Flicker-Free Animations: Stable Diffusion, EBSynth & ControlNet

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hello there so in this video I want to go over how to create flicker free animations with AI and we're going to use its stable diffusion for this with aftermatic 1111 installations as well we're going to use some different extensions including control net for the properly pausing on those animations and also EB syncs for the creating a nice transition and keeping this all flicker free as well I'm looking on some optional effects so you can replace background with animations if you need it or even more reduce flickeries so those is optional effect but right now let's go ahead and start with the workflow how I done some of these animations so before we start working on our project let's see what the requirements we need to have it and I'm working on a latest stable diffusion with automatic 11 11 installations of a UI we also need to go and install few additional extensions as well some applications to work on this so for this we're going to use the EB sync utility to be sure it's enabled on your machine we'll go to the website absync.com and I will provide for your link down below and be sure you downloaded the applications itself when you download applications it's very small tiny tiny it should look like this and we'll use it that for our last step in applications next you'll need to go to ffmpeg and download this application it is required for the frame separations and for the combining final video together one thing after you install it it would require you to restart your computer don't restart yet we'll do this when we have it every component already installed and ready to go just in case but just let you know it does require a start if you try to restart only Explorer be sure the for example some environmental variables credit it's not always work from self from my experience and you should one be sure you restart machine itself so next let's go ahead now in our stable diffusions and we'll go to extensions requirements and extensions you need to have it control net install it and I'm assuming you already have this on your computer we use it quite a bit in our other videos extensively control net if you don't have a this control net installed I will provide link for you in the descriptions so you can go and check very short my video about how to install control net on your machine then next what we needed it is a b sync utility to install those extensions we need to go to the GitHub ABC utility repository again the link will provide for this when you're going to the code click on a code and copy https path after you copy go back to your stable diffusion going to extension tab install from URL paste the path here and click install it after installation completed you should see enable after this I will recommend for you to just click and check for updates be sure that everything is up to date if it's not up to date it will should come up and says update require right here you can say I'm up to date otherwise I'll just click apply and restart so after this we need to go inside the settings and inside the settings save image and grid be sure the options always save all generated image grid is enabled that will require for us when we work with upscaling next we want to go to the control net and in control net be sure you have it at least two or Max models okay I would recommend to have a three because just if you want to play a little bit more and I'm usually set model cache size to the three same as a size of tabs as well you won't be sure allowed other script to control file extend these extensions is enabled this is necessary for the a b sync access and work with control net to get it to create it flicker free images okay after we install it be sure click apply settings and you can click reload this way all the settings that you modify will be saved after this I would recommend you to go for example image to image scroll down be sure right here we have control net click down and you'll notice you'll have it three tabs available for you which is nice as well you can just verify if you click on a script that is your ABC utility is showing enable and you have it options we don't need to use this right now so we can disable and we're ready to start work on our project be sure you restart your machine for the FFM Peg to register with your system okay our next step will go to ABC utility and we'll go into all stages not every stage is required and as we're going to say which one is optional which one you can use it but before we do this let's go to configure and work with our system for this you'll need to go and create empty directory for your project right here for me it's idea 2 and demo and I'm going to just click and copy this path next when we're going inside the stable diffusion project directory we're going to paste this directory in the project now we need put it our original movie that we're going to use here's a video what I'm going to use and this is I shot very fast on my webcam here's a cheaps during my experimentation with everything about the videos that is may help you the one you'll notice cannot mini position I have a background chair very close to me and when we'll start masking you will notice that some cases masks work very well but if it's object very close to you it may think it's the same object so I would recommend for you to have it single color background that will help for isolation and masking creation as well no object closer to you also for the demo and it's done it's actually on a purpose you can see LED on a background they change colors for me I just want to see how well it will work with all these different coloring and everything as well you'll notice I will just rotating my head around change facial expressions and other things you can perform the test on the full body other things but I think at this point for the tests it was work very well as well I'm wearing the glasses with reflection other things you will see how this will work as well so overall chips be sure you have a solid background behind you that will help isolate mask and after your actual very easy can replace that background with any other anime real whatever you want background so it's very easy to integrate and replace it okay so now after I select the video I'll take this video and put it in Drag and you notice it is selected and path is showing for the video here at this point we're ready to run our stage one let's look