Fixing Windows 10 Update Error 0x80070643 Fast

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hello my friends in this video I will walk you through how to manually resize your wi re partition this partition needs to be resized so Windows update can write to it when trying to do a Windows update you may see it say error encountered in this video I'll show you how I fix this on mine all the commands can be found in the description below for this video I have all the commands on the right hand side this will be all need to be done in a command prompt on the elevated level to do that type in command and tell it to run as administrator from here it'll open up a command window all we're going to do Simply Now is copy and paste all my commands on the right hand side the first command is reagentc info let's go ahead and copy that and paste that into the Commando and hit enter as you can see we have a wi re location win re status right now this is where it is on partition 3 recovery Windows re first thing I got to do is disable this reagent real quick so we can do the rest of the commands and then we'll reenable it at the end next step we need to open up dis part disc part is a windows program for partitioning discs first thing I want to do is open up dis part so just right click and paste dis part in there and now you can see that we are in dis part next we'll select list disc this will list all the dis in the machine as you can see on mine dis zero is my main OS Drive 64 GB hard drive so what I'm going to tell to do now I need to tell to select that dis your number May Vary but mine is zero so I'm going to hit select this zero now you can tell that this zero is selected next thing I want to do is select all the partitions that are in there so I want to list them first so I'm going hit there hit enter and you can tell I have three partitions going right here the main one I'm worried about is partition 2 which is my 63 GB hard drive that's my big one and the right one right below it is my recovery partition for my machine I'm going to select partition 2 cuz that's my primary partition that my C drive is on once that's selected it'll tell you right here what we're going to do is we're going to shrink this disc down just a little bit so we have a little bit more room so we can put the new recovery partition in there so the first thing I'm going to do is list my partitions and you can tell by the star on the left hand side this is the one that's got selected this is very important because you don't want to be overwriting the wrong one okay next we're going to copy this command shrink desired 250 to minimum of 250 so we're going to paste that in right here and then all I have to do is simply hit enter and it'll go and do the work for us okay once this part has successfully shrunk them down 250 Megs our next step is we're going to have to select the recovery partition this is the one that's already there so if you look in your dis management I'm going to open it up right here you'll see that there is my original recovery partition and there's my new one I just made room for right there on the left this one right here okay so the next thing we want to do close down this window and we're going to select the recovery partition so now I just need to say list my other partitions so we'll go ahead and come down here copy this we'll paste a list partitions and you can see right here I have partition three this is the one I want to get rid of right now okay so first thing I want to do is I got to select that partition next thing we do is we copy this tell it to select partition and we'll paste it into the window now I have partition three is selected I'm going to go ahead and type in list partition just to be safe to make sure that I'm on the right one cuz I'm fixing to delete this partition so if I select list partition you can see there's a star next to partition three that's my recovery next option I'm going to do is I'm going to delete partition override this basically just going to delete that partition that was already there I'm going to go back into my dis management and you can see the only thing I have left now is an allocated spot right there to the right of my C drive this is where we're going to put our re files note if your disc is GPT it will show the aster sign under the GPT column if your disc is MBR it will not show the aster signed under the GPD column so you use one of the other in this tutorial on my machine I'm using the MBR commands commands for both GPT and MBR will be in the description below here's an example of a GPD disc and notice that under the GPT column you see the asterisk next command is list dis as you can see under my machine under GPT I do not have any asteris so my disc is a MBR disc first thing you want to do is create a partition primary ID number 27 ID number 27 tells Windows this is where the re disc is going to be so I'm going to Simply copy and paste it in there hit enter and we're done there next we're going to format the new created partition and name it Windows re tools so I'm simply going to copy this command and paste it down and hit [Music] enter Perfect all right almost there guys hang in there next thing I want to do is I want to list the volume so copy this paste over there and say list volume so I can see it's in there there it is volume number four with the asteris sign right next to it Windows re partition and healthy and it's ready to go okay so we are done in this part now and you can see it over here in the disc management there's the disc that we just created all right so now let's exit out of this part just type in the word exit and then the next thing we want to do is reenable the reagent so let's come in here and select reagent C enable copy that paste it over and it'll reenable it for us and then after we're done there we're going to just do the same command I'm just going to copy this reagent C but this time it's going to be slash info and this will display everything that's going on and where this dis is okay so we're going to go and paste that in there hit enter and as you can see the windows re location is up there now and it should be on this partition right here we'll go ahead and check for Windows update one more time fingers cross that it works this time and there you go
Channel: VirtaTube
Views: 1,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 10, windows 10 update kaise kare, windows 10 update error, 0x80070643, KB5028997
Id: U4jyCSVzff0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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