Fixing Up My $350 Facebook Marketplace Pop-Up Camper!

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all right welcome back to the jayco 1994 rehab um right now we are taking out all the bad hardware in the rotten wood as you can see um we have gotten all the old weather stripping off and the protecting things around the weather stripping off here and now you can finally like see like how bad this wood is it is really bad um but we're gonna do a new thing that i haven't seen online before we're gonna try to do a patch job where i just i'm gonna put new wood in without taking off this seal that's holding on all the fabric because the roof's in really good condition and we don't want to ruin the roof and yeah let's see how it goes look at that we've got an inch taken off of all the dead wood looking good remember all that vacuuming like the vacuuming i did in the other video yeah completely useless [Music] so wow all right progress so we have glued the new piece so you can see to the good wood up here we have glued it we got all these clamps holding her in using these and we just cleared out the next one to put the next one in all right we are making so much progress look at all these clamps um so we just got this one slotted in [Music] all glued up like the other one looking so fresh and so clean look at that fresh wood it looks so good compared to this one oh she gross i'm sorry my lenses are so dirty or we're coming around the back and we are doing the back now she's she's crusty but yeah we're getting it done so here we are construction gluing the wood onto the back panel with the amazing help of jean none of this would have been possible for jean in his wood shop and letting me tow it over to his house so thank you jean i so appreciate all your help here we are clamping it on and making it look amazing okay so we just i just unscrewed this whole corner that was bending out and broken before and i could tell it had some water damage so we're just taking it off now yep there she be and that's why she wasn't staying all right let's see what we can do [Music] all right we got the third side going we discovered that this is literally like the only piece of good wood on this thing so we kept it and we're working around it which is good clamps for days the back is looking good got most of the clamps taken off the front and it is looking awesome all right day two we are cleaning off the siding with a wire metal brush tip for this drill getting her all nice and clean to reapply to the trailer i just wanted to take a second and apologize for the music in my last video i see that it bothered a lot of people and i didn't think it was going to bother people that much so i'm sorry here i am screwing in the metal weather stripping i precocked it before i put it up there and now i'm screwing it in making sure that it does a nice tight seal and all that squeezes out it is way harder than this looks screwing right up and doing it straight or the screws don't come out either side because it isn't that thick of wood so i'm pretty impressed with myself that i was able to do this i also want to take a second and thank everyone for their comments on the last video super helpful and i really appreciate all the positive support and once again i'm so sorry for the last video's repetitive music i didn't realize it was too loud on my end it must have just been the headphones i was using so again i apologize and thank you guys for sticking with me i have to say to anyone who hasn't done any diy project like this the confidence you get is absolutely amazing feeling yourself do this i highly recommend you fixing up your own stuff it feels so good alrighty update it has been a crazy day i'm sorry i've been updating munch or filming it's just been like things have been happening and we're just trying to get it done because there's a storm coming and i don't have anywhere to do this inside so we have the whole top on and re-clocked looking great we fixed this part just now and was able to screw and fill this back in i know it's not pretty but you know we're just working it's it's what it is i need a vacuum this will all look better soon just a whole bunch of dead wood um and now we're going to be screwing this one in i'm going to go one of them nothing in the middle i can tell the one that came through yeah you don't want to do that i'm not doing that one that was what they did yep so i'm now putting the hardware back in the inside that we took out at the beginning and this is going to hold up the tent part i have cocked the window we sadly have realized that we need to cut out a little more for this baby to close and we're working on that right now i have cocked all the side panels i need to get more caulk for the top over here i managed to caulk a little bit down this way but we need to definitely get more um but yeah she's she's doing so well from where we were just 24 hours ago look at that beautiful i cocked all around the the winch here all up in here and even managed to fix this by guy up here looking perfect all right i just had to get a video of her all closed up all lights working except for one look at her she is so cute my favorite lights are those three right in the back that is so cute oh look at even mine that works even though it doesn't have a lamp i gotta get one of those well yeah she's close she's good all we need to do now is re-caulk the top of this this and that side and she is she is golden she's good to go all right day three i know filming has been very sporadic and it's been hard to keep up on what i've been fixing but we are at day three and here is what we're gonna work on today we are going to be finishing caulking because um i ran out of caulk last night so i just ran to the hardware store to grab some but yes we're gonna refinish we're gonna be finishing caulking today um and getting all the holes patched up on this thing do now is do the roof of the camper needs to be clocked along these seams here um this is where i ran out of cloth last night as you can see all right well slight dramatic problem but actually maybe isn't a big deal i freaked out at first but i didn't even know they made this they black caulk but to be honest it doesn't look horrible and it actually gives it like a nice contrast so i think it will be fine honestly the white kind of looks like glue in some spots and some like bad paint so i think the black will contrast from the white and it will make it look okay so the black's going here it went up under here you can't even see that one so that's not a big deal i need to do this side still and i just finished the underside of this one in black yeah honestly i think the black isn't bad it could be way worse um when i first came out of the tube i'm like oh my god um but now i'm starting to warm up to it um so yeah let's this side all right hack for if you're caulking and not using gloves like me hand wipes are you like your best friend especially ones with a little bit of alcohol in them because if you mess up where you put the caulk the wipes will take it right off really fast unlike a paper towel which just spreads it around which is absolutely no help this will pick it up immediately so i'm so happy i had hand wipes now time the words now comes time for the scary part the middle i just don't want it to look bad really focusing on trying to get good coffee now that i'm using black i gotta be honest when i was using the white i wasn't even trying i was just slapping that stuff on there but now that i'm using black you can't mess up or it looks bad so gotta keep it clean all right let's give it a shot my anxiety cocking with black was so high this was so stressful to get right because you can't like move it around because the black will just oh it just gets everywhere so i had to be so careful to get this done i'm so happy it's over but i'm actually super happy with how it turned out i'm actually now in love with the blackhawk because the white will just eventually get dirty and this one will just always look nice and fresh okay it's been a bit again sorry it's really hard to film i'm realizing and do a project at the same time because you know you're so focused on getting it done and sometimes stuff is time sensitive so we just installed the weather stripping all along the inside and i can show you that there is the weather stripping for you oh look at that bokeh yeah weather stripping is installed and caulked and sealed for it's not coming off because it only came with adhesive so that's not enough to hold it and this is what it looks like some nice good weather sealing and then this is what the old weather's going to look like look at that crusty old weather ceiling we pulled out that's just oh it's so gross i need to throw it away and then i just finished caulking around all the lights the black caulking as i was scared of it at first actually looks nice um it doesn't look half bad and i'm not mad at it you know this is my first like big camping camper project besides my little teardrop i had and honestly i think it looks pretty damn good and i am proud of myself because this isn't an easy thing to do um you know just to go for it and just say yeah i'm gonna do this i think it looks really nice and i'm proud of myself but yeah i think we finally have her all weather sealed and basically fixed besides like a couple stitches i need to make in the campus because we got some weather coming i can feel it we got some storms come tonight so yeah three days of work pretty much done super proud of myself basically just need to vacuum and clean it again and she's good to go but yeah thank you for watching the rehab of the pop-up camper big thank you to gene none of this would have been possible without him and want to let you guys know that the first camping trip and full renovated tour will be coming soon
Channel: Morgan Chapman Media
Views: 106,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UPNXN0ay3ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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