on this directory structure and you can see it's nothing just empty demo and what I'm going to do okay we're right here just go ahead and click generate at this time it should extract all and create our mask actually one thing before we done this let's go to configuration stage one and just look in a mask because I almost skipped that one at this time it also will create mask and you can say transparent background that's what I said before you can have it also clipsag and combine them for now I will just use transparent background and I also going to increase mask threshold just a little bit to help reduce some of this chair on the background so this is kind of with our mask set and it will be creating also on a step one after the process is completed you should see this message stage 1 from extracted Mass created completed be sure that message is appear even you may be monitor inside your command prompt what I noticed sometimes it's no message come up in the command prompt but operation still going and let's have it this almost feel like it's completed but it's not yet done and you go on the next stage and you'll have errors come up so most likely that happened because its previous stage is not yet done so be sure you wait till the message is appear in this box and it still stage is completed so when it's done what's happening you'll notice right here in the demo now we have a two folders one it's called video frame and if we scroll down you'll see it's a 594 frames was extracted from video and as well it did create mask for each frame Sam is mask is done very good you can see but in some cases you can see right here piece of chair come up because it was very close so just keep this in mind in some cases as I said before you can see right here chair it's replacing um my face so it is isolations as I said before you probably want to do this on a more solid background and it's not close to the background so the AI can isolate very easy um your image okay but I think as example it can be very good because many times what I do I create non-profit condition with a abnormality like reflection different coloring and other stuff to test how the system will actually work okay let's go back now and we're ready for our stage two if we look right here it says select keyframes so let's go to the stage to our configurations this is an important mini minimum Gap it's how many frames is a minimum can be 10 frames maximum it's skip between frames so what is meaning when you're moving your face position body is moving it's a change each change is like keyframe and animations and it can detect threshold it's a how more sensitive to this to detect those threshold what I found out by experimenting with different videos that if you have a too many keyframes you'll have a lot of blending issues so like right here you can see this example when I replace myself with this it's not flickering but you can definitely see right here you see where is the blending happen and it's because it was too many keyframes in some cases that was unnecessary like front face we don't need keyframes there but blending is happened because too many of the keyframes was selected or you can have it not enough keyframes then you'll miss it some position and majority when I say it goes straight left it will be another up down so all of this positioning kits could be keyframes and system actually perform okay on this case but I will show you how to properly select and add manually and this is what I will recommend but again it's very you need to do second step so it will create special directory for us and other things now minimum Gap I would recommend depend on the speed how fast it's going if you filming with 24 frames per second or 30 frames per second so 10 frames it's more than enough in many cases for the smallest Gap however the biggest Gap I will say go to down about 100. okay when we're done with this you want to go step two But be sure you check stage two I did few times accidentally leave it on stage one and it's did again create all frames create all masks and everything so be sure we kind of progressing and select stage two after we're done with this we can click generate notice also below you'll have all this information that was processed and options so let's go ahead and click generate as we click generate you'll notice nothing happened it's almost froze nothing happened here and even it's creating directory but nothing happened in directory however this is one of those case where I say wait because it is still processing if you look right there on our stage is nothing done and now it is appear so this is one of these things when you need to be sure you wait till step is done and message is appear and we can see right here this is detected it was 29 so it's 30 frames per second actually it was and I have this Gap selecting frames and the frames is selected so what we want to do is go back to our image let's increase and I'll just make its extra large view and you can see this is keyframe selected it did not bad job however I probably want to add a few more to this it's maybe not enough or at least verified and here's what I'm going to do it's go inside the frame okay let's go also increase this little bit in a view and usually I'm looking on way to change what I want to detect for example if I go switch and you can see it had moving towards and a stop at this case it's about frame 88. and it will look in this case on our frame 88 we kind of don't even have this Frame notice right there we don't have this 88 it's not there so this is the reason why I would recommend for you to go inside and manually go over frame see which one you wanted and move them for example I think this one will hold down okay which one control and it says copy this video so we don't want to move we want copy from frame to the keys so just go over select which one closer and you don't necessarily if you wanted you can actually go inside the video key delete all keys there and just set up your own personal key that you think it will you need it okay right there we don't want to create two keys but also I'm looking on a face I'm going to go up and you can see as I'm scrolling my face go up little bit looking up now going down here just positioned okay we'll go this key closet eyes I don't think it should pick up that one so we want to take this one and of course side one for the key and you can see it's moved all the way to the side so I want to be sure I take all the way left right all of those ones and