Flea Market Shopping & House Renovations - Beach Day Fun VLOG

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hope you guys know how i'm toughing it out for you for this video we got up at five o'clock this morning and drove in the dark and i saw the crescent moon on my way here to the flea market yeah this wind is freezing so the fleas in a big barn over here behind me and i brought my gloves to where today and there because last time we were so cold and what else is there to say i don't know let's go find the stuff and treasures we better we're freezing we better find stuff [Music] all right mom just spotted a really cool vase what is it oh it's not a vase it's just like art pieces yeah look at that zebra one over there mom what are these drops oh those are green i know those are new aren't they yeah those are new the wiring's not right i thought those were the murano ones oh yeah that's fun look at him mom he's a vase he'd be cool at your house he'd be neat mom with your spring boat cause you put put daffodils it looked like you'd have a yellow mohawk where is this price well ask her everything's pretty cheap in her booth i know that's really cool what can you put a cork in the bottom of it or would it sleep can you think they didn't finish the bottom it's all rough it's so cool though yeah he's neat you could only put like dried flowers or you know look really cool is that that pampas grass that we used to have on the coast but i don't want to have to i don't need a base that's cool though you'd be neat at your house oh my gosh we see those everywhere so glad to get rid of that one the two dollar table and spoons look at those little babies mom so we're going over to the other building because they're still setting up in there i thought they'd be ready to rock but we're ready to rock but on anybody else so what's wrong with these people crack at dawn this one's pretty cool there's a vase at the antique moment i like that has big goldfish all over it that'd be neat that looked like it was a little fish too didn't it looks like little cherries or something on that one what's this glass called that kind i don't know pretty it's called pretty i can find it we got up early in the dark for nothing for me in there mom and i are warming up because half of the vendors still have blankets and stuff over their tables because they're not here we're we're real early birds early birds early dodos ding-dongs i did get some things you know beautiful glass rosaries this is a really neat czech glass necklace that one i like that color yeah little tigers isn't that cute it's so cute it's a clamper and then this one is really pretty i'm going to bring this to my jeweler to do a sod on it because the band has a split but it's pretty easy fix but it's a navajo malachite ring i thought that one was really pretty it's like a really nice bold green color with a little daisy on it so cute hold on so cute mom spotted that one i'm watching some men and lead some stuff we could have slept in we were early bird dodo birds i don't need a bird weaver we could have had breakfast this morning could add coffee at least look at these old man they bought a bunch of rusty stuff and they're happy mom's checking out old men guess what i got it's another ugly wallpaper oh again why i'm stressing like get your samples first this one i thought was like a slam dunk i was like yep i'm gonna do this one in the upstairs path i thought it was so beautiful because it looked like an antique kind of um like almost like an italian scroll what are those called acanthus leaves um you know like the roman columns that have like the leaves and scrolly things at the top i think that's called a campus anyways that's what i thought of when i saw this and now that the sample came it's really ugly in person look so from far away it looks nice but look what it looks like up close has these weird speckles on it and it's like looks like it's antique like they tried to antique the print on it and then it has these splatter marks on it that's not fancy i don't like this so i just got back from the paint store and i picked out um four different colors of blue two of them are gonna be a little bit darker and then two lighter colors of blue i was trying really hard to um find blues that didn't look like baby blue even though they're light i don't want it to look like a um like a nursery in here you know um so i wanted to find ones that kind of were more on the gray side of blue because do you need to go outside hold on i got a baby knees go outside so let's go a b c and d and then you can vote when i'm done won't this be fun this almost looks purple this one that one pulls out a lot of the light blue i feel like that's in the branch like if you look closely in there it's kind of pulling that same color then we have this one i really don't think you could actually go wrong with any of these i think all of them would totally work and then we have that one on the end i can't decide hi dave did you decide which one you like i put the two swatches like next to each other suit i don't know of the two light ones we were looking at so you can kind of see the difference more do you think they're of them will look