Flat Design Lamp | Illustrator Tutorial

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what's up guys this is Spencer for pixel and brackets you guys seem to like this flat design tutorial stuff so I'm gonna show you how to make a flat design lamp but I'm gonna take it one step further and show you how to create an on/off switch so that's gonna be pretty fun let's hop right into it first thing we're gonna do is go up to file new we're gonna create a new document that's also command or control in for short 1920 by 1080 is perfectly fine with me one of the advanced options I like to do is RGB color most of my work is digital but if it is going to be printed you might want to consider CMYK artboards fine orientation fine I do like pixels as the unit and then let's name this let's name this flat design lamp okay and then we're gonna hit create that's gonna make us a new 1920 by 1080 document now I like to start over in the gray space over here and because I generally just start with the white and then I'll create colors later so let's first create a rectangle everything starts with that rectangle tool the shortcut key is M I'm gonna just create a rectangle doesn't matter the size something like this right there okay we're just gonna start with that if you want to know the size I'm gonna switch over to the selection tool shortcut key is V I'm gonna click the properties panel which by the way I'm in the new CC so all my properties are here on the right if you're in older versions you might see all the property stuff at the very top but you'll be able to find the same elements regardless so over here yeah we have a width of 250 ish so let's go ahead and make that 250 and we have a height of 450 and I think that's about right so we'll just make that 250 by 450 if you're looking for exact measurements switch to the direct selection tool the shortcut key for that is a I'm just gonna click and drag to grab one of these bottom points and once I have that I'm gonna hold shift and press the right arrow key to kind of bump that out a little bit and I'm gonna do one two three times so we're gonna bump that out three times then I'm going to grab the left side of that we're gonna bump it left three times remember I'm holding shift just pressing the left arrow key so now we have this sort of trapezoid shape I'm going to go back to that rectangle tool shortcut key is M I'm going to create a rectangle that is over the top of everything else and what I'm doing here is the the very top of this I wish I could point at it but above this rectangle is my lampshade okay so I'm gonna just kind of size that to something in here right there like that okay now with the selection tool select everything and we're gonna use this shape builder tool one of my favorite tools it's over here it's got two circles and a little shape builder tool the shortcut key is shift M I will remind you of that a million times in this tutorial okay so now the shape builder tool sees all the shapes that are overlapping you see this outside rectangle shape I'm gonna hold option or alt and just click on that and it's gonna get rid of that so now I have these two shapes from here this is my lampshade the top of my lamp that I want so I'm just going to click on that and it's gonna make that shape I still have these two let's go back to the selection tool and see what happened I'm pretty sure through that process we may have duplicated the bottom piece we can go ahead and delete one of those but now we have a bottom and a top okay and ctrl or command Z to sort of undo if you've made those movements I want to leave these right here and I want to change their fill and Stroke really quick because like I said it didn't matter what we started with from a color standpoint but I don't want a stroke so I selected both of them I'm gonna go to the stroke and hit zero points on that so no stroke we just have a fill and for the time being I'm gonna get rid of this bottom part but I want to keep it okay because this bottom part we're gonna use later as the light that comes out of the lamp like our on/off switch so I'm gonna hit command or control X that's also up here and edit and it is cut it's currently grayed out because we have nothing selected but it's that commander control X shortcut and then we are also going to use this one here in a second pasted in front and that is command or control F but first we need to add a new layer so let's go look at our layers panel and look at what we got going on this first layer is the only layer currently I'm gonna name that off right because that's that's gonna be where we build the lamp in the off state but I need to create a new on layer so way down here is a create new layer button I'm gonna click it and we have a new layer on top of the off layer this new layer we're gonna label on and I just double click that to label it and now we have this on layer and this off layer and this off layer just has this path this little lampshade we could even double-click the path and and rename that to lampshade we won't get into much of this but just for so that you know you can do that kind of stuff and organizing that in that way so what we're gonna do with this on layer is paste the light into it so I got to make sure it's selected it may be highlighted but maybe not selected so I wanna click on this circle because that's my target layer now I can use that old shortcut we talked about commander control F to paste in front that light piece that we had cut out earlier and now it's on this on layer and what I want to do now is just lock this layer we're going to toggle the lock button right here click on that and then we're gonna hide it so toggle the visibility right there we'll come back to that but for now we're gonna build the lamp so I'm gonna go back to this off layer make sure it's targeted and then I can click over on properties again and we can just build the rest of the lamp okay so we have the lampshade we need the base the that may be at the top where the lightbulb goes some different pieces we're going to use that rectangle tool that's just M as the shortcut key and let's let's build the I don't know the lamp base and and the I don't know what you call this the whole thing but we're gonna build that right so just a skinny rectangle now I'm gonna switch the selection tool that's shortcut V select both click on the lampshade because we're gonna Center this on the lampshade find your alignment panel if you don't see it go up to window down to a line it's gonna bump out I'm gonna go ahead and dock it right here pop that out it's aligning to the key object because we clicked on this after we selected both just hit this align Center and it's gonna pop that lampshade poll thing over to the center of the lampshade but I'm not really satisfied we could like just leave it like that but I'm gonna create some better pieces to this like where the light