now we go forward head a little bit tilted right here so I want to actually pick up the Tilted head slightly because I don't think it's there think about this Keys it will take position and it will create frames between so we need to have this point set for us again key that one I'll go a little bit down right here a little bit lower okay we'll select this and now we have another key and here's anything beep which seems like I would front this is not because we train model this is keyframe so if I look straight it's one key look down second key look again in same position up that will be actually third key so be sure you're not just looking on the position of the head you're looking on the difference between position down position up so this is where we need all all those different keys to set same like right here smiling for example if you want a facial expression speech you will need it quite a bit key for the open mouth and other stuff and I'm just going to copy this one Keys as well see interesting things that I selected that already was kind of selected so I'll just ignore that one sometimes you do you select same thing said and of course last frame it is selected by default in video key we have the frame one and we have it last frame selected so right here we have our keys okay let me go just scroll down okay and when we select it with our key we ready for next step and that's what done so now we can go on step three select key giving to SB sync so we can go on step three and perform um select it okay so we click on stage three and you notice now we have it information and this is actually tell us what we need to do we need go to image to image select utility now script and going to project our demo when we need to go fill up this all information mask mode and set all this so we're going through all of this but before what I would recommend at this point we need to be working on actual how our image will look and notice it can work with control net or without but with control net you have it much much more um creativity because it can go up to one point noise so it will be very creative but it's have a little bit tricked right there so let's go right now we'll go inside the image to image and what I'm going to do is Select these keyframes that we just created so I'll go select first frame put it inside I'm not going to use any script yet but I'm going to use it control net at this point so I'll go enable one we'll use the canny and we'll set to about 0.55 for the can everything else by default with small exception of course we want to go ahead and set our width properly you'll notice it's 912 and I just want to be sure this is a 912 for the processing area on the tears okay next what I want to do is going to control second and for the second I'm actually going to use it open pose for the facial one it was one use it all away however if you have it full body you kind of almost want to have this and we'll just decrease this to 0.4 and same rules for anaters we'll set nine twelve resolution for that later okay um we don't need it to touch any composing because now I want to be sure what I created it's what I wanted of the image so this case we can start working with our our prompts all right and with our negative prompts okay let me go ahead and copy paste from what I already have it this is cyberpunk robot this is my one and this is my will be negative prompt okay so this time even we leave it as default notice I have a 20 sampling steps so we'll leave it always right there on the little sampling we have our width the noise default everything default and we'll go ahead and click generate okay so right here we have it our image created ignore background remember we will have it removed with our mask so I'm only caring about this person with a beard that is look and it's looks somewhat interesting okay but here's become little bit but one what I want to do to preserve a little bit of the similarity look because not so many emotions I will reuse the seed and I understand this generic seed it's not related to the specific script seed like in some other video I did it but it will be okay to test and now I want to be sure the consistency of the character so I'll go ahead and take for example different keyframe that we haven't before in our video keys so from this video I'll just drag all of this different be sure the consistency between them are same and we'll just go ahead and click generate and because it is 0.75 I guarantee you this will be totally different looking characters so and if we consider look right now we have it glasses we have it it's a different looking character okay it's not same as before and if you're okay with this to change how the character look from frames to frames it's fine you can make it maybe morphing or something to do however if you want consistent characters huge things would need to be done to create a little bit more professional level one you want to be using model that's trained just for the specific character because right here this deliberate model have a so big variety of different characters inside it will try to generate randomly that we need minimize this minimize you can go and select different models for example like I have at my gig at play custom model I can utilize and that is have just only one person and I can apply it and I know consistency it will be only with one person I don't need worried about this this is actually very nice if you want to create very high the noise string if you don't have this ability or you want to use it some generic then we need to minimize the noise string so it will based on image before and in some cases I found somewhere from 0.3 to 0 3 5 work the best it does not necessarily give you the most creative result but it's give you good result that you can use it so let's go ahead and try generating this case and we have a somewhat plastic head it's what I'm going after to create it almost like if you remember this Headroom Max kind of like that one so it's what I'm going after in it you can see it's look plasticky so now what I'm going to do is select all these different keyframes generating them with same settings be sure the consistency of the character most time what is happening it's look like it's very similar from this point however the different it will happen when we putting head down all the way okay and let me find this like right here this one I think will be different and we also need it when we move the our head left and right so this one will be different