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we're back with some speedrunners versus hunters with guns today i am going to be the speed runner and jelly and craner they're going to be the hunters today's guns are kind of insane though they have flamethrowers my goal is to try and get the trophy i'll have a compass that points me in the right direction but the trophy could only be mined with a diamond pickaxe but obviously first of all i'm gonna have to find diamonds the hunters their only goal is to kill me if they do that they win now if you want to see us do another one with laser weapons click the like button obviously anyway let's get into the video [Music] okay we need to get out of here both of them have insane guns today obviously we have a shield we have a little mac 10 machine gun but uh yeah against flame throwers that's gonna be kind of tough all right first things first let's get ourselves some food so carrots are the best uh i feel like they give me the most but we're gonna grab some bread as well if we can there we go oh some more carrots here and we've already got a smiffy in the first conveniently placed village please be something good please be something good okay because they're going to be coming very very soon that must be the best oh my what no way that is by far the best chess setup i have ever seen we have almost full line armor okay we are starting out strong um all right we should probably get ourselves a bed as well i like the way i just got full line before i even got like a crafting table okay well i am definitely excited about this i also think with my guns i can put up a pretty decent fight i think what i'm gonna do is because we've got some water here maybe i'll uh get ready with the boat and when they get here i'll jump in the boat and sail away that's actually probably a good plan let's do that all right um we've got enough i think now to at least get started um our compass for our trophy is pointing in the direction we're going which is always good to see um so let's get ourselves a crafting bench i am going to make myself um oh let's get that is not what am i doing you can tell i'm stressed okay and a boat probably make ourselves an axe wait did i just hear a flamethrower i swear i just heard a flamethrower they can't be here already can they okay now i'm oh i genuinely hear a flamethrower i see a name tag i had to wait wait [Music] are you kidding me already [Applause] oh by the way i might have uh found some good stuff in the chest there uh i'll leave you with that oh yeah all right well uh they're obviously gonna be dating food and all sorts of stuff um so we shouldn't need to worry about it too much i used up some ammo there i just kind of wanted to scare him a bit okay you know what we don't need the boat um can i yeah do i need do i need chicken i don't i just don't do i need leather i guess i i mean i could get leather shoes but then i could just get iron can i uh well okay i'm wasting time now um i don't need this stuff here chuck that here okay good all right let's keep moving oh you what what is this map we got islands all over the place okay maybe it's a good actual opportunity to get some more word and actually i wonder if i no they're gonna be too long i was gonna say if i wait here then i might be able to ambush them but i don't i don't think we want to do that right now although they will see the boat if i keep going in this direction slightly away from the trophy i might be able to bait them to go on to the island that's kind of smart i like that all right let's make ourselves another crafting bench and another boat all right and we'll just sort of go this direction slightly they're still crafting still crafting okay you know what let's uh i've got an idea i've got an idea so if i take some of these and just go like that let i'm just gonna do that and it's a j or well it's a j from one side anyway and that should just like confuse them that's my plan with that just to be weird because hopefully that'll mean that they get off their boat and investigate the local area i'm just using some you know 4d tactics against them all right well we're at another little river area i'm probably gonna regret not getting another boat what do we got over here now remember everyone we do need diamonds so as soon as we find a decent cave we probably should go for it okay some iron okay you know what we'll fire this up when we are near another area of water where we'll need a boat because that means we'll be able to make a quick getaway okay take that skeleton fireside but oh okay oh and they've got flame for us so we definitely need to make a bucket well there we go now we know exactly what we need to do with our iron okay this looks like a good area for that so let's okay as soon as we get to this island we'll start building a furnace all right perfect um all right oh no we don't want to drop on the floor pick it up there we go and iron and there we go all right and then while we're here let's build ourselves our boat i just realized i've got two sets of leggings why whoa the whole floor is burning down for a second there i thought that was them with their flamethrowers but it literally isn't all right as soon as i got three i'm gonna grab out my bucket there we go and now we have our bucket of water so that's good we've uh we are now going to be secure if they set us on fire let's get um a shovel and collect some dirt while we're here just so we got building blocks because you never know what's going to happen with that end trophy wait i see him we got to be honest no nothing to see here oh we're right on your tail buddy no no no no i can't swim no no there's definitely no boats here oh i see his name have you got the boat glitch oh he's glitched i'm out of here losers see ya all right let's go let's go let's get moving where how are we doing oh we're going straight ahead from here okay that's good uh let's reload our gun as well so we've got full ammo we probably should have crafted another boat because this world seems to be heavy on the seaside if you get what i mean oh we could have got lava oh we can okay um let me quickly craft a lava bucket i probably should have crafted like shoes but whatever oh they've uh they've seen my achievement for that