Flipping the Elementary Classroom

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hi everyone my name is Ali Dube I teach first grade for Baltimore County Public Schools and I am here to talk to you about flipping the elementary classroom and to give you some ideas for doing an in-class flip with your elementary learners this is usually a presentation that I do in person at conferences or workshops but I decided to screencast bits and pieces of it so that I can put on this website for you to have as a resource or if you want to share it with your colleagues or go back to it in the future it'll be there for you so let's get started I don't know if this closure is the right word but I just like to start off by saying that this is not going to be a flipped learning 101 the end-all be-all for how to flip your classroom I just wanted to share with you my ideas and what's worked for me and to hopefully that is to hope that you can take some of those ideas and use them in your classroom it won't work for everyone but I'm just here to share with you what I've tried and what has worked for me if you're not familiar with the flipped classrooms then this picture will help you on the left you see a picture of the traditional classroom and that's what most of us are used to seeing it's when you teach a lecture at school to all of your students and then the homework that you give that night is practice based on a lecture that you did at school so what the flipped classroom it's actually switched and the lecture is done at home and the practice is done at school so you do a lecture at home by a screencast or video or some kind of digital delivery of the lecture and your students use their devices at home to watch it or listen to it and then that way they come prepared the next day they've seen the lecture they've heard it and they're ready when they get to school to start practicing that skill that you worked on so I liked this idea but I knew that it just wasn't going to be effective because of the homework aspect in first grade it's really difficult to assign any homework let alone homework that has to do with law the arm to the computer and you really need a lot of parent involvement and it just it just wasn't conducive to my classroom so I looked into the idea of an in-class flip and it has the same idea whereas you are delivering the lecture digitally rather than in-person and you're taking out that teach part and providing that digitally and then practically having more class time to practice however the lecture piece is not done at home you just fit it somewhere else in your school day and so I tried this in my classroom I'm here to give you some ideas of what I've done and how it's worked for me so I decided to do the in-class flip rather than a regular flipped classroom the benefits of flipping a classroom I'd say that the biggest thing is that you have a lot more class time a lot more practice time and more time to meet with your small groups meet with individual students personalize the learning differentiate for your for each student in each group that you have it just allows a lot more time for that so you spend a lot less time in front of the students lecturing and most of your time in small groups with students collaborating students practicing and you are there to meet with them and kind of just facilitate the learning that's happening so a lot of my class time now is spent in small groups which is really great especially in first grade we have a lot to differentiate so it really is the biggest benefit just having more time in that small group setting so there's three different ways that I have done in class flips in my classroom I'm going to kind of preview these ways now and then once I get to the actual examples of lessons that I've done broken up into subjects I will include those links in different parts of this website so I'm just going to give you a preview now these three ways that I've done an inquest flip I have flipped directions and modeling and I'll go into that in a second I have flipped using my morning work block in the morning I have a 30-minute block for morning work and I really utilize that time to do it in class flip I've done an in-class flip using station I actually do that a lot and I'll go further into that and give you a couple of examples of stations that I do and phonics and math in a little bit so when I first heard of this idea of flipping a lesson I immediately thought of the time I spend and I'm sure I'll teach it well I know all teachers spend a lot of their time giving directions for an activity modeling how to do an activity repeating directions for an activity modeling again because for the students who didn't listen or missed it or forgot I realized that I could just record myself giving these directions and record myself modeling the activity and then provide the link to the video to my students to watch on their own since I'm out of one-to-one school it makes it very easy to do that so I decided to try this out and so for this activity it was a phonics activity where my students were making a phonics lesson on WIC C for kindergarteners to see and so I screen casted myself giving the directions for the activity and I was also modeling what they were going to be doing on WIC C and I screen casted the whole thing I talked through it I know it's from silent now so you can't hear it but I was talking so the students were listening when I gave them the video link they went to the video they listened to what I was saying for the directions they watched me my modeling the activity and wixi and then they had that video to reference back to if they ever forgot what they were supposed to do or missed part of the directions I didn't have to repeat myself they could just go back to the video and watch it so just something simple like this it's not flipping a whole lesson it's just flipping maybe 10 minutes of your day but that's an extra 10 minutes you can spend doing something more productive than repeating directions over and over so it just saves you a little time and a headache if you are tired of repeating yourself if you're interested in doing station there is a great video and actually I included this video on the website I think it might be under the About section of the website the teacher who made this video does a great job in setting up her stations to include a flipped learning station within those stations but she sets up it's one of the first videos that I saw when I was researching the in-class flipped idea it seems they could work really well for this option at least would work really well for older students or for teachers who are departmentalized and teach more than just one class it's really something great to check out if you're interested in trying stations out in your classroom for me since I have my one class all day and I really have a solid block in the morning for morning work this is how I set up my stations and I will show you a couple examples of actual lessons that I've done