as well okay that one is seems like consistency okay on this as well okay and let's go move with our head all the way to another side okay which one this one I think image so we'll go generate that one you can try all frames I'm just taking many frames put on different and be sure the consistency again consistent consists of the character if you want to create it stylization custom sterilizations and custom models will help you a lot to have that consistency but right here I like how it's look it's look very nice metallic kind of like [Music] um porcelain skin in some cases we'll have a problem with the mouth not open properly so you can try okay after some experiment you probably find the best prompt you'll readjust your negative prompt whatever you desire again the noise strings probably based on a Model you're using I do utilize same seed it does help to the consistency overall and when we say okay it's look good let's go ahead down and now we want to enable our script so I'm going to enable ABC the one what we want first we need to be sure we have our project directory set if you forget what you needed you can go always to ABC utility Tab and just follow so in the image to image we select utility we set our project directory and it's nicely because it tell us was Project directory we wanted so I'm copying this mask mode I will go in a second with height and all those additional properties that apply to the top so it's meaning when we go right here our width height you can set i'm set same as the image but you can set different that you have it steps for now I'll have a 20 remember more steps more utilizations you will have it the noise strings the FG I will leave it as default seven to nine most models but this is how the train with this the noise my seed apply there control models this is already tested this should be set properly honey go ahead and copy and paste project directory this is important because whether it's happening is well going to this key directory and it will read from the key directory to create those files for us okay next we don't needed this test mask with normal it's where we have it if I want to work with the background I can invert so it will be presuming on a background let's have other ways we can do with this or we can disable all away mask but I want to actually keep it background right now that way and put a mask on this and we'll just leave it as default notice right here we have control net options it's a five five for the face and for the weight so we'll just leave it as default right now you could experiment a little bit more also you have a loop back for some images if you need it again I'm just leaving everything as default okay when we're done we go ahead and click generate also keep in mind that you need have the image to image something inside to avoid the error it's one uses this image inside but it's kind of required otherwise if you receive error probably you're missing some images put it anything there okay after it's completed let's look what we have right now and you'll notice we'll have it image to image key created for us and we also have the images inside let's go ahead preview these images and you can see we have it consistent character look on different areas okay when you accept it and by the way notice this backdrop it's still masks out so we have a nice mask out element this is very useful if you're going to the Future replace background with maybe like sitting on a chair and a spaceship or some other ones so if you need it so we can do that way okay and right here we have our animation done with the image image key and this is was our um third step this is a step it's going to involve control net it's in about motions and this is important step because if you don't like it the result that is help happen you can go back and rework on this by modifying but generally if what I've done before if you take each keyframe put it inside in your image to image and try to render before processing this you should have very good result let's go back now to ABC our utility and we're now ready to stage four notice we have a 3.5 3.5 what it does it will create color correction and we can see right here in our configurations you can have it color transfer from the image or animations if you have it somewhere or from the first video and in some cases you want to do this sometimes maybe you don't want it in my case I don't think I want to do this and main reason if we look we have it all the slides is changing on a background and everything so I actually want to have this different neon lighting going on but if you have it somewhere where they want consistency it will transfer colors also the applying color will reduce additional on a flickering and this is very nice when you have people maybe sitting in a dining room or someone with constant light applying the color correction from first frame will reduce the flickering as well color and light flickering you know as experiment let's go we'll do it anyway right now so we can see how it's going and the nice things about this because if you don't like it it will save as a backup and you can reuse it so I'm going to use it original video frame okay I'll use the default I don't want to upload reference image if I upload it it will take priority only so if I have any specific shot and for example if you go somewhere like you want to replace a background with something done on the nature then you have your HDR image lighting image then you can put this image inside the color matching can work so we'll have it apply mask to result this is happen when a background if I don't do it's change colors on a background but remember it says I want my Neon Lights preserved so I will say apply only to the face so to this and background will be untouched it's when we have it mask we can also reference and if you need original but in this case we'll just apply to the result only default you can if you have any questions on this color matching you can just click on color matching link it will take you to website where you can read the paper and see how it's work okay then when we're done with this we're ready for three five stage so notice I selected three five and we'll just go ahead and click generate okay so right here process is done again we can go verified you can see right here three five done and it's actually in form where is the created backup with original frame so if we'll go to our directory you'll notice right here we have our original and it does change