna tell whether or not the push button is being pressed down, or it's not being pressed. So it's either on or it's off, there's like two States to it, right? Or maybe you have some other type of sensor that gives you again like a binary answer either on or off. First, maybe you've got something like water detector and either water is present or it's not present. And so you have these sensors or a button, whatever hooked up to a digital pin on your Arduino and then you're simply reading the voltage from that pin using the digital read function and you're trying to find out is the pin high or is the pin low? So let's use a simple push button circuit to figure out what this whole floating business is about. So I've got my Arduino board here and it's hooked up to a breadboard and I've got a push button on that breadboard. One side of the push button goes to ground, and the other side of the push button goes to digital pin two and digital pin two is where I'm gonna sample the voltage I'll use. I'll be using the digital read function to determine the voltage there. So you can see what the setup, when I press the button, digital pin two will quote unquote, "see ground voltage "It will see low voltage." And then that will return a low. So in my program, I'll use an if statement and I'll say, if digital Pin 2 is low, then go ahead and do whatever. Maybe we'll turn on an LED. Well, the question becomes what is happening at Pin 2, when I'm not pressing the button and that's kind of the key here. So I'm just curious what you think, what is happening at Pin 2, when I'm not pressing the button? Well, why don't we just go look, let's just check it out for ourselves. So let's go ahead and go to the Arduino IDE and mess around a little bit. So here we are in the Arduino IDE, and I'm gonna go ahead and go to File, Examples, Basics, BareMinimum. And I'm just gonna set up a simple sketch. So the first thing I'm gonna do is use a pin that's going to designate Pin 2, that will be the Input Pin. Now I'm gonna go to setup, I'm gonna set the mode of that Pin Input to an input just like we talked about before. And then I'm gonna start serial communication so I can look at information coming over the serial monitor. And by the way if some of the stuff isn't making sense, just go ahead and check out my other videos. I got a ton of other videos on this type of stuff. Okay, a little bit of housekeeping. All right, so now let's go down to the loop and the first thing I wanna do is I wanna do the digital read of that Pin. So remember, that's kind of the premise of this. I wanna determine what the voltage is at that digital pin. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna declare and initialize a variable, and I'm gonna set that variable equal to the output of the digital read function. Let's do that. Okay, so I've declared and initialized sensor value, and that variable is going to hold the output of the digital read function, and digital read is gonna return either high or low. And that's gonna look like one or zero, so one is high and zero is low. Now I wanna look at that value. So in order to see that value, I'm going to use this Serial Write function and we'll display it on the serial monitor window. Okay, there we are. I might've said write, I meant to say print. So Serial print and I'm actually using print line, and what that does is, well, you'll see it when we look at the Serial monitor. It allows a carriage return at the end of every value return. So let's go ahead and verify that and let's upload it. And then let's look at the Serial monitor. Okay, now look at that Serial monitor, notice what's going on here, there's ones and zeros ones and zeros ones and zeros. It looks pretty random. I'm just going to go ahead and turn off auto scroll so we can see this. You can tell there's really no... Maybe there's some random sequence to this, but for the most part, it looks just like noise. So I feel like this answers the question. What is going on at Pin number 2 when the button is not being pressed. And the answer is, well, we really have no clue. It's who knows? It's just floating out there. We've got no idea what this pin's going to do. So, is this a problem or does it matter? Well, yes, it does matter. And why does it matter? Well, let's go ahead and write our program with the circuit set up this way and see how our LED performs. So I'm gonna go ahead and close the Serial monitor window and let's add a little more code. I'm gonna add an if statement. Okay, so I added an if/else statement. Now this, if/else statement is saying, if sensor value is equal to low, then do a digitalWrite Pin 13 high. So pin 13, it's got a built in led on most Arduino boards. If you're using the Arduino UNO, like I am, then you'll definitely have a built in led there. So I'm saying if Sensor_Value is low, I want you to write the pin high. And that might seem a little counterintuitive, so