Flat, Kick & Slice Serve Lesson with 4.5 NTRP Player

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when you're making first serves what is the  issue when i try to hit the ball harder it's   either in the net or it's out so net  and out so control is a problem yeah   okay what about power you feel like you're  getting some good heat on there on the   on the first serve i can have the potential to  hit harder but i don't do it because i okay   it goes out you're lacking a fundamental  aspect of the serve and that's forward momentum and the way you get forward momentum on the serve is super simple you basically have to throw   the ball inside the baseline okay so basically  somewhere around here if you let the ball drop   it would be somewhere around here that's  where you need to toss it now when the ball   is in front of the baseline you're simply  going to lean forward you're going to lean   your body a little bit forward so go ahead  and get in the trophy position all right   that's not trophy you don't have to lean back  you don't have to lean back just hold it here   and i'm going to hold your racket now i want you  actually to get on your toes and your toes bend   your knees and lean forward lean forward i'll hold  you lean forward more there you go i'm holding you   okay keep going keep going forward you see now if i let go keep going lean forward now if i let go   you're gonna fall forward now get both feet on  the ground both feet on the ground lean forward   okay i'm gonna hold you and i'm gonna let go keep it leaning forward okay you see how you kind of   like just fall into the court yeah that is exactly  what happens on the serve it's gonna be there for   like a millisecond right that feeling of leaning  because you can't hold that position for very long   it's going to be inside your service motion  where you're leaning you're going to transfer   all your body weight into the contact and you  get this effortless power okay and all you   got to do is throw the ball in front and then  lean forward get on your toes bend your knees   and lean your body forward just like you  did here when i was holding your racket okay even more exaggerate a little bit throw it  a little bit more in front yeah exaggerate   so kind of chasing the ball a little bit and i don't really like that term because it  kind of has a negative connotation chasing the   ball right it's going to be perfectly synced into  your service motion but all you have to do is you   have to lean in so a lot of players will throw  the ball in front they don't lean in and they   end up with a jackknife serve so if i throw it in  front and i don't lean i end up serving like this   so the body has to lean forward correlated  to the ball that's in front of the baseline   so you go in front here body leans  forward and all the body weights goes   into the ball you don't have to worry about  the timing because you already have the timing   you have a good service motion you have  a good rhythm so this fix is super simple more Shamir it's not enough yeah more and throw it a little bit higher okay best one you hit so far   you hear that that sound there was a that  was a shank though no not at all not at all we   see actually the contact on the serve is going to  be a little bit higher on the string bed yeah it's   going to if you hit the serve right with a little  higher toss you're actually going to make contact   above the center of the racket that is the contact  on the serve okay so for the first serve 12   o'clock or one o'clock is okay absolutely into the  court and lean on it more that's not enough i'm not   i'm hesitating do it again yes you're not well  first of all you're not throwing it far enough   into the court and then you can't really lean on  the ball so hold on one sec so if you try to lean   but the ball gets behind you now you have even a  worse problem because now if i lean forward but   the toss is behind now i'm going to make contact  behind my head and i'm going to get much less   power right and possibly going to hurt my shoulder okay so so this is the complexity of the serve   everything has to be synced together okay you have to throw it in front but you also have to lean   forward am i tossing before i'm leaning yeah of  course of course you can't lean this is the rhythm   of the serve i'll show you and you don't really  have to think about this because you're already   doing it correctly but i'll show you anyway your  weight's going to be on the front foot okay and   now you're going to transfer the weight on the  back foot and now you're going to toss the ball   and transfer the weight onto the front foot but  the leaning doesn't come yet it comes much later   in the service motion okay okay so slide over  a little bit more when the racket gets close to   the acceleration phase the unloading phase which happens when the racket drops yeah that's when you   should be leaning right before the yeah because  you got to remember in the context of the serve   the timing between the racket drop and the contact is so short and that's where the leaning occurs   right before that loop it's right before that  looping action exactly yeah because like i told   you before you can't hold that lean very long but  you gotta remember that from the racket drop into   the contact doesn't take very long so it usually  syncs perfectly together let me show you one more   time so you go forward you go back like this and  now do you see it yeah yes and i get all that   momentum transferred into the ball all that body  weight you get so much effortless power that way   better and i think it's making a different sound  the serve you're getting a little bit more pace wow shamir you saw that one that  was a bomb right yeah do it again no that was a bad one what do you think what  did it feel like it was