bulb goes and stuff so what I'm gonna do is let's zoom in a little with command or control plus and we're going to just bring this down to the bottom of the lampshade right there and I might have off made that off-center a little bit so I'm gonna grab these both again click on the lampshade and just click the horizontal Center you can see that shifted a little bit but this is what we're gonna have right now I'm gonna create where the light bulb goes and that's just with another rectangle maybe right in here somewhere and we're once again I'm gonna switch over to the selection tool shortcut key V I'm gonna select carefully that rectangle and the lampshade click on the lampshade Center it and now what I want to do is actually click on this rectangle press the a key that's the direct selection tool click on this type ignore Anchor Point and shift arrow key that to the right and I'm gonna shift arrow key this one to the left now we have a little place where that light bulb would go and it kind of tapers outward and that's a little bit better look I think last thing I'm gonna make a little spot where this sticks out at the top it's gonna be a little bit wider than this base but what we could do is go to the selection tool which is V click on this bottom part hold option or alt and that's gonna duplicate it and then if we hold shift at the same time it's gonna keep it in line and I'm just gonna bump this out up top right there like that and I'm actually going to hold option or alt and when I get the double arrows I can scale this out left and right and I'm gonna widen that just a little bit to there and then we're just pull this all the way up to like there so it's hidden underneath the lampshade kind of sticks out up on the top part and so all we really need now is like the base of the lamp down here so just another rectangle shortcut key M we're gonna create something maybe a little skinny base down here maybe about the width of this guy maybe a little bit less V for the selection tool select both the the pole here and the cache I wish I had a better name for that the lamp piece here the pole thing and then just click on that right because we're gonna Center it on this we're gonna send her this base on this guy hit that horizontal line Center and there we go we pretty much have the lamp we got to color things in now so I want everything to be silver except for the lampshade lampshade we'll make like I don't know we'll make it like a blue color like yeah like we did but like I showed you in the beginning we'll make it a blue so let's grab everything that's not the lampshade right so I'm clicking and dragging and with the selection tool I grab these pieces down here I'm gonna hold shift and grab this piece up here and we're gonna change the color of this now I like to use the window down here to color panel the shortcut key is f6 I like to pop out that color panel because one of my favorite things is double-clicking on the little swatch color here and that opens up the color picker it's one of my favorite ways to pick colors because I know that basically this way is saturation and this way is sort of the what he calls like the shade and then if I'm pulling it down into here it's like a muted tone so I like those muted tones a little bit not too saturated not too dark not too light let's make it blue so I'm gonna click this guy to change this whole thing sort of a blue tint or hue and then maybe something down in here we're just oh wait no no this is silver sorry guys okay so for something down in here we're just gonna pull that all the way left and make it silvery I hit okay and there's our silver enos right what I want to do with this is create a new swatch so that I can change this later if I want to we're gonna make a global swatch in fact so go to window down to swatches somewhere down here and that's going to pop out this watches panels somewhere and what we can do here is to click this new swatch button once we got our color picked and it's gonna open up this little new swatch guy we can look at color type process spot you just keep it on process but it definitely checkmark the global swatch because when we hit OK it's gonna add that to our swatches list right here it's got a little white rectangle here now even though these are separate pieces I can just double click this swatch and it's gonna open up the swatch options and I could adjust that and even preview it as I adjust that color and it adjusts any element that uses that swatch color it's gonna adjust I want to cancel that because we'll keep it at silver for now okay this lampshade is obviously behind all of our other elements it needs to be in front so let's bring it to the front shift command right bracket or shift control right bracket for those of you that don't use shortcuts like that it might be a little much just right-click on your lampshade go down to arrange bring to front right I'm going to try to clicking this up because I'm taking forever click on that lampshade we're gonna make it a blue color I'm just gonna start with like something crazy like this really dark blue and I'm going to create a new swatch and from here I'm actually gonna adjust it so let's make this blue a lot lighter of a blue all right and I don't have my preview button cuz I haven't made this swatches so let's go ahead and click OK remember it's a global swatch okay now I got this swatch I'm gonna bring it down here next to that that gray I'm gonna double click it and now I'm gonna check mark my preview button and we're gonna select this blue color we're gonna make it something blueish maybe something like that more of a Mita tone so I'm gonna bring these back a little bit maybe up a little bit somewhere in there would be good there's all the numbers if you wanted the exact color okay so we have a blue lampshade we've got the lamp last thing I might do is like for this whole flat design thing we like to make shadows on this guy right so a little bit of shading I'm gonna create another rectangle shortcut key M just create it so it's big enough to cover your whole lamp here and I'm gonna go right to the center it's gonna kind of lock in there with smartguides if you don't have those turned on just go to view down to smart guides that's command or control you all right so it looks like I just completely covered everything up what I did was I covered half of everything up I'm gonna click and drag with that selection tool to see everything now I'm gonna use shift M remember that's our shape builder tool and now it sees all these shapes and what I want to do is get rid of this outside shape right here so I'm gonna hold option get rid of that outside shape okay now what we have it's a little confusing to look at selection tool remember shortcut key V but I have this piece right here this piece is half of the lamp if I change the color of this piece to black for instance now we have a really