as well all right let's keep going i feel pretty confident about my chances right now i think we are doing well we do obviously need to go into a cave at some point uh and i kind of keep forgetting about that we definitely need diamonds and we we've kind of we've got enough wood to go underground so if we see a cave we'll take it oh i hear it how are you killing up with me already shoot him no idea josh we gotta ambush him oh no how am i not hitting him with my shots because we're too far away i ran past the village over there are you kidding me no way oh my gosh should we go wait we're going to the village do you think he's fooling us he might be swimming in the village trainer we have a crazy okay we found it we found we found this we found this okay um i need torches i need torches okay this is good this is good this is what we needed uh let's just go down oh no no okay i just ran past iron but we don't need it right now does this keep going down okay i think we might have found a good cave this is good now the one thing i've learned with caves is you have to keep moving you can't really stop when running through these because their compass doesn't show them like the height doesn't show them up or down left or right shake it all around so if we keep moving they're not gonna know where we are assuming that they're not following our torches actually that might be a good idea let's um let's not place any torches for a second so we make it look like we went back oh of course because creepers okay that's gonna make noise but i can't risk it okay and then place torches here also while i'm here i'm gonna craft some more of that um you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get us ready to craft our diamond pickaxe as well oh my there are so many things here ow ow ow oh okay shield's good shield works she'll work perfectly against them that's good okay and there we go oh crainer just got some stuff perfect look at that all right creeper you want to blow up i don't mind do it okay oh hey i can't see anything right now come on nasty diamonds this is so open now while i'm here let's get rid of some of this we don't need flowers come on let's just be real oh yes diamonds okay uh all right let's mine this let's go go go exactly what we needed please give me enough diamonds please be below yes okay we've got enough diamonds all right while i'm here let's just get rid of stuff we don't need this it's just it's just not going to be useful all right one two three oh oh oh why did i do that oh i'm so lucky right now i i so could have died is that okay i cannot belie i am so oh my that could have gone terribly um i feel like i'm gonna be dumb if i don't make my pickaxe now all right there we go what do i just should i just go up is that easiest i think it would be uh oh uh oh we got water oh oh oh where are we we're in another cave you kidding me i thought this was the surface water okay we still got some ways to go i hear him i hear them wait did you have a torch i found them how did you find him i i just did i just went down the mountain i told you it's a mountain oh no oh josh how did you find me i almost burnt him he's going up jelly he's going up he's going up but josh this is a mountain you're here oh that's right no no no no no keep going keep going make sure you're protected don't let him try to stay behind as well because he's [Music] no not the trees oh that's right what are you gonna do without a foreign what are you gonna do without the trees josh i might shoot the trees with my friends oh there you go i lost him well isn't that what you've been doing this entire time through that follow you until we know where the trophy is and then we're gonna kill you yeah we're gonna stalk you and observe you josh okay well i haven't been taking a direct route you probably realize that now yes yeah okay yeah what have you been doing okay critical also josh why did you leave a wooden crate it was a j i told you it was a j jillian what's the cross what what's what's all that cross is that all right bye losers okay well they seem to be uh arguing about something so i guess we uh keep going we really uh we keep needing a bed i mean not bed a boat and we keep finding water i really if i had known i would have built like 20 boats right at the beginning it would have been great all right um it's pointing slightly in this direction we've got a little village here don't think we're gonna loot anything though there's not really anything relevant for us here oh uh okay wait is that it is that it i think i see it is that here oh how do i this is okay of course it's the most annoying place to get to okay uh are they behind me okay i don't see him that's okay i may need to get full hunger i didn't realize they'd used up so much of their ammo that's great oh yeah i do see him i don't know uh-oh how did he get diamonds josh do you have diamonds how did you get diamonds no i forgot no you didn't that's what i'm talking about no i see him i see him on the market i forgot about the doc you think i'm an idiot guys come on i believe everything people say apparently trainer we're a little bit too far behind for this i think josh are you close to it i can't even see it because of the sky uh i hate building up i have like a jump boost or something yeah it makes it slower don't tell him that you see him i think he's biting oh josh i have two more bullets i made all the bullets that was so nice i said make them hit i don't care i can't he's too far ahead of us come on don't worry i got this if you'd say a demo you could have shot me off but you guys are dumb let's go yes oh no man you could have literally shot me off of this thing you gotta good job josh how did you find diamonds already i got really lucky when i was down there i did it i managed to get the trophy they kind of sucked in this one but hey i'm happy either way if you're not showing the video though there's some videos on the screen tap those videos and it'll take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,641,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, Minecraft, Slogo, Jelly, Crainer, Speed, runner, Hunters, Flamethrower
Id: 9bU1cQRvh04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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