just think back to the circuit. We know when we're pressing the button, Pin 2 is then connected to ground. So Pin 2 will be reading zero volts when we're pressing the button and zero volts is low. So we're pressing the button Sensor_Value is going to be assigned to the output of digitalRead. If we're pressing the button, then digitalRead would be equal to zero, so Sensor_Values zero. And then what we're gonna do is we're going to say, if his Sensor_Value zero, is it low? If it is, go ahead and turn the LED on, do a digital right to Pin 13 high. And then if it's anything else, then turn it low. So what we're supposed to be doing here is when I'm pressing the button the light comes on, when I'm not pressing the button the light goes off. So let's go ahead and see how this works with our current setup. Now, before we upload it, we need to set digital Pin 13 as an output. So let's do that. Okay, and then I'll upload it. Now I've uploaded it to my board. And as I look at my Arduino, the LED a pin 13, it's kind of like pulsating. It looks like it's rapidly blinking. Okay, so first off what's weird is it's on in the first place even if it's rapidly pulsating, that shouldn't be happening 'cause I'm not even touching the button. Now, when I touch the button, it stops pulsating and the led comes on a little brighter and then I let it go and it starts pulsating again. So what is the deal here? Well, why don't we go ahead and look at the serial monitor again? Okay well, the serial monitor is doing the same crazy thing. See, we're getting all these ones and zeros, each kind of random spattering of ones and zeros. So the problem is with the floating pin, is that regardless of what I'm doing at the push button, there's noise interfering with that Pin and that in determinant value is giving false positives for my button press. I'm not pressing the button, we are still getting a low reading at that Pin and that's not good, that's not right. So how do we solve this? Well, what we use in this instance is a pull up resistor. A pull up resistor is going to tie that floating Pin to a known voltage a known state. And in this case, we're gonna tie it to five volts. So let's look at this new breadboard layout using an external pull up her resistor. So now I've got in addition to the right side of the push button being attached to Pin 2. Now I've got to pull up resistor that's going to five volts. Now it's just a resistor like any other resistor, it's just pull up 'cause it's the way we're using it. And what we're doing is we're pulling that Pin to a specific state. And in this case it's going to be high because we've connected it to five volts. So let's ask our question again, what is the value at Pin 2 when we are doing a digitalRead and the button is not being pressed. Well, now we can see that the pin's gonna be reading five volts because it's connected to five volts through that 10K resistor. We know the answer to our question. So let's go ahead and go back to the Arduino IDE and check if that makes sense on the serial monitor. Alright, so let's go ahead and go to the serial monitor and now we can see it's all ones. So it's always high. I'm not pressing the button I'm not doing any of that stuff, but serial monitors returning one. We know the answer to our question. The Pin is not floating anymore. Maybe it's like it's in a lifeboat now, I don't know. I guess the lifeboats floating but you get the gist. So now everybody's hunky dory. I'm not getting these false inputs. So let me go ahead and press the button, and my LED comes on, is that cooler or what? So I let go, I press it led comes on and I let go and it goes off. So if we think about this circuit, when we're pressing the button, the path of least resistance is what for pin 2? The path of least resistance is to go to ground and so it's seeing that ground voltage. When we're not pressing the button Pin 2 has no options. It's gonna see the five volts coming off of the fivefold pin on the Arduino. And that's why it would be reading five volts or high. Well, hey, thanks a ton for joining me in this tutorial. I hope it was helpful. Have a great day. Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Programming Electronics Academy
Views: 129,588
Rating: 4.9372935 out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, floating pins, pullup resistor, Resistor (Invention), pull up, pull up resistor, pull up resistors, electronics tutorials for beginners, arduino tutorial, electronics tutorial, pull-down resistor arduino, pull-up resistor, pull up resistor tutorial, arduino tutorial for beginners, arduino basics, arduino basic programming, computer programming, computer programming c++, computer programming for beginners, electronics programming, electronics programming tutorial
Id: G_i1ZhadTa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 18 2014
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