color on them if you look on the character don't say background should be as a regional because we mask out the background but you can see the face have the same coloring and its reduction remember this is look almost like the anonymous whatever in the movie right here we also have it our backup so in case if you don't like it how the color work or you want to adjust something you just need to take files from here and copy them to image to image override in this case you will restore your original image and coloring okay so we're ready now for step four and step four it is upscale the original image in video this is will require to go to different areas what we want to do is Select stage four and click generate when we click on generate you'll notice it's come up with the special instructions what we need to do places can be a little bit confusing however I'll take you step by step so you know precisely what to do one you remember at the beginning we want to be sure our will save image grid and we've done this when we went inside the settings save image and you enable always save the image grid so this is was kind of important Stellas okay next we also want to go to image to image um it's if exists this directory deleted this one case if you already run once because we don't have an image to image directory we don't need word about the deleting but just in case if you have it you can delete if you run second time okay next we will need go to extra batch and set there things where we needed it is our directory input so let's go ahead and copy this one and we'll need it have our output directory so let's go to our extra tab we'll go the batch from directory slick copy and paste in our input we can go back copy our output directory go back again extra go to copy our output here on the bottom we need to go to scale to Tab and we'll put it 1920 by 1080. this is our 1080 Progressive resolution full resolution and then you can select whatever image you want um upscaler you want to use in my case I'm going to use it regain therefore sorry if I'm butchering the name and I'm going to select crop to feed so this is by default when we're done we can go ahead and click generate after processing complete you should have this grid with the upscale images as well you should have a directory called image to image upscale key where you have this same render images completed in upscale to what size we need for the next processing so after this we go back to SB utility and we're ready for our stage five so in the stage five if we look right here you'll notice it is rename keyframe and generate ABS file we need these project files to after going and load inside our application our beta and process from there to generate so for this we'll remember we'll need go to 5 stage five and we can go ahead and click generate this should process quite a bit fast and you can see right here it is processed Keys exported files let's look on some of this and you notice we have these files available they will be in your directory so we go to our main directory this is our file so let's open one and just preview what is inside that is specific format file but we can recognize we have our account of the frames and what we need to use an additional information so overall this is can have it information of what frames to use it and reference of the frames okay next we're ready for stage six if we click on stage six click generate we'll just have this information what we need to do and first time when I run tell you through many of this instruction was a little bit confusing and that's why hopefully this video helped you so this is run NBC on yourself uh select ABC file all that stuff so what we need to do let's go to select the demo copy just in case we need it we're going now inside the hour file and right here all what we need to do is just click and open and as we open we're going to our damage directory and this is the three files we need open we start first from zero zero zero one zero two you can have it as many them at one point I have seven eight of them depending on how many frames you have it and most important how many keyframes you have it so we'll just select one and click open and you notice as we open this we have it keyframes let's fill up information for us we just want to be verified that our project directory is correct as well we have our keyframe which is going and process at this point we want to go ahead click run all this is will take some time to process and after processing we'll just go ahead open and we'll open second file and third file so we'll just process them this may take little bit time and I'll show you when it's completed how it should look but overall just when we click run it will be Gray like right there and when it's completed it will be done depending on the power your computer this task may take some time to complete it so after you're done and you process all in our case three of those files that was there we can go ahead and look what we created this time and if we go on demo you'll notice right here we have it all of these folders which is each have it as frames created for our keyframe you remember we have it one frame keyframe and 43 keyframes so if we look right here 143 43 to 53 and it's what we have we have 143 53 and depend how many files was between frames between each so it will recreate those frames between each of the jump they keep in mind that even it's you have it one frame and 53 here where we have it 43 from there the kind of overlap and overlap for the reason you'll see this blending little bit effect happening so you it's fine if you have it almost like look like deep duplicate frames but those frames to help the blend between each frames so when it's done you should have all the frames here included our last frame 50 594. at this time we're done with our step six and we can go to Stage seven stage seven it says calculate all frames with a cross fading it's what will happen with the start blending together and if needed we can come pause so let's go ahead we'll select stage seven now and we'll click generate this is again the exam process in this case it will be involved some FFM Peg application to process this and this is may take little bit time as well others processing it will create temporary directory for example Crossfade when it takes some frames and apply the smart blending between those frames to create it you'll notice the files will create it delete it and process Jose depend on the size of all images