really really really dark shadow on half of this lamp what I can do with that guy is maybe take the opacity down to like 10% you know whatever a past-due you want maybe we'll do 20% so everyone can see it there you go so we have the shadow we've got the lamp built and we did a pretty good job here now as long as you didn't move anything around if you go back to your layers panel we have the off position right if I hide that it's just the lamp right just have the lamp it's he's off right now but if we click the on button check that out we have this light sort of pouring out of the bottom now we need to create you know fix that rectangle and and and add some color to it but what we're gonna do now is uh is do that all right here we go I'm gonna unlock this guy I'm gonna show him and now we can click on him right let's send him to the back so let's pull this on button to the back for now I'm just gonna drop that layer underneath the off layer so I can see the lamp on top of the light all right now we're gonna create a rectangle and this rectangle is going to be down here it's going to be make sure we cover up all the light pouring out of that down to the base of the lamp right because the light shouldn't go past where the lamp is sitting it should just stop there so now we have this rectangle I'm going to select the light here and the rectangle we just made shift em for the shape builder tool and I'm gonna hold option or alt and just draw through the bottom portion of this so I get both of those pieces and it's going to get rid of both of those pieces so now the light is just down to the base of the lamp let's add some color to this and we're gonna add a gradient color to this so you could go over here to the gradient tool the shortcut key is G we can click on our light here and it's gonna add a gradient left to right white to black right now let's go up to window down to gradient commander control f9 to pop that out I don't know that by heart but I just saw it on there so we got this gradient really we want the white to be up here and the black to be down here so I'm gonna mess with these angles I think negative 90 will adjust that yep so negative 90 now this left color is the top and the right color is the bottom we're gonna make those two colors the same color I'm gonna double click on the gradient slider and we're gonna pick one let's pick this way I got this let's just pick one of these like yellow colors right the yellow for light alright so it goes to yellow to black we want this black guy over here to be also yellow if I click on this right slider and I changed the opacity to zero now it's kind of now it's getting there it's got this light that comes very saturated out of the top and then kind of dissipates as it as it goes down to the bottom you can then adjust where that bottom is by dragging this swatch in and out right you can also adjust where the mid point of this is so if you want it to be a lot quicker of a transition you can adjust that mid point or if you want it to really cut hard at the end you can do that I kind of liked it over here a little bit somewhere in the middle so now we have this light here and what we can do if we zoom out a little commander control - is click on this lamp light here and I want to bring this layer to the top because I think that light should affect some of the some of the lamp but that might be a little bit too much right that light completely hides the structure of our they're all that silver that we got going so if I click on this gradient and go back to properties I can actually change the opacity maybe down to like 50 percent or even less this depends on what you want that opacity to be as that lights with streams out of there that's pretty much it so you can you can put this on to some sort of a background I'm sure I'll try out some background colors for the thumbnail but if you go into that layers panel and now you can toggle on and off your lamp just like that now if you want to get real technical here you may have like a pixel or two that overlaps it's possible it just depends on how your computer's rendering things you could bring that lampshade on a different layer like on top of the light but as long as you use that shape builder tool this light should match up right with the bottom of that lampshade shouldn't overlap too much I think my monitor just kind of shows that a little bit because of how I have my display settings set also this gradient it might look a little choppy if you go up to view and preview on different modes like preview on CPU we can change that that actually smoothed it out a little bit so you know illustrators got some preview modes some of my other tutorials and the blend modes like it looks a little choppy if you save this out as it as a image like a PNG or JPEG or something it should smooth out that gradient a lot but here in Illustrator a lot of times depending on your settings you know it can be all over the place how like steppy or choppy that gradient looks but for the most part if you change your preview modes which is available in the latest CC version of illustrator I think the GPU preview maybe shows a little more choppiness than the cpu preview you can kind of go back and forth between those if you're trying to show this to anybody and then you can play with the blending modes on this on this light as well so if we go to this opacity and we actually click on opacity there's blending modes here you know like screen or overlay and that affects how the light affects what's underneath fit how those layers affect us you know the colors underneath it so that you know depending on what you want there like a screen might be a little bit better showing the base of that lamp than some of the like the regular normal mode with just opacity anyway that's it you guys we made it we did it we created a lamp with an on/off switch if you have any questions or if I missed anything didn't cover something correctly let me know in the comments below and I'll make sure to answer you thanks for watching you guys thanks for subscribing if you're not already hit that subscribe button hit that notification bell for more tips and tutorials and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pixel & Bracket
Views: 104,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixel and bracket, illustrator tutorial, flat design illustrator tutorial, minimal design illustrator tutorial, flat design lamp tutorial, vector lamp illustrator tutorial, flat design, minimal design, how to design flat graphics in illustrator, vector lamp tutorial, vector lampshade illustrator, vector light illustrator, how to make a flat design, how to make a minimal design, minimal design tutorial, adobe illustrator tutorial, beginner, how to make anything in illustrator
Id: FY9r87PvpR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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