Flashback demo with torch explosions

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today on the koiki blog we're going to talk about flashbacks and whether they're really a danger or if maybe things are kind of overstated we're also going to review some actual flashbacks and talk about that a little bit and that's coming up on the cookie blog hey welcome to the koike blog I'm Chris green thanks for joining us today we're going to talk about some videos that we're going to look at on flashbacks and kind of walk through what a flashback is and how it occurs and shane mcmahon our product manager of portables is going to share his expertise with us as he always does and what do you say Shane you want to get started here yeah let's go ahead and get started Chris take a take a review of the videos and kind of give you some pointers and we can talk about what happened and what went wrong ok let me just pull up ok so this one this guy you told me he's using actually a quickie torch let me get my he's one of our Japanese model torches there ok so starting there so if you see Chris look at him now he's gonna go ahead and touch no one he touched the plate what that actually did was that allowed the gases to mix back into the mixing tubes that's kind of what causes the beginning of the flash backing off you start seeing here you can just watch them nozzles or the torch tubes start to heat up that's a sustained flashback so what that tells me is that he's definitely got some either backflow preventers or flashback arrestors on this torch see the explosion that was sustained okay if he wouldn't had that on there we would have been able to run on it all the way back into the tanks and potentially a much larger explosion than that and I notice this guy is kind of an old hand at this because he's he's not wearing any gloves no no I for time protection anything and judging by the looks he's very comfortable of doing this so I guess and he's probably went through a couple hundred of these George's so so okay so not only can you wreck your torch your really I mean well literally playing like why you've gotta face everything I mean it's centrally you could last day on the job possibly right yeah and these are these are a minor I hate for my work you know so okay so now now I'm actually going to surprise you with this one because I didn't tell you I was gonna play this this video so hang on let me close that this one is really fun because this is not a demonstration this guy watch this nice so do you know what happened there kid are you able to tell just from that little clip oh just in that little clip what I'd say most likely is he probably had a little gas leak beforehand so if you see where the hoses are where it's spraying out I'm thinking that either his hoses weren't properly set or his tip was not on oh okay that's a big big mistake here it's common you go to stick that torch in there or you put that tip in there and you you don't crank it down all the way and don't realize well this seat right here allows the gas to sit through you go through with your igniter light it flame here flame back into there now you're not mixing properly in the tip you're mixing back into the right gas tubes and right there you go so there there are multiple reasons that you can get a flash battle definitely okay so that's why it's so important to have flashback or flashback arrestor is you know yeah so a lot of guys have experienced these I mean just about everybody is going to touch a torch because now one shape or another you may have one you don't really realize it you hear a little snap and then you kind of go back to the torch and you say oh look I got a red line on there and you reset your torches or you reset your flashback arrestors and you go on the day not really realizing we just went through the shop earlier we were doing a video shoot on some of our receta balls I went through the thanks to put some new ones on cuz you know obviously for marketing reasons you want to have the new the shiny shiny one right and I looked at the torch and I'm like hey do you know you guys had a flashback what do you mean really yeah so if you have them so if you haven't you get kind of used to it and you get used to having it but if you don't have them what do you think how many guys are out there just going hey well I'm not dumb I don't touch my torch head to the to my work I mean are there a lot of guys that are out there that aren't using flashback arrestors I would hope not I definitely would hope not I mean definitely you would you would know the ones that don't those are the guys walking around you know okay honestly though it's you don't even realize it but one of the things nowadays that you don't you don't really understand is the tanks themselves they're also protected a lot of these new manufacturers basically it's any of the tanks since the 80s they started putting actually backflow prevention inside the tank as well as kind of an extra level of safety okay you know it's nothing's nothing's bulletproof though you know so you kind of want to you want to have a mix match or combination of each you see what we've got here now I've actually got an arrest er set on the torch okay so again that's gonna say if it's only gonna go back as far as a torch if it gets past that and obviously for training purposes we also have some set right here at the tanks right those are huge I mean those without a doubt bare minimum I would have met the tanks all day long all right cool but you can't go wrong with having one at the torch as well oh definitely not it's just a matter of protecting your investment what's that hose worth you know they're a couple hundred dollar hose yeah you burn your hose up and then you've got the hose flaring around all over the room so you can just enough to get to the tank to shut it off yeah you stop it at the torch you don't have to worry about that no problem yeah yeah and I'm mostly concerned with people's faces you know you can spend a couple hundred dollars on a hose and that's not even as big deal you only get one face so one interesting feature also that the Quickie torches we have a three seat tip a lot of our competitors only have a two seat okay so we do all of our mixing is actually in the torch head in the tip of verses inside the handle now if you see those two seat tips they run all their fuel out to the head they mix in the handle and then off the torch where you're going so for us it's done right here nice and that's an added thing so if you do have a flashback and you have an explosion you lose your tip you pull out your wrench put a new tip on and the way you go you're cutting again okay well cool I am running out of battery life so we're going to conclude this video for now but we're gonna have a second part where Shane is going to talk to us about actually hooking up the flashback arrestors so we're going to come back with part and stay tuned for that remember to like us on Facebook hit the subscribe button down below if you like this video also comment on the video because we'd like to know your flashback story if you've had a flashback or if you've seen it happen where there was something really bad went down tell us about that and also hit the notify button because we'll be posting more videos and we want to make sure that you see those till next time thanks for joining us on the quicky blog and we'll talk to you later
Channel: Koike Aronson Ransome
Views: 75,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutting, and, welding, industry, flashback, flashback arrestor, torch flashback, prevent torch explosion, flashback arrestor ul, flashback arrestor for acetylene cylinder
Id: 4aP7CAV9PoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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