too it was too close   all right so what happened there was you tried to  lean but the toss was behind you it was like right   along the baseline right there yeah all right  so what end up happening is that the contact   was too far behind yeah you lost tons of power  so used to tossing and making because you're not   using forward momentum yeah i'm not going into you're not going you got to start going into it   look at the pace now you got to remember that  if you throw it too far in front you're going   to have a problem getting it over the net so you  have to get a little bit more height on the toss   it's better throwing it too high and too low there  it is try again you're getting there almost there there we go best one you hit  so far awesome awesome serve much better does that feel good yeah yeah  all right now show me a kick serve okay okay okay not bad try again okay so you notice how your kick serve has a very  low trajectory the ball it's kind of flat on the   second bounce it doesn't really bounce up it  doesn't go behind right yeah and it's because   it's not really a kick serve it's a slice serve oh  yeah and the reason why it's a slice serve because you   are rotating into the contact so you got to stay  closed you got to stay close so here's what should   happen on a kick serve the same thing we talked  about on the first serve you're going to do on   the kick serve as well it's going to be a little  bit less but you're still going to go forward   you notice how all the pros they're landing  inside the court even on the kick serve yeah   right that's only because they're throwing the  ball inside the court not as much as the first   serve a flat serve or slice serve not maybe here  but they're still throwing it inside the baseline   dominic thiem throws it way inside the baseline even on the kicker so what you're going to do   is continue throwing it a little bit more to the  left because that's what you're comfortable with   yeah you're going to hold your torso from  rotating you're going to not allow the torso   to rotate into the contact i'm going to explain in  a second why and you're going to lean on the ball   just like you would on a flat serve leaning  in and closed leaning into the court closed let   me show you one okay so i'm going to throw the  ball because i lose power right if i open up no   actually gain power from rotating into the ball  you do gain power but i'm going to explain to   you in a second what the problem is but first let  me show you kind of the basics what you should do   but not as much as the first serve just a little  bit you're going to throw into the court but a   little bit less than the first serve but still  into the court you can lean on it and then   what that does it gives you a little bit more  forward momentum on the on the kick serve you   get a little bit more power from that okay okay so  let me show you so i'm gonna throw it in my case   i like throwing it like 11 30. and i'm going to  lean on it and i'm going to get forward momentum there now here's the most important thing on the  kicker is that you have to hold the torso rotation   and what that's going to do is going to allow the  racket to be more at an angled position that's   what's going to create more spin so when you make contact with the racket being like this you get a   lot more spin than if you had the racket more at  a vertical position that's like a first serve well   that's even a slice so normally when you rotate  the racket kind of straightens out a little bit   it's very unlikely the racket is going to be  like this if you rotate into the serve it's   naturally going to straighten out a little bit now  another thing that makes the racket straighten out   is if the toss gets more towards the right  this also makes the racket straighten out   and this hurts the kick because we don't create  kick that way see this position of the racket face   and then a lateral swing path afterwards creates  slice and this position of the racket head and   then a lateral swing path creates a spin so i'm  going seven to one don't think of it with those   numbers that's very confusing the simplest way to look at it is what happens to the ball as we're   approaching it so on the kick serve we're going  to stay sideways we're going to throw the ball   to at least 12 o'clock and as we come up to the  ball look we're going to meet it like this okay   and now naturally the racket's going to  go towards the right okay this happens   for most players because we're sideways it's very  unlikely we're going to hit forward on the ball   because the body's in the way and naturally  the arm is just going to swing to the side   and look what happens to the ball if i swing  this way you see how the ball is spinning   it's spinning like this that's spin okay okay  what would be true top spin true topspin would   be this correct racket like this and then going up  that's true topspin we can't get this position on   the serve yeah right so the best thing we have is  this and we get kind of like a three-quarter spin   is the ball turning sideways no the ball's turning  like this see this is how it's turning you see   this yeah this is top spin on the serve okay this  is true top spin how would we create it's between   between three quarters so this would be true  topspin we can't get this angle of the racket   face all right so we can get this angle of  the racket face and we make let's call it a   three-quarter spin so like how the earth is on  the sphere it's at an angle it's like i don't   know about the earth okay i don't know that's  too complicated whatever you might be right i   don't know but but the slice we meet it a little  more vertical and we go to the side look what   happens to the ball it spins this way so that's  what i was doing earlier so this is this is not   