obviously i don't think we can go wrong with any of those i just don't like that one i think all right well i'm gonna go with this one i guess things are looking quite cheery and beautiful in here really excited to see everything kind of come together it was pretty torn apart for the longest time if you remember how ugly the floors looked um yeah it was pretty gross in here so now we're putting up the bead board as you can see and we ran out of time yesterday and it's been really cold here actually we're expecting snow later this week so it's hard to be outside you know working in the driveway cutting things when it's so cold out but we almost got it done and my husband has a four day weekend this weekend and we're planning on finishing everything so we're really excited to just knock it all out so he got this side of the wayne's coating finished and then also this corner right next to me here done so we just have the back a little bit here and underneath the window of course to do so i'm just gonna go ahead and start on painting uh i've got a gallon of paint at sherwin-williams and the color is called misty and it's this one on the right here without the gooey drips i think that's like wallpaper glue or something on there um but anyways it's really beautiful if there's not like snotty stuff on it as you can see i have an assistant right in the way of the corner i'm trying to paint right now oh toby are you a good boy are you inspecting my work so pete's out cutting the wainscoting right now and i'm gonna finish our last few stretches of wallpaper and then that part will be done but the wayne's coating is going to be so nice we actually ended up getting uh real wood we didn't feel like it would do our home justice you know to get like the paneled kind that's in a sheet just because our home is victorian and it's made with real wood we want to honor it you know so it's worth it to do it right and we got this really beautiful uh bead board it's all tongue and groove so he's cutting each of the pieces to length right now and the great thing is that it's all pre-primed so for me i'm going to come in here after he's done and paint it that pretty like light blue gray color that i was showing in the swatches of so that's going to be really really pretty he's so good at look at this look how good he is at cutting things like i would just hack a bear hole into this thing he's so good at like cutting like perfect angles and notches so we got most of the vanity all exposed and unwrapped now and it's so pretty i love this like sawtooth detailing underneath here so this bathroom is our downstairs like powder room and and originally i know you saw that vlog of our upstairs bathroom and that was our plan to be remodeling that bathroom or at least the shower right now and we had a leak down here and so you know like life happens and you gotta roll with it so i thought you know if we're gonna be ripping the floor out let's just like let's just go for it so that's what we ended up doing now it became like a full bathroom remodel but i think we're gonna be really happy with it when it's all done where is she yeah oh okay yes i just filmed a little tidbit on cleaning this incense burner that i got in the antique mall i was like getting out my um tool kit that i had back when i had my antique booth and i think that was probably like five years ago now but um i was looking at that little kit and i was thinking that it would be a really helpful video someday to make on um different things that everyone should have in their tool kit if they're going to be an antique dealer in like an ad in antique mall or something because all of us we would have like dealer work nights where we would all come in and like reset our spaces and add new stuff uh to our booth and everyone had a tool kit all of them we all had kind of different things in it but some of the things were the same across the board you know because it just kind of depend on what you dealt like if you're into glassware if you're doing jewelry if you're doing furniture or maybe you have like a variety you know but some things were all the same so i got out like my howard stuff because we actually used to sell this stuff at the antique mall but anyways i was just like polishing that up and stuff so yeah what else are we doing today i kind of want to just take an afternoon bath i'm feeling like the weather's just gloomy outside right now and i just had an afternoon tea my mother-in-law came over to visit for a little bit and we had tea together and i'm just feeling like i'm ready for sweatpants and a bath and maybe like a movie are there any good movies out right now can you can you suggest one to me that i haven't seen because i feel like i've scrolled through netflix and seen it all i love period piece movies and i love um thrillers and i like some horror movies but i mostly like thriller movies where it's like like suspenseful thrillers like that um but yeah and i've also been into period pieces and believe it or not i haven't even seen downton abbey yet and i can't believe that everyone on the planet i think has seen downton abbey and i've only watched like one episode so i need to get sucked into that series because