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[Music] hey guys welcome back to our repair guys in today's video guys we have a locked up air conditioning compressor here the thing is not turning you know it was smoking the serpentine belt you can see when I catch the phone side okay of the club nothing moves inside the compressor so we're going to diagnose it see what what caused that see if we can fix a locked up AC compressor so let's start on it now first we need to remove that bolt right here most of the times it's a small nut about eight or ten millimeters depending okay which one you have and this one's pretty pretty tight for being so little to be honest with you alright so you can just gently hit it a little bit okay you got loose now and most likely this this board will turn very hard and this is because sometimes they'll have thread lock the purpose of that is so it doesn't get loose for vibrations okay you can see that blue ting let's thread lock it on the ball okay now this is the top part of the clutch okay right here you can see this is the clutch and our smells completely burnt so you can see after that there is one well kill me I cannot think of that name now lock ring right here that we need to spread out to pull to pull it to pull it out and this could be very very nice dangerous always wear eye protection because those are spring-loaded in my fly we have all the tools we use in the description of the video below so please feel free to check it out always hold your hand so it doesn't fly in your eyes okay right there now this one could be a little bit stuck okay you kind of like pull it out okay you can see and this is now the two components of the clutch okay now this is the coil right here that activates the clutch this coil okay could be removed by removing that lock ring inside as well we can see just the same thing that we had there so let's see if we can reach with those pliers there now okay we'll remove that one as well okay you can see it right there so this is guys the whole component right here we have the clutch the pulley the bagging and the coil itself so we're going to start removing the bolts that hold the body together Aki can see it's pretty pretty long bolt it's important from that point on not to get them contaminated with dust or anything like that okay this one is our okay let's do the rest we'll see this one I don't know if it's holding because it's a 10 okay let's let's just go ahead and remove this one in case or it's a short part well this one actually we don't need to remove it we can go ahead and install it okay next focus on recommend using gloves always use gloves guys because that's oil you don't want that thing on your on your fingers you can see it's many pop to go even though it's forward to melt and forward so what's cool about is that one compressor will be used on many vehicles and the design on all them it's almost about the same okay so now we can gently poking pull it out we leak the oil out now you can see why ours is locked up still okay so we can pour actually that plate up now still trying to figure out why the compressor is locked up so we have to be very careful how you disassemble here not to damage the gasket so we can gently okay this is a gasket here too so very very careful with all those components okay we just pulled it out so you can see guys sake that thing fell off that's what caused the compressor to be locked locked up you can see all of those okay if one of those little begging balls have balls whatever they're called on top and one on bottom and this one fell off of this one you can see how this one is here okay check out this one right here it's empty and it's right here so we can just go ahead and for we down so now we need to figure out a way to install it there so I'll go ahead and try to pull them out now you'll be a big mess because what we need to do now ok I need to remove that guy that piston here install the little thing on the top a little thing on the bottom and put it back in at the same time ok so that would take a little bit of time guys ok once I get it going how definitely show you ok what we did and I just fixed one and I dropped another one so the same thing we need to do here alright guys so we got that ball bearing in now we're trying to get all the cylinders ahh inside one of them just fell out so we need to start again ok this one right here ok so you can see we are getting them in almost in okay you just need to go a little bit on each side okay let's see how that's going to work out for us okay if we press here it should lock somewhere okay like that you'll be just pushing it on this side and once you have enough pressure this one will engage and you'll start spinning them like that and again gas will push it up and the compressor will start pumping even more pressure that that will be the high pressure cause low pressure will go right here high pressure should go on the other side so since the Pistons are green we want to put everything back together in reverse order we took apart we have to wipe everything down make sure that is absolutely no contamination dust here or anything like that and later we'll need to recharge the system with oil as well that way okay that way we can you can see on the compressor it says 150 CC of pack phg oil does the other will need to be using and stay with us to see if it's going to work again okay so we put it together we install it on the car now and you can see the clutches down there okay it's spinning this one down there so the compressors been working okay let's check the temperature inside now it's very hot day today so that would be good day to see if everything's fine outside 97 degrees Fahrenheit yes okay let's see what we are going to get to the van we have it set on low ten degrees Celsius okay let me switch to Fahrenheit okay you can see we keep dropping even more at 97 degree weather okay with sunshine right now then you can see the compressor will drop to close to 30 degrees even more keep dropping because I just started the car check it out that's freezing cold that's Fahrenheit Celsius is negative two so definitely worse guys thank you for watching hopefully the video will be helpful to some of you don't forget to hit that subscribe button we'll see you next time
Channel: Auto Repair Guys
Views: 1,852,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: locked up ac compressor, locked up a/c compressor, locked up air conditioner, locked up air conditioner compressor, how to fix ac compressor, how to fix a/c compressor, a/c compressor fix, fix a/c compressor
Id: Xlo0s4eID-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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