topspin this is slice that's slice you see how  it's spinning so in between that is the kicker   this is true top spin this is slice and this is  kick kick in between the two and the only way you   can achieve that is by by staying closed and by  throwing the ball to at least 12 o'clock at least   if you throw it to one o'clock the racket's gonna  straighten out you won't get any spin and a little   bit in the court we're gonna continue using forward momentum and we're gonna throw it slightly into   the court not too much because what i find with  the with the kick serve if you throw it very far   in front of the court you're going to get a very  shallow type of flight path so the closer the   closer you throw it towards the baseline the more  height you get easier to hit up well it's a little   bit easier to get the height because the ball  if it's in front it's going to be a lower angle   but is my swing path like i was saying earlier  it's along the baseline no that's a very good   question actually because in reality the swing  path is not parallel to the baseline it's not   like this it's actually still more of a forward  swing path if you look at any professional kick   serve it's not truly completely lateral but it's  it's that way but forward yes it's more diagonal   it's slightly diagonal so if i make a  completely lateral swing path like this look   see there i don't even think it was completely  lateral i still think i went a little bit forward   it was much more lateral yeah so you hit the ball  very thin yeah so a natural swing path for the   kicker is actually slightly diagonal into the court like this yeah it's imaging the way that the ball   spins so actually you know what you're actually  imparting a little bit more pace on the ball that   way you're gripping the ball fuller if you get  if you hit the ball this way with the racket it's   going to be more power than if you're hitting  it this way this is too thin yeah yeah so going   like this you're going to get a lot less power you  can do it but you're going to get a lot less power   and you most likely would have to  throw the ball further behind you   okay right a little bit but you know what what's  great about this if you do the things that i told   you to do yeah naturally the racket's going to go  this way it's going to go more in a diagonal way but that actually rotated into that  one you took all the kick out of it   there was a more of a flat serve okay  so stay sideways stay sideways my friend   don't rotate exaggerate this this feeling of  sideways more what i recommend to players is   that they stay sideways like that they exaggerate  and stay sideways the whole time just to get used   to this feeling because what happens in  reality is that you're sideways at the   moment of contact and then once the racket  starts to drop the players do open up the   problem with you is you're opening up too early  okay and you're opening up prior to the contact   so here's what i recommend you just exaggerate  the sideways and stay like this the whole time look at that all right one more thing that you have a trouble  with and a lot of other players have trouble with   is what happens with your with your left shoulder  after the contact so players will be too upright   okay so remember they ever tell you what the cart wheeling movement is shoulder over the shoulder   right so so remember when you toss the ball you  continue staying up with the with the toss   arm okay that puts the non-dominant shoulder above the dominant shoulder and then when you accelerate   upwards this reverses and now the shoulder  goes down unfortunately on the kick serve a   lot of players will stay high with the shoulders  because they're not using their body so they will   play like this they'll toss the ball here and they  will not drop the front shoulder because it's not   natural most of the time when you throw the ball  in front on the first serve naturally this front   shoulder drops a little because you're leaning  okay so a lot of players are stationary on the   kick serve and it will stay high here with this  side are all serves shoulder over shoulder absolutely   and so what happens because this shoulder is higher you have less room here and it feels more cramped   it feels jammed so by dropping this shoulder down you all of a sudden get a lot more range of motion   with the right side you see the difference now i  have all this room to swing and that increases the   way you actually like the speed of the racket  absolutely you get more power that way so   if i'm if i'm upright if i'm straight up with  the shoulder i got less space here and also my   head is in the way so if i drop here look if i  drop all of a sudden i got all this space here   to go diagonally across the ball so what i want  you to do is yeah you're going to not only stay   sideways but you're also going to go down with  this side a little bit down consciously down and   remember you you you want to bend your torso it's going to be weird but you want to bend your torso   in a v formation with the upper body  is down and the legs are straight   like this to create the space in order to  do this type of movement okay okay like this   there you go man but where are you hitting  you're getting over the fence oh no here sorry   no that's not why you look you're hitting there  it's sitting here but the good thing is you have   to worry about this if you do what i told you to  do this will happen naturally okay like that but   go down with that front side go down with that  front side down there you go oh that much yeah okay no that was not good what was wrong with it  tell me more of a flat serve that was a kick   it was and also the toss was was right so what  remember we talked about what happens to the   racket when the toss is one you tell me what  