that are set up this way but in the morning for that morning work part that's where I deliver the flipped lecture and then once I get to the actual lesson block I immediately go into stations and I usually have to practice activities I'm sorry three practice activities and then a teacher station is which is where I would sit and I would really differentiate based on the groups that I was meeting with one of those practice activities is usually a device or tech station where students will be doing wixi or a flipchart or a video or some kind of practice on their device but I will go much further into this in a little bit and give you some examples of how I've done these stations let's go further into morning work because I brought that up a couple times in my classroom I have 30 minutes in the morning when the students are first coming in and that's our morning work time and I really started to use this time wiser and use it to incorporate that in cost flipped idea so I now use my morning work time to either activate prior knowledge deliver a lecture whether it's through a video or screencast I have my students reviewing previous skills to get them ready for the lesson that day or if you teach a Baltimore County reading lesson and there's a shared reading experience part that you can incorporate as a video and share that as morning work that you can do that too so let me give you a couple of examples of what my students would do for morning work each day we have Brain Pop we have a subscription to Brain Pop in Baltimore County which is great cuz we use it every day almost every day so one option is that you can assign a brain pop for a skill that you're working on that day for the students to watch in the morning right as they come in to prepare them for the lesson that you'll be doing that day so in this case you see students watching a brain pop on biographies this was a reading lesson that we were going to be doing where the students would be introduced to biographies they had never learned about biographies before so instead of watching this video as a whole group together on the carpet I assigned to this morning work and the students watched it on their own and they recorded two things that they learned about biographies from the video and then they just wrote a little piece about who what they would like to read a biography about so it really saved me you know five to ten minutes that I would have spent doing this in whole group and I incorporated that in my morning work block so to prepare them for the lesson that we will be doing and reading that day another option since my students are one-to-one I can now just assign them flip charts that I would have used in whole group in the past I can now just assign it to their devices they can pull it up and work through the flip chart rather than me doing it as a class in whole group so this was an example from a math lesson we were doing 3d shapes and I did identifying the faces of a 3d shape I took one of my flip charts from the past that I would have used in whole group I am included I recorded my voice on each page reading the words on the page just in case for further students who weren't able to read independently quite yet it makes it very independent for them and then I just had them to a little half sheet of paper I'm responding to a question that I would use to guide my small group that day so this was a flip chart I would have used in whole group and it would have taken me a good 15 20 minutes in whole group the students were now able to do it on their own independently in the morning and gather the same information and come to the lesson that day prepared with what they needed to know you can also assign a video as morning work I'm going to do this a lot in phonics in the beginning of the week to introduce which skill were working on for that week so that I don't have to do this in whole group once again this was an example from phonics on the first day of the sounds that we were working on it was the oi sound oh I am oh why I took a video from turtle diary I think it was and I assigned it to the devices the student students watched the video they learned about the sounds that Ojai and oh I make and they learned about oh I going in the middle and oh I going at the end of a word and then I just had this little cut and paste activity for when they were finished to tell me if they learned what they needed to learn from that video kind of to use it as a pre-assessment for me going into the lesson and then that way once we got to the phonics lesson I didn't have to spend the time to go over the sounds for the the oh I and the oh why they had already gotten that from the video my favorite assignment for morning work is to make a screencast I really enjoy making screencasts they're very easy they're so effective and the students really enjoy them too and in this case I've made a screencast for math to prepare my students for the mask well we were working on that day I made this screencast using my Elmo I recorded a video from my Elmo I pulled my Elmo up I but my work she's underneath I started my screencast and I just started solving the problem and I was talking while I was doing it I know you can't hear it but I was explaining what I was doing and the students were able to listen to me explaining it as I'm working and you could see the little boy in the middle picture he was able to pull up my video that I had that my screencast video watch how I solved the problem listen to me explain how I'm solving the problem so that he understands once we get to that lesson these are the kinds of problems that they were going to be working on so they already have kind of a basic understanding of how to how to solve it so in this case I assigned to this screencast they watched it it was only maybe a minute long didn't take much time at all and then they were assigned a lik C project to practice what they just watched in the video and then this week C I think it was 2 or 3 pages it just had the same type of math problem they had to solve it using the pen tool write an answer and then that was it it probably took them 5 maybe 10 minutes to do this wixi and this really serves as a pre-assessment for me to see how much they understood from watching the video how much they were able to do coming into the math lesson wixi is great because i can pull up my teacher account and see the completed projects that the students did and just use it at going into the lesson to see what they learned from that video and from morning work so I'm going to stop here and I'm going to be going into a lesson that I did an incredible Essen that I did in math but I'm going to record this and include it in the math flip portion of this website so if you go up to the website and you look at the tap the bars at the top
Channel: Alison Doubet
Views: 8,591
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: LImZfsu3uhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2016
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