Flight Movie : Hollywood vs Reality

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Hey crew what's going on today? I'm doing a pilot reaction video on the flight movie starring Denzel Washington if you're not familiar with it basically Denzel has a drinking problem and He goes flying when he's drunk After having a long night partying with one of the flight attendants in one of the famous scenes of the movie He's actually flying the plane inverted and I had some people asking me when I did the pilot reaction video on American made they were asking me some of the technical aspects of this movie and how real it was So we're gonna go over this movie and see how real it is. I got a couple aviation clips and we'll watch those together I'm gonna start it off with the trailer and then we'll go from there Manifests with 102 souls on board. Let's get them tucked in. We're ready to push Are you feeling that look like you pulled some kind of move up there man, he saved a lot of lives Everybody waits positions the way you landed that plane was nothing short of a miracle Listen to me trim us nose down plane fell apart at 30,000 feet We're gonna roll it what we mean rolling ready. Here we go And ESP tears in ten days the microscope right now I'm gonna shoot me. Can I come inside? Yeah, come on inside. I'll shoot you inside This was an act of God. Those God would do this Our investigators concluded the aircraft failed the FAA place 10 pilots in simulators recreated The events every pilot killed everybody on board. You're the only one who could do I want to talk about the days leading up to the accident. This thing is so heavy is kill Drank the night before the flight it does Whitaker know he's gonna Jake on cleanse them go to jail I'm trying to save your life life No one could have landed that plane like I did So you saw there in that last clip the plane gets inverted and you can see the Indians are on fire I've seen this movie obviously before came out a few years back. I liked it. It's a good movie. It really is there are some things that aren't quite accurate as far as for what would happen an actual crew scenario, and then there's some Aviation aspects of it that don't quite mash up so but there is some stuff that's very real and there's some things that he does In this movie that are really good learning experiences that you can Hopefully take out of that and apply and I'll kind of get into that when we get into this video here Oh and one last thing before we start this video My name is Kelsey, I'm a 747 pilot. This channel is all about aviation. So whether you're a pilot or just an aviation enthusiast Consider subscribing. Alright, let's get into this film the first clip We've flown together before. Oh Thanks. Oh, sorry, you sure yeah, ken Evans with Whitaker Nice to meet you. My pleasure That's pretty accurate. Usually you're flying with especially the airlines you're flying with random people all the time So you may have seen somebody passing them in a jet bridge or in the airport or in the crew room something like that So that's pretty normal to have that scenario oxygen check Now I've done this before where they say if you're really tired that taking that Oxygen really will help oxygenate your blood and wake you up and I've had really early morning flights and I thought okay Maybe I'll try this and see if it works because you're supposed to check the oxygen anyway So I put it on just to see and I didn't really some people seems to work Some people have told me a ho man. I feel so much better and everything's really clear and the lights are really clear It doesn't really have any effect on me. But I want you to notice when he puts the oxygen mask on it You see the tubes that are around the outside and they expand and they get big the actual oxygen is going in there and the reason for that is When you click that mask when you pull it out, you grab the two little nozzles that he's using that expands those bands essentially so you can pull that out and with one hand those bands will then go round your head and Then you let go and it will clamp on to your face So you notice when he pulls that when he pulls that out you see those bands actually inflate. That's the reason why it does that No, thank you, sir. Sure. Yes, sir Hey feeling die sir Oh tired Quick turn around for me ten times in three days off tomorrow when you do the oxygen check you do not put the mask on generally usually you'll pull it out and make sure that there's it's Clean coffee hasn't spilled over it Some guys will just hit the button and make sure that it's actually blowing through your speaker system Meaning the mic inside the oxygen mask is working in the event that you need to put it on That you're able to talk on the radio through your oxygen mask But normally you don't have guys put it on and if they do, do you have them clean it because can be filthy That's that same Any knobs cross-check like video games? No, nothing like a little 30-knot crosswind at the site as the older distinct the muscle he won Positive break You're up So just one thing here You've obviously heard of sterile cockpit where there is no additional talking below 10,000 feet and a lot of times that doesn't happen Where there's no additional chatter, but almost always on the takeoff roll. It's business You don't have guys making additional comments or things like that 99% of the time you wouldn't generally get a guy making jokes like that on takeoff Oh, well do that left one-seven-zero climb and maintain I'm flying in to departure. This is southjet 227 we got some rough chop, I'd say Madhuri I'd say severe turbulence definitely severe turbulence no meal service today What are you doing leveling off? Now you're generally not gonna ever have a guy say severe turbulence Especially when he's leaving on a departure Because severe turbines means you're gonna have momentary loss of control the aircraft and you're generally not gonna have air traffic control Departing people into a situation where you're gonna have severe turbulence in the first. I don't know. They're probably 1,500 2,000 feet you're generally not going to have air traffic control or tower Send you out send out a departure into something like that. That's not a general scenario for a black between those two ugly clouds That's a pocket of smooth a squatting right over the semi ready needle tennis right thirty degrees The parts ourself that teach you said we need to deviate 30 degrees right the weather for weather Oh Can't help you now, brother Sounds or 2 to 7 say aught to do Once I said tell them what climbing Oh departure we're leaving not a thousand for flight level 180 0 Approaching our maximum airspeed