Flipper Zero DEAUTH Attack - ESP8266 External WiFi module

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This little module can do this to your phone ? ...it is mental !!! And you will need this esp8266 module, connected like this. So here I made this external  esp82665 module that can connect the Flipper Zero  via GPIO. I hot glued all together, oh yes it  is mess - but it works and costed me close to nothing + it is so small! I made this for Wi-Fi  scanner and DEAUTHER so I using 10 terminals for Wi-Fi scanner you need only 6. Yeah just like  this and it is connected. Fresh module will need to be flashed so connect the USB and follow  my steps, it can be flashed in your browser   just select your module connect and install. Make sure to subscribe and head in the description for   product links I have a few cool Flipper Zero videos so check them out - personally I like   the one with external Sub GHz module ! Once  all done disconnect, go to "Applications" "GPIO" and   "Deauther" it will initialize the module and start  scanning.... aaaand we are in! You can scan, select, attack and monitor packet! In scan you can scan access  points and stations or any separately. Then back to select I'll go access point and select my one ! You can select multiple or all and go to attack.   Here you can Deauth, Beacon or Probe I will select  Deauth and "start".... nothing will happen as my phone   is on 5 gigahertz Wi-Fi frequency and esp8266  modules operates on 2.4 gigahertz but essentially   Deauther will disconnect devices from network. Here I can show you something more fun - go back to select then SSIDs and select "random" go to "attack " select Beacon and here we go it will flood Wi-Fi   list with randomly generated networks and also  Deauther is running too! It is badshit crazy!!!! You can also instead of random mode select clone  APs and you guessed it right this will happen  ! For pretty much $5 you have solid little  extension for your Flipper Zero not to mention that   you can monitor packets and see network info ! By long press of the middle button. my WiFi is   on Channel 7, so let's see packets and packet  monitor with handy little chart. I mean come on.... When I connecting or disconnecting external   modules I like to turn off Flipper Zero. Thanks for watching and see you next time!
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Keywords: flipper zero esp8266, flipper zero wifi sniffer, flipper zero esp32, flipper zero external modules, flipper zero external module, flipper zero hacking, flipper zero wifi deauther, flipper zero wifi marauder, fliper zero wifi, fliper zero esp8266, fliper zero esp32, flipper zero deauther, flipper zero deauth attack, flipper zero beacon, flipper zero probe attack, flipper zero DIY deauther, esp8266 deather, esp8266 deauther, fliper zero deauth, fliper zero deauther
Id: wQHqSQOpN5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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