Flaming Gorge Tube Bite 2018

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when I let the luck rod sit still like this I'm looking at the line the entire time fish comes and grabs that I'm gonna see that line just just just have a little twitch to it I'm also holding if you can see this I'm holding my index finger of my left hand on the line that gives me a chance to feel what's going on on my line before I can even see it so there's a hit right there and I don't know if I've got it hooked but but I think I do I've got to get used to this dog on camera out here but because I just hit it on the hook set but I've got my first fish so I've been fishing for what five minutes or so and here's my first fish coming in on the on the tube hoping I said the hook well enough and see what I've got here looks like a small lake trout he's really pumping they're trying to trying to do his best to stay out there you know we're supposed to be keeping these lake trout if it's ahead of its a Laker and it is a Laker nice little lake trout so I'll go ahead and keep this one take it home with us these small lake trout are overtaking the reservoir which is fine they're wonderful fish to catch and they're great eating fish for right here but there we go so there's the there's the first fish of the day about a twenty inch or so lake trout and that'll be some good eating that's how I'm rigged I've got a little white tube with a quarter ounce weight on it and I'm just putting a little piece of Nightcrawler those are actually because I do want to show you how fun this is to be able to just have a rod in your car and practically any reservoir you stop at when you are happened to be going on a ride a little family vacation whatever you can stop and catch fish it's bait and they're feeding it's springtime it's you know they're there feeding up some some of them are getting ready to spawn others are just living their lives and feeding and so and in when they feed they'll come in and pick crawdads off this the shallows and trout will do that the same way bass do and so and so the fact that I'm here the fact that I'm continuing to cast and make casts and and reel in is definitely definitely letting the fish know that there's something going on over here so fish will become more active and they'll become more curious and they'll come by and take a look and since I've caught a nice lake trout and I've had two other fish on in 30 minutes then you just you just realized that that the fish are curious and they're coming in to take a look so it's kind of fun that time I picked up a little trash and that's one thing that I think it's important to know if you if you're bringing moss back just take a second and clean it off make your presentation just look as good as it possibly can to the fish you know sometimes I see fish it'll just pick up those baits with moss hanging on them and no big deal but I want to be sure that I'm making the very very best presentation to to entice a strike and so see if I can't take advantage of the fact that I saw a nice trout jump right here and and it was right in the shallows it was absolutely in the shallow so he either had a crawdad that he found in fact I see one right now I see a fish kind of circling around and and I'm gonna try to to throw to him I don't think you can see oh there's a fish that followed me in oh oh yeah we've got a bunch of fish right here I was looking at a completely other fish trying to get back here and get in a position to catch him and cast out again and I think I've got a little pot of I think they're rainbows down here for sure that are starting to get active so that's kind of fun it's just I'm only about 15 yards away from where I originally started but but it's really cool to see these fish get active and I thought I was fishing for one fish that kept swimming over there we go there we go and and it turns out that it wasn't the fish that I thought it was so there he got off that's God he got to run fast got to run fast oh yeah there we go another nice fish now that I had literally just had small small small piece of the tube or of the Nightcrawler on this tube so as I bring this in I'll come over and try to show you what we're catching but these are such gorgeous fish look at that look at the colors look at the colors on that rainbow and he hit that at the top in the top of the mouth when a fish takes it in the top of the mouth you know they're wanting to eat there he is right there oh nice rainbow probably 16 16 17 inches what a what a beautiful beautiful rainbow let's get him back in the water there he goes he's swimming away so we'll just see this is so fun too to see this many fish in the shallows you know and the fact is if you see fish in the shallows that means that there's also fish out deeper it's not a it's not a given that there's only fish in the shallows but so you don't have to worry about just just taking short casts of the fish that come up because see all those fish are gone now there we go that fish came and got it clear out deep just like I was thinking just exactly as I was thinking it's another very very nice fish and I want you to notice this you know when you when these fish come in they don't look like they're they're spawning they don't look like they're changing colors they this is just a I think this is just a feed that they're on right now they're just they're just out here feeding and top of the mouth again there it is that's a little smaller fish there's still a wonderful fish those colors off it goes there we go there we go that feels like a good fish hasn't come up to the surface yet maybe it's a lake trout who knows I'm the green tube again look at that fish that looks like another lake trot yessiree another nice little Laker as I've said before these are the ones that they want you to take home because they Flaming Gorge is being overrun by him so so we will oblige them and take a few home with us once again as we've already talked look at where that that's just at the edge of the top of the mouth not quite the dead top of the mouth not right there but right there so that would be called the side I'm still in the what I consider the top of the mouth so that's awesome really good really fine a little lake trout very good eating well that was a great little lake trout now what I did on that one is I I let that tube once again go all the way down to the bottom I think a tiny bit earlier this morning the fish were up higher in the water column and therefore they were biting a little bit better for whether you were well while I was reeling but what I've discovered is since I've been fishing here I can let this go down to the bottom and just twitch