it's probably gonna be amazing and i've been missing out all these years all right so i'd love to update you on all the things that are like happening this year um i've been really trying my best to keep up on dms and messages and and emails that i've been getting uh but laura and i are no longer filming for the recycled life and we're both just focusing on filming stuff for our own channels we each have one and uh yeah we just have a year full of like big changes ahead for the both of us um but you know i just want you to know that i am i'm so grateful for your support of the recycled life over the years that was really a lot of fun for us and just knowing that we created this safe space for all of us that love like vintage and antiques and stuff just to be silly and have fun together you know i really appreciate you being here for us as like friends and just being so supportive and this year oh my gosh so many exciting things in the works i have some fun garden plans as you know i'm doing like some home renovation type things and then also i'll be doing some more thrifting with mom i know you've seen my mom in a few episodes already but i really miss just spending time you know with my family and uh my husband and i also are planning as soon as it's safe to get out have a trip to the southwest and i want to go see those big flea markets again i went to college in in arizona back when i was 18 19 and i remember the huge flea markets there there were like parking lots full of like vintage and antiques and new stuff it was kind of like a swap meet with like antiques too but i really want to see like a turquoise mine and then like go shop some of the jewelry of course now now that i'm older i think it would be really fun and really dangerous [Music] so [Music] okay we're going crappy today and i got updated on my shellfish license so i can get 12 crabs all for myself and that is astoria call this one the coffin because it's so massive but here we have all the ice to put the crab so that way they stay good until we're done at the end of the day oh look at the rainbow do you see that faint rainbow right there [Music] [Music] there's a big one in there that's big daddy what's this guy he looks like a keeper [Music] oh yeah at least [Music] [Music] crap [Music] there's at least three or four in there oh my gosh [Music] no one else cares about the jellyfish but me wow hey sorry i quit filming out there but we're all starting to get seasick because it was so rough it was like a washing machine like this out there and i just started getting nauseous and then the exhaust from the bose but the good thing is we got three limits of crab so it's pretty awesome and there are some big ones in there looking forward to having some fresh seafood dinner this weekend oh my gosh that's so cool look at their oh my god he survived we are home now and my stool is stolen by mr toby because the whole family loves crab and he's intently here sitting here intently isn't that the right word yeah yeah watching his daddy crack crab so i brought over two tiny bowls for millie and for toby that's actually a lot of crab you guys these are gonna make out like bandits right here this is the um hotel where my mom and i like to stay the looking glass and it's really nice because it's all dog friendly um they have leashes and dog goals and you know beach towels and they have a little potty area so it's it's really nice and super clean doesn't smell like dogs and then the bay is right here and you can walk out to the ocean too it's just really cool because it's super convenient millie's interested in pete's crackers billy did you know we're at the beach she's worried about snacks [Music] you got a cracker you have to eat it before the seagulls feel all the sand in your teeth that's gotta feel good oh there they gonna you got to defend your cracker they got it oh my gosh we're gonna get pooped on babe they're everywhere [Music] i feel like i'm in uh hitchcock's the birds they're all staring at me now this is nice today it's not very cold out here it's pretty quiet yeah it feels good to get some fresh air today and get all the house and just have a change of scenery tv just to say hi to everybody so this is called the devil's punch bowl oh we're right in front of it cool wow okay i'm gonna put it on wide angle so everyone can see how amazing this is cool so this is part right here when the tide comes in is what goes when it comes up yeah isn't that pretty when my mom and i were here people were down in the rocks down here like getting like i don't know like little clams or mussels or something they're people like collecting stuff in buckets interesting you're not amazed i was like whoa and i saw that i thought oh my gosh there's people down there boogie boarding oh surfing that's cool did you know i surfed in high school didn't you too yeah i tried to i was i only got up one time put the baby in the car she's a good baby good girl [Music] foreign
Channel: Vintage Bombshell
Views: 46,293
Rating: 4.8715596 out of 5
Keywords: the recycled life, thrift vlog, thrift shopping
Id: 1R65ea1eBuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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