damn, right? We need to speed the punch do this crap this work with you know over speeding sir Trying to get out of this shitty air. That's alright with you Departure, this is southjet two to seven. We're experiencing some rough air and a luring some severe down crabs. We're an outline now Look at your airspeed. Yeah, we took faster this left there right on the line settle down So there's a few things here that don't make a lot of sense one every plane is gonna have a rough air penetration speed or some gonna be called something like that, which is basically Regardless of how bad the weather is that plane is gonna be able to withstand any of the turbulence that's created from the storm You're never going to be accelerating into a thunderstorm in order to climb Above it you might accelerate before you get to a thunderstorm to get through a hole or something like that But you're never going to be essentially writing that little red and black thing that's called the barber pole I thought you saw him Right right on you're never gonna be writing that barber pole is what it's called And that that barber pole is essentially the max safe speed that that aircraft can handle You're never gonna be riding right on that while you're getting into Moderate turbulence that's just not something that you're going to do The other thing is obviously he's doing well above 250 knots below 10,000 now you can do that in a heavy jet because you're gonna have the clearance in order to to do that Accelerate above 250 below 10 at least in the US and some other countries He's flying a mad dog, or it's a version of an McDonnell Douglas and they call him mad dogs. So empty mad dog You're not gonna be doing above 250 below 10. You're not gonna be accelerating into a thunderstorm in order to time above it And then he's saying there's a patch of smooth air between those two storms There's really no way to know that usually if you're gonna have two huge cells next to each other You're gonna have a piece of black area You're gonna want to head to that Assuming that it's not there's not a huge wall in front of it If you see a bunch of red and then there's black behind that on your radar that black behind that is what's called attenuation, which means The weather is so strong at the front part of that that it can't even get to the backside to see what's behind it We'll talk about that another time But essentially there's two large cells in this in this clip here And he's trying to get in between those which would make sense But you wouldn't necessarily know it's gonna be smooth air and you would always be trying to go up not stay low You get over it that would be no way to know that that's actually going to be happening. So let's get into this next scene how long has leaving duty than our 26 minutes We're gonna start descending any second now Looks like you don't need to wait about two to seven Atlanta center to say to maintain flammable three-zero-zero center maintain flight level 3 zero zero seven What is that the elevator feels really stiff sir, alright Mama get everybody strapped in get everybody strapped in tight Oh My side control also lost hydraulic center, this is southjet 227 we've lost our hydraulics and feels like our control So he's thinking he's lost his hydraulics because generally well I'm guessing on this plane the hydraulics control The elevator and and possibly the ailerons it's different every plane, but I'm guessing that's why he's saying turn on the back of pumps He's thinking that they lost hydraulics on one of the systems It's trying to go to a backup system to regain pressure so they can regain control the elevator We are in We have lost vertical control. We're gonna meet drag. I want you to throw out everything you got the speed brakes to gear everything We need to dump the fuel So you heard that you hear the first officer say gears down I don't think hydraulics is a problem generally speaking on a lot aircrafts top gear is extended and locked in place through a hydraulic system So he's basically saying well they the gear is going down and it's locked into place So I don't think the reason that our elevator is not working is because of a hydraulic system and then he's saying dump the fuel Which if you've seen any air crash investigations when a plane crashes and it's empty it doesn't have any fuel obviously it's gonna be a much smaller explosion and I'm guessing the fuel You saw him reach down and say he's reverting to manual control and again, I've never flown a mad dog So if you're a mad dog pilot or you flied the mcdonnell-douglas plane don't get upset But this is basically what I think is occurring on a lot of aircrafts you have where that guy's reaching in the motion that he's doing pulling up thing up turning it and releasing it on a lot of Aircraft like the CRJ has this where it will split if you have a jammed elevator or a jammed aileron It will split the systems so you can regain control of half of the system Now one of the pilots is going to have control at the aileron whichever side is not jammed He's going to now be able to regain control 99% of the time when you're flying if you run into an emergency you're gonna have a book and it's gonna walk you through all the procedures that you need to do in sequence from the Manufacturer says do one two three, four, five six and it's gonna walk you through everything you need to do in this scenario, obviously it's a Totally they don't have a they don't have time and and B It's a non normal situation where they're in an uncontrolled descent so the captain is basically making decisions on the fly trying to Trying to do Anything in order to save the aircraft that you heard the fo say they're too fast for dumping all the flaps in this scenario He's basically doing trying anything Let's throw anything at is throw anything at the wall and see what sticks there's actually a crash that did happen in real life That's very similar to this and I'll talk about at the end of the video Listen to me when I say I want you to retract the flaps retract the gear trim us nose down Okay, but everything's gonna be out. So make sure you trim us nose down big turn then What are you gonna do when I tell you I want you to push each forward full throttle Right everyone he brings to be Rick Laundry power Unless in real level we can maintain altitude like this. Okay Atlantis. I'm in the south at 10 to 7 We are inverted. I repeat we are inverted Now in my last video somebody actually commented and asked me about this and I wasn't sure what he was talking about So you saw it said low oil pressure and then the engines now catching on fire Your oil is going to be continually moving through parts