it a little bit and and let those lake trout come down and actually pick those or even the rainbows come out down and pick them up off the bottom so there's another one right there so once again it's just it's just a matter of finding out what the fish want giving it to a minutes this is this is one of the coolest things that that you can do is realize you can go park your car walk down about a quarter of a mile to a reservoir have so few pieces of tackle in your possession that is kind of crazy and still be able to catch fish it's really a fun fun way to spend a little while of your uh on your vacation now this is not a lake trout this is another nice rainbow but you just look at the colors on this one just gorgeous gorgeous fish and notice where he took it on top of the mouth absolute talk of the mouth that means that fish wanted that bait and all they've done is they've gone down in the water column just a little bit so instead of chasing around up top they are they're going back down and eating a little bit closer to the bottom it's really all that's going on so there it is there's a beautiful rainbow look at the coloration of that fish that's not one of those spawners that are changing colors that's just a absolutely beautiful Flaming Gorge rainbow trout and there he goes but I pulled it right out of his mouth there we go there's another one well he's here feel like great fish they they're fighting really hard and I can feel their head shake and that's always a good indication that they're that they're really feeding heavy is they when they shake their heads like that this'n looks like perhaps another lake trout there we go there we go another lake trout oh and amazing I wonder where he where he's hooked how about the top of the mouth they're feeding these babies were feeding right now that's a really nice solid lake trout I like the heavier hooks but for for trout I like the light wire hooks that bend a little bit if they if you need need them too it helps with your hook set and so remember that when you're buying a little ball heads like this that you can buy them either with light wire or heavy wire there we go here we go there's another one that hit about three or four times before I didn't think it was the bottom hitting then I finally trusted it and set the hook another beautiful rainbow top of the mouth no no I was actually bottom of the mouth it might have been a little bit of a change in their eating look at that fish beautiful beautiful rainbow trout there he goes gone well we were just about to head on back to the cabin and we've only been here for a couple hours but but we were planning to just head on back and I thought well make a couple more casts and we found a pocket of fish out here that that just are absolutely willing to bite but they have to finesse them let that tube get all the way to the bottom and then just very very slowly pop it just take the tip of your rod and just move it just a little bit and I'm running the risk of getting hung up practically every time but it's worth it because those fish are coming up and really are interested in taking that that bait and we've caught several lake trout and several more rainbows and and we're releasing all the rainbows we've only kept three lake trout but but you can keep eight lake trout the size that I've been catching and and the DWR wants you to take those lake trout home because they're over running the population of other species of fish in Flaming Gorge it's interesting you know they were worried about the Bourbon and how much they were eating and now they're worried about the lake trout and how much they're eating I just wonder if they'll ever be satisfied Ryan Mosley the DWR does a really fine job here at Flaming Gorge I've been really happy with partnering with him on some things and and working with him little piece of moss came in I wanted to make sure I got that off my my rig before I threw it back out and then we just literally just let it sit until I feel like it's on the bottom and as soon as it gets down to the bottom I just start shaking the rod tip to get that thing just moving just a little tiny bit back towards me hopping up and down I call it a yo-yoing technique but reality you could call it a shaking technique those fish have been very well will it very very willing to come over and I'm sure they first inspect it look at it and then as soon as it starts to twitch they decide they want to eat it there we go there we go got another one another beautiful rainbow strip and drag well that's a fat fish okay that one there the rainbows are now taking them in the side of the mouth or the bottom of the mouth so they're gonna they're not feeding quite as well as they were but boy they want the they want that thing crawled back to him so what a nice rainbow go get him there we go time to close this this segment off it's been a wonderful morning fishing for rainbows and and lake trout on Flaming Gorge we just literally parked our car on the side of the road my wife Jerry and I and just came down to the to the shore and started throwing green tubes and white tubes tipped with Nightcrawler and the fish of transitioned all morning from wanting it very very slow retrieved to a faster retrieve and it's it's just been an awesome morning we caught several lake trout that we're taking home because they're the right size that the fishing game wants you to want you to keep a few of those the limit is eight a day of the size that we've been that we were catching but we've been releasing all of our rainbows and and this is just one of the smaller of the rainbows that we've caught but wonderful fish healthy beautiful of you if you decide to eat one of these rainbows they're absolutely pink meat and they're wonderful fish so thanks for watching stay tuned for more videos on the specifics of how I tie the lines together how I tie my SX braids that I use some line to my fluorocarbon line and also the tubes that I'm using and the and the tackle that I'm using including my my rods and reels so stay tuned for more please like the video subscribe to our Channel and please comment let us know what else what other kind of videos you'd like us to shoot and we'll be doing so shortly thanks so much for watching and have a great day you
Channel: Don Allphin
Views: 7,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flaming Gorge fishing, trout fishing on Flaming Gorge, 2018 fishing Flaming Gorge, Utah fishing, tube jig fishing flaming gorge, shore fishing utah, rainbow fishing flaming gorge, lake trout fishing flaming gorge
Id: u00bpOTyWKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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