happens to the racket what happens to the racket   head at the moment of contact when the toss is  at once oh i don't get that spin why not because   of the angle of the racket absolutely like that  right yeah right because here's the crazy thing   about the serve you don't know what the angle of  racket face is because that part of the serve is like a couple of milliseconds you have no clue  yeah right so this is the fundamentals have to be   correct the toss the positioning of your shoulders  whether you're rotating into it or not because the   shoulders are moving a lot slower than the actual  racket so you can control what the shoulders are   doing okay or the torso is doing okay it's hard  to manufacture an angle of the racket face at   the moment of contact yeah so always when you're examining your serve the first thing i would always   look at is the toss and according to the intention  of the serve you had the second thing i would look   at is your intention and whether you're rotated  into the serve or not okay those two things oh you like that one all right line keep going  like this this is so stupid i don't know i don't   know dude strings oh okay i don't i never all  right are you ready for the slice yeah yeah okay   so you're gonna rotate into the slice like you do  on your flat serve okay on the toss you can still   be at 12 o'clock okay because you have an arc on  your toss so for you that's the most natural way to get that toss right at 12 and you're gonna hit  your flat from there you're gonna hit your kick   from there eventually and you're gonna hit your  slice from there okay now what you gotta envision   is a scooping action around the ball and that's  gonna create slice so slice is basically created   if we meet the ball with more of a vertical  position of the racket face and if the racket   goes towards the right we already talked about  this now we get slice yeah so what i want you   to envision is this movement right here scooping  action around the ball and then what i want you   to focus on is the actual finish if you get the  finish right most of the time the swing path is   going to be right so i want you to do at the  end is have your hand your palm of your hand   up towards the sky or in other words the string  so when you come around i want you to finish like   this and you'll get you'll get slice like that  just focus on this a little bit more in front okay now if the ball drifts a little too far to  the left and it goes 11 30 you're gonna have a   hard time with the slice yeah yeah because you're  gonna rotate into it what happens to a lot of players   this is true for the flat serve as well  keep this in mind for the flat serve as well   okay if you're doing slice or flat and the  ball is at 11 30 your body will have to   bend this way like this just going to rotate into  the content you'll have to bend like this you'll   see a bending of the body like this it's super  unnatural super uncomfortable and you will lose   power because of it so in order for you to get  that straight vertical position of the racket face   the body will have to bend like this and you don't  want this you want to be a little bit more upright   with the body at the moment of contact don't  go past 12 on the flat and the slice serve okay oh i like it nice do one more not bad right a slight  curvature here one more last one that was a little bit at 11. and what was  that tell me what kind of serve was that   was that slice was that a kick  was that flat what was that slice   no okay there's more kick because that was at 11.  remember there's going to be an automatic kick if   you go if you throw the ball 11 and behind you  it's going to be almost impossible to to hit a   slice because what happens is as you're throwing  the ball 11 o'clock and behind you the racquet   will be like this in order to catch the ball back  here yeah so it's out and kick 11. automatically   11 and behind and behind if it's 11 and in front  you can probably open up and make it like this   but if it's behind that was a kick yeah  accidental kick okay as long as it's in   right well i don't like accidental serves yeah so  whatever your intention is you want to execute the   intention so if you're looking for a slice you're  going to end up with a kick that's not good right i like that one actually do it again oh ace yeah all right nice job shamir if there's  anything i learned is definitely how to do the the   racquet trap yeah the racket tap doesn't involve  the frame yes you see this is a new phenomenon   tennis people have to learn to do a racket tap properly but how do you know who's the one that's   doing that all right so the most common mistake  i see on the racket tap is players will go like   this and they'll tap the rack with the so this  is ridiculous you'll scuff up your racket and in   fact i got a scuff here from someone that did  a racket tap with the frame probably wasn't me   and i wasn't happy no it wasn't you okay okay so  racket tap one player will open the strings how do   you know it doesn't matter so open my strings here do a tap and let's do it the reverse way there you   go okay so but one person here up high up high  come on up high the other way okay there you go   we're doing racket taps this is modern tennis  now all right no more handshakes there you go
Channel: Intuitive Tennis
Views: 449,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flat kick slice serve lesson with 4.5 ntrp player, 4.5 ntrp player, flat serve, kick serve, slice serve, tennis serve lesson, tennis serve technique, on court lessons, intuitive tennis on court lessons, intuitive tennis serve, nikola aracic, nick aracic, intuitive tennis, flat vs kick vs slice tennis serve
Id: RReBwUHe1ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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