of the engine and going back into a reservoir If you will I will use this as an example if the oil is coming in here and it's coming out here and That this is this bottom part portion is where it's actually going back to the the engines to help lubricate Everything if you were to now invert the plane Or inverted I feel like I'm on a seat I feel like I'm in Top Gun right now we're inverted because I was inverted If you were to invert it And now this same area where the where the oil is used to be trying to get pulled out of it's now empty right So it has no wheel and if it's trying to suck oil out of that and there's no oil that's going Obviously these engines are running really hot. And if they're gonna heat up now, there's no lubrication How long would that take? I don't know but that would be my understanding of how why there would be loyal oil pressure and why the engine would now catch on fire is the plan to be inverted and Therefore the oil where it's trying to come out of they can't grab anything see a field and a road ahead of us We're gonna set it down there He's pulling those fire handles the engines are still producing thrust that's not really how it works when you pull those fire extinguishers You're killing all the fuel anything that's going into that engine That could be creating a fire is basically it's cutting all that stuff off So he's pulling that fire extinguisher handle now trying to cut off all fuel and everything That would be going in there. That would would be creating thrust So the fact that he's pulling it and it's still generating thrust. This doesn't make sense because How would you kill a fire you would killed what's? Creating it and the obviously fuel is one of the things that it's gonna be cut off every plane's got usually five or six things That are getting cut off when you pull that handle But fuel is definitely one of the things that would be creating a fire obviously So when you pull the fuel you're basically killing that engine. It's not gonna be producing thrust anymore All right, you kind of know what happens from there There's a few things that I want to point out to you that happened in this video That are hopefully tools that you can use and hopefully you will never need them But one is that he did really well is that he was using crew resource management? He had the flight attendant He brought the flight attendant up to help to give thrust to the engines which wouldn't have worked because they've killed the power But the idea is good. He's basically using all available resources to try to land this plane The second thing is as he's getting close to landing air traffic controls talking to him asking him Will you confer that concur this or you whatever whatever it was They were asking him some questions and he was trying to get this plane spun around to land as you'll remember from probably early in flight school or what you'll learn as you get early into flight school is Priority is to a v8 aviate navigate Communicate and that's exactly what he's doing He's flying the plane first air traffic control can wait the people and the back of the plane and the rest of your crew They're relying on you So first things first, maybe the last thing that I really liked that he did is he never gave up? obviously that there was a real-life accident that happened off the coast of LA I want to say was like 2001 2000 something or something around that time. It was an Alaskan flight and they had Basically the exact same thing that happened in this movie and this movie I think is based off of that accident in part and those pilots did the exact same thing in real life that what denzel's Basically doing here except for they weren't a high on drugs and drunk, but it was the same concept These pilots were fighting until the very end They were trying everything and even they actually inverted the plane as well in real life now Were they doing that for the reason that Denzel was is try to prevent the plane from getting into his deep dive. I Don't know but they did invert the plane and they the image eventually crashed into the ocean and everybody died But the point of this is is never give up. You always have a chance You're always in the fight and until the very bitter end If there's one thing I can instill in you is don't ever quit now this happened to me I was in a simulator very early on in my career and They'd give me some weird thing and the plane was veering off course, and it wasn't doing what I wanted to do So I just stopped I just kind of stopped flying the plane and looked back to the instructor I was like, hey, can we reset the sim and let's just try that again and he started screaming at me Which is a little bit unnecessary But the message that I got through all of his yelling Was stop treating this like a simulator and start treating like a real plane and don't ever ever Stop fighting. He's like I don't care if you're doing everything wrong. I want to see you try a million different things I'd rather see you fight until that plane hits the ocean or hits the mountain then stop and go Understand what's happening, and that's something that's happening here Denzel was fighting to the bitter end for himself his crew and all the passengers that are on board That's something about him in this movie that I really like and something that hopefully if you are ever in an accident situation that you remember fight until the bitter and try everything to keep yourself in your crew and Everybody on board alive All right crew that wraps it the pilot reaction video that I did on Denzel, Washington's flight movie in the comments section below if you have any other questions about this movie or any other technical questions that you want to Ask please write them down but what I also want to know is what questions you have about aviation in general that you would like to see a video about Put that in the comment section and I'll try to make a video on Some of the big topics that I think would be helpful to people I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 978,407
Rating: 4.8716078 out of 5
Keywords: Flight, Flight movie, Flight crash landing, Flight movie trailer, Flight full movie, flight movie crash scene, flight the movie, The flight movie, Inverted plane movie, Airplane movie Denzel Washington, Airline pilot Denzel Washington, Denzel Washington pilot movie, flight takeoff scene, Flight movie reaction video, Airline pilot reaction video, scene from Flight, 74 gear, 747 pilot, inverted flight, flight movie denzel washington, pilot movie, pilot film, first officer
Id: ETxDqojmAIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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