everything it may take a little bit time so you can take a little bit of break going doing some other stuff if you need it okay when your blending is completed you should see this message stage seven blending rate is one you can change if you want less blending or more sharper blending to less rate if you need it and there's our to export one with a sound if you have any sound was there or without sound okay and right here a file we're gonna go ahead click preview it's done on 1080p notice our background is changing colors it's smooth nice because we're masking so it's like original the image have it some consists to you can see little bit blending we can work a little bit better on that blending issues later but generally this is interesting nice test no flickerings move nice movements right there just a little bit blending and you can see right there was a little bit blending so we can rework on this as well if we add additional keyframes we can remove it but this is General it's what I do I was looking on this the next steps it will be totally optional for you so it's just kind of suggestions what you can do with this if you want it and this one is to replace background you saw we have the background we have only main characters with replace it however stage 8 is allowed us to replace image images or videos so we can have it or a sequence of images or video by itself or just one single image we can replace it and this is actually very nice and important step many times when you will start create like from motion to animations you may want to capture character on a green screen in this case you do all this motion you creating specific model which you can use after to apply for this character next you can create separate background and put it that character on this background for the compositing this way you can achieve most clear effect with a compositing so what I'm going to do it is a test to put a just single image and for this we need to go in stage eight and right here you can see we have our source directory or contain images you can have it just one single image if you need it and what I'm going to do is just have this image was to render with a AI we're going to copy and paste the image in image done is 1080 um 1920 by 1080 resolution so it is HD matching and that's what I recommend if you don't want it unnecessary cropping or other things be sure you match the resolution of creating we want to feed link over there this is also mask blurring on the edges we'll just leave it as default you can change if masking become too sharp or not cutting properly so when we're done we just click generate and this is will take quite a bit time so what I'm going to do is again pause and come back when there's all the completed okay and so right here we've replaced the background young models we have a Sharper Edge because I said the mask not to blur in we can blur a little bit more as well if you're watching remember as a chair come up so right here you remember this problem with the mask happening as well as a chair but generally you can see the um basic overlay that we can go with the background obviously we have an animated background will look better but it's give you some of this examples how it can be done so if you still find that flickering at persist but um you don't like it and one modify another additional options you can use it DaVinci Resolve with a death flickering node to reduce some of those flickerings and I done this with some other examples but let me show you just in case if you're interested right here we have a DaVinci we import video that created we're going inside the fusion tab here is our median in and out and we'll just need it insert one on a middle the flicker notes so all of you not familiar with notes it's just simple from left to right in this case we can just connect but place it in we leave it as the flickering options Advanced control if we needed but I think the time lapse and this will work because it's single frames we can leave it as default just going in the deliver mode and be sure we want to Output proper location and I'll just specify where we want to put it let's go switch to MP4 for us leave it as default and it's 1080 so I'm just going to switch to 1080 um HD resolution and let's go ahead and render right now this video um it does not take long however if you use it multiple the flickering that will take a little bit longer time and what I was meaning by multiple you can actually if you think it's too much flicker you can put it more additional more and more and and this time we should have already flicker right here video let's go ahead and preview you can see it's much smoother on the skin we have it let's changes of course the applied on the beard little bit change in some elements when it's applied this is need to be fixed with a keyframe when we work with this but generally it's very nice non-flickering nice image going apply correct glasses reflection glasses so you can see how well it's reflecting there so I hope you find this video is useful it's at least provide free information to experiment and create your own videos I definitely will work a little bit more on this I also recommend for you to check my another video upcoming it is does not involve that much production it will be easy but it's using different type of noises to reduce the flickering with different types so it's a little bit easier and a little bit more on a creative part when you can go use that remember the main tips to have it even better result it's creating your own model train your own model on specific characters create your own sterilizations and after you use this to generate uh properly image or whatever you want to present thank you for watching this if you like it please subscribe to the channel give us thumbs up um share this video it's helped me growing with viewers and I greatly appreciate all your support have great time
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Views: 121,359
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Keywords: Geekatplay Studio, Vladimir Chopine, Digital art, How to, Digital compositing, How to do compositing, AI art, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, Dreambooth, Dall-e, Free resources, Free learning, Digital art for begginers, Free tutorials, artificial intelligence, Digital Photography, ebsynth, controlnet, ai animation, flicker